1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | # coding=utf8
3 |
4 | import os
5 | import unittest
6 |
7 | from _devbuild.gen.value_asdl import value, value_t
8 | from core import ansi
9 | from data_lang import j8
10 | from data_lang import pretty # module under test
11 | from mycpp import mylib, mops
12 |
13 | import libc
14 |
15 | TEST_DATA_FILENAME = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "pretty_test.txt")
16 |
17 |
18 | def IntValue(i):
19 | # type: (int) -> value_t
20 | return value.Int(mops.IntWiden(i))
21 |
22 |
23 | class PrettyTest(unittest.TestCase):
24 |
25 | @classmethod
26 | def setUpClass(cls):
27 | # Use settings that make testing easier.
28 | cls.printer = pretty.PrettyPrinter()
29 | cls.printer.SetIndent(2)
30 | cls.printer.SetUseStyles(False)
31 | cls.printer.SetShowTypePrefix(False)
32 |
33 | def assertPretty(self, width, value_str, expected):
34 | # type: (int, str, str) -> None
35 | parser = j8.Parser(value_str, True)
36 | val = parser.ParseValue()
37 |
38 | buf = mylib.BufWriter()
39 | self.printer.SetMaxWidth(width)
40 | self.printer.PrintValue(val, buf)
41 | actual = buf.getvalue()
42 |
43 | if actual != expected:
44 | # Print the different with real newlines, for easier reading.
45 | print("ACTUAL:")
46 | print(actual)
47 | print("EXPECTED:")
48 | print(expected)
49 | print("END")
50 | self.assertEqual(buf.getvalue(), expected)
51 |
52 | def testsFromFile(self):
53 | chunks = [(None, [])]
54 | for line in open(TEST_DATA_FILENAME).read().splitlines():
55 | if line.startswith("> "):
56 | chunks[-1][1].append(line[2:])
57 | elif line.startswith("#"):
58 | pass
59 | elif line.strip() == "":
60 | pass
61 | else:
62 | for keyword in ["Width", "Input", "Expect"]:
63 | if line.startswith(keyword):
64 | if chunks[-1][0] != keyword:
65 | chunks.append((keyword, []))
66 | parts = line.split(" > ", 1)
67 | if len(parts) == 2:
68 | chunks[-1][1].append(parts[1])
69 | break
70 | else:
71 | raise Exception(
72 | "Invalid pretty printing test case line. Lines must start with one of: Width, Input, Expect, >, #",
73 | line)
74 |
75 | test_cases = []
76 | width = 80
77 | value = ""
78 | for (keyword, lines) in chunks:
79 | block = "\n".join(lines)
80 | if keyword == "Width":
81 | width = int(block)
82 | elif keyword == "Input":
83 | value = block
84 | elif keyword == "Expect":
85 | test_cases.append((width, value, block))
86 | else:
87 | pass
88 |
89 | for (width, value, expected) in test_cases:
90 | self.assertPretty(width, value, expected)
91 |
92 | def testStyles(self):
93 | self.printer.SetUseStyles(True)
94 | self.assertPretty(
95 | 20, '[null, "ok", 15]', '[' + ansi.BOLD + ansi.RED + 'null' +
96 | ansi.RESET + ", " + ansi.GREEN + '"ok"' + ansi.RESET + ", " +
97 | ansi.YELLOW + '15' + ansi.RESET + ']')
98 | self.printer.SetUseStyles(False)
99 |
100 | def testTypePrefix(self):
101 | self.printer.SetShowTypePrefix(True)
102 | self.assertPretty(25, '[null, "ok", 15]', '(List) [null, "ok", 15]')
103 | self.assertPretty(24, '[null, "ok", 15]', '(List)\n[null, "ok", 15]')
104 | self.printer.SetShowTypePrefix(False)
105 |
106 |
107 | if __name__ == '__main__':
108 | # To simulate the OVM_MAIN patch in pythonrun.c
109 | libc.cpython_reset_locale()
110 | unittest.main()