spec test index / oilshell.org
41 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 4 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped 4 failed under osh
osh | 4 _start() and _end() [osh stdout] Expected 'start=3 end=6\nstart=3 end=6\n', got '' [osh status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/uke/oil/bin/oils_for_unix.py", line 225, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/uke/oil/bin/oils_for_unix.py", line 200, in main return AppBundleMain(argv) File "/home/uke/oil/bin/oils_for_unix.py", line 147, in AppBundleMain return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline) File "/home/uke/oil/core/shell.py", line 707, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/uke/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 348, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/uke/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1720, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/uke/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1544, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/uke/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1424, in _Dispatch status = self._ExecuteList(if_arm.action) File "/home/uke/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1623, in _ExecuteList status = self._Execute(child) File "/home/uke/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1544, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/uke/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 708, in _Dispatch cmd_val = self.word_ev.EvalWordSequence2(words, allow_assign=True) File "/home/uke/oil/osh/word_eval.py", line 2118, in EvalWordSequence2 return self.SimpleEvalWordSequence2(words, allow_assign) File "/home/uke/oil/osh/word_eval.py", line 2078, in SimpleEvalWordSequence2 self._EvalWordToParts(w, part_vals, 0) # not quoted File "/home/uke/oil/osh/word_eval.py", line 1679, in _EvalWordToParts self._EvalWordPart(p, word_part_vals, eval_flags) File "/home/uke/oil/osh/word_eval.py", line 1630, in _EvalWordPart part_val = self.expr_ev.EvalInlineFunc(part) File "/home/uke/oil/oil_lang/expr_eval.py", line 323, in EvalInlineFunc s = Stringify(func(*pos_args, **named_args), word_part=part) File "/home/uke/oil/oil_lang/funcs_builtin.py", line 108, in __call__ raise NotImplementedError('_start') NotImplementedError: _start |
osh | 13 Named captures with _match [osh stdout] Expected "['2020', '08']\n", got '' [osh status] Expected 0, got 3 stdout: stderr: argv.py $_match('year') $_match('month') ^~~~~~~ [ stdin ]:6: fatal: Type error in expression: Expected an integer, got 'year' |
osh | 15 Named Capture With ~ Assigns Variable [osh stdout] Expected '([[:digit:]]+)\nyes\nTODO MONTH\n', got '([[:digit:]]+)\nyes\n' [osh status] Expected 0, got 1 stdout: ([[:digit:]]+) yesstderr: = month ^~~~~ [ stdin ]:7: fatal: Undefined variable 'month' |
osh | 22 Match non-ASCII byte denoted using $'\xff' (TODO: LANG=C) [osh stdout] Expected ' 5b ff 5d 0a\nyes\nno\n', got '' [osh status] Expected 0, got 1 stdout: stderr: var pat = /[ $'\xff' ]/; ^~ [ stdin ]:2: fatal: Use unquoted char literal for byte 255, which is >= 128 (avoid confusing a set of bytes with a sequence) |