1 | ---
2 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
3 | ---
4 |
5 | A Feel For YSH Syntax
6 | =====================
7 |
8 | A short way to describe the [YSH]($xref) language:
9 |
10 | > A Unix shell that's familiar to people who know Python, JavaScript, or Ruby.
11 |
12 | This document gives you a feel for that, with brief examples. It's not a
13 | comprehensive or precise guide. Roughly speaking, YSH code has more
14 | punctuation than those 3 languages, but less than shell and Perl.
15 |
16 | If you're totally unfamiliar with the language, read [The Simplest Explanation
17 | of Oil](//www.oilshell.org/blog/2020/01/simplest-explanation.html) first. (Oil
18 | was renamed [YSH]($xref) in 2023.)
19 |
20 | <div id="toc">
21 | </div>
22 |
23 | ## Preliminaries
24 |
25 | Different parts of YSH are parsed in either **command** or **expression** mode.
26 | Command mode is like shell:
27 |
28 | echo $x
29 |
30 | Expression mode looks like Python or JavaScript, and appears on right-hand side
31 | of `=`:
32 |
33 | var x = 42 + array[i]
34 |
35 | The examples below aren't organized along those lines, but they use `var` and
36 | `echo` to remind you of the context. Some constructs are valid in both modes.
37 |
38 | ## Sigils
39 |
40 | Sigils are punctuation characters that precede a name, e.g. the `$` in
41 | `$mystr`.
42 |
43 | Unlike Perl and PHP, YSH doesn't use sigils on the LHS of assignments, or in
44 | expression mode. The [syntactic concepts](syntactic-concepts.html) doc
45 | explains this difference.
46 |
47 | ### Very Common
48 |
49 | The `$` and `@` sigils mean roughly what they do in shell, Perl, and
50 | PowerShell.
51 |
52 | `$` means *string* / *scalar*. These shell constructs are idiomatic in YSH:
53 |
54 | $mvar ${myvar}
55 | $(hostname)
56 |
57 | And these YSH language extensions also use `$`:
58 |
59 | echo $[42 + a[i]] # string interpolation of expression
60 | grep $/ digit+ / # inline eggex (not implemented yet)
61 |
62 | `@` means *array* / *splice an array*:
63 |
64 | echo "$@" # Legacy syntax; prefer @ARGV
65 |
66 | YSH:
67 |
68 | echo @strs # splice array
69 |
70 | echo @[split(x)] @[glob(x)] # splice expressions that returns arrays
71 |
72 | for i in @(seq 3) { # split command sub
73 | echo $i
74 | }
75 |
76 | proc p(first, @rest) { # named varargs in proc signatures
77 | write -- $first # (procs are shell-like functions)
78 | write -- @rest
79 | }
80 |
81 | ### Less Common
82 |
83 | The colon means "unquoted word" in these two lines:
84 |
85 | var mysymbol = :key # string, not implemented yet
86 | var myarray = :| one two three | # array
87 |
88 | It's also used to pass the name of a variable to a builtin:
89 |
90 | echo hi | read :myvar
91 |
92 | A caret means "unevaluated":
93 |
94 | var cmd = ^(cd /tmp; ls *.txt)
95 | var expr = ^[42 + a[i]] # unimplemented
96 | var template = ^"var = $var" # unimplemented
97 |
98 | <!--
99 |
100 | `:` means lazily evaluated in these 2 cases (not implemented):
101 |
102 | when :(x > 0) { echo 'positive' }
103 | x = :[1 + 2]
104 |
105 | -->
106 |
107 | ## Opening and Closing Delimiters
108 |
109 | The `{}` `[]` and `()` characters have several different meanings, but we try
110 | our best to make them consistent. They're subject to legacy constraints from
111 | Bourne shell, Korn shell, and [bash]($xref).
112 |
113 | ### Braces: Command Blocks and Dict Literal Expressions
114 |
115 | In expression mode, `{}` are used for dict literals (aka hash
116 | tables, associative arrays), which makes YSH look like JavaScript:
117 |
118 |
119 | var d = {name: 'Bob', age: 10}
120 |
121 | while (x > 0) {
122 | setvar x -= 1
123 | }
124 |
125 | In command mode, they're used for blocks of code:
126 |
127 | cd /tmp {
128 | echo $PWD
129 | }
130 |
131 | Blocks are also used for "declarative" configuration:
132 |
133 | server www.example.com {
134 | port = 80
135 | root = '/home/www'
136 | section bar {
137 | ...
138 | }
139 | }
140 |
141 | ### Parens: Expression
142 |
143 | Parens are used in expressions:
144 |
145 | var x = (42 + a[i]) * myfunc(42, 'foo')
146 |
147 | if (x > 0) { # compare with if test -d /tmp
148 | echo 'positive'
149 | }
150 |
151 | And signatures:
152 |
153 | proc p(x, y) {
154 | echo $x $y
155 | }
156 |
157 | In [Eggex](eggex.html), they mean **grouping** and not capture, which is
158 | consistent with other YSH expressions:
159 |
160 | var p = / digit+ ('seconds' | 'minutes' | 'hours' ) /
161 |
162 |
163 | <!--
164 | echo .(4 + 5)
165 | echo foo > &(fd)
166 | -->
167 |
168 | ### Parens with Sigil: Command Interpolation
169 |
170 | The "sigil pairs" with parens enclose commands:
171 |
172 | echo $(ls | wc -l) # command sub
173 | echo @(seq 3) # split command usb
174 |
175 | var myblock = ^(echo $PWD) # block literal in expression mode
176 |
177 | diff <(sort left.txt) <(sort right.txt) # bash syntax
178 |
179 | Unlike brackets and braces, the `()` characters can't appear in shell commands,
180 | which makes them useful as delimiters.
181 |
182 | ### Brackets: Sequence, Subscript
183 |
184 | In expression mode, `[]` means sequence:
185 |
186 | var mylist = ['one', 'two', 'three']
187 |
188 | or subscript:
189 |
190 | var item = mylist[1]
191 | var item = mydict['foo']
192 |
193 | ### Brackets with a Sigil: Expression
194 |
195 | The sigil pair `$[]` is common in command mode:
196 |
197 | echo $[42 + a[i]]
198 |
199 | Quotations are valid in expression mode:
200 |
201 | var my_expr = ^[42 + a[i]]
202 |
203 | Pass lazy arg lists to commands with `[]`. They're syntactic sugar for `^[]`:
204 |
205 | assert [42 === x] # short version
206 |
207 | assert (^[42 === x]) # same thing
208 |
209 | <!--
210 |
211 | And are used in type expressions:
212 |
213 | Dict[Int, Str]
214 | Func[Int => Int]
215 |
216 | -->
217 |
218 | ## Spaces Around `=` ?
219 |
220 | In YSH, *your own* variables look like this:
221 |
222 | const x = 42
223 | var s = 'foo'
224 | setvar s = 'bar'
225 |
226 | In contrast, special shell variables are written with a single `NAME=value`
227 | argument:
228 |
229 | shvar PATH=/tmp {
230 | temporary
231 | }
232 |
233 | Which is similar to the syntax of the `env` command:
234 |
235 | env PYTHONPATH=/tmp ./myscript.py
236 |
237 |
238 | ## Naming Conventions for Identifiers
239 |
240 | See the [Style Guide](style-guide.html).
241 |
242 | <!--
243 |
244 | class Parser { }
245 | data Point(x Int, y Int)
246 |
247 | enum Expr { Unary(child Expr), Binary(left Expr, right Expr) }
248 | -->
249 |
250 | ## Other Punctuation Usage
251 |
252 | Here are other usages of the punctuation discussed:
253 |
254 | echo *.[ch] # glob char and char classes
255 | echo {alice,bob}@example.com # brace expansion
256 |
257 | Eggex:
258 |
259 | / [a-f A-F 0-9] / # char classes use []
260 |
261 | / digit+ ('ms' | 'us') / # non-capturing group
262 | < digit+ > # capturing group
263 | < digit+ :hour > # named capture
264 |
265 | dot{3,4} a{+ N} # repetition
266 |
267 | The `~` character is used in operators that mean "pattern" or "approximate":
268 |
269 | if (s ~ /d+/) {
270 | echo 'number'
271 | }
272 |
273 | if (s ~~ '*.py') {
274 | echo 'Python'
275 | }
276 |
277 | if (mystr ~== myint) {
278 | echo 'string equals number'
279 | }
280 |
281 | Extended globs are discouraged in YSH because they're a weird way of writing
282 | regular expressions. But they also use "sigil pairs" with parens:
283 |
284 | ,(*.py|*.sh) # preferred synonym for @(*.py|*.sh)
285 | +(...) # bash/ksh-compatible
286 | *(...)
287 | ?(...)
288 | !(...)
289 |
290 | Shell arithmetic is also discouraged in favor of YSH arithmetic:
291 |
292 | echo $((1 + 2)) # shell: confusing coercions, dynamically parsed
293 | echo $[1 + 2] # YSH: types, statically parsed
294 |
295 | <!--
296 | ! ? suffixes (not implemented)
297 | -->
298 |
299 | ## Related Docs
300 |
301 | - [Syntactic Concepts in the YSH Language](syntactic-concepts.html)
302 | - [Language Influences](language-influences.html)
303 |
304 | ## Appendix: Table of Sigil Pairs
305 |
306 | This table is mainly for YSH language designers. Many constructs aren't
307 | implemented, but we reserve space for them. The [Oils
308 | Reference](ref/index.html) is more complete.
309 |
310 | Example Description What's Inside Where Valid Notes
311 |
312 | $(hostname) Command Sub Command cmd,expr
313 | @(seq 3) Split Command Sub Command cmd,expr should decode J8
314 | strings
315 |
316 | { echo hi } Block Literal Command cmd shell requires ;
317 | ^(echo hi) Unevaluated Block Command expr rare
318 |
319 | >(sort -n) Process Sub Command cmd rare
320 | <(echo hi) Process Sub Command cmd rare
321 |
322 | :|foo $bar| Array Literal Words expr
323 |
324 | $[42 + a[i]] Stringify Expr Expression cmd,expr
325 | @[glob(x)] Array-ify Expr Expression cmd,expr not implemented
326 | ^[42 + a[i]] Unevaluated Expr Expression expr not implemented
327 |
328 | ^"$1 $2" Unevaluated Str DQ String expr not implemented
329 |
330 | ${x %2d} Var Sub Formatting cmd,expr not implemented
331 | ${x|html} Var Sub Formatting cmd,expr not implemented
332 |
333 | json (x) Typed Arg List Argument cmd
334 | Expressions
335 |
336 | $/d+/ Inline Eggex Eggex Expr cmd not implemented
337 |
338 | r'' Raw String String expr cmd when shopt
339 | Literal parse_raw_string
340 |
341 | j"" JSON8 String String cmd,expr not implemented
342 | Literal
343 |
344 | #'a' Char Literal UTF-8 char expr
345 |
346 | Discouraged / Deprecated
347 |
348 | ${x%%pre} Shell Var Sub Shell cmd,expr mostly deprecated
349 | $((1+2)) Shell Arith Sub Shell Arith cmd deprecated
350 |
351 | @(*.py|*.sh) Extended Glob Glob Words cmd deprecated
352 | +(...)
353 | *(...)
354 | ?(...)
355 | !(...)
356 |
357 | ,(*.py|*.sh) Extended Glob Glob Words cmd break conflict
358 | with split command
359 | sub
360 |
361 | Key to "where valid" column:
362 |
363 | - `cmd` means `lex_mode_e.ShCommand`
364 | - `expr` means `lex_mode_e.Expr`
365 |
366 | Some unused sigil pairs:
367 |
368 | ~() -() =() /() _() .()
369 |