1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Usage:
4 | # metrics/native-code.sh <function name>
5 |
6 | set -o nounset
7 | set -o pipefail
8 | set -o errexit
9 |
10 | source build/dev-shell.sh # put bloaty in $PATH, R_LIBS_USER
11 |
12 | readonly OVM_BASE_DIR=_tmp/metrics/ovm
13 | readonly OIL_BASE_DIR=_tmp/metrics/oils-for-unix
14 |
15 | pylibc-symbols() {
16 | symbols _devbuild/py-ext/x86_64/libc.so
17 | }
18 |
19 | fastlex-symbols() {
20 | symbols _devbuild/py-ext/x86_64/fastlex.so
21 | }
22 |
23 | print-symbols() {
24 | local obj=$1
25 | ls -l $obj
26 | echo
27 |
28 | # Summary
29 | bloaty $obj
30 | echo
31 |
32 | # Top symbols
33 | # fastlex_MatchToken is 21.2 KiB. That doesn't seem to large compared to
34 | # the 14K line output?
35 | bloaty -d symbols $obj
36 | echo
37 |
38 | nm $obj
39 | echo
40 | }
41 |
42 | # Big functions:
43 | # - PyEval_EvalFrameEx (38 KiB)
44 | # - fastlex_MatchOSHToken (22.5 KiB)
45 | # - convertitem() in args.py (9.04 KiB)
46 | # - PyString_Format() in args.py (6.84 KiB)
47 | #
48 | # Easy removals:
49 | # - marshal_dumps and marshal_dump! We never use those.
50 | # - Remove all docstrings!!! Like sys_doc.
51 |
52 | compileunits() {
53 | # Hm there doesn't seem to be a way to do this without
54 | local file=${1:-_build/oil/ovm-dbg}
55 |
56 | #local file=_build/oil/ovm-opt
57 | #local sym=_build/oil/ovm-opt.symbols
58 |
59 | bloaty --tsv -n 0 -d compileunits $file
60 | }
61 |
62 | symbols() {
63 | # NOTE: This is different than the release binary!
64 | # ovm-opt.stripped doesn't show a report.
65 | local file=${1:-_build/oil/ovm-opt}
66 |
67 | # Full output
68 | # 3,588 lines!
69 | bloaty --tsv -n 0 -d symbols $file
70 | }
71 |
72 | R-report() {
73 | metrics/native-code.R "$@"
74 | }
75 |
76 | build-ovm() {
77 | # 2022-12: hack for ./configure, because line_input failed to compile without
78 | # HAVE_READLINE See _build/oil/module_init.c
79 | # TODO: This metric should either be DELETED, or automated in the CI, so it
80 | # doesn't break
81 |
82 | ./configure
83 |
84 | make _build/oil/ovm-{dbg,opt}
85 | }
86 |
87 | collect-and-report() {
88 | local base_dir=$1
89 | local dbg=$2
90 | local opt=$3
91 |
92 | mkdir -p $base_dir
93 |
94 | print-symbols $opt > $base_dir/symbols.txt
95 |
96 | symbols $opt > $base_dir/symbols.tsv
97 |
98 | # Really 'translation units', but bloaty gives it that name.
99 | compileunits $dbg > $base_dir/compileunits.tsv
100 |
101 | head $base_dir/symbols.tsv $base_dir/compileunits.tsv
102 |
103 | # Hack for now
104 | if Rscript -e 'print("hi from R")'; then
105 | R-report metrics $base_dir $dbg $opt | tee $base_dir/overview.txt
106 | else
107 | echo 'R not detected' | tee $base_dir/overview.txt
108 | fi
109 | }
110 |
111 | oils-for-unix() {
112 | ### Report on the ones we just built
113 |
114 | # TODO: could compare GCC and Clang once we have R on the CI images
115 | local -a targets=(_bin/cxx-{dbg,opt}/oils-for-unix)
116 | ninja "${targets[@]}"
117 |
118 | collect-and-report $OIL_BASE_DIR "${targets[@]}"
119 |
120 | ls -l $OIL_BASE_DIR
121 | }
122 |
123 | compare-gcc-clang() {
124 | ### Run by Soil 'cpp-coverage' task, because it has clang
125 |
126 | local -a targets=(
127 | _bin/{clang,cxx}-dbg/oils-for-unix
128 | _bin/{clang,cxx}-opt/oils-for-unix.stripped
129 | _bin/cxx-{opt+bumpleak,opt+bumproot}/oils-for-unix.stripped
130 | _bin/{clang,cxx}-opt/yaks/yaks_main.mycpp.stripped
131 | _bin/cxx-{opt+bumpleak,opt+bumproot}/yaks/yaks_main.mycpp.stripped
132 | )
133 | ninja "${targets[@]}"
134 |
135 | mkdir -p _tmp/metrics
136 | ls -l --sort=none "${targets[@]}" | tee _tmp/metrics/compare-gcc-clang.txt
137 | }
138 |
139 | readonly OIL_VERSION=$(head -n 1 oil-version.txt)
140 |
141 | run-for-release() {
142 | build-ovm
143 |
144 | local dbg=_build/oil/ovm-dbg
145 | local opt=_build/oil/ovm-opt
146 |
147 | collect-and-report $OVM_BASE_DIR $dbg $opt
148 |
149 | # TODO: consolidate with benchmarks/common.sh, OSH_CPP_BENCHMARK_DATA
150 | # For some reason _bin/cxx-opt/ and _bin/cxx-opt-sh can differ by a few bytes
151 | local bin_dir="../benchmark-data/src/oils-for-unix-$OIL_VERSION"
152 | collect-and-report $OIL_BASE_DIR $bin_dir/_bin/cxx-{dbg,opt}-sh/oils-for-unix
153 | }
154 |
155 | dupe-strings() {
156 | ### Check for NUL-terminated strings
157 |
158 | python2 -c '
159 | import collections
160 | import re
161 | import sys
162 |
163 | with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
164 | contents = f.read()
165 | strs = re.split("\\0", contents)
166 |
167 | printable = re.compile("[ -~]+$")
168 |
169 | d = collections.Counter()
170 | for s in strs:
171 | if len(s) > 1 and printable.match(s):
172 | d[s] += 1
173 |
174 | for s, count in d.most_common()[:50]:
175 | if count == 1:
176 | break
177 | print("%5d %r" % (count, s))
178 |
179 | ' "$@"
180 | }
181 |
182 | # Results:
183 | # Found StrFromC() and len() duplication
184 |
185 | oil-dupe-strings() {
186 | local bin=_bin/cxx-opt/oils-for-unix.stripped
187 | #local bin=_bin/clang-opt/oils-for-unix.stripped
188 | ninja $bin
189 |
190 | dupe-strings $bin
191 | }
192 |
193 | "$@"