1 | # Copyright 2016 Andy Chu. All rights reserved.
2 | # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 | # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 | # You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 | #
6 | # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 | """
8 | lexer.py - Library for lexing.
9 | """
10 |
11 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import Token, WideToken, SourceLine
12 | from _devbuild.gen.types_asdl import lex_mode_t, lex_mode_e
13 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id_t, Id, Id_str
14 | from mycpp.mylib import log
15 | from frontend import match
16 |
17 | unused = log, Id_str
18 |
19 | from typing import List, Tuple, Counter, TYPE_CHECKING
21 | from core.alloc import Arena
22 | from frontend.reader import _Reader
23 |
24 | #
25 | # Optimized Token functions that use str.find(substr, start, end) to avoid
26 | # allocation of temporary slice
27 | #
28 |
29 |
30 | def IsPlusEquals(tok):
31 | # type: (Token) -> bool
32 | """Common pattern to test if we got foo= or foo+=
33 | """
34 | i = tok.col + tok.length - 2 # 'foo+='[-2] is '+'
35 | return tok.line.content.find('+', i, i + 1) != -1
36 |
37 |
38 | def TokenContains(tok, substr):
39 | # type: (Token, str) -> bool
40 | return tok.line.content.find(substr, tok.col, tok.col + tok.length) != -1
41 |
42 |
43 | def TokenEquals(tok, s):
44 | # type: (Token, str) -> bool
45 | if len(s) != tok.length:
46 | return False
47 | return TokenContains(tok, s)
48 |
49 |
50 | def TokenStartsWith(tok, s):
51 | # type: (Token, str) -> bool
52 | return tok.line.content.find(s, tok.col, tok.col + len(s)) != -1
53 |
54 |
55 | def TokenEndsWith(tok, s):
56 | # type: (Token, str) -> bool
57 | end = tok.col + tok.length
58 | return tok.line.content.find(s, end - len(s), end) != -1
59 |
60 |
61 | # Also: IsWhitespace, IsLeadingSpace
62 |
63 |
64 | def TokenVal(tok):
65 | # type: (Token) -> str
66 | """Compute string value on demand."""
67 | return tok.line.content[tok.col:tok.col + tok.length]
68 |
69 |
70 | def TokenSliceLeft(tok, left_index):
71 | # type: (Token, int) -> str
72 | """Slice token directly, without creating intermediate string."""
73 | assert left_index > 0
74 | start = tok.col + left_index
75 | return tok.line.content[start:tok.col + tok.length]
76 |
77 |
78 | def TokenSliceRight(tok, right_index):
79 | # type: (Token, int) -> str
80 | """Slice token directly, without creating intermediate string."""
81 | assert right_index < 0
82 | end = tok.col + tok.length + right_index
83 | return tok.line.content[tok.col:end]
84 |
85 |
86 | def TokenSlice(tok, left, right):
87 | # type: (Token, int, int) -> str
88 | """Slice token directly, without creating intermediate string."""
89 | assert left > 0, left
90 | assert right < 0, right
91 | start = tok.col + left
92 | end = tok.col + tok.length + right
93 | return tok.line.content[start:end]
94 |
95 |
96 | def LazyStr2(tok):
97 | # type: (WideToken) -> str
98 | """
99 | TODO: Remove .tval from Token; use WideToken instead
100 | """
101 | return ''
102 |
103 |
104 | def LazyStr(tok):
105 | # type: (Token) -> str
106 | """Materialize the tval on demand, with special case for $myvar.
107 |
108 | Most tokens do NOT need strings. We avoid allocating them in the lexer.
109 |
110 | Note: SingleQuoted could have lazy sval, NOT at the token level.
111 | """
112 | if 0:
113 | LAZY_ID_HIST[tok.id] += 1
114 |
115 | if tok.tval is None:
116 | if tok.id in (Id.VSub_DollarName, Id.VSub_Number): # $x or $2
117 | # Special case for SimpleVarSub - completion also relies on this
118 | tok.tval = TokenSliceLeft(tok, 1)
119 | else:
120 | tok.tval = TokenVal(tok)
121 |
122 | return tok.tval
123 |
124 |
125 | def DummyToken(id_, val):
126 | # type: (int, str) -> Token
127 |
128 | col = -1
129 | length = -1
130 | return Token(id_, length, col, None, val)
131 |
132 |
133 | class LineLexer(object):
134 |
135 | def __init__(self, arena):
136 | # type: (Arena) -> None
137 | self.arena = arena
138 | self.replace_last_token = False # For MaybeUnreadOne
139 |
140 | # Singleton instance because we don't allow globals.
141 | # 2023-09: I tried LineLexer::Read() returning None, but that is subtly
142 | # incorrect, e.g. in Lexer::Read() with NUL bytes.
143 | self.eol_tok = DummyToken(Id.Eol_Tok, '')
144 |
145 | self.Reset(None, 0) # Invalid src_line to start
146 |
147 | def __repr__(self):
148 | # type: () -> str
149 | return '<LineLexer at pos %d of line %r>' % (self.line_pos,
150 | self.src_line)
151 |
152 | def Reset(self, src_line, line_pos):
153 | # type: (SourceLine, int) -> None
154 | self.src_line = src_line
155 | self.line_pos = line_pos
156 |
157 | def MaybeUnreadOne(self):
158 | # type: () -> bool
159 | """Return True if we can unread one character, or False otherwise.
160 |
161 | NOTE: Only call this when you know the last token was exactly one character!
162 | """
163 | if self.line_pos == 0:
164 | return False
165 | else:
166 | self.line_pos -= 1
167 | self.replace_last_token = True # don't add the next token to the arena
168 | return True
169 |
170 | def GetEofToken(self, id_):
171 | # type: (int) -> Token
172 | """Create a new span ID for syntax errors involving the EOF token."""
173 | if self.src_line is None:
174 | # There are ZERO lines now. Add a dummy line 0 so the Token has a source
175 | # to display errors.
176 | src_line = self.arena.AddLine('', 0)
177 | else:
178 | src_line = self.src_line
179 |
180 | return self.arena.NewToken(id_, self.line_pos, 0, src_line)
181 |
182 | def LookAheadOne(self, lex_mode):
183 | # type: (lex_mode_t) -> Id_t
184 | """Look ahead exactly one token in the given lexer mode."""
185 | pos = self.line_pos
186 | line_str = self.src_line.content
187 | n = len(line_str)
188 | if pos == n:
189 | return Id.Unknown_Tok
190 | else:
191 | tok_type, _ = match.OneToken(lex_mode, line_str, pos)
192 | return tok_type
193 |
194 | def AssertAtEndOfLine(self):
195 | # type: () -> None
196 | assert self.line_pos == len(self.src_line.content), \
197 | '%d %s' % (self.line_pos, self.src_line.content)
198 |
199 | def LookPastSpace(self, lex_mode):
200 | # type: (lex_mode_t) -> Id_t
201 | """Look ahead in current line for non-space token, using given lexer
202 | mode.
203 |
204 | Does NOT advance self.line_pos.
205 |
206 | Called with at least the following modes:
207 | lex_mode_e.Arith -- for ${a[@]} vs ${a[1+2]}
208 | lex_mode_e.VSub_1
209 | lex_mode_e.ShCommand
210 |
211 | Note: Only ShCommand emits Id.WS_Space, but other lexer modes don't.
212 | """
213 | pos = self.line_pos
214 | line_str = self.src_line.content
215 | n = len(line_str)
216 | #print('Look ahead from pos %d, line %r' % (pos,self.line))
217 | while True:
218 | if pos == n:
219 | # We don't allow lookahead while already at end of line, because it
220 | # would involve interacting with the line reader, and we never need
221 | # it. In lex_mode_e.ShCommand, there is an explicit newline token, but
222 | # lex_mode_e.Arith doesn't have it.
223 | return Id.Unknown_Tok
224 |
225 | tok_type, end_pos = match.OneToken(lex_mode, line_str, pos)
226 |
227 | # NOTE: Instead of hard-coding this token, we could pass it in.
228 | # LookPastSpace(lex_mode, past_token_type)
229 | # - WS_Space only given in lex_mode_e.ShCommand
230 | # - Id.Ignored_Space given in lex_mode_e.Expr
231 | if tok_type != Id.WS_Space and tok_type != Id.Ignored_Space:
232 | break
233 | pos = end_pos
234 |
235 | return tok_type
236 |
237 | def LookAheadFuncParens(self, unread):
238 | # type: (int) -> bool
239 | """For finding the () in 'f ( ) { echo hi; }'.
240 |
241 | Args:
242 | unread: either 0 or 1, for the number of characters to go back
243 |
244 | The lookahead is limited to the current line, which sacrifices a rare
245 | corner case. This not recognized as a function:
246 |
247 | foo\
248 | () {}
249 |
250 | whereas this is
251 |
252 | foo()
253 | {}
254 | """
255 | pos = self.line_pos - unread
256 | assert pos > 0, pos
257 | tok_type, _ = match.OneToken(lex_mode_e.FuncParens,
258 | self.src_line.content, pos)
259 | return tok_type == Id.LookAhead_FuncParens
260 |
261 | def ByteLookAhead(self):
262 | # type: () -> str
263 | """Lookahead a single byte.
264 |
265 | Useful when you know the token is one char.
266 | """
267 | pos = self.line_pos
268 | if pos == len(self.src_line.content):
269 | return ''
270 | else:
271 | return self.src_line.content[pos]
272 |
273 | def ByteLookBack(self):
274 | # type: () -> int
275 | """A little hack for stricter proc arg list syntax.
276 |
277 | There has to be a space before the paren.
278 |
279 | Yes: json write (x)
280 | No: json write(x)
281 | """
282 | pos = self.line_pos - 2
283 | if pos < 0:
284 | return -1
285 | else:
286 | return ord(self.src_line.content[pos])
287 |
288 | def Read(self, lex_mode):
289 | # type: (lex_mode_t) -> Token
290 |
291 | # Inner loop optimization
292 | if self.src_line:
293 | line_str = self.src_line.content
294 | else:
295 | line_str = ''
296 | line_pos = self.line_pos
297 |
298 | tok_type, end_pos = match.OneToken(lex_mode, line_str, line_pos)
299 | if tok_type == Id.Eol_Tok: # Do NOT add a span for this sentinel!
300 | # LineLexer tells Lexer to read a new line.
301 | return self.eol_tok
302 |
303 | # NOTE: We're putting the arena hook in LineLexer and not Lexer because we
304 | # want it to be "low level". The only thing fabricated here is a newline
305 | # added at the last line, so we don't end with \0.
306 | if self.replace_last_token: # make another token from the last span
307 | self.arena.UnreadOne()
308 | self.replace_last_token = False
309 |
310 | tok_len = end_pos - line_pos
311 | t = self.arena.NewToken(tok_type, line_pos, tok_len, self.src_line)
312 |
313 | self.line_pos = end_pos
314 | return t
315 |
316 |
317 | class Lexer(object):
318 | """Read lines from the line_reader, split them into tokens with line_lexer,
319 | returning them in a stream."""
320 |
321 | def __init__(self, line_lexer, line_reader):
322 | # type: (LineLexer, _Reader) -> None
323 | """
324 | Args:
325 | line_lexer: Underlying object to get tokens from
326 | line_reader: get new lines from here
327 | """
328 | self.line_lexer = line_lexer
329 | self.line_reader = line_reader
330 |
331 | self.line_id = -1 # Invalid one
332 | self.translation_stack = [] # type: List[Tuple[Id_t, Id_t]]
333 | self.emit_comp_dummy = False
334 |
335 | def ResetInputObjects(self):
336 | # type: () -> None
337 | self.line_lexer.Reset(None, 0)
338 |
339 | def MaybeUnreadOne(self):
340 | # type: () -> bool
341 | return self.line_lexer.MaybeUnreadOne()
342 |
343 | def LookAheadOne(self, lex_mode):
344 | # type: (lex_mode_t) -> Id_t
345 | return self.line_lexer.LookAheadOne(lex_mode)
346 |
347 | def LookPastSpace(self, lex_mode):
348 | # type: (lex_mode_t) -> Id_t
349 | return self.line_lexer.LookPastSpace(lex_mode)
350 |
351 | def LookAheadFuncParens(self, unread):
352 | # type: (int) -> bool
353 | return self.line_lexer.LookAheadFuncParens(unread)
354 |
355 | def ByteLookAhead(self):
356 | # type: () -> str
357 | return self.line_lexer.ByteLookAhead()
358 |
359 | def ByteLookBack(self):
360 | # type: () -> int
361 | return self.line_lexer.ByteLookBack()
362 |
363 | def EmitCompDummy(self):
364 | # type: () -> None
365 | """Emit Id.Lit_CompDummy right before EOF, for completion."""
366 | self.emit_comp_dummy = True
367 |
368 | def PushHint(self, old_id, new_id):
369 | # type: (Id_t, Id_t) -> None
370 | """Use cases: Id.Op_RParen -> Id.Right_Subshell -- disambiguate
371 | Id.Op_RParen -> Id.Eof_RParen.
372 |
373 | Problems for $() nesting.
374 |
375 | - posix:
376 | - case foo) and case (foo)
377 | - func() {}
378 | - subshell ( )
379 | - bash extensions:
380 | - precedence in [[, e.g. [[ (1 == 2) && (2 == 3) ]]
381 | - arrays: a=(1 2 3), a+=(4 5)
382 | """
383 | #log(' PushHint %s ==> %s', Id_str(old_id), Id_str(new_id))
384 | self.translation_stack.append((old_id, new_id))
385 |
386 | def MoveToNextLine(self):
387 | # type: () -> None
388 | """For lookahead on the next line.
389 |
390 | This is required by `ParseYshCase` and is used in `_NewlineOkForYshCase`.
391 |
392 | We use this because otherwise calling `LookPastSpace` would return
393 | `Id.Unknown_Tok` when the lexer has reached the end of the line. For an
394 | example, take this case:
395 |
396 | case (x) {
397 | ^--- We are here
398 |
399 | (else) {
400 | ^--- We want lookahead to here
401 |
402 | echo test
403 | }
404 | }
405 |
406 | But, without `MoveToNextLine`, it is impossible to peek the '(' without
407 | consuming it. And consuming it would be a problem once we want to hand off
408 | pattern parsing to the expression parser.
409 | """
410 | # Only call this when you've seen \n
411 | self.line_lexer.AssertAtEndOfLine()
412 |
413 | src_line, line_pos = self.line_reader.GetLine()
414 | self.line_lexer.Reset(src_line, line_pos) # fill with a new line
415 |
416 | def _Read(self, lex_mode):
417 | # type: (lex_mode_t) -> Token
418 | """Read from the normal line buffer, not an alias."""
419 | t = self.line_lexer.Read(lex_mode)
420 | if t.id == Id.Eol_Tok: # We hit \0 aka Eol_Tok, read a new line
421 | src_line, line_pos = self.line_reader.GetLine()
422 |
423 | if src_line is None: # no more lines
424 | if self.emit_comp_dummy:
425 | id_ = Id.Lit_CompDummy
426 | self.emit_comp_dummy = False # emit EOF the next time
427 | else:
428 | id_ = Id.Eof_Real
429 | return self.line_lexer.GetEofToken(id_)
430 |
431 | self.line_lexer.Reset(src_line, line_pos) # fill with a new line
432 | t = self.line_lexer.Read(lex_mode)
433 |
434 | # e.g. translate ) or ` into EOF
435 | if len(self.translation_stack):
436 | old_id, new_id = self.translation_stack[-1] # top
437 | if t.id == old_id:
438 | #log('==> TRANSLATING %s ==> %s', Id_str(t.id), Id_str(new_id))
439 | self.translation_stack.pop()
440 | t.id = new_id
441 |
442 | return t
443 |
444 | def Read(self, lex_mode):
445 | # type: (lex_mode_t) -> Token
446 | while True:
447 | t = self._Read(lex_mode)
448 | if t.id != Id.Ignored_LineCont:
449 | break
450 |
451 | if 0:
452 | ID_HIST[t.id] += 1
453 | return t
454 |
455 |
456 | if 0: # mylib.PYTHON: note: breaks tarball build
457 | import collections
458 | ID_HIST = collections.Counter() # type: Counter[Id_t]
459 | LAZY_ID_HIST = collections.Counter() # type: Counter[Id_t]