1 | """
2 | spec_lib.py
3 |
4 | Shared between sh_spec.py (Python 2) and spec/stateful/harness.py (Python 3)!
5 | """
6 | from __future__ import print_function
7 |
8 | import os
9 | import re
10 | import sys
11 |
12 |
13 | def log(msg, *args):
14 | # type: (str, *Any) -> None
15 | if args:
16 | msg = msg % args
17 | print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
18 |
19 |
20 | # Note that devtools/release.sh spec-all runs with bin/osh and $DIR/_bin/osh,
21 | # which should NOT match
22 |
23 | OSH_CPP_RE = re.compile(r'_bin/\w+-\w+(-sh)?/osh') # e.g. $PWD/_bin/cxx-dbg/osh
24 | YSH_CPP_RE = re.compile(r'_bin/\w+-\w+(-sh)?/ysh') # e.g. $PWD/_bin/cxx-dbg/ysh
25 | OIL_CPP_RE = re.compile(r'_bin/\w+-\w+(-sh)?/oil')
26 |
27 | def MakeShellPairs(shells):
28 | shell_pairs = []
29 |
30 | saw_osh = False
31 | saw_ysh = False
32 | saw_oil = False
33 |
34 | for path in shells:
35 | name, _ = os.path.splitext(path)
36 | label = os.path.basename(name)
37 |
38 | if label == 'osh':
39 | # change the second 'osh' to 'osh_ALT' so it's distinct
40 | if saw_osh:
41 | if OSH_CPP_RE.search(path):
42 | label = 'osh-cpp'
43 | else:
44 | label = 'osh_ALT'
45 | saw_osh = True
46 |
47 | elif label == 'ysh':
48 | if saw_ysh:
49 | if YSH_CPP_RE.search(path):
50 | label = 'ysh-cpp'
51 | else:
52 | label = 'ysh_ALT'
53 |
54 | saw_ysh = True
55 |
56 | elif label == 'oil': # TODO: remove this
57 | if saw_oil:
58 | if OIL_CPP_RE.search(path):
59 | label = 'oil-cpp'
60 | else:
61 | label = 'oil_ALT'
62 |
63 | saw_oil = True
64 |
65 | shell_pairs.append((label, path))
66 | return shell_pairs
67 |
68 |
69 | RANGE_RE = re.compile('(\d+) \s* - \s* (\d+)', re.VERBOSE)
70 |
71 |
72 | def ParseRange(range_str):
73 | try:
74 | d = int(range_str)
75 | return d, d # singleton range
76 | except ValueError:
77 | m = RANGE_RE.match(range_str)
78 | if not m:
79 | raise RuntimeError('Invalid range %r' % range_str)
80 | b, e = m.groups()
81 | return int(b), int(e)
82 |
83 |
84 | class RangePredicate(object):
85 | """Zero-based indexing, inclusive ranges."""
86 |
87 | def __init__(self, begin, end):
88 | self.begin = begin
89 | self.end = end
90 |
91 | def __call__(self, i, case):
92 | return self.begin <= i <= self.end
93 |
94 |
95 | class RegexPredicate(object):
96 | """Filter by name."""
97 |
98 | def __init__(self, desc_re):
99 | self.desc_re = desc_re
100 |
101 | def __call__(self, i, case):
102 | return bool(self.desc_re.search(case['desc']))
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 | def DefineCommon(p):
107 | """Flags shared between sh_spec.py and stateful/harness.py."""
108 | p.add_option(
109 | '-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
110 | help='Show details about test failures')
111 | p.add_option(
112 | '-r', '--range', dest='range', default=None,
113 | help='Execute only a given test range, e.g. 5-10, 5-, -10, or 5')
114 | p.add_option(
115 | '--regex', dest='regex', default=None,
116 | help='Execute only tests whose description matches a given regex '
117 | '(case-insensitive)')
118 | p.add_option(
119 | '--list', dest='do_list', action='store_true', default=None,
120 | help='Just list tests')
121 | p.add_option(
122 | '--oils-failures-allowed', dest='oils_failures_allowed', type='int',
123 | default=0, help="Allow this number of Oils failures")
124 |
125 | # Select what shells to run
126 | p.add_option(
127 | '--oils-bin-dir', dest='oils_bin_dir', default=None,
128 | help="Directory that osh and ysh live in")
129 | p.add_option(
130 | '--oils-cpp-bin-dir', dest='oils_cpp_bin_dir', default=None,
131 | help="Directory that native C++ osh and ysh live in")
132 | p.add_option(
133 | '--ovm-bin-dir', dest='ovm_bin_dir', default=None,
134 | help="Directory of the legacy OVM/CPython build")
135 | p.add_option(
136 | '--compare-shells', dest='compare_shells', action='store_true',
137 | help="Compare against shells specified at the top of each file")
138 |
139 |
140 | def DefineStateful(p):
141 | p.add_option(
142 | '--num-retries', dest='num_retries',
143 | type='int', default=4,
144 | help='Number of retries (for spec/stateful only)')
145 | p.add_option(
146 | '--pexpect-timeout', dest='pexpect_timeout',
147 | type='float', default=1.0,
148 | help='In seconds')
149 | p.add_option(
150 | '--results-file', dest='results_file', default=None,
151 | help='Write table of results to this file. Default is stdout.')
152 |
153 |
154 | def DefineShSpec(p):
155 | p.add_option(
156 | '-d', '--details', dest='details', action='store_true', default=False,
157 | help='Show details even for successful cases (requires -v)')
158 | p.add_option(
159 | '-t', '--trace', dest='trace', action='store_true', default=False,
160 | help='trace execution of shells to diagnose hangs')
161 |
162 | # Execution modes
163 | p.add_option(
164 | '-p', '--print', dest='do_print', action='store_true', default=None,
165 | help="Print test code, but don't run it")
166 | p.add_option(
167 | '--print-spec-suite', dest='print_spec_suite', action='store_true', default=None,
168 | help="Print suite this file belongs to")
169 | p.add_option(
170 | '--print-table', dest='print_table', action='store_true', default=None,
171 | help="Print table of test files")
172 | p.add_option(
173 | '--print-tagged', dest='print_tagged',
174 | help="Print spec files tagged with a certain string")
175 |
176 | # Output control
177 | p.add_option(
178 | '--format', dest='format', choices=['ansi', 'html'],
179 | default='ansi', help="Output format (default 'ansi')")
180 | p.add_option(
181 | '--stats-file', dest='stats_file', default=None,
182 | help="File to write stats to")
183 | p.add_option(
184 | '--tsv-output', dest='tsv_output', default=None,
185 | help="Write a TSV log to this file. Subsumes --stats-file.")
186 | p.add_option(
187 | '--stats-template', dest='stats_template', default='',
188 | help="Python format string for stats")
189 |
190 | p.add_option(
191 | '--path-env', dest='path_env', default='',
192 | help="The full PATH, for finding binaries used in tests.")
193 | p.add_option(
194 | '--tmp-env', dest='tmp_env', default='',
195 | help="A temporary directory that the tests can use.")
196 |
197 | # Notes:
198 | # - utf-8 is the Ubuntu default
199 | # - this flag has limited usefulness. It may be better to simply export LANG=
200 | # in this test case itself.
201 | p.add_option(
202 | '--lang-env', dest='lang_env', default='en_US.UTF-8',
203 | help="The LANG= setting, which affects various libc functions.")
204 | p.add_option(
205 | '--env-pair', dest='env_pair', default=[], action='append',
206 | help='A key=value pair to add to the environment')
207 |
208 | p.add_option(
209 | '--timeout', dest='timeout', default='',
210 | help="Prefix shell invocation with 'timeout N'")
211 | p.add_option(
212 | '--timeout-bin', dest='timeout_bin', default=None,
213 | help="Use the smoosh timeout binary at this location.")
214 |
215 | p.add_option(
216 | '--posix', dest='posix', default=False, action='store_true',
217 | help='Pass -o posix to the shell (when applicable)')
218 |
219 | p.add_option(
220 | '--sh-env-var-name', dest='sh_env_var_name', default='SH',
221 | help="Set this environment variable to the path of the shell")
222 |
223 | p.add_option(
224 | '--pyann-out-dir', dest='pyann_out_dir', default=None,
225 | help='Run OSH with PYANN_OUT=$dir/$case_num.json')