1 | """expr_to_ast.py."""
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 |
4 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id, Id_t, Id_str, Kind
5 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import (
6 | Token,
7 | SimpleVarSub,
8 | loc,
9 | loc_t,
10 | DoubleQuoted,
11 | SingleQuoted,
12 | BracedVarSub,
13 | CommandSub,
14 | ShArrayLiteral,
15 | command,
16 | expr,
17 | expr_e,
18 | expr_t,
19 | expr_context_e,
20 | re,
21 | re_t,
22 | re_repeat,
23 | re_repeat_t,
24 | class_literal_term,
25 | class_literal_term_t,
26 | PosixClass,
27 | PerlClass,
28 | NameType,
29 | y_lhs_t,
30 | Comprehension,
31 | Subscript,
32 | Attribute,
33 | proc_sig,
34 | proc_sig_t,
35 | Param,
36 | RestParam,
37 | ParamGroup,
38 | NamedArg,
39 | ArgList,
40 | pat,
41 | pat_t,
42 | TypeExpr,
43 | Func,
44 | Eggex,
45 | EggexFlag,
46 | CharCode,
47 | CharRange,
48 | )
49 | from _devbuild.gen.value_asdl import value, value_t
50 | from _devbuild.gen import grammar_nt
51 | from core.error import p_die
52 | from core import num
53 | from frontend import consts
54 | from frontend import lexer
55 | from frontend import location
56 | from mycpp import mops
57 | from mycpp import mylib
58 | from mycpp.mylib import log, tagswitch
59 | from osh import word_compile
60 | from ysh import expr_parse
61 | from ysh import regex_translate
62 |
63 | from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, cast
65 | from pgen2.grammar import Grammar
66 | from pgen2.pnode import PNode
67 |
68 | _ = log
69 |
71 | 'd': 'd',
72 | 'w': 'w',
73 | 'word': 'w',
74 | 's': 's',
75 | }
76 | # https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap09.html
78 | 'alnum',
79 | 'cntrl',
80 | 'lower',
81 | 'space',
82 | 'alpha',
83 | 'digit',
84 | 'print',
85 | 'upper',
86 | 'blank',
87 | 'graph',
88 | 'punct',
89 | 'xdigit',
90 | ]
91 | # NOTE: There are also things like \p{Greek} that we could put in the
92 | # "non-sigil" namespace.
93 |
94 | RANGE_POINT_TOO_LONG = "Range start/end shouldn't have more than one character"
95 |
96 | POS_ARG_MISPLACED = "Positional arg can't appear in group of named args"
97 |
98 | # Copied from pgen2/token.py to avoid dependency.
99 | NT_OFFSET = 256
100 |
101 | if mylib.PYTHON:
102 |
103 | def MakeGrammarNames(ysh_grammar):
104 | # type: (Grammar) -> Dict[int, str]
105 |
106 | # TODO: Break this dependency
107 | from frontend import lexer_def
108 |
109 | names = {}
110 |
111 | for id_name, k in lexer_def.ID_SPEC.id_str2int.items():
112 | # Hm some are out of range
113 | #assert k < 256, (k, id_name)
114 |
115 | # TODO: Some tokens have values greater than NT_OFFSET
116 | if k < NT_OFFSET:
117 | names[k] = id_name
118 |
119 | for k, v in ysh_grammar.number2symbol.items():
120 | assert k >= NT_OFFSET, (k, v)
121 | names[k] = v
122 |
123 | return names
124 |
125 |
126 | class Transformer(object):
127 | """Homogeneous parse tree -> heterogeneous AST ("lossless syntax tree")
128 |
129 | pgen2 (Python's LL parser generator) doesn't have semantic actions like yacc,
130 | so this "transformer" is the equivalent.
131 |
132 | Files to refer to when modifying this function:
133 |
134 | ysh/grammar.pgen2 (generates _devbuild/gen/grammar_nt.py)
135 | frontend/syntax.asdl (generates _devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.py)
136 |
137 | Related examples:
138 |
139 | opy/compiler2/transformer.py (Python's parse tree -> AST, ~1500 lines)
140 | Python-2.7.13/Python/ast.c (the "real" CPython version, ~3600 lines)
141 |
142 | Other:
143 | frontend/parse_lib.py (turn on print_parse_tree)
144 |
145 | Public methods:
146 | Expr, VarDecl
147 | atom, trailer, etc. are private, named after productions in grammar.pgen2.
148 | """
149 |
150 | def __init__(self, gr):
151 | # type: (Grammar) -> None
152 | self.number2symbol = gr.number2symbol
153 | if mylib.PYTHON:
154 | names = MakeGrammarNames(gr)
155 | # print raw nodes
156 | self.p_printer = expr_parse.ParseTreePrinter(names)
157 |
158 | def _LeftAssoc(self, p_node):
159 | # type: (PNode) -> expr_t
160 | """For an associative binary operation.
161 |
162 | Examples:
163 | xor_expr: and_expr ('xor' and_expr)*
164 | term: factor (('*'|'/'|'%'|'div') factor)*
165 |
166 | 3 - 1 - 2 must be grouped as ((3 - 1) - 2).
167 | """
168 | # Note: Compare the iteractive com_binary() method in
169 | # opy/compiler2/transformer.py.
170 |
171 | # Examples:
172 | # - The PNode for '3 - 1' will have 3 children
173 | # - The PNode for '3 - 1 - 2' will have 5 children
174 |
175 | #self.p_printer.Print(p_node)
176 |
177 | i = 1 # index of the operator
178 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
179 |
180 | left = self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(0))
181 | while i < n:
182 | op = p_node.GetChild(i)
183 | right = self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(i + 1))
184 |
185 | # create a new left node
186 | left = expr.Binary(op.tok, left, right)
187 | i += 2
188 |
189 | return left
190 |
191 | def _Trailer(self, base, p_trailer):
192 | # type: (expr_t, PNode) -> expr_t
193 | """
194 | trailer: ( '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']'
195 | | '.' NAME | '->' NAME | '::' NAME
196 | )
197 | """
198 | tok0 = p_trailer.GetChild(0).tok
199 | typ0 = p_trailer.GetChild(0).typ
200 |
201 | if typ0 == Id.Op_LParen:
202 | lparen = tok0
203 | rparen = p_trailer.GetChild(-1).tok
204 | arglist = ArgList(lparen, [], None, [], None, None, rparen)
205 | if p_trailer.NumChildren() == 2: # ()
206 | return expr.FuncCall(base, arglist)
207 |
208 | p = p_trailer.GetChild(1) # the X in ( X )
209 | assert p.typ == grammar_nt.arglist # f(x, y)
210 | self._ArgList(p, arglist)
211 | return expr.FuncCall(base, arglist)
212 |
213 | if typ0 == Id.Op_LBracket:
214 | p_args = p_trailer.GetChild(1)
215 | assert p_args.typ == grammar_nt.subscriptlist
216 | n = p_args.NumChildren()
217 | if n > 1:
218 | p_die("Only 1 subscript is accepted", p_args.GetChild(1).tok)
219 |
220 | a = p_args.GetChild(0)
221 | return Subscript(tok0, base, self._Subscript(a))
222 |
223 | if typ0 in (Id.Expr_Dot, Id.Expr_RArrow, Id.Expr_RDArrow):
224 | attr = p_trailer.GetChild(1).tok # will be Id.Expr_Name
225 | return Attribute(base, tok0, attr, lexer.TokenVal(attr),
226 | expr_context_e.Store)
227 |
228 | raise AssertionError(typ0)
229 |
230 | def _DictPair(self, p_node):
231 | # type: (PNode) -> Tuple[expr_t, expr_t]
232 | """
233 | dict_pair: ( Expr_Name [':' test]
234 | | '[' testlist ']' ':' test )
235 | | sq_string ':' test
236 | | dq_string ':' test )
237 | """
238 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.dict_pair
239 |
240 | typ = p_node.GetChild(0).typ
241 |
242 | if typ in (grammar_nt.sq_string, grammar_nt.dq_string):
243 | key = self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(0)) # type: expr_t
244 | val = self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(2))
245 | return key, val
246 |
247 | tok0 = p_node.GetChild(0).tok
248 | id_ = tok0.id
249 |
250 | if id_ == Id.Expr_Name:
251 | key_str = value.Str(lexer.TokenVal(tok0))
252 | key = expr.Const(tok0, key_str)
253 | if p_node.NumChildren() >= 3:
254 | val = self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(2))
255 | else:
256 | val = expr.Implicit
257 |
258 | if id_ == Id.Op_LBracket: # {[x+y]: 'val'}
259 | key = self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(1))
260 | val = self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(4))
261 | return key, val
262 |
263 | return key, val
264 |
265 | def _Dict(self, parent, p_node):
266 | # type: (PNode, PNode) -> expr.Dict
267 | """
268 | dict: dict_pair (comma_newline dict_pair)* [comma_newline]
269 | """
270 | if p_node.typ == Id.Op_RBrace: # {}
271 | return expr.Dict(parent.tok, [], [])
272 |
273 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.dict
274 |
275 | keys = [] # type: List[expr_t]
276 | values = [] # type: List[expr_t]
277 |
278 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
279 | for i in xrange(0, n, 2):
280 | key, val = self._DictPair(p_node.GetChild(i))
281 | keys.append(key)
282 | values.append(val)
283 |
284 | return expr.Dict(parent.tok, keys, values)
285 |
286 | def _Tuple(self, parent):
287 | # type: (PNode) -> expr_t
288 |
289 | n = parent.NumChildren()
290 |
291 | # (x) -- not a tuple
292 | if n == 1:
293 | return self.Expr(parent.GetChild(0))
294 |
295 | # x, and (x,) aren't allowed
296 | if n == 2:
297 | p_die('Invalid trailing comma', parent.GetChild(1).tok)
298 |
299 | elts = [] # type: List[expr_t]
300 | for i in xrange(0, n, 2): # skip commas
301 | p_node = parent.GetChild(i)
302 | elts.append(self.Expr(p_node))
303 |
304 | return expr.Tuple(parent.tok, elts,
305 | expr_context_e.Store) # unused expr_context_e
306 |
307 | def _TestlistComp(self, parent, p_node, id0):
308 | # type: (PNode, PNode, Id_t) -> expr_t
309 | """
310 | testlist_comp:
311 | (test|star_expr) ( comp_for | (',' (test|star_expr))* [','] )
312 | """
313 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.testlist_comp
314 |
315 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
316 | if n > 1 and p_node.GetChild(1).typ == grammar_nt.comp_for:
317 | elt = self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(0))
318 | comp = self._CompFor(p_node.GetChild(1))
319 | if id0 == Id.Op_LParen:
320 | return expr.GeneratorExp(elt, [comp])
321 | if id0 == Id.Op_LBracket:
322 | return expr.ListComp(parent.tok, elt, [comp])
323 | raise AssertionError()
324 |
325 | if id0 == Id.Op_LParen:
326 | # Parenthesized expression like (x+1) or (x)
327 | if n == 1:
328 | return self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(0))
329 |
330 | # Tuples (1,) (1, 2) etc. - TODO: should be a list literal?
331 | if p_node.GetChild(1).typ == Id.Arith_Comma:
332 | return self._Tuple(p_node)
333 |
334 | raise AssertionError()
335 |
336 | if id0 == Id.Op_LBracket: # List [1,2,3]
337 | elts = [] # type: List[expr_t]
338 | for i in xrange(0, n, 2): # skip commas
339 | elts.append(self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(i)))
340 |
341 | return expr.List(parent.tok, elts,
342 | expr_context_e.Store) # unused expr_context_e
343 |
344 | raise AssertionError(Id_str(id0))
345 |
346 | def _Atom(self, parent):
347 | # type: (PNode) -> expr_t
348 | """Handle alternatives of 'atom' where there's more than one child."""
349 |
350 | tok = parent.GetChild(0).tok
351 | id_ = tok.id
352 | n = parent.NumChildren()
353 |
354 | if id_ == Id.Op_LParen:
355 | # atom: '(' [yield_expr|testlist_comp] ')' | ...
356 | if n == 2: # () is a tuple
357 | assert (
358 | parent.GetChild(1).typ == Id.Op_RParen), parent.GetChild(1)
359 | return expr.Tuple(tok, [], expr_context_e.Store)
360 |
361 | return self._TestlistComp(parent, parent.GetChild(1), id_)
362 |
363 | if id_ == Id.Op_LBracket:
364 | # atom: ... | '[' [testlist_comp] ']' | ...
365 |
366 | if n == 2: # []
367 | assert (parent.GetChild(1).typ == Id.Op_RBracket
368 | ), parent.GetChild(1)
369 | return expr.List(tok, [],
370 | expr_context_e.Store) # unused expr_context_e
371 |
372 | return self._TestlistComp(parent, parent.GetChild(1), id_)
373 |
374 | if id_ == Id.Op_LBrace:
375 | # atom: ... | '{' [Op_Newline] [dict] '}'
376 | i = 1
377 | if parent.GetChild(i).typ == Id.Op_Newline:
378 | i += 1
379 | return self._Dict(parent, parent.GetChild(i))
380 |
381 | if id_ == Id.Arith_Amp:
382 | n = parent.NumChildren()
383 | if n >= 3:
384 | p_die("Places in containers not implemented yet",
385 | parent.GetChild(2).tok)
386 |
387 | name_tok = parent.GetChild(1).tok
388 | return expr.Place(name_tok, lexer.TokenVal(name_tok), [])
389 |
390 | if id_ == Id.Expr_Func:
391 | # STUB. This should really be a Func, not Lambda.
392 | return expr.Lambda([], expr.Implicit)
393 |
394 | # 100 M
395 | # Ignoring the suffix for now
396 | if id_ == Id.Expr_DecInt:
397 | assert n > 1
398 | p_die("Units suffix not implemented", parent.GetChild(1).tok)
399 | #return self.Expr(parent.GetChild(0))
400 |
401 | # 100.5 M
402 | # Ignoring the suffix for now
403 | if id_ == Id.Expr_Float:
404 | assert n > 1
405 | p_die("unix suffix implemented", parent.GetChild(1).tok)
406 | #return self.Expr(parent.GetChild(0))
407 |
408 | raise AssertionError(Id_str(id_))
409 |
410 | def _NameType(self, p_node):
411 | # type: (PNode) -> NameType
412 | """ name_type: Expr_Name [':'] [type_expr] """
413 | name_tok = p_node.GetChild(0).tok
414 | typ = None # type: Optional[TypeExpr]
415 |
416 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
417 | if n == 2:
418 | typ = self._TypeExpr(p_node.GetChild(1))
419 | if n == 3:
420 | typ = self._TypeExpr(p_node.GetChild(2))
421 |
422 | return NameType(name_tok, lexer.TokenVal(name_tok), typ)
423 |
424 | def _NameTypeList(self, p_node):
425 | # type: (PNode) -> List[NameType]
426 | """ name_type_list: name_type (',' name_type)* """
427 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.name_type_list
428 | results = [] # type: List[NameType]
429 |
430 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
431 | for i in xrange(0, n, 2): # was children[::2]
432 | results.append(self._NameType(p_node.GetChild(i)))
433 | return results
434 |
435 | def _CompFor(self, p_node):
436 | # type: (PNode) -> Comprehension
437 | """comp_for: 'for' exprlist 'in' or_test ['if' or_test]"""
438 | lhs = self._NameTypeList(p_node.GetChild(1))
439 | iterable = self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(3))
440 |
441 | if p_node.NumChildren() >= 6:
442 | cond = self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(5))
443 | else:
444 | cond = None
445 |
446 | return Comprehension(lhs, iterable, cond)
447 |
448 | def _CompareChain(self, parent):
449 | # type: (PNode) -> expr_t
450 | """comparison: expr (comp_op expr)*"""
451 | cmp_ops = [] # type: List[Token]
452 | comparators = [] # type: List[expr_t]
453 | left = self.Expr(parent.GetChild(0))
454 |
455 | i = 1
456 | n = parent.NumChildren()
457 | while i < n:
458 | p = parent.GetChild(i)
459 | op = p.GetChild(0).tok
460 | if p.NumChildren() == 2:
461 | # Blame the first token, and change its type
462 | if op.id == Id.Expr_Not: # not in
463 | op.id = Id.Node_NotIn
464 | elif op.id == Id.Expr_Is: # is not
465 | op.id = Id.Node_IsNot
466 | else:
467 | raise AssertionError()
468 | else:
469 | # is, <, ==, etc.
470 | pass
471 |
472 | cmp_ops.append(op)
473 | i += 1
474 | comparators.append(self.Expr(parent.GetChild(i)))
475 | i += 1
476 | return expr.Compare(left, cmp_ops, comparators)
477 |
478 | def _Subscript(self, parent):
479 | # type: (PNode) -> expr_t
480 | """subscript: expr | [expr] ':' [expr]"""
481 | typ0 = parent.GetChild(0).typ
482 |
483 | n = parent.NumChildren()
484 |
485 | if typ0 == grammar_nt.expr:
486 | if n == 3: # a[1:2]
487 | lower = self.Expr(parent.GetChild(0))
488 | upper = self.Expr(parent.GetChild(2))
489 | elif n == 2: # a[1:]
490 | lower = self.Expr(parent.GetChild(0))
491 | upper = None
492 | else: # a[1]
493 | return self.Expr(parent.GetChild(0))
494 | else:
495 | assert typ0 == Id.Arith_Colon
496 | lower = None
497 | if n == 1: # a[:]
498 | upper = None
499 | else: # a[:3]
500 | upper = self.Expr(parent.GetChild(1))
501 |
502 | return expr.Slice(lower, parent.GetChild(0).tok, upper)
503 |
504 | def Expr(self, pnode):
505 | # type: (PNode) -> expr_t
506 | """Transform expressions (as opposed to statements)"""
507 | typ = pnode.typ
508 |
509 | #
510 | # YSH Entry Points / Additions
511 | #
512 |
513 | if typ == grammar_nt.ysh_expr: # for if/while
514 | # ysh_expr: '(' testlist ')'
515 | return self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(1))
516 |
517 | if typ == grammar_nt.command_expr:
518 | # return_expr: testlist end_stmt
519 | return self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(0))
520 |
521 | #
522 | # Python-like Expressions / Operators
523 | #
524 |
525 | if typ == grammar_nt.atom:
526 | if pnode.NumChildren() == 1:
527 | return self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(0))
528 | return self._Atom(pnode)
529 |
530 | if typ == grammar_nt.testlist:
531 | # testlist: test (',' test)* [',']
532 | return self._Tuple(pnode)
533 |
534 | if typ == grammar_nt.test:
535 | # test: or_test ['if' or_test 'else' test] | lambdef
536 | if pnode.NumChildren() == 1:
537 | return self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(0))
538 |
539 | # TODO: Handle lambdef
540 |
541 | test = self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(2))
542 | body = self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(0))
543 | orelse = self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(4))
544 | return expr.IfExp(test, body, orelse)
545 |
546 | if typ == grammar_nt.lambdef:
547 | # lambdef: '|' [name_type_list] '|' test
548 |
549 | n = pnode.NumChildren()
550 | if n == 4:
551 | params = self._NameTypeList(pnode.GetChild(1))
552 | else:
553 | params = []
554 |
555 | body = self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(n - 1))
556 | return expr.Lambda(params, body)
557 |
558 | #
559 | # Operators with Precedence
560 | #
561 |
562 | if typ == grammar_nt.or_test:
563 | # or_test: and_test ('or' and_test)*
564 | return self._LeftAssoc(pnode)
565 |
566 | if typ == grammar_nt.and_test:
567 | # and_test: not_test ('and' not_test)*
568 | return self._LeftAssoc(pnode)
569 |
570 | if typ == grammar_nt.not_test:
571 | # not_test: 'not' not_test | comparison
572 | if pnode.NumChildren() == 1:
573 | return self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(0))
574 |
575 | op_tok = pnode.GetChild(0).tok # not
576 | return expr.Unary(op_tok, self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(1)))
577 |
578 | elif typ == grammar_nt.comparison:
579 | if pnode.NumChildren() == 1:
580 | return self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(0))
581 |
582 | return self._CompareChain(pnode)
583 |
584 | elif typ == grammar_nt.range_expr:
585 | n = pnode.NumChildren()
586 | if n == 1:
587 | return self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(0))
588 |
589 | if n == 3:
590 | return expr.Range(self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(0)),
591 | pnode.GetChild(1).tok,
592 | self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(2)))
593 |
594 | raise AssertionError(n)
595 |
596 | elif typ == grammar_nt.expr:
597 | # expr: xor_expr ('|' xor_expr)*
598 | return self._LeftAssoc(pnode)
599 |
600 | if typ == grammar_nt.xor_expr:
601 | # xor_expr: and_expr ('xor' and_expr)*
602 | return self._LeftAssoc(pnode)
603 |
604 | if typ == grammar_nt.and_expr: # a & b
605 | # and_expr: shift_expr ('&' shift_expr)*
606 | return self._LeftAssoc(pnode)
607 |
608 | elif typ == grammar_nt.shift_expr:
609 | # shift_expr: arith_expr (('<<'|'>>') arith_expr)*
610 | return self._LeftAssoc(pnode)
611 |
612 | elif typ == grammar_nt.arith_expr:
613 | # arith_expr: term (('+'|'-') term)*
614 | return self._LeftAssoc(pnode)
615 |
616 | elif typ == grammar_nt.term:
617 | # term: factor (('*'|'/'|'div'|'mod') factor)*
618 | return self._LeftAssoc(pnode)
619 |
620 | elif typ == grammar_nt.factor:
621 | # factor: ('+'|'-'|'~') factor | power
622 | # the power would have already been reduced
623 | if pnode.NumChildren() == 1:
624 | return self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(0))
625 |
626 | assert pnode.NumChildren() == 2
627 | op = pnode.GetChild(0)
628 | e = pnode.GetChild(1)
629 |
630 | assert isinstance(op.tok, Token)
631 | return expr.Unary(op.tok, self.Expr(e))
632 |
633 | elif typ == grammar_nt.power:
634 | # power: atom trailer* ['**' factor]
635 |
636 | node = self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(0))
637 | if pnode.NumChildren() == 1: # No trailers
638 | return node
639 |
640 | # Support a->startswith(b) and mydict.key
641 | n = pnode.NumChildren()
642 | i = 1
643 | while i < n and pnode.GetChild(i).typ == grammar_nt.trailer:
644 | node = self._Trailer(node, pnode.GetChild(i))
645 | i += 1
646 |
647 | if i != n: # ['**' factor]
648 | op_tok = pnode.GetChild(i).tok
649 | assert op_tok.id == Id.Arith_DStar, op_tok
650 | factor = self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(i + 1))
651 | node = expr.Binary(op_tok, node, factor)
652 |
653 | return node
654 |
655 | elif typ == grammar_nt.literal_expr:
656 | inner = self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(1))
657 | return expr.Literal(inner)
658 |
659 | elif typ == grammar_nt.eggex:
660 | return self._Eggex(pnode)
661 |
662 | elif typ == grammar_nt.ysh_expr_sub:
663 | return self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(0))
664 |
665 | #
666 | # YSH Lexer Modes
667 | #
668 |
669 | elif typ == grammar_nt.sh_array_literal:
670 | return cast(ShArrayLiteral, pnode.GetChild(1).tok)
671 |
672 | elif typ == grammar_nt.old_sh_array_literal:
673 | return cast(ShArrayLiteral, pnode.GetChild(1).tok)
674 |
675 | elif typ == grammar_nt.sh_command_sub:
676 | return cast(CommandSub, pnode.GetChild(1).tok)
677 |
678 | elif typ == grammar_nt.braced_var_sub:
679 | return cast(BracedVarSub, pnode.GetChild(1).tok)
680 |
681 | elif typ == grammar_nt.dq_string:
682 | s = cast(DoubleQuoted, pnode.GetChild(1).tok)
683 | # sugar: ^"..." is short for ^["..."]
684 | if pnode.GetChild(0).typ == Id.Left_CaretDoubleQuote:
685 | return expr.Literal(s)
686 | return s
687 |
688 | elif typ == grammar_nt.sq_string:
689 | return cast(SingleQuoted, pnode.GetChild(1).tok)
690 |
691 | elif typ == grammar_nt.simple_var_sub:
692 | tok = pnode.GetChild(0).tok
693 |
694 | if tok.id == Id.VSub_DollarName: # $foo is disallowed
695 | bare = lexer.TokenSliceLeft(tok, 1)
696 | p_die(
697 | 'In expressions, remove $ and use `%s`, or sometimes "$%s"'
698 | % (bare, bare), tok)
699 |
700 | # $? is allowed
701 | return SimpleVarSub(tok)
702 |
703 | #
704 | # Terminals
705 | #
706 |
707 | tok = pnode.tok
708 | if typ == Id.Expr_Name:
709 | return expr.Var(tok, lexer.TokenVal(tok))
710 |
711 | # Everything else is an expr.Const
712 | tok_str = lexer.TokenVal(tok)
713 | # Remove underscores from 1_000_000. The lexer is responsible for
714 | # validation.
715 | c_under = tok_str.replace('_', '')
716 |
717 | if typ == Id.Expr_DecInt:
718 | try:
719 | cval = value.Int(mops.FromStr(c_under)) # type: value_t
720 | except ValueError:
721 | p_die('Decimal int constant is too large', tok)
722 |
723 | elif typ == Id.Expr_BinInt:
724 | assert c_under[:2] in ('0b', '0B'), c_under
725 | try:
726 | cval = value.Int(mops.FromStr(c_under[2:], 2))
727 | except ValueError:
728 | p_die('Binary int constant is too large', tok)
729 |
730 | elif typ == Id.Expr_OctInt:
731 | assert c_under[:2] in ('0o', '0O'), c_under
732 | try:
733 | cval = value.Int(mops.FromStr(c_under[2:], 8))
734 | except ValueError:
735 | p_die('Octal int constant is too large', tok)
736 |
737 | elif typ == Id.Expr_HexInt:
738 | assert c_under[:2] in ('0x', '0X'), c_under
739 | try:
740 | cval = value.Int(mops.FromStr(c_under[2:], 16))
741 | except ValueError:
742 | p_die('Hex int constant is too large', tok)
743 |
744 | elif typ == Id.Expr_Float:
745 | # Note: float() in mycpp/gc_builtins.cc currently uses strtod
746 | # I think this never raises ValueError, because the lexer
747 | # should only accept strings that strtod() does?
748 | cval = value.Float(float(c_under))
749 |
750 | elif typ == Id.Expr_Null:
751 | cval = value.Null
752 |
753 | elif typ == Id.Expr_True:
754 | cval = value.Bool(True)
755 |
756 | elif typ == Id.Expr_False:
757 | cval = value.Bool(False)
758 |
759 | # What to do with the char constants?
760 | # \n \u{3bc} #'a'
761 | # Are they integers or strings?
762 | #
763 | # Integers could be ord(\n), or strings could chr(\n)
764 | # Or just remove them, with ord(u'\n') and chr(u'\n')
765 | #
766 | # I think this relies on small string optimization. If we have it,
767 | # then 1-4 byte characters are efficient, and don't require heap
768 | # allocation.
769 |
770 | elif typ == Id.Char_OneChar:
771 | # TODO: look up integer directly?
772 | cval = num.ToBig(ord(consts.LookupCharC(tok_str[1])))
773 | elif typ == Id.Char_UBraced:
774 | hex_str = tok_str[3:-1] # \u{123}
775 | # ValueError shouldn't happen because lexer validates
776 | cval = value.Int(mops.FromStr(hex_str, 16))
777 |
778 | # This could be a char integer? Not sure
779 | elif typ == Id.Char_Pound:
780 | # TODO: accept UTF-8 code point instead of single byte
781 | byte = tok_str[2] # the a in #'a'
782 | cval = num.ToBig(ord(byte)) # It's an integer
783 |
784 | else:
785 | raise AssertionError(typ)
786 |
787 | return expr.Const(tok, cval)
788 |
789 | def _CheckLhs(self, lhs):
790 | # type: (expr_t) -> None
791 |
792 | UP_lhs = lhs
793 | with tagswitch(lhs) as case:
794 | if case(expr_e.Var):
795 | # OK - e.g. setvar a.b.c[i] = 42
796 | pass
797 |
798 | elif case(expr_e.Subscript):
799 | lhs = cast(Subscript, UP_lhs)
800 | self._CheckLhs(lhs.obj) # recurse on LHS
801 |
802 | elif case(expr_e.Attribute):
803 | lhs = cast(Attribute, UP_lhs)
804 | self._CheckLhs(lhs.obj) # recurse on LHS
805 |
806 | else:
807 | # Illegal - e.g. setglobal {}["key"] = 42
808 | p_die("Subscript/Attribute not allowed on this LHS expression",
809 | location.TokenForExpr(lhs))
810 |
811 | def _LhsExprList(self, p_node):
812 | # type: (PNode) -> List[y_lhs_t]
813 | """lhs_list: expr (',' expr)*"""
814 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.lhs_list
815 |
816 | lhs_list = [] # type: List[y_lhs_t]
817 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
818 | for i in xrange(0, n, 2):
819 | p = p_node.GetChild(i)
820 | #self.p_printer.Print(p)
821 |
822 | e = self.Expr(p)
823 | UP_e = e
824 | with tagswitch(e) as case:
825 | if case(expr_e.Var):
826 | e = cast(expr.Var, UP_e)
827 | lhs_list.append(e.left)
828 |
829 | elif case(expr_e.Subscript):
830 | e = cast(Subscript, UP_e)
831 | self._CheckLhs(e)
832 | lhs_list.append(e)
833 |
834 | elif case(expr_e.Attribute):
835 | e = cast(Attribute, UP_e)
836 | self._CheckLhs(e)
837 | if e.op.id != Id.Expr_Dot:
838 | # e.g. setvar obj->method is not valid
839 | p_die("Can't assign to this attribute expr", e.op)
840 | lhs_list.append(e)
841 |
842 | else:
843 | pass # work around mycpp bug
844 |
845 | # TODO: could blame arbitary expr_t, bu this works most of
846 | # the time
847 | if p.tok:
848 | blame = p.tok # type: loc_t
849 | else:
850 | blame = loc.Missing
851 | p_die("Can't assign to this expression", blame)
852 |
853 | return lhs_list
854 |
855 | def MakeVarDecl(self, p_node):
856 | # type: (PNode) -> command.VarDecl
857 | """
858 | ysh_var_decl: name_type_list ['=' testlist] end_stmt
859 | """
860 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.ysh_var_decl
861 |
862 | lhs = self._NameTypeList(p_node.GetChild(0)) # could be a tuple
863 |
864 | # This syntax is confusing, and different than JavaScript
865 | # var x, y = 1, 2
866 | # But this is useful:
867 | # var flag, i = parseArgs(spec, argv)
868 |
869 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
870 | if n >= 3:
871 | rhs = self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(2))
872 | else:
873 | rhs = None
874 |
875 | # The caller should fill in the keyword token.
876 | return command.VarDecl(None, lhs, rhs)
877 |
878 | def MakeMutation(self, p_node):
879 | # type: (PNode) -> command.Mutation
880 | """
881 | ysh_mutation: lhs_list (augassign | '=') testlist end_stmt
882 | """
883 | typ = p_node.typ
884 | assert typ == grammar_nt.ysh_mutation
885 |
886 | lhs_list = self._LhsExprList(p_node.GetChild(0)) # could be a tuple
887 | op_tok = p_node.GetChild(1).tok
888 | if len(lhs_list) > 1 and op_tok.id != Id.Arith_Equal:
889 | p_die('Multiple assignment must use =', op_tok)
890 | rhs = self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(2))
891 | return command.Mutation(None, lhs_list, op_tok, rhs)
892 |
893 | def _EggexFlag(self, p_node):
894 | # type: (PNode) -> EggexFlag
895 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
896 | if n == 1:
897 | return EggexFlag(False, p_node.GetChild(0).tok)
898 | elif n == 2:
899 | return EggexFlag(True, p_node.GetChild(1).tok)
900 | else:
901 | raise AssertionError()
902 |
903 | def _Eggex(self, p_node):
904 | # type: (PNode) -> Eggex
905 | """
906 | eggex: '/' regex [';' re_flag* [';' Expr_Name] ] '/'
907 | """
908 | left = p_node.GetChild(0).tok
909 | regex = self._Regex(p_node.GetChild(1))
910 |
911 | flags = [] # type: List[EggexFlag]
912 | trans_pref = None # type: Optional[Token]
913 |
914 | i = 2
915 | current = p_node.GetChild(i)
916 | if current.typ == Id.Op_Semi:
917 | i += 1
918 | while True:
919 | current = p_node.GetChild(i)
920 | if current.typ != grammar_nt.re_flag:
921 | break
922 | flags.append(self._EggexFlag(current))
923 | i += 1
924 |
925 | if current.typ == Id.Op_Semi:
926 | i += 1
927 | trans_pref = p_node.GetChild(i).tok
928 |
929 | # Canonicalize and validate flags for ERE only. Default is ERE.
930 | if trans_pref is None or lexer.TokenVal(trans_pref) == 'ERE':
931 | canonical_flags = regex_translate.CanonicalFlags(flags)
932 | else:
933 | canonical_flags = None
934 |
935 | return Eggex(left, regex, flags, trans_pref, canonical_flags)
936 |
937 | def YshCasePattern(self, pnode):
938 | # type: (PNode) -> pat_t
939 | assert pnode.typ == grammar_nt.ysh_case_pat, pnode
940 |
941 | pattern = pnode.GetChild(0)
942 | typ = pattern.typ
943 | if typ == Id.Op_LParen:
944 | # pat_expr or pat_else
945 | pattern = pnode.GetChild(1)
946 | typ = pattern.typ
947 |
948 | if typ == grammar_nt.pat_else:
949 | return pat.Else
950 |
951 | if typ == grammar_nt.pat_exprs:
952 | exprs = [] # type: List[expr_t]
953 | for i in xrange(pattern.NumChildren()):
954 | child = pattern.GetChild(i)
955 | if child.typ == grammar_nt.expr:
956 | expr = self.Expr(child)
957 | exprs.append(expr)
958 | return pat.YshExprs(exprs)
959 |
960 | if typ == grammar_nt.eggex:
961 | return self._Eggex(pattern)
962 |
963 | raise AssertionError()
964 |
965 | def _BlockArg(self, p_node):
966 | # type: (PNode) -> expr_t
967 |
968 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
969 | if n == 1:
970 | child = p_node.GetChild(0)
971 | return self.Expr(child)
972 |
973 | # It can only be an expression, not a=42, or ...expr
974 | p_die('Invalid block expression argument', p_node.tok)
975 |
976 | def _Argument(self, p_node, after_semi, arglist):
977 | # type: (PNode, bool, ArgList) -> None
978 | """
979 | argument: (
980 | test [comp_for]
981 | | test '=' test # named arg
982 | | '...' test # var args
983 | )
984 | """
985 | pos_args = arglist.pos_args
986 | named_args = arglist.named_args
987 |
988 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.argument, p_node
989 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
990 | if n == 1:
991 | child = p_node.GetChild(0)
992 | if after_semi:
993 | p_die(POS_ARG_MISPLACED, child.tok)
994 | arg = self.Expr(child)
995 | pos_args.append(arg)
996 | return
997 |
998 | if n == 2:
999 | # Note: We allow multiple spreads, just like Julia. They are
1000 | # concatenated as in lists and dicts.
1001 | tok0 = p_node.GetChild(0).tok
1002 | if tok0.id == Id.Expr_Ellipsis:
1003 | spread_expr = expr.Spread(tok0, self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(1)))
1004 | if after_semi: # f(; ... named)
1005 | named_args.append(NamedArg(None, spread_expr))
1006 | else: # f(...named)
1007 | pos_args.append(spread_expr)
1008 | return
1009 |
1010 | # Note: generator expression not implemented
1011 | if p_node.GetChild(1).typ == grammar_nt.comp_for:
1012 | child = p_node.GetChild(0)
1013 | if after_semi:
1014 | p_die(POS_ARG_MISPLACED, child.tok)
1015 |
1016 | elt = self.Expr(child)
1017 | comp = self._CompFor(p_node.GetChild(1))
1018 | arg = expr.GeneratorExp(elt, [comp])
1019 | pos_args.append(arg)
1020 | return
1021 |
1022 | raise AssertionError()
1023 |
1024 | if n == 3: # named args can come before or after the semicolon
1025 | n1 = NamedArg(
1026 | p_node.GetChild(0).tok, self.Expr(p_node.GetChild(2)))
1027 | named_args.append(n1)
1028 | return
1029 |
1030 | raise AssertionError()
1031 |
1032 | def _ArgGroup(self, p_node, after_semi, arglist):
1033 | # type: (PNode, bool, ArgList) -> None
1034 | """
1035 | arg_group: argument (',' argument)* [',']
1036 | """
1037 | for i in xrange(p_node.NumChildren()):
1038 | p_child = p_node.GetChild(i)
1039 | if p_child.typ == grammar_nt.argument:
1040 | self._Argument(p_child, after_semi, arglist)
1041 |
1042 | def _ArgList(self, p_node, arglist):
1043 | # type: (PNode, ArgList) -> None
1044 | """For both funcs and procs
1045 |
1046 | arglist: (
1047 | [arg_group]
1048 | [';' [arg_group]]
1049 | )
1050 |
1051 | arglist3: ...
1052 | """
1053 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
1054 | if n == 0:
1055 | return
1056 |
1057 | i = 0
1058 |
1059 | if i >= n:
1060 | return
1061 | child = p_node.GetChild(i)
1062 | if child.typ == grammar_nt.arg_group:
1063 | self._ArgGroup(child, False, arglist)
1064 | i += 1
1065 |
1066 | if i >= n:
1067 | return
1068 | child = p_node.GetChild(i)
1069 | if child.typ == Id.Op_Semi:
1070 | arglist.semi_tok = child.tok
1071 | i += 1
1072 |
1073 | # Named args after first semi-colon
1074 | if i >= n:
1075 | return
1076 | child = p_node.GetChild(i)
1077 | if child.typ == grammar_nt.arg_group:
1078 | self._ArgGroup(child, True, arglist)
1079 | i += 1
1080 |
1081 | #
1082 | # Special third group may have block expression - only for arglist3,
1083 | # used for procs!
1084 | #
1085 |
1086 | if i >= n:
1087 | return
1088 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.arglist3, p_node
1089 |
1090 | child = p_node.GetChild(i)
1091 | if child.typ == Id.Op_Semi:
1092 | arglist.semi_tok2 = child.tok
1093 | i += 1
1094 |
1095 | if i >= n:
1096 | return
1097 | child = p_node.GetChild(i)
1098 | if child.typ == grammar_nt.argument:
1099 | arglist.block_expr = self._BlockArg(child)
1100 | i += 1
1101 |
1102 | def ProcCallArgs(self, pnode, arglist):
1103 | # type: (PNode, ArgList) -> None
1104 | """
1105 | ysh_eager_arglist: '(' [arglist3] ')'
1106 | ysh_lazy_arglist: '[' [arglist] ']'
1107 | """
1108 | n = pnode.NumChildren()
1109 | if n == 2: # f()
1110 | return
1111 |
1112 | if n == 3:
1113 | child1 = pnode.GetChild(1) # the X in '( X )'
1114 |
1115 | self._ArgList(child1, arglist)
1116 | return
1117 |
1118 | raise AssertionError()
1119 |
1120 | def _TypeExpr(self, pnode):
1121 | # type: (PNode) -> TypeExpr
1122 | """
1123 | type_expr: Expr_Name [ '[' type_expr (',' type_expr)* ']' ]
1124 | """
1125 | assert pnode.typ == grammar_nt.type_expr, pnode.typ
1126 |
1127 | ty = TypeExpr.CreateNull() # don't allocate children
1128 |
1129 | ty.tok = pnode.GetChild(0).tok
1130 | ty.name = lexer.TokenVal(ty.tok)
1131 |
1132 | n = pnode.NumChildren()
1133 | if n == 1:
1134 | return ty
1135 |
1136 | ty.params = []
1137 | i = 2
1138 | while i < n:
1139 | p = self._TypeExpr(pnode.GetChild(i))
1140 | ty.params.append(p)
1141 | i += 2 # skip comma
1142 |
1143 | return ty
1144 |
1145 | def _Param(self, pnode):
1146 | # type: (PNode) -> Param
1147 | """
1148 | param: Expr_Name [type_expr] ['=' expr]
1149 | """
1150 | assert pnode.typ == grammar_nt.param
1151 |
1152 | name_tok = pnode.GetChild(0).tok
1153 | n = pnode.NumChildren()
1154 |
1155 | assert name_tok.id == Id.Expr_Name, name_tok
1156 |
1157 | default_val = None # type: expr_t
1158 | type_ = None # type: TypeExpr
1159 |
1160 | if n == 1:
1161 | # proc p(a)
1162 | pass
1163 |
1164 | elif n == 2:
1165 | # proc p(a Int)
1166 | type_ = self._TypeExpr(pnode.GetChild(1))
1167 |
1168 | elif n == 3:
1169 | # proc p(a = 3)
1170 | default_val = self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(2))
1171 |
1172 | elif n == 4:
1173 | # proc p(a Int = 3)
1174 | type_ = self._TypeExpr(pnode.GetChild(1))
1175 | default_val = self.Expr(pnode.GetChild(3))
1176 |
1177 | return Param(name_tok, lexer.TokenVal(name_tok), type_, default_val)
1178 |
1179 | def _ParamGroup(self, p_node):
1180 | # type: (PNode) -> ParamGroup
1181 | """
1182 | param_group:
1183 | (param ',')*
1184 | [ (param | '...' Expr_Name) [,] ]
1185 | """
1186 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.param_group, p_node
1187 |
1188 | params = [] # type: List[Param]
1189 | rest_of = None # type: Optional[RestParam]
1190 |
1191 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
1192 | i = 0
1193 | while i < n:
1194 | child = p_node.GetChild(i)
1195 | if child.typ == grammar_nt.param:
1196 | params.append(self._Param(child))
1197 |
1198 | elif child.typ == Id.Expr_Ellipsis:
1199 | tok = p_node.GetChild(i + 1).tok
1200 | rest_of = RestParam(tok, lexer.TokenVal(tok))
1201 |
1202 | i += 2
1203 |
1204 | return ParamGroup(params, rest_of)
1205 |
1206 | def Proc(self, p_node):
1207 | # type: (PNode) -> proc_sig_t
1208 | """
1209 | ysh_proc: (
1210 | [ '('
1211 | [ param_group ] # word params, with defaults
1212 | [ ';' [ param_group ] ] # positional typed params, with defaults
1213 | [ ';' [ param_group ] ] # named params, with defaults
1214 | [ ';' Expr_Name ] # optional block param, with no type or default
1215 | ')'
1216 | ]
1217 | '{' # opening { for pgen2
1218 | )
1219 | """
1220 | typ = p_node.typ
1221 | assert typ == grammar_nt.ysh_proc
1222 |
1223 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
1224 | if n == 1: # proc f {
1225 | return proc_sig.Open
1226 |
1227 | if n == 3: # proc f () {
1228 | sig = proc_sig.Closed.CreateNull(alloc_lists=True) # no params
1229 |
1230 | # proc f( three param groups, and block group )
1231 | sig = proc_sig.Closed.CreateNull(alloc_lists=True) # no params
1232 |
1233 | # Word args
1234 | i = 1
1235 | child = p_node.GetChild(i)
1236 | if child.typ == grammar_nt.param_group:
1237 | sig.word = self._ParamGroup(p_node.GetChild(i))
1238 |
1239 | # Validate word args
1240 | for word in sig.word.params:
1241 | if word.type:
1242 | if word.type.name not in ('Str', 'Ref'):
1243 | p_die('Word params may only have type Str or Ref',
1244 | word.type.tok)
1245 | if word.type.params is not None:
1246 | p_die('Unexpected type parameters', word.type.tok)
1247 |
1248 | i += 2
1249 | else:
1250 | i += 1
1251 |
1252 | #log('i %d n %d', i, n)
1253 | if i >= n:
1254 | return sig
1255 |
1256 | # Positional args
1257 | child = p_node.GetChild(i)
1258 | if child.typ == grammar_nt.param_group:
1259 | sig.positional = self._ParamGroup(p_node.GetChild(i))
1260 | i += 2
1261 | else:
1262 | i += 1
1263 |
1264 | #log('i %d n %d', i, n)
1265 | if i >= n:
1266 | return sig
1267 |
1268 | # Keyword args
1269 | child = p_node.GetChild(i)
1270 | if child.typ == grammar_nt.param_group:
1271 | sig.named = self._ParamGroup(p_node.GetChild(i))
1272 | i += 2
1273 | else:
1274 | i += 1
1275 |
1276 | #log('i %d n %d', i, n)
1277 | if i >= n:
1278 | return sig
1279 |
1280 | child = p_node.GetChild(i)
1281 | if child.typ == grammar_nt.param_group:
1282 | group = self._ParamGroup(p_node.GetChild(i))
1283 | params = group.params
1284 | if len(params) > 1:
1285 | p_die('Only 1 block param is allowed', params[1].blame_tok)
1286 | if group.rest_of:
1287 | p_die("Rest param isn't allowed for blocks",
1288 | group.rest_of.blame_tok)
1289 |
1290 | if len(params) == 1:
1291 | if params[0].type:
1292 | if params[0].type.name != 'Command':
1293 | p_die('Block param must have type Command',
1294 | params[0].type.tok)
1295 | if params[0].type.params is not None:
1296 | p_die('Unexpected type parameters', params[0].type.tok)
1297 |
1298 | sig.block_param = params[0]
1299 |
1300 | return sig
1301 |
1302 | def YshFunc(self, p_node, out):
1303 | # type: (PNode, Func) -> None
1304 | """
1305 | ysh_func: Expr_Name '(' [param_group] [';' param_group] ')'
1306 | """
1307 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.ysh_func
1308 |
1309 | #self.p_printer.Print(p_node)
1310 |
1311 | out.name = p_node.GetChild(0).tok
1312 |
1313 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
1314 | i = 2 # after (
1315 |
1316 | child = p_node.GetChild(i)
1317 | if child.typ == grammar_nt.param_group:
1318 | out.positional = self._ParamGroup(child)
1319 | i += 2 # skip past ;
1320 | else:
1321 | i += 1
1322 |
1323 | if i >= n:
1324 | return
1325 |
1326 | child = p_node.GetChild(i)
1327 | if child.typ == grammar_nt.param_group:
1328 | out.named = self._ParamGroup(child)
1329 |
1330 | #
1331 | # Eggex Language
1332 | #
1333 |
1334 | def _RangeCharSingleQuoted(self, p_node):
1335 | # type: (PNode) -> Optional[CharCode]
1336 |
1337 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.range_char, p_node
1338 |
1339 | # 'a' in 'a'-'b'
1340 |
1341 | child0 = p_node.GetChild(0)
1342 | if child0.typ == grammar_nt.sq_string:
1343 | sq_part = cast(SingleQuoted, child0.GetChild(1).tok)
1344 | n = len(sq_part.sval)
1345 | if n == 0:
1346 | p_die("Quoted range char can't be empty",
1347 | loc.WordPart(sq_part))
1348 | elif n == 1:
1349 | return CharCode(sq_part.left, ord(sq_part.sval[0]), False)
1350 | else:
1351 | p_die(RANGE_POINT_TOO_LONG, loc.WordPart(sq_part))
1352 | return None
1353 |
1354 | def _OtherRangeToken(self, p_node):
1355 | # type: (PNode) -> Token
1356 | """An endpoint of a range (single char)
1357 |
1358 | range_char: Expr_Name | Expr_DecInt | sq_string | char_literal
1359 | a-z 0-9 'a'-'z' \x00-\xff
1360 | """
1361 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.range_char, p_node
1362 |
1363 | child0 = p_node.GetChild(0)
1364 | if child0.typ == grammar_nt.char_literal:
1365 | # \x00 in /[\x00 - \x20]/
1366 | tok = child0.GetChild(0).tok
1367 | return tok
1368 |
1369 | tok = p_node.tok
1370 | # a in a-z is Expr_Name
1371 | # 0 in 0-9 is Expr_DecInt
1372 | assert tok.id in (Id.Expr_Name, Id.Expr_DecInt), tok
1373 |
1374 | if tok.length != 1:
1375 | p_die(RANGE_POINT_TOO_LONG, tok)
1376 | return tok
1377 |
1378 | def _NonRangeChars(self, p_node):
1379 | # type: (PNode) -> class_literal_term_t
1380 | """
1381 | \" \u1234 '#'
1382 | """
1383 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.range_char, p_node
1384 |
1385 | child0 = p_node.GetChild(0)
1386 | typ0 = p_node.GetChild(0).typ
1387 |
1388 | if typ0 == grammar_nt.sq_string:
1389 | return cast(SingleQuoted, child0.GetChild(1).tok)
1390 |
1391 | if typ0 == grammar_nt.char_literal:
1392 | return word_compile.EvalCharLiteralForRegex(child0.tok)
1393 |
1394 | if typ0 == Id.Expr_Name:
1395 | # Look up PerlClass and PosixClass
1396 | return self._NameInClass(None, child0.tok)
1397 |
1398 | raise AssertionError()
1399 |
1400 | def _ClassLiteralTerm(self, p_node):
1401 | # type: (PNode) -> class_literal_term_t
1402 | """
1403 | class_literal_term:
1404 | range_char ['-' range_char ]
1405 | | '@' Expr_Name # splice
1406 | | '!' Expr_Name # negate char class
1407 | ...
1408 | """
1409 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.class_literal_term, p_node
1410 |
1411 | typ0 = p_node.GetChild(0).typ
1412 |
1413 | if typ0 == grammar_nt.range_char:
1414 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
1415 |
1416 | if n == 1:
1417 | return self._NonRangeChars(p_node.GetChild(0))
1418 |
1419 | # 'a'-'z' etc.
1420 | if n == 3:
1421 | assert p_node.GetChild(1).typ == Id.Arith_Minus, p_node
1422 |
1423 | left = p_node.GetChild(0)
1424 | right = p_node.GetChild(2)
1425 |
1426 | code1 = self._RangeCharSingleQuoted(left)
1427 | if code1 is None:
1428 | tok1 = self._OtherRangeToken(left)
1429 | code1 = word_compile.EvalCharLiteralForRegex(tok1)
1430 |
1431 | code2 = self._RangeCharSingleQuoted(right)
1432 | if code2 is None:
1433 | tok2 = self._OtherRangeToken(right)
1434 | code2 = word_compile.EvalCharLiteralForRegex(tok2)
1435 | return CharRange(code1, code2)
1436 |
1437 | raise AssertionError()
1438 |
1439 | if typ0 == Id.Expr_At:
1440 | tok1 = p_node.GetChild(1).tok
1441 | return class_literal_term.Splice(tok1, lexer.TokenVal(tok1))
1442 |
1443 | if typ0 == Id.Expr_Bang:
1444 | return self._NameInClass(
1445 | p_node.GetChild(0).tok,
1446 | p_node.GetChild(1).tok)
1447 |
1448 | p_die("This kind of class literal term isn't implemented",
1449 | p_node.GetChild(0).tok)
1450 |
1451 | def _ClassLiteral(self, p_node):
1452 | # type: (PNode) -> List[class_literal_term_t]
1453 | """class_literal: '[' class_literal_term+ ']'."""
1454 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.class_literal
1455 | # skip [ and ]
1456 | terms = [] # type: List[class_literal_term_t]
1457 | for i in xrange(1, p_node.NumChildren() - 1):
1458 | terms.append(self._ClassLiteralTerm(p_node.GetChild(i)))
1459 |
1460 | return terms
1461 |
1462 | def _NameInRegex(self, negated_tok, tok):
1463 | # type: (Token, Token) -> re_t
1464 | tok_str = lexer.TokenVal(tok)
1465 | if tok_str == 'dot':
1466 | if negated_tok:
1467 | p_die("Can't negate this symbol", tok)
1468 | return re.Primitive(tok, Id.Eggex_Dot)
1469 |
1470 | if tok_str in POSIX_CLASSES:
1471 | return PosixClass(negated_tok, tok_str)
1472 |
1473 | perl = PERL_CLASSES.get(tok_str)
1474 | if perl is not None:
1475 | return PerlClass(negated_tok, perl)
1476 |
1477 | if tok_str[0].isupper(): # e.g. HexDigit
1478 | return re.Splice(tok, lexer.TokenVal(tok))
1479 |
1480 | p_die("%r isn't a character class" % tok_str, tok)
1481 |
1482 | def _NameInClass(self, negated_tok, tok):
1483 | # type: (Token, Token) -> class_literal_term_t
1484 | """Like the above, but 'dot' and 'd' don't mean anything within []"""
1485 | tok_str = lexer.TokenVal(tok)
1486 |
1487 | # A bare, unquoted character literal. In the grammar, this is expressed as
1488 | # range_char without an ending.
1489 |
1490 | # d is NOT 'digit', it's a literal 'd'!
1491 | if len(tok_str) == 1:
1492 | # Expr_Name matches VAR_NAME_RE, which starts with [a-zA-Z_]
1493 | assert tok.id in (Id.Expr_Name, Id.Expr_DecInt)
1494 |
1495 | if negated_tok: # [~d] is not allowed, only [~digit]
1496 | p_die("Can't negate this symbol", tok)
1497 | return word_compile.EvalCharLiteralForRegex(tok)
1498 |
1499 | # digit, word, but not d, w, etc.
1500 | if tok_str in POSIX_CLASSES:
1501 | return PosixClass(negated_tok, tok_str)
1502 |
1503 | perl = PERL_CLASSES.get(tok_str)
1504 | if perl is not None:
1505 | return PerlClass(negated_tok, perl)
1506 | p_die("%r isn't a character class" % tok_str, tok)
1507 |
1508 | def _ReAtom(self, p_atom):
1509 | # type: (PNode) -> re_t
1510 | """
1511 | re_atom: ( char_literal | ...
1512 | """
1513 | assert p_atom.typ == grammar_nt.re_atom, p_atom.typ
1514 |
1515 | child0 = p_atom.GetChild(0)
1516 |
1517 | typ0 = p_atom.GetChild(0).typ
1518 | tok0 = p_atom.GetChild(0).tok
1519 |
1520 | # Non-terminals
1521 |
1522 | if typ0 == grammar_nt.class_literal:
1523 | return re.CharClassLiteral(False, self._ClassLiteral(child0))
1524 |
1525 | if typ0 == grammar_nt.sq_string:
1526 | return cast(SingleQuoted, child0.GetChild(1).tok)
1527 |
1528 | if typ0 == grammar_nt.char_literal:
1529 | # Must be Id.Char_{OneChar,Hex,UBraced}
1530 | assert consts.GetKind(tok0.id) == Kind.Char
1531 | s = word_compile.EvalCStringToken(tok0.id, lexer.TokenVal(tok0))
1532 | return re.LiteralChars(tok0, s)
1533 |
1534 | # Special punctuation
1535 | if typ0 == Id.Expr_Dot: # .
1536 | return re.Primitive(tok0, Id.Eggex_Dot)
1537 |
1538 | if typ0 == Id.Arith_Caret: # ^
1539 | return re.Primitive(tok0, Id.Eggex_Start)
1540 |
1541 | if typ0 == Id.Expr_Dollar: # $
1542 | return re.Primitive(tok0, Id.Eggex_End)
1543 |
1544 | if typ0 == Id.Expr_Name:
1545 | # d digit -> PosixClass PerlClass etc.
1546 | return self._NameInRegex(None, tok0)
1547 |
1548 | if typ0 == Id.Expr_Symbol:
1549 | # Validate symbols here, like we validate PerlClass, etc.
1550 | tok_str = lexer.TokenVal(tok0)
1551 | if tok_str == '%start':
1552 | return re.Primitive(tok0, Id.Eggex_Start)
1553 | if tok_str == '%end':
1554 | return re.Primitive(tok0, Id.Eggex_End)
1555 | p_die("Unexpected token %r in regex" % tok_str, tok0)
1556 |
1557 | if typ0 == Id.Expr_At:
1558 | # | '@' Expr_Name
1559 | tok1 = p_atom.GetChild(1).tok
1560 | return re.Splice(tok0, lexer.TokenVal(tok1))
1561 |
1562 | if typ0 == Id.Expr_Bang:
1563 | # | '!' (Expr_Name | class_literal)
1564 | # | '!' '!' Expr_Name (Expr_Name | Expr_DecInt | '(' regex ')')
1565 | n = p_atom.NumChildren()
1566 | if n == 2:
1567 | child1 = p_atom.GetChild(1)
1568 | if child1.typ == grammar_nt.class_literal:
1569 | return re.CharClassLiteral(True,
1570 | self._ClassLiteral(child1))
1571 | else:
1572 | return self._NameInRegex(tok0, p_atom.GetChild(1).tok)
1573 | else:
1574 | # Note: !! conflicts with shell history
1575 | p_die(
1576 | "Backtracking with !! isn't implemented (requires Python/PCRE)",
1577 | p_atom.GetChild(1).tok)
1578 |
1579 | if typ0 == Id.Op_LParen:
1580 | # | '(' regex ')'
1581 |
1582 | # Note: in ERE (d+) is the same as <d+>. That is, Group becomes
1583 | # Capture.
1584 | return re.Group(self._Regex(p_atom.GetChild(1)))
1585 |
1586 | if typ0 == Id.Arith_Less:
1587 | # | '<' 'capture' regex ['as' Expr_Name] [':' Expr_Name] '>'
1588 |
1589 | n = p_atom.NumChildren()
1590 | assert n == 4 or n == 6 or n == 8, n
1591 |
1592 | # < capture d+ >
1593 | regex = self._Regex(p_atom.GetChild(2))
1594 |
1595 | as_name = None # type: Optional[Token]
1596 | func_name = None # type: Optional[Token]
1597 |
1598 | i = 3 # points at any of > as :
1599 |
1600 | typ = p_atom.GetChild(i).typ
1601 | if typ == Id.Expr_As:
1602 | as_name = p_atom.GetChild(i + 1).tok
1603 | i += 2
1604 |
1605 | typ = p_atom.GetChild(i).typ
1606 | if typ == Id.Arith_Colon:
1607 | func_name = p_atom.GetChild(i + 1).tok
1608 |
1609 | return re.Capture(regex, as_name, func_name)
1610 |
1611 | raise AssertionError(typ0)
1612 |
1613 | def _RepeatOp(self, p_repeat):
1614 | # type: (PNode) -> re_repeat_t
1615 | """
1616 | repeat_op: '+' | '*' | '?'
1617 | | '{' [Expr_Name] ('+' | '*' | '?' | repeat_range) '}'
1618 | """
1619 | assert p_repeat.typ == grammar_nt.repeat_op, p_repeat
1620 |
1621 | tok = p_repeat.GetChild(0).tok
1622 | id_ = tok.id
1623 |
1624 | if id_ in (Id.Arith_Plus, Id.Arith_Star, Id.Arith_QMark):
1625 | return tok # a+ a* a?
1626 |
1627 | if id_ == Id.Op_LBrace:
1628 | child1 = p_repeat.GetChild(1)
1629 | if child1.typ != grammar_nt.repeat_range:
1630 | # e.g. dot{N *} is .*?
1631 | p_die("Perl-style repetition isn't implemented with libc",
1632 | child1.tok)
1633 |
1634 | # repeat_range: (
1635 | # Expr_DecInt [',']
1636 | # | ',' Expr_DecInt
1637 | # | Expr_DecInt ',' Expr_DecInt
1638 | # )
1639 |
1640 | n = child1.NumChildren()
1641 | if n == 1: # {3}
1642 | tok = child1.GetChild(0).tok
1643 | return tok # different operator than + * ?
1644 |
1645 | if n == 2:
1646 | if child1.GetChild(0).typ == Id.Expr_DecInt: # {,3}
1647 | left = child1.GetChild(0).tok
1648 | return re_repeat.Range(left, lexer.TokenVal(left), '',
1649 | None)
1650 | else: # {1,}
1651 | right = child1.GetChild(1).tok
1652 | return re_repeat.Range(None, '', lexer.TokenVal(right),
1653 | right)
1654 |
1655 | if n == 3: # {1,3}
1656 | left = child1.GetChild(0).tok
1657 | right = child1.GetChild(2).tok
1658 | return re_repeat.Range(left, lexer.TokenVal(left),
1659 | lexer.TokenVal(right), right)
1660 |
1661 | raise AssertionError(n)
1662 |
1663 | raise AssertionError(id_)
1664 |
1665 | def _ReAlt(self, p_node):
1666 | # type: (PNode) -> re_t
1667 | """
1668 | re_alt: (re_atom [repeat_op])+
1669 | """
1670 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.re_alt
1671 |
1672 | i = 0
1673 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
1674 | seq = [] # type: List[re_t]
1675 | while i < n:
1676 | r = self._ReAtom(p_node.GetChild(i))
1677 | i += 1
1678 | if i < n and p_node.GetChild(i).typ == grammar_nt.repeat_op:
1679 | repeat_op = self._RepeatOp(p_node.GetChild(i))
1680 | r = re.Repeat(r, repeat_op)
1681 | i += 1
1682 | seq.append(r)
1683 |
1684 | if len(seq) == 1:
1685 | return seq[0]
1686 | else:
1687 | return re.Seq(seq)
1688 |
1689 | def _Regex(self, p_node):
1690 | # type: (PNode) -> re_t
1691 | """
1692 | regex: [re_alt] (('|'|'or') re_alt)*
1693 | """
1694 | assert p_node.typ == grammar_nt.regex
1695 |
1696 | n = p_node.NumChildren()
1697 | alts = [] # type: List[re_t]
1698 | for i in xrange(0, n, 2): # was children[::2]
1699 | c = p_node.GetChild(i)
1700 | alts.append(self._ReAlt(c))
1701 |
1702 | if len(alts) == 1:
1703 | return alts[0]
1704 | else:
1705 | return re.Alt(alts)
1706 |
1707 |
1708 | # vim: sw=4