1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """
3 | build/ninja_main.py - invoked by ./NINJA-config.sh
4 |
5 | See build/README.md for the code and data layout.
6 |
7 | """
8 | from __future__ import print_function
9 |
10 | import cStringIO
11 | from glob import glob
12 | import os
13 | import sys
14 |
15 | from build import ninja_lib
16 | from build.ninja_lib import log
17 |
18 | from asdl import NINJA_subgraph as asdl_subgraph
19 | from bin import NINJA_subgraph as bin_subgraph
20 | from core import NINJA_subgraph as core_subgraph
21 | from cpp import NINJA_subgraph as cpp_subgraph
22 | from data_lang import NINJA_subgraph as data_lang_subgraph
23 | from frontend import NINJA_subgraph as frontend_subgraph
24 | from ysh import NINJA_subgraph as ysh_subgraph
25 | from osh import NINJA_subgraph as osh_subgraph
26 | from mycpp import NINJA_subgraph as mycpp_subgraph
27 | from pea import NINJA_subgraph as pea_subgraph
28 | from prebuilt import NINJA_subgraph as prebuilt_subgraph
29 | from yaks import NINJA_subgraph as yaks_subgraph
30 |
31 | from vendor import ninja_syntax
32 |
33 |
34 | # The file Ninja runs by default.
35 | BUILD_NINJA = 'build.ninja'
36 |
37 |
38 | def TarballManifest(cc_h_files):
39 | names = []
40 |
41 | # Code we know about
42 | names.extend(cc_h_files)
43 |
44 | names.extend([
45 | # Text
46 | 'LICENSE.txt',
47 | 'README-native.txt',
48 | 'INSTALL.txt',
49 | 'configure',
50 | 'install',
51 | 'doc/osh.1',
52 |
53 | # Build Scripts
54 | 'build/common.sh',
55 | 'build/native.sh',
56 |
57 | # These 2 are used by build/ninja-rules-cpp.sh
58 | 'build/py2.sh',
59 | 'build/dev-shell.sh',
60 |
61 | 'build/ninja-rules-cpp.sh',
62 | 'mycpp/common.sh',
63 |
64 | # Generated
65 | '_build/oils.sh',
66 |
67 | # These are in build/py.sh, not Ninja. Should probably put them in Ninja.
68 | #'_gen/frontend/help_meta.h',
69 | '_gen/frontend/match.re2c.h',
70 | '_gen/frontend/id_kind.asdl_c.h',
71 | '_gen/frontend/types.asdl_c.h',
72 | ])
73 |
74 | # For configure
75 | names.extend(glob('build/detect-*.c'))
76 |
77 | # TODO: crawl headers
78 | # We can now use the headers=[] attribute
79 | names.extend(glob('mycpp/*.h'))
80 | names.extend(glob('cpp/*.h'))
81 |
82 | # ONLY the headers
83 | names.extend(glob('prebuilt/*/*.h'))
84 |
85 | names.sort() # Pass them to tar sorted
86 |
87 | # Check for dupes here
88 | unique = sorted(set(names))
89 | if names != unique:
90 | dupes = [n for n in names if names.count(n) > 1]
91 | raise AssertionError("Tarball manifest shouldn't have duplicates: %s" % dupes)
92 |
93 | for name in names:
94 | print(name)
95 |
96 |
97 | def ShellFunctions(cc_sources, f, argv0):
98 | """
99 | Generate a shell script that invokes the same function that build.ninja does
100 | """
101 | print('''\
102 | #!/bin/sh
103 | #
104 | # _build/oils.sh - generated by %s
105 | #
106 | # Usage:
107 | # _build/oils.sh COMPILER? VARIANT? SKIP_REBUILD?
108 | #
109 | # COMPILER: 'cxx' for system compiler, or 'clang' [default cxx]
110 | # VARIANT: 'dbg' or 'opt' [default dbg]
111 | # SKIP_REBUILD: if non-empty, checks if the output exists before building
112 |
113 | . build/ninja-rules-cpp.sh
114 |
116 |
117 | _compile_one() {
118 | local src=$4
119 |
120 | echo "CXX $src"
121 |
122 | # Delegate to function in build/ninja-rules-cpp.sh
123 | if test "${_do_fork:-}" = 1; then
124 | compile_one "$@" & # we will wait later
125 | else
126 | compile_one "$@"
127 | fi
128 | }
129 |
130 | main() {
131 | ### Compile oils-for-unix into _bin/$compiler-$variant-sh/ (not with ninja)
132 |
133 | local compiler=${1:-cxx} # default is system compiler
134 | local variant=${2:-opt} # default is optimized build
135 | local skip_rebuild=${3:-} # if the output exists, skip build'
136 | ''' % (argv0), file=f)
137 |
138 | out_dir = '_bin/$compiler-$variant-sh'
139 | print(' local out_dir=%s' % out_dir, file=f)
140 |
141 | print('''\
142 | local out=$out_dir/oils-for-unix
143 |
144 | if test -n "$skip_rebuild" && test -f "$out"; then
145 | echo
146 | echo "$0: SKIPPING build because $out exists"
147 | echo
148 | return
149 | fi
150 |
151 | echo
152 | echo "$0: Building oils-for-unix: $out"
153 | echo "$0: PWD = $PWD"
154 | echo
155 | ''', file=f)
156 |
157 | objects = []
158 |
159 | in_out = []
160 | for src in sorted(cc_sources):
161 | # e.g. _build/obj/cxx-dbg-sh/posix.o
162 | prefix, _ = os.path.splitext(src)
163 | obj = '_build/obj/$compiler-$variant-sh/%s.o' % prefix
164 | in_out.append((src, obj))
165 |
166 | bin_dir = '_bin/$compiler-$variant-sh'
167 | obj_dirs = sorted(set(os.path.dirname(obj) for _, obj in in_out))
168 |
169 | all_dirs = [bin_dir] + obj_dirs
170 | # Double quote
171 | all_dirs = ['"%s"' % d for d in all_dirs]
172 |
173 | print(' mkdir -p \\', file=f)
174 | print(' %s' % ' \\\n '.join(all_dirs), file=f)
175 | print('', file=f)
176 |
177 | do_fork = ''
178 |
179 | for i, (src, obj) in enumerate(in_out):
180 | obj_quoted = '"%s"' % obj
181 | objects.append(obj_quoted)
182 |
183 | # Only fork one translation unit that we know to be slow
184 | if 'oils_for_unix.mycpp.cc' in src:
185 | # There should only be one forked translation unit
186 | # It can be turned off with OILS_PARALLEL_BUILD= _build/oils
187 | assert do_fork == ''
188 | do_fork = '_do_fork=$OILS_PARALLEL_BUILD'
189 | else:
190 | do_fork = ''
191 |
192 | if do_fork:
193 | print(' # Potentially fork this translation unit with &', file=f)
194 | print(' %s _compile_one "$compiler" "$variant" "" \\' % do_fork, file=f)
195 | print(' %s %s' % (src, obj_quoted), file=f)
196 | print('', file=f)
197 |
198 | print(' # wait for the translation unit before linking', file=f)
199 | print(' echo WAIT', file=f)
200 | # time -p shows any excess parallelism on 2 cores
201 | # example: oils_for_unix.mycpp.cc takes ~8 seconds longer to compile than all
202 | # other translation units combined!
203 |
204 | # Timing isn't POSIX
205 | #print(' time -p wait', file=f)
206 | print(' wait', file=f)
207 | print('', file=f)
208 |
209 | print(' echo "LINK $out"', file=f)
210 | # note: can't have spaces in filenames
211 | print(' link "$compiler" "$variant" "" "$out" \\', file=f)
212 | # put each object on its own line, and indent by 4
213 | print(' %s' % (' \\\n '.join(objects)), file=f)
214 | print('', file=f)
215 |
216 | # Strip opt binary
217 | # TODO: provide a way for the user to get symbols?
218 |
219 | print('''\
220 | local out_name=oils-for-unix
221 | if test "$variant" = opt; then
222 | strip -o "$out.stripped" "$out"
223 |
224 | # Symlink to unstripped binary for benchmarking
225 | # out_name=$out_name.stripped
226 | fi
227 |
228 | cd $out_dir
229 | for symlink in osh ysh; do
230 | # like ln -v, which we can't use portably
231 | echo " $symlink -> $out_name"
232 | ln -s -f $out_name $symlink
233 | done
234 | }
235 |
236 | main "$@"
237 | ''', file=f)
238 |
239 |
240 | def Preprocessed(n, cc_sources):
241 | # See how much input we're feeding to the compiler. Test C++ template
242 | # explosion, e.g. <unordered_map>
243 | #
244 | # Limit to {dbg,opt} so we don't generate useless rules. Invoked by
245 | # metrics/source-code.sh
246 |
247 | pre_matrix = [
248 | ('cxx', 'dbg'),
249 | ('cxx', 'opt'),
250 | ('clang', 'dbg'),
251 | ('clang', 'opt'),
252 | ]
253 | for compiler, variant in pre_matrix:
254 | preprocessed = []
255 | for src in cc_sources:
256 | # e.g. mycpp/gc_heap.cc -> _build/preprocessed/cxx-dbg/mycpp/gc_heap.cc
257 | pre = '_build/preprocessed/%s-%s/%s' % (compiler, variant, src)
258 | preprocessed.append(pre)
259 |
260 | # Summary file
261 | n.build('_build/preprocessed/%s-%s.txt' % (compiler, variant),
262 | 'line_count',
263 | preprocessed)
264 | n.newline()
265 |
266 |
267 | def InitSteps(n):
268 | """Wrappers for build/ninja-rules-*.sh
269 |
270 | Some of these are defined in mycpp/NINJA_subgraph.py. Could move them here.
271 | """
272 |
273 | #
274 | # Compiling and linking
275 | #
276 |
277 | # Preprocess one translation unit
278 | n.rule('preprocess',
279 | # compile_one detects the _build/preprocessed path
280 | command='build/ninja-rules-cpp.sh compile_one $compiler $variant $more_cxx_flags $in $out',
281 | description='PP $compiler $variant $more_cxx_flags $in $out')
282 | n.newline()
283 |
284 | n.rule('line_count',
285 | command='build/ninja-rules-cpp.sh line_count $out $in',
286 | description='line_count $out $in')
287 | n.newline()
288 |
289 | # Compile one translation unit
290 | n.rule('compile_one',
291 | command='build/ninja-rules-cpp.sh compile_one $compiler $variant $more_cxx_flags $in $out $out.d',
292 | depfile='$out.d',
293 | # no prefix since the compiler is the first arg
294 | description='$compiler $variant $more_cxx_flags $in $out')
295 | n.newline()
296 |
297 | # Link objects together
298 | n.rule('link',
299 | command='build/ninja-rules-cpp.sh link $compiler $variant $more_link_flags $out $in',
300 | description='LINK $compiler $variant $more_link_flags $out $in')
301 | n.newline()
302 |
303 | # 1 input and 2 outputs
304 | n.rule('strip',
305 | command='build/ninja-rules-cpp.sh strip_ $in $out',
306 | description='STRIP $in $out')
307 | n.newline()
308 |
309 | # cc_binary can have symliks
310 | n.rule('symlink',
311 | command='build/ninja-rules-cpp.sh symlink $dir $target $new',
312 | description='SYMLINK $dir $target $new')
313 | n.newline()
314 |
315 | #
316 | # Code generators
317 | #
318 |
319 | n.rule('write-shwrap',
320 | # $in must start with main program
321 | command='build/ninja-rules-py.sh write-shwrap $template $out $in',
322 | description='make-pystub $out $in')
323 | n.newline()
324 |
325 | n.rule('gen-oils-for-unix',
326 | command='build/ninja-rules-py.sh gen-oils-for-unix $main_name $out_prefix $preamble $in',
327 | description='gen-oils-for-unix $main_name $out_prefix $preamble $in')
328 | n.newline()
329 |
330 | n.rule('compile_souffle',
331 | command='build/ninja-rules-datalog.sh compile_souffle $in $out',
332 | description='compile_souffle $in $out')
333 | n.newline()
334 |
335 |
336 | def main(argv):
337 | try:
338 | action = argv[1]
339 | except IndexError:
340 | action = 'ninja'
341 |
342 | if action == 'ninja':
343 | f = open(BUILD_NINJA, 'w')
344 | else:
345 | f = cStringIO.StringIO() # thrown away
346 |
347 | n = ninja_syntax.Writer(f)
348 | ru = ninja_lib.Rules(n)
349 |
350 | ru.comment('InitSteps()')
351 | InitSteps(n)
352 |
353 | #
354 | # Create the graph.
355 | #
356 |
357 | asdl_subgraph.NinjaGraph(ru)
358 | ru.comment('')
359 |
360 | bin_subgraph.NinjaGraph(ru)
361 | ru.comment('')
362 |
363 | core_subgraph.NinjaGraph(ru)
364 | ru.comment('')
365 |
366 | cpp_subgraph.NinjaGraph(ru)
367 | ru.comment('')
368 |
369 | data_lang_subgraph.NinjaGraph(ru)
370 | ru.comment('')
371 |
372 | frontend_subgraph.NinjaGraph(ru)
373 | ru.comment('')
374 |
375 | mycpp_subgraph.NinjaGraph(ru)
376 | ru.comment('')
377 |
378 | ysh_subgraph.NinjaGraph(ru)
379 | ru.comment('')
380 |
381 | osh_subgraph.NinjaGraph(ru)
382 | ru.comment('')
383 |
384 | pea_subgraph.NinjaGraph(ru)
385 | ru.comment('')
386 |
387 | prebuilt_subgraph.NinjaGraph(ru)
388 | ru.comment('')
389 |
390 | yaks_subgraph.NinjaGraph(ru)
391 | ru.comment('')
392 |
393 |
394 | # Materialize all the cc_binary() rules
395 | ru.WriteRules()
396 |
397 | # Collect sources for metrics, tarball, shell script
398 | cc_sources = ru.SourcesForBinary('_gen/bin/oils_for_unix.mycpp.cc')
399 |
400 | if 0:
401 | from pprint import pprint
402 | pprint(cc_sources)
403 |
404 | # TODO: could thin these out, not generate for unit tests, etc.
405 | Preprocessed(n, cc_sources)
406 |
407 | ru.WritePhony()
408 |
409 | n.default(['_bin/cxx-asan/osh', '_bin/cxx-asan/ysh'])
410 |
411 | if action == 'ninja':
412 | log(' (%s) -> %s (%d targets)', argv[0], BUILD_NINJA,
413 | n.num_build_targets())
414 |
415 | elif action == 'shell':
416 | out = '_build/oils.sh'
417 | with open(out, 'w') as f:
418 | ShellFunctions(cc_sources, f, argv[0])
419 | log(' (%s) -> %s', argv[0], out)
420 |
421 | elif action == 'tarball-manifest':
422 | h = ru.HeadersForBinary('_gen/bin/oils_for_unix.mycpp.cc')
423 | TarballManifest(cc_sources + h)
424 |
425 | else:
426 | raise RuntimeError('Invalid action %r' % action)
427 |
428 |
429 | if __name__ == '__main__':
430 | try:
431 | main(sys.argv)
432 | except RuntimeError as e:
433 | print('FATAL: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
434 | sys.exit(1)
435 |
436 | # vim: sw=2