1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """
3 | soil/web.py - Dashboard that uses the "Event Sourcing" Paradigm
4 |
5 | Given state like this:
6 |
7 | https://test.oils-for-unix.org/
8 | github-jobs/
9 | 1234/ # $GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER
10 | cpp-small.tsv # benchmarks/time.py output. Success/failure for each task.
11 | cpp-small.json # metadata when job is DONE
12 |
13 | (cpp-small.wwz is linked to, but not part of the state.)
14 |
15 | (cpp-small.state # maybe for more transient events)
16 |
17 | This script generates:
18 |
19 | https://test.oils-for-unix.org/
20 | github-jobs/
21 | tmp-$$.index.html # jobs for all runs
22 | 1234/
23 | tmp-$$.index.html # jobs and tasks for a given run
24 | tmp-$$.remove.txt # TODO: consolidate 'cleanup', to make it faster
25 |
26 | # For sourcehut
27 | git-0101abab/
28 | tmp-$$.index.html
29 |
30 | How to test changes to this file:
31 |
32 | $ soil/web-init.sh deploy-code
33 | $ soil/web-worker.sh remote-rewrite-jobs-index github- ${GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}
34 | $ soil/web-worker.sh remote-rewrite-jobs-index srht- git-${commit_hash}
35 |
36 | """
37 | from __future__ import print_function
38 |
39 | import collections
40 | import csv
41 | import datetime
42 | import json
43 | import itertools
44 | import os
45 | import re
46 | import sys
47 | from doctools import html_head
48 | from vendor import jsontemplate
49 |
50 |
51 | def log(msg, *args):
52 | if args:
53 | msg = msg % args
54 | print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
55 |
56 |
57 | # *** UNUSED because it only makes sense on a dynamic web page! ***
58 | # Loosely based on
59 | # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1551382/user-friendly-time-format-in-python
60 |
61 | SECS_IN_DAY = 86400
62 |
63 |
64 | def PrettyTime(now, start_time):
65 | """
66 | Return a pretty string like 'an hour ago', 'Yesterday', '3 months ago', 'just
67 | now', etc
68 | """
69 | delta = now - start_time
70 |
71 | if delta < 10:
72 | return "just now"
73 | if delta < 60:
74 | return "%d seconds ago" % delta
75 | if delta < 120:
76 | return "a minute ago"
77 | if delta < 3600:
78 | return "%d minutes ago" % (delta // 60)
79 | if delta < 7200:
80 | return "an hour ago"
81 | if delta < SECS_IN_DAY:
82 | return "%d hours ago" % (delta // 3600)
83 |
84 | if delta < 2 * SECS_IN_DAY:
85 | return "Yesterday"
86 | if delta < 7 * SECS_IN_DAY:
87 | return "%d days ago" % (delta // SECS_IN_DAY)
88 |
89 | if day_diff < 31 * SECS_IN_DAY:
90 | return "%d weeks ago" % (delta / SECS_IN_DAY / 7)
91 |
92 | if day_diff < 365:
93 | return "%d months ago" % (delta / SECS_IN_DAY / 30)
94 |
95 | return "%d years ago" % (delta / SECS_IN_DAY / 365)
96 |
97 |
98 | def _MinutesSeconds(num_seconds):
99 | num_seconds = round(num_seconds) # round to integer
100 | minutes = num_seconds / 60
101 | seconds = num_seconds % 60
102 | return '%d:%02d' % (minutes, seconds)
103 |
104 |
105 | LINE_RE = re.compile(r'(\w+)[ ]+([\d.]+)')
106 |
107 | def _ParsePullTime(time_p_str):
108 | """
109 | Given time -p output like
110 |
111 | real 0.01
112 | user 0.02
113 | sys 0.02
114 |
115 | Return the real time as a string, or - if we don't know it.
116 | """
117 | for line in time_p_str.splitlines():
118 | m = LINE_RE.match(line)
119 | if m:
120 | name, value = m.groups()
121 | if name == 'real':
122 | return _MinutesSeconds(float(value))
123 |
124 | return '-' # Not found
125 |
126 |
127 | DETAILS_RUN_T = jsontemplate.Template('''\
128 |
129 | <table>
130 | <tr class="spacer">
131 | <td></td>
132 | </tr>
133 |
134 | <tr class="commit-row">
135 | <td>
136 | <code>
137 | {.section github-commit-link}
138 | <a href="https://github.com/oilshell/oil/commit/{commit-hash}">{commit-hash-short}</a>
139 | {.end}
140 |
141 | {.section sourcehut-commit-link}
142 | <a href="https://git.sr.ht/~andyc/oil/commit/{commit-hash}">{commit-hash-short}</a>
143 | {.end}
144 | </code>
145 | </td>
146 |
147 | <td class="commit-line">
148 | {.section github-pr}
149 | <i>
150 | PR <a href="https://github.com/oilshell/oil/pull/{pr-number}">#{pr-number}</a>
151 | from <a href="https://github.com/oilshell/oil/tree/{head-ref}">{head-ref}</a>
152 | </i>
153 | {.end}
154 | {.section commit-desc}
155 | {@|html}
156 | {.end}
157 |
158 | {.section git-branch}
159 | <br/>
160 | <div style="text-align: right; font-family: monospace">{@}</div>
161 | {.end}
162 | </td>
163 |
164 | </tr>
165 | <tr class="spacer">
166 | <td><td/>
167 | </tr>
168 |
169 | </table>
170 | ''')
171 |
172 |
173 | DETAILS_TABLE_T = jsontemplate.Template('''\
174 | <table class="col1-right col3-right col4-right col5-right col6-right">
175 |
176 | <thead>
177 | <tr>
178 | <td>ID</td>
179 | <td>Job Name</td>
180 | <td>Start Time</td>
181 | <td>Pull Time</td>
182 | <td>Run Time</td>
183 | <td>Status</td>
184 | </tr>
185 | </thead>
186 |
187 | {.repeated section jobs}
188 | <tr>
189 |
190 | <td>{job_num}</td>
191 |
192 | <!-- internal link -->
193 | <td> <code><a href="#job-{job-name}">{job-name}</a></code> </td>
194 |
195 | <td><a href="{job_url}">{start_time_str}</a></td>
196 | <td>
197 | {.section pull_time_str}
198 | <a href="{run_wwz_path}/_tmp/soil/image.html">{@}</a>
199 | {.or}
200 | -
201 | {.end}
202 | </td>
203 |
204 | <td>{run_time_str}</td>
205 |
206 | <td> <!-- status -->
207 | {.section passed}
208 | <span class="pass">pass</span>
209 | {.end}
210 |
211 | {.section failed}
212 | <span class="fail">FAIL</span><br/>
213 | <span class="fail-detail">
214 | {.section one-failure}
215 | task <code>{@}</code>
216 | {.end}
217 |
218 | {.section multiple-failures}
219 | {num-failures} of {num-tasks} tasks
220 | {.end}
221 | </span>
222 | {.end}
223 | </td>
224 |
225 | </tr>
226 | {.end}
227 |
228 | </table>
229 | ''')
230 |
231 |
232 | def ParseJobs(stdin):
233 | """
234 | Given the output of list-json, open JSON and corresponding TSV, and yield a
235 | list of JSON template rows.
236 | """
237 | for i, line in enumerate(stdin):
238 | json_path = line.strip()
239 |
240 | #if i % 20 == 0:
241 | # log('job %d = %s', i, json_path)
242 |
243 | with open(json_path) as f:
244 | meta = json.load(f)
245 | #print(meta)
246 |
247 | tsv_path = json_path[:-5] + '.tsv'
248 | #log('%s', tsv_path)
249 |
250 | all_tasks = []
251 | failed_tasks = []
252 | total_elapsed = 0.0
253 |
254 | with open(tsv_path) as f:
255 | reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
256 |
257 | try:
258 | for row in reader:
259 | t = {}
260 | # Unpack, matching _tmp/soil/INDEX.tsv
261 | ( status, elapsed,
262 | t['name'], t['script_name'], t['func'], results_url) = row
263 |
264 | t['results_url'] = None if results_url == '-' else results_url
265 |
266 | status = int(status)
267 | elapsed = float(elapsed)
268 |
269 | t['elapsed_str'] = _MinutesSeconds(elapsed)
270 |
271 | all_tasks.append(t)
272 |
273 | t['status'] = status
274 | if status == 0:
275 | t['passed'] = True
276 | else:
277 | t['failed'] = True
278 | failed_tasks.append(t)
279 |
280 | total_elapsed += elapsed
281 |
282 | except (IndexError, ValueError) as e:
283 | raise RuntimeError('Error in %r: %s (%r)' % (tsv_path, e, row))
284 |
285 | # So we can print task tables
286 | meta['tasks'] = all_tasks
287 |
288 | num_failures = len(failed_tasks)
289 |
290 | if num_failures == 0:
291 | meta['passed'] = True
292 | else:
293 | failed = {}
294 | if num_failures == 1:
295 | failed['one-failure'] = failed_tasks[0]['name']
296 | else:
297 | failed['multiple-failures'] = {
298 | 'num-failures': num_failures,
299 | 'num-tasks': len(all_tasks),
300 | }
301 | meta['failed'] = failed
302 |
303 | meta['run_time_str'] = _MinutesSeconds(total_elapsed)
304 |
305 | pull_time = meta.get('image-pull-time')
306 | if pull_time is not None:
307 | meta['pull_time_str'] = _ParsePullTime(pull_time)
308 |
309 | start_time = meta.get('task-run-start-time')
310 | if start_time is None:
311 | start_time_str = '?'
312 | else:
313 | # Note: this is different clock! Could be desynchronized.
314 | # Doesn't make sense this is static!
315 | #now = time.time()
316 | start_time = int(start_time)
317 |
318 | t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(start_time)
319 | # %-I avoids leading 0, and is 12 hour date.
320 | # lower() for 'pm' instead of 'PM'.
321 | start_time_str = t.strftime('%-m/%d at %-I:%M%p').lower()
322 |
323 | #start_time_str = PrettyTime(now, start_time)
324 |
325 | meta['start_time_str'] = start_time_str
326 |
327 | # Metadata for a "run". A run is for a single commit, and consists of many
328 | # jobs.
329 |
330 | meta['git-branch'] = meta.get('GITHUB_REF')
331 |
332 | # Show the branch ref/heads/soil-staging or ref/pull/1577/merge (linkified)
333 | pr_head_ref = meta.get('GITHUB_PR_HEAD_REF')
334 | pr_number = meta.get('GITHUB_PR_NUMBER')
335 |
336 | if pr_head_ref and pr_number:
337 | meta['github-pr'] = {
338 | 'head-ref': pr_head_ref,
339 | 'pr-number': pr_number,
340 | }
341 |
342 | # Show the user's commit, not the merge commit
343 | commit_hash = meta.get('GITHUB_PR_HEAD_SHA') or '?'
344 |
345 | else:
346 | # From soil/worker.sh save-metadata. This is intended to be
347 | # CI-independent, while the environment variables above are from Github.
348 | meta['commit-desc'] = meta.get('commit-line', '?')
349 | commit_hash = meta.get('commit-hash') or '?'
350 |
351 | commit_link = {
352 | 'commit-hash': commit_hash,
353 | 'commit-hash-short': commit_hash[:8],
354 | }
355 |
356 | meta['job-name'] = meta.get('job-name') or '?'
357 |
358 | # Metadata for "Job"
359 |
360 | # GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER (project-scoped) is shorter than GITHUB_RUN_ID (global
361 | # scope)
362 | github_run = meta.get('GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER')
363 |
364 | if github_run:
365 | meta['job_num'] = github_run
366 | meta['index_run_url'] = '%s/' % github_run
367 |
368 | meta['github-commit-link'] = commit_link
369 |
370 | run_url_prefix = ''
371 | else:
372 | sourcehut_job_id = meta['JOB_ID']
373 | meta['job_num'] = sourcehut_job_id
374 | meta['index_run_url'] = 'git-%s/' % meta['commit-hash']
375 |
376 | meta['sourcehut-commit-link'] = commit_link
377 |
378 | # sourcehut doesn't have RUN ID, so we're in
379 | # srht-jobs/git-ab01cd/index.html, and need to find srht-jobs/123/foo.wwz
380 | run_url_prefix = '../%s/' % sourcehut_job_id
381 |
382 | # For Github, we construct $JOB_URL in soil/github-actions.sh
383 | meta['job_url'] = meta.get('JOB_URL') or '?'
384 |
385 | prefix, _ = os.path.splitext(json_path) # x/y/123/myjob
386 | parts = prefix.split('/')
387 |
388 | # Paths relative to github-jobs/1234/
389 | meta['run_wwz_path'] = run_url_prefix + parts[-1] + '.wwz' # myjob.wwz
390 | meta['run_tsv_path'] = run_url_prefix + parts[-1] + '.tsv' # myjob.tsv
391 | meta['run_json_path'] = run_url_prefix + parts[-1] + '.json' # myjob.json
392 |
393 | # Relative to github-jobs/
394 | last_two_parts = parts[-2:] # ['123', 'myjob']
395 | meta['index_wwz_path'] = '/'.join(last_two_parts) + '.wwz' # 123/myjob.wwz
396 |
397 | yield meta
398 |
399 |
400 | HTML_BODY_TOP_T = jsontemplate.Template('''
401 | <body class="width50">
402 | <p id="home-link">
403 | <a href="..">Up</a>
404 | | <a href="/">travis-ci.oilshell.org</a>
405 | | <a href="//oilshell.org/">oilshell.org</a>
406 | </p>
407 |
408 | <h1>{title|html}</h1>
409 | ''')
410 |
411 | HTML_BODY_BOTTOM = '''\
412 | </body>
413 | </html>
414 | '''
415 |
416 | INDEX_HEADER = '''\
417 | <table>
418 | <thead>
419 | <tr>
420 | <td colspan=1> Commit </td>
421 | <td colspan=1> Description </td>
422 | </tr>
423 | </thead>
424 | '''
425 |
426 | INDEX_RUN_ROW_T = jsontemplate.Template('''\
427 | <tr class="spacer">
428 | <td colspan=2></td>
429 | </tr>
430 |
431 | <tr class="commit-row">
432 | <td>
433 | <code>
434 | {.section github-commit-link}
435 | <a href="https://github.com/oilshell/oil/commit/{commit-hash}">{commit-hash-short}</a>
436 | {.end}
437 |
438 | {.section sourcehut-commit-link}
439 | <a href="https://git.sr.ht/~andyc/oil/commit/{commit-hash}">{commit-hash-short}</a>
440 | {.end}
441 | </code>
442 |
443 | </td>
444 | </td>
445 |
446 | <td class="commit-line">
447 | {.section github-pr}
448 | <i>
449 | PR <a href="https://github.com/oilshell/oil/pull/{pr-number}">#{pr-number}</a>
450 | from <a href="https://github.com/oilshell/oil/tree/{head-ref}">{head-ref}</a>
451 | </i>
452 | {.end}
453 | {.section commit-desc}
454 | {@|html}
455 | {.end}
456 |
457 | {.section git-branch}
458 | <br/>
459 | <div style="text-align: right; font-family: monospace">{@}</div>
460 | {.end}
461 | </td>
462 |
463 | </tr>
464 | <tr class="spacer">
465 | <td colspan=2><td/>
466 | </tr>
467 | ''')
468 |
469 | INDEX_JOBS_T = jsontemplate.Template('''\
470 | <tr>
471 | <td>
472 | </td>
473 | <td>
474 | <a href="{index_run_url}">All Jobs and Tasks</a>
475 | </td>
476 | </tr>
477 |
478 | {.section jobs-passed}
479 | <tr>
480 | <td class="pass">
481 | Passed
482 | </td>
483 | <td>
484 | {.repeated section @}
485 | <code class="pass">{job-name}</code>
486 | <!--
487 | <span class="pass"> ✓ </span>
488 | -->
489 | {.alternates with}
490 |
491 | {.end}
492 | </td>
493 | </tr>
494 | {.end}
495 |
496 | {.section jobs-failed}
497 | <tr>
498 | <td class="fail">
499 | Failed
500 | </td>
501 | <td>
502 | {.repeated section @}
503 | <span class="fail"> ✗ </span>
504 | <code><a href="{index_run_url}#job-{job-name}">{job-name}</a></code>
505 |
506 | <span class="fail-detail">
507 | {.section failed}
508 | {.section one-failure}
509 | - task <code>{@}</code>
510 | {.end}
511 |
512 | {.section multiple-failures}
513 | - {num-failures} of {num-tasks} tasks
514 | {.end}
515 | {.end}
516 | </span>
517 |
518 | {.alternates with}
519 | <br />
520 | {.end}
521 | </td>
522 | </tr>
523 | {.end}
524 |
525 | <tr class="spacer">
526 | <td colspan=3> </td>
527 | </tr>
528 |
529 | ''')
530 |
531 | def PrintIndexHtml(title, groups, f=sys.stdout):
532 | # Bust cache (e.g. Safari iPad seems to cache aggressively and doesn't
533 | # have Ctrl-F5)
534 | html_head.Write(f, title,
535 | css_urls=['../web/base.css?cache=0', '../web/soil.css?cache=0'])
536 |
537 | d = {'title': title}
538 | print(HTML_BODY_TOP_T.expand(d), file=f)
539 |
540 | print(INDEX_HEADER, file=f)
541 |
542 | for key, jobs in groups.iteritems():
543 | # All jobs have run-level metadata, so just use the first
544 |
545 | print(INDEX_RUN_ROW_T.expand(jobs[0]), file=f)
546 |
547 | summary = {
548 | 'jobs-passed': [],
549 | 'jobs-failed': [],
550 | 'index_run_url': jobs[0]['index_run_url'],
551 | }
552 |
553 | for job in jobs:
554 | if job.get('passed'):
555 | summary['jobs-passed'].append(job)
556 | else:
557 | summary['jobs-failed'].append(job)
558 |
559 | print(INDEX_JOBS_T.expand(summary), file=f)
560 |
561 | print(' </table>', file=f)
562 | print(HTML_BODY_BOTTOM, file=f)
563 |
564 |
565 | TASK_TABLE_T = jsontemplate.Template('''\
566 |
567 | <h2>All Tasks</h2>
568 |
569 | <!-- right justify elapsed and status -->
570 | <table class="col2-right col3-right col4-right">
571 |
572 | {.repeated section jobs}
573 |
574 | <tr> <!-- link here -->
575 | <td colspan=4>
576 | <a name="job-{job-name}"></a>
577 | </td>
578 | </tr>
579 |
580 | <tr style="background-color: #EEE">
581 | <td colspan=3>
582 | <b>{job-name}</b>
583 |
584 |
585 |
586 | <a href="{run_wwz_path}/">wwz</a>
587 |
588 | <a href="{run_tsv_path}">TSV</a>
589 |
590 | <a href="{run_json_path}">JSON</a>
591 | <td>
592 | <a href="">Up</a>
593 | </td>
594 | </tr>
595 |
596 | <tr class="spacer">
597 | <td colspan=4> </td>
598 | </tr>
599 |
600 | <tr style="font-weight: bold">
601 | <td>Task</td>
602 | <td>Results</td>
603 | <td>Elapsed</td>
604 | <td>Status</td>
605 | </tr>
606 |
607 | {.repeated section tasks}
608 | <tr>
609 | <td>
610 | <a href="{run_wwz_path}/_tmp/soil/logs/{name}.txt">{name}</a> <br/>
611 | <code>{script_name} {func}</code>
612 | </td>
613 |
614 | <td>
615 | {.section results_url}
616 | <a href="{run_wwz_path}/{@}">Results</a>
617 | {.or}
618 | {.end}
619 | </td>
620 |
621 | <td>{elapsed_str}</td>
622 |
623 | {.section passed}
624 | <td>{status}</td>
625 | {.end}
626 | {.section failed}
627 | <td class="fail">status: {status}</td>
628 | {.end}
629 |
630 | </tr>
631 | {.end}
632 |
633 | <tr class="spacer">
634 | <td colspan=4> </td>
635 | </tr>
636 |
637 | {.end}
638 |
639 | </table>
640 |
641 | ''')
642 |
643 |
644 | def PrintRunHtml(title, jobs, f=sys.stdout):
645 | """Print index for jobs in a single run."""
646 |
647 | # Have to descend an extra level
648 | html_head.Write(f, title,
649 | css_urls=['../../web/base.css?cache=0', '../../web/soil.css?cache=0'])
650 |
651 | d = {'title': title}
652 | print(HTML_BODY_TOP_T.expand(d), file=f)
653 |
654 | print(DETAILS_RUN_T.expand(jobs[0]), file=f)
655 |
656 | d2 = {'jobs': jobs}
657 | print(DETAILS_TABLE_T.expand(d2), file=f)
658 |
659 | print(TASK_TABLE_T.expand(d2), file=f)
660 |
661 | print(HTML_BODY_BOTTOM, file=f)
662 |
663 |
664 | def GroupJobs(jobs, key_func):
665 | """
666 | Expands groupby result into a simple dict
667 | """
668 | groups = itertools.groupby(jobs, key=key_func)
669 |
670 | d = collections.OrderedDict()
671 |
672 | for key, job_iter in groups:
673 | jobs = list(job_iter)
674 |
675 | jobs.sort(key=ByTaskRunStartTime, reverse=True)
676 |
677 | d[key] = jobs
678 |
679 | return d
680 |
681 |
682 | def ByTaskRunStartTime(row):
683 | return int(row.get('task-run-start-time', 0))
684 |
685 | def ByCommitDate(row):
686 | # Written in the shell script
687 | # This is in ISO 8601 format (git log %aI), so we can sort by it.
688 | return row.get('commit-date', '?')
689 |
690 | def ByCommitHash(row):
691 | return row.get('commit-hash', '?')
692 |
693 | def ByGithubRun(row):
694 | # Written in the shell script
695 | # This is in ISO 8601 format (git log %aI), so we can sort by it.
696 | return int(row.get('GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER', 0))
697 |
698 |
699 | def main(argv):
700 | action = argv[1]
701 |
702 | if action == 'srht-index':
703 | index_out = argv[2]
704 | run_index_out = argv[3]
705 | run_id = argv[4] # looks like git-0101abab
706 |
707 | assert run_id.startswith('git-'), run_id
708 | commit_hash = run_id[4:]
709 |
710 | jobs = list(ParseJobs(sys.stdin))
711 |
712 | # sourcehut doesn't have a build number.
713 | # - Sort by descnding commit date. (Minor problem: Committing on a VM with
714 | # bad clock can cause commits "in the past")
715 | # - Group by commit HASH, because 'git rebase' can crate different commits
716 | # with the same date.
717 | jobs.sort(key=ByCommitDate, reverse=True)
718 | groups = GroupJobs(jobs, ByCommitHash)
719 |
720 | title = 'Recent Jobs (sourcehut)'
721 | with open(index_out, 'w') as f:
722 | PrintIndexHtml(title, groups, f=f)
723 |
724 | jobs = groups[commit_hash]
725 | title = 'Jobs for commit %s' % commit_hash
726 | with open(run_index_out, 'w') as f:
727 | PrintRunHtml(title, jobs, f=f)
728 |
729 | elif action == 'github-index':
730 |
731 | index_out = argv[2]
732 | run_index_out = argv[3]
733 | run_id = int(argv[4]) # compared as an integer
734 |
735 | jobs = list(ParseJobs(sys.stdin))
736 |
737 | jobs.sort(key=ByGithubRun, reverse=True) # ordered
738 | groups = GroupJobs(jobs, ByGithubRun)
739 |
740 | title = 'Recent Jobs (Github Actions)'
741 | with open(index_out, 'w') as f:
742 | PrintIndexHtml(title, groups, f=f)
743 |
744 | jobs = groups[run_id]
745 | title = 'Jobs for run %d' % run_id
746 |
747 | with open(run_index_out, 'w') as f:
748 | PrintRunHtml(title, jobs, f=f)
749 |
750 | elif action == 'cleanup':
751 | try:
752 | num_to_keep = int(argv[2])
753 | except IndexError:
754 | num_to_keep = 200
755 |
756 | prefixes = []
757 | for line in sys.stdin:
758 | json_path = line.strip()
759 |
760 | #log('%s', json_path)
761 | prefixes.append(json_path[:-5])
762 |
763 | log('%s cleanup: keep %d', sys.argv[0], num_to_keep)
764 | log('%s cleanup: got %d JSON paths', sys.argv[0], len(prefixes))
765 |
766 | # TODO: clean up git-$hash dirs
767 | #
768 | # github-jobs/
770 | # cpp-tarball.{json,wwz,tsv}
771 | # dummy.{json,wwz,tsv}
772 | # git-$hash/
773 | # oils-for-unix.tar
774 | #
775 | # srht-jobs/
776 | # 1234/
777 | # cpp-tarball.{json,wwz,tsv}
778 | # 1235/
779 | # dummy.{json,wwz,tsv}
780 | # git-$hash/
781 | # index.html # HTML for this job
782 | # oils-for-unix.tar
783 | #
784 | # We might have to read the most recent JSON, find the corresponding $hash,
785 | # and print that dir.
786 | #
787 | # Another option is to use a real database, rather than the file system!
788 |
789 | # Sort by 999 here
790 | # travis-ci.oilshell.org/github-jobs/999/foo.json
791 |
792 | prefixes.sort(key = lambda path: int(path.split('/')[-2]))
793 |
794 | prefixes = prefixes[:-num_to_keep]
795 |
796 | # Show what to delete. Then the user can pipe to xargs rm to remove it.
797 | for prefix in prefixes:
798 | print(prefix + '.json')
799 | print(prefix + '.tsv')
800 | print(prefix + '.wwz')
801 |
802 | else:
803 | raise RuntimeError('Invalid action %r' % action)
804 |
805 |
806 | if __name__ == '__main__':
807 | try:
808 | main(sys.argv)
809 | except RuntimeError as e:
810 | print('FATAL: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
811 | sys.exit(1)