1 | """
2 | control_flow_pass.py - AST pass that builds a control flow graph.
3 | """
4 | from typing import overload, Union, Optional, Dict
5 |
6 | import mypy
7 | from mypy.visitor import ExpressionVisitor, StatementVisitor
8 | from mypy.nodes import (Block, Expression, Statement, ExpressionStmt, StrExpr,
9 | ForStmt, WhileStmt, CallExpr, FuncDef, IfStmt)
10 |
11 | from mypy.types import Type
12 |
13 | from mycpp.crash import catch_errors
14 | from mycpp.util import split_py_name
15 | from mycpp import util
16 | from mycpp import pass_state
17 |
18 | T = None # TODO: Make it type check?
19 |
20 |
21 | class UnsupportedException(Exception):
22 | pass
23 |
24 |
25 | class Build(ExpressionVisitor[T], StatementVisitor[None]):
26 |
27 | def __init__(self, types: Dict[Expression, Type]):
28 |
29 | self.types = types
30 | self.cfgs = {}
31 | self.current_statement_id = None
32 | self.current_func_node = None
33 | self.loop_stack = []
34 |
35 | def current_cfg(self):
36 | if not self.current_func_node:
37 | return None
38 |
39 | return self.cfgs.get(split_py_name(self.current_func_node.fullname))
40 |
41 | #
42 | # COPIED from IRBuilder
43 | #
44 |
45 | @overload
46 | def accept(self, node: Expression) -> T:
47 | ...
48 |
49 | @overload
50 | def accept(self, node: Statement) -> None:
51 | ...
52 |
53 | def accept(self, node: Union[Statement, Expression]) -> Optional[T]:
54 | with catch_errors(self.module_path, node.line):
55 | if isinstance(node, Expression):
56 | try:
57 | res = node.accept(self)
58 | #res = self.coerce(res, self.node_type(node), node.line)
59 |
60 | # If we hit an error during compilation, we want to
61 | # keep trying, so we can produce more error
62 | # messages. Generate a temp of the right type to keep
63 | # from causing more downstream trouble.
64 | except UnsupportedException:
65 | res = self.alloc_temp(self.node_type(node))
66 | return res
67 | else:
68 | try:
69 | cfg = self.current_cfg()
70 | # Most statements have empty visitors because they don't
71 | # require any special logic. Create statements for them
72 | # here. Blocks and loops are handled by their visitors.
73 | if cfg and not isinstance(node, Block) and not isinstance(node, ForStmt) and not isinstance(node, WhileStmt):
74 | self.current_statement_id = cfg.AddStatement()
75 |
76 | node.accept(self)
77 | except UnsupportedException:
78 | pass
79 | return None
80 |
81 | # Not in superclasses:
82 |
83 | def visit_mypy_file(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.MypyFile') -> T:
84 | if util.ShouldSkipPyFile(o):
85 | return
86 |
87 | self.module_path = o.path
88 |
89 | for node in o.defs:
90 | # skip module docstring
91 | if isinstance(node, ExpressionStmt) and isinstance(
92 | node.expr, StrExpr):
93 | continue
94 | self.accept(node)
95 |
97 |
98 | def visit_for_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ForStmt') -> T:
99 | cfg = self.current_cfg()
100 | if not cfg:
101 | return
102 |
103 | with pass_state.CfgLoopContext(cfg) as loop:
104 | self.loop_stack.append(loop)
105 | self.accept(o.body)
106 | self.loop_stack.pop()
107 |
108 | def _handle_switch(self, expr, o, cfg):
109 | assert len(o.body.body) == 1, o.body.body
110 | if_node = o.body.body[0]
111 | assert isinstance(if_node, IfStmt), if_node
112 | cases = []
113 | default_block = util._collect_cases(self.module_path, if_node, cases)
114 | with pass_state.CfgBranchContext(cfg, self.current_statement_id) as branch_ctx:
115 | for expr, body in cases:
116 | assert expr is not None, expr
117 | with branch_ctx.AddBranch():
118 | self.accept(body)
119 |
120 | if default_block:
121 | with branch_ctx.AddBranch():
122 | self.accept(default_block)
123 |
124 | def visit_with_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.WithStmt') -> T:
125 | cfg = self.current_cfg()
126 | if not cfg:
127 | return
128 |
129 | assert len(o.expr) == 1, o.expr
130 | expr = o.expr[0]
131 | assert isinstance(expr, CallExpr), expr
132 |
133 | callee_name = expr.callee.name
134 | if callee_name == 'switch':
135 | self._handle_switch(expr, o, cfg)
136 | elif callee_name == 'str_switch':
137 | self._handle_switch(expr, o, cfg)
138 | elif callee_name == 'tagswitch':
139 | self._handle_switch(expr, o, cfg)
140 | else:
141 | with pass_state.CfgBlockContext(cfg, self.current_statement_id):
142 | for stmt in o.body.body:
143 | self.accept(stmt)
144 |
145 | def visit_func_def(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.FuncDef') -> T:
146 | if o.name == '__repr__': # Don't translate
147 | return
148 |
149 | self.cfgs[split_py_name(o.fullname)] = pass_state.ControlFlowGraph()
150 | self.current_func_node = o
151 | self.accept(o.body)
152 | self.current_func_node = None
153 |
154 | def visit_class_def(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ClassDef') -> T:
155 | for stmt in o.defs.body:
156 | # Ignore things that look like docstrings
157 | if (isinstance(stmt, ExpressionStmt) and
158 | isinstance(stmt.expr, StrExpr)):
159 | continue
160 |
161 | if isinstance(stmt, FuncDef) and stmt.name == '__repr__':
162 | continue
163 |
164 | self.accept(stmt)
165 |
166 | # Statements
167 |
168 | def visit_block(self, block: 'mypy.nodes.Block') -> T:
169 | for stmt in block.body:
170 | # Ignore things that look like docstrings
171 | if (isinstance(stmt, ExpressionStmt) and
172 | isinstance(stmt.expr, StrExpr)):
173 | continue
174 |
175 | self.accept(stmt)
176 |
177 | def visit_expression_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ExpressionStmt') -> T:
178 | self.accept(o.expr)
179 |
180 | def visit_while_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.WhileStmt') -> T:
181 | cfg = self.current_cfg()
182 | if not cfg:
183 | return
184 |
185 | with pass_state.CfgLoopContext(cfg) as loop:
186 | self.loop_stack.append(loop)
187 | self.accept(o.body)
188 | self.loop_stack.pop()
189 |
190 | def visit_return_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ReturnStmt') -> T:
191 | cfg = self.current_cfg()
192 | if cfg:
193 | cfg.AddDeadend(self.current_statement_id)
194 |
195 | def visit_if_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.IfStmt') -> T:
196 | cfg = self.current_cfg()
197 | if not cfg:
198 | return
199 |
200 | with pass_state.CfgBranchContext(cfg, self.current_statement_id) as branch_ctx:
201 | with branch_ctx.AddBranch():
202 | for node in o.body:
203 | self.accept(node)
204 |
205 | if o.else_body:
206 | with branch_ctx.AddBranch():
207 | self.accept(o.else_body)
208 |
209 | def visit_break_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.BreakStmt') -> T:
210 | if len(self.loop_stack):
211 | self.loop_stack[-1].AddBreak(self.current_statement_id)
212 |
213 | def visit_continue_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ContinueStmt') -> T:
214 | if len(self.loop_stack):
215 | self.loop_stack[-1].AddContinue(self.current_statement_id)
216 |
217 | def visit_raise_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.RaiseStmt') -> T:
218 | cfg = self.current_cfg()
219 | if cfg:
220 | cfg.AddDeadend(self.current_statement_id)
221 |
222 | def visit_try_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.TryStmt') -> T:
223 | cfg = self.current_cfg()
224 | if not cfg:
225 | return
226 |
227 | with pass_state.CfgBranchContext(cfg, self.current_statement_id) as try_ctx:
228 | with try_ctx.AddBranch() as try_block:
229 | self.accept(o.body)
230 |
231 | for t, v, handler in zip(o.types, o.vars, o.handlers):
232 | with try_ctx.AddBranch(try_block.exit):
233 | self.accept(handler)