1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Translate parts of Oil with mycpp, to work around circular deps issue.
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # prebuilt/translate.sh <function name>
7 |
8 | set -o nounset
9 | set -o pipefail
10 | set -o errexit
11 |
12 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
13 |
14 | source mycpp/common.sh # MYPY_REPO
15 | source devtools/run-task.sh # run-task
16 | source build/ninja-rules-cpp.sh
17 |
18 | readonly TEMP_DIR=_build/tmp
19 |
20 | oils-part() {
21 | ### Translate ASDL deps for unit tests
22 |
23 | local out_prefix=$1
24 | local raw_header=$2
25 | local guard=$3
26 | local more_include=$4
27 | shift 4
28 |
29 | local name=asdl_runtime
30 | local raw=$TEMP_DIR/${name}_raw.cc
31 |
32 | mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR
33 |
34 | # j8_lite depends on pyext/fastfunc.pyi
35 | local mypypath=$REPO_ROOT:$REPO_ROOT/pyext
36 |
37 | local mycpp=_bin/shwrap/mycpp_main
38 |
39 | ninja $mycpp
40 | $mycpp \
41 | $mypypath $raw \
42 | --header-out $raw_header \
43 | "$@"
44 |
45 | {
46 | echo "// $out_prefix.h: GENERATED by mycpp"
47 | echo
48 | echo "#ifndef $guard"
49 | echo "#define $guard"
50 | echo
51 | echo '#include "_gen/asdl/hnode.asdl.h"'
52 | echo '#include "cpp/data_lang.h"'
53 | echo '#include "mycpp/runtime.h"'
54 | echo "$more_include"
55 |
56 | cat $raw_header
57 |
58 | echo "#endif // $guard"
59 |
60 | } > $out_prefix.h
61 |
62 | { cat <<EOF
63 | // $out_prefix.cc: GENERATED by mycpp
64 |
65 | #include "$out_prefix.h"
66 | EOF
67 | cat $raw
68 |
69 | } > $out_prefix.cc
70 | }
71 |
72 | readonly -a ASDL_FILES=(
73 | $REPO_ROOT/{asdl/runtime,asdl/format,core/ansi,pylib/cgi,data_lang/j8_lite}.py \
74 | )
75 |
76 | asdl-runtime() {
77 | mkdir -p prebuilt/asdl $TEMP_DIR/asdl
78 | oils-part \
79 | prebuilt/asdl/runtime.mycpp \
80 | $TEMP_DIR/asdl/runtime_raw.mycpp.h \
82 | '' \
83 | --to-header asdl.runtime \
84 | --to-header asdl.format \
85 | "${ASDL_FILES[@]}"
86 | }
87 |
88 | core-error() {
89 | # Depends on frontend/syntax_asdl
90 |
91 | mkdir -p prebuilt/core $TEMP_DIR/core
92 | oils-part \
93 | prebuilt/core/error.mycpp \
94 | $TEMP_DIR/core/error.mycpp.h \
96 | '
97 | #include "_gen/core/runtime.asdl.h"
98 | #include "_gen/core/value.asdl.h"
99 | #include "_gen/frontend/syntax.asdl.h"
100 |
101 | using value_asdl::value; // This is a bit ad hoc
102 | ' \
103 | --to-header core.error \
104 | core/error.py
105 | }
106 |
107 | frontend-args() {
108 | # Depends on core/runtime_asdl
109 |
110 | mkdir -p prebuilt/frontend $TEMP_DIR/frontend
111 | oils-part \
112 | prebuilt/frontend/args.mycpp \
113 | $TEMP_DIR/frontend/args_raw.mycpp.h \
115 | '
116 | #include "_gen/core/runtime.asdl.h"
117 | #include "_gen/core/value.asdl.h"
118 | #include "_gen/frontend/syntax.asdl.h"
119 | #include "cpp/frontend_flag_spec.h"
120 |
121 | using value_asdl::value; // This is a bit ad hoc
122 | ' \
123 | --to-header asdl.runtime \
124 | --to-header asdl.format \
125 | --to-header frontend.args \
126 | "${ASDL_FILES[@]}" \
127 | core/error.py \
128 | frontend/args.py
129 | }
130 |
131 | all() {
132 | asdl-runtime
133 | core-error
134 | frontend-args
135 | }
136 |
137 | deps() {
138 | PYTHONPATH='.:vendor' \
139 | python2 -c 'import sys; from frontend import args; print(sys.modules.keys())'
140 |
141 | PYTHONPATH='.:vendor' \
142 | python2 -c 'import sys; from core import error; print(sys.modules.keys())'
143 | }
144 |
145 | run-task "$@"