1 | // data_lang.cc
2 |
3 | #include "cpp/data_lang.h"
4 |
5 | #include "data_lang/j8.h"
6 | #include "data_lang/utf8_impls/bjoern_dfa.h"
7 |
8 | // TODO: remove duplication
9 | #define LOSSY_JSON (1 << 3)
10 |
11 | namespace {
12 |
13 | void WriteBString(BigStr* s, mylib::BufWriter* buf, int capacity) {
14 | uint8_t* in = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(s->data_);
15 | uint8_t* in_end = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(s->data_ + len(s));
16 |
17 | buf->WriteConst("b'");
18 |
19 | // Set up pointers after writing opening quote
20 | uint8_t* out = buf->LengthPointer(); // mutated
21 | uint8_t* out_end = buf->CapacityPointer();
22 |
23 | while (true) {
24 | J8EncodeChunk(&in, in_end, &out, out_end, true); // Fill as much as we can
25 | buf->SetLengthFrom(out);
26 |
27 | if (in >= in_end) {
28 | break;
29 | }
30 |
31 | // Same growth policy as below
32 | capacity = capacity * 3 / 2;
33 | // printf("[2] new capacity %d\n", capacity);
34 | buf->EnsureMoreSpace(capacity);
35 |
36 | // Recompute pointers
37 | out = buf->LengthPointer();
38 | out_end = buf->CapacityPointer();
39 | }
40 |
41 | buf->WriteConst("'");
42 | }
43 |
44 | void WriteBashDollarString(BigStr* s, mylib::BufWriter* buf, int capacity) {
45 | uint8_t* in = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(s->data_);
46 | uint8_t* in_end = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(s->data_ + len(s));
47 |
48 | buf->WriteConst("$'");
49 |
50 | // Set up pointers after writing opening quote
51 | uint8_t* out = buf->LengthPointer(); // mutated
52 | uint8_t* out_end = buf->CapacityPointer();
53 |
54 | while (true) {
55 | BashDollarEncodeChunk(&in, in_end, &out,
56 | out_end); // Fill as much as we can
57 | buf->SetLengthFrom(out);
58 |
59 | if (in >= in_end) {
60 | break;
61 | }
62 |
63 | // Same growth policy as below
64 | capacity = capacity * 3 / 2;
65 | // printf("[2] new capacity %d\n", capacity);
66 | buf->EnsureMoreSpace(capacity);
67 |
68 | // Recompute pointers
69 | out = buf->LengthPointer();
70 | out_end = buf->CapacityPointer();
71 | }
72 |
73 | buf->WriteConst("'");
74 | }
75 |
76 | // Style is COPIED from pyj8::WriteString()
77 | // Functionality is like j8_libc.c ShellEncodeString, that is:
78 | //
79 | // call BourneShellEncodeChunk()
80 | // then either
81 | // WriteBString()
82 | // WriteBashDollarString()
83 |
84 | void ShellEncodeString(BigStr* s, int ysh_fallback, mylib::BufWriter* buf) {
85 | uint8_t* in = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(s->data_);
86 | uint8_t* in_end = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(s->data_ + len(s));
87 |
88 | // Growth policy: Start at a fixed size max(N + 3 + 2, J8_MIN_CAPACITY)
89 | int capacity = len(s) + 3 + 2; // 3 for quotes, 2 potential \" \n
90 | if (capacity < J8_MIN_CAPACITY) { // account for J8_MAX_BYTES_PER_INPUT_BYTE
91 | capacity = J8_MIN_CAPACITY;
92 | }
93 | // printf("[1] capacity %d\n", capacity);
94 |
95 | buf->EnsureMoreSpace(capacity);
96 |
97 | int begin = buf->Length(); // maybe Truncate to this position
98 | buf->WriteConst("'");
99 |
100 | // Set up pointers after writing opening quote
101 | uint8_t* out = buf->LengthPointer(); // mutated
102 | uint8_t* out_end = buf->CapacityPointer();
103 |
104 | while (true) {
105 | // Fill in as much as we can
106 | int cannot_encode = BourneShellEncodeChunk(&in, in_end, &out, out_end);
107 | if (cannot_encode) {
108 | buf->Truncate(begin);
109 | if (ysh_fallback) {
110 | WriteBString(s, buf, capacity); // fall back to b''
111 | } else {
112 | WriteBashDollarString(s, buf, capacity); // fall back to $''
113 | }
114 | return;
115 | }
116 | buf->SetLengthFrom(out);
117 |
118 | // printf("[1] len %d\n", out_buf->len);
119 |
120 | if (in >= in_end) {
121 | break;
122 | }
123 |
124 | // Growth policy: every time through the loop, increase 1.5x
125 | //
126 | // The worst blowup is 6x, and 1.5 ** 5 > 6, so it will take 5 reallocs.
127 | // This seems like a reasonable tradeoff between over-allocating and too
128 | // many realloc().
129 | capacity = capacity * 3 / 2;
130 | // printf("[1] new capacity %d\n", capacity);
131 | buf->EnsureMoreSpace(capacity);
132 |
133 | // Recompute pointers
134 | out = buf->LengthPointer(); // mutated
135 | out_end = buf->CapacityPointer();
136 | // printf("[1] out %p out_end %p\n", out, out_end);
137 | }
138 |
139 | buf->WriteConst("'");
140 | }
141 |
142 | } // namespace
143 |
144 | namespace fastfunc {
145 |
146 | bool CanOmitQuotes(BigStr* s) {
147 | return ::CanOmitQuotes(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(s->data_), len(s));
148 | }
149 |
150 | BigStr* J8EncodeString(BigStr* s, int j8_fallback) {
151 | auto buf = Alloc<mylib::BufWriter>();
152 | int options = j8_fallback ? 0 : LOSSY_JSON;
153 | pyj8::WriteString(s, options, buf);
154 | return buf->getvalue();
155 | }
156 |
157 | BigStr* ShellEncodeString(BigStr* s, int ysh_fallback) {
158 | auto buf = Alloc<mylib::BufWriter>();
159 | ::ShellEncodeString(s, ysh_fallback, buf);
160 | return buf->getvalue();
161 | }
162 |
163 | } // namespace fastfunc
164 |
165 | namespace pyj8 {
166 |
167 | bool PartIsUtf8(BigStr* s, int start, int end) {
168 | uint32_t codepoint;
169 | uint32_t state = UTF8_ACCEPT;
170 |
171 | for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
172 | // This var or a static_cast<> is necessary. Should really change BigStr*
173 | // to use unsigned type
174 | uint8_t c = s->data_[i];
175 | decode(&state, &codepoint, c);
176 | if (state == UTF8_REJECT) {
177 | return false;
178 | }
179 | }
180 |
181 | return state == UTF8_ACCEPT;
182 | }
183 |
184 | void WriteString(BigStr* s, int options, mylib::BufWriter* buf) {
185 | bool j8_fallback = !(options & LOSSY_JSON);
186 |
187 | uint8_t* in = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(s->data_);
188 | uint8_t* in_end = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(s->data_ + len(s));
189 |
190 | // Growth policy: Start at a fixed size max(N + 3 + 2, J8_MIN_CAPACITY)
191 | int capacity = len(s) + 3 + 2; // 3 for quotes, 2 potential \" \n
192 | if (capacity < J8_MIN_CAPACITY) { // account for J8_MAX_BYTES_PER_INPUT_BYTE
193 | capacity = J8_MIN_CAPACITY;
194 | }
195 | // printf("[1] capacity %d\n", capacity);
196 |
197 | buf->EnsureMoreSpace(capacity);
198 |
199 | int begin = buf->Length(); // maybe Truncate to this position
200 | buf->WriteConst("\"");
201 |
202 | // Set up pointers after writing opening quote
203 | uint8_t* out = buf->LengthPointer(); // mutated
204 | uint8_t* out_end = buf->CapacityPointer();
205 |
206 | while (true) {
207 | // Fill in as much as we can
208 | int invalid_utf8 = J8EncodeChunk(&in, in_end, &out, out_end, false);
209 | if (invalid_utf8 && j8_fallback) {
210 | buf->Truncate(begin);
211 | WriteBString(s, buf, capacity); // fall back to b''
212 | return;
213 | }
214 | buf->SetLengthFrom(out);
215 |
216 | // printf("[1] len %d\n", out_buf->len);
217 |
218 | if (in >= in_end) {
219 | break;
220 | }
221 |
222 | // Growth policy: every time through the loop, increase 1.5x
223 | //
224 | // The worst blowup is 6x, and 1.5 ** 5 > 6, so it will take 5 reallocs.
225 | // This seems like a reasonable tradeoff between over-allocating and too
226 | // many realloc().
227 | capacity = capacity * 3 / 2;
228 | // printf("[1] new capacity %d\n", capacity);
229 | buf->EnsureMoreSpace(capacity);
230 |
231 | // Recompute pointers
232 | out = buf->LengthPointer(); // mutated
233 | out_end = buf->CapacityPointer();
234 | // printf("[1] out %p out_end %p\n", out, out_end);
235 | }
236 |
237 | buf->WriteConst("\"");
238 | }
239 |
240 | } // namespace pyj8
241 |
242 | namespace j8 {
243 |
244 | int HeapValueId(value_asdl::value_t* val) {
245 | #ifndef OPTIMIZED
246 | // ASDL generates headers with HeapTag::Scanned, but HeapTag::FixedSize would
247 | // also be valid.
248 | ObjHeader* h = ObjHeader::FromObject(val);
249 | DCHECK(h->heap_tag == HeapTag::Scanned || h->heap_tag == HeapTag::FixedSize);
250 | #endif
251 |
252 | return ObjectId(val);
253 | }
254 |
255 | } // namespace j8