1 | ## compare_shells: bash
2 |
3 | # Var refs are done with ${!a}
4 | #
5 | # local/declare -n is tested in spec/named-ref.test.sh.
6 | #
7 | # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16461656/bash-how-to-pass-array-as-an-argument-to-a-function
8 |
9 | #### var ref ${!a}
10 | a=b
11 | b=c
12 | echo ref ${!a} ${a}
13 | ## stdout: ref c b
14 |
15 | #### ${!ref-default}
16 | ref=x
17 | echo x=${!ref-default}
18 |
19 | x=''
20 | echo x=${!ref-default}
21 |
22 | x=foo
23 | echo x=${!ref-default}
24 |
25 | ## STDOUT:
26 | x=default
27 | x=
28 | x=foo
29 | ## END
30 |
31 | #### ${!undef:-}
32 | # bash gives empty string, but I feel like this could be an error
33 | echo undef=${!undef-'default'}
34 | echo undef=${!undef}
35 |
36 | set -u
37 | echo NOUNSET
38 | echo undef=${!undef-'default'}
39 | echo undef=${!undef}
40 |
41 | ## status: 1
42 | ## STDOUT:
43 | undef=default
44 | undef=
46 | undef=default
47 | ## END
48 |
49 | #### comparison to ${!array[@]} keys (similar SYNTAX)
50 |
51 | declare -a a=(x y)
52 | argv.py "${!a[@]}"
53 | echo a_keys=$?
54 |
55 | argv.py "${!a}" # missing [] is equivalent to ${!a[0]} ?
56 | echo a_nobrackets=$?
57 |
58 | echo ---
59 | declare -A A=([A]=a [B]=b)
60 |
61 | argv.py ${!A[@]}
62 | echo A_keys=$?
63 |
64 | argv.py "${!A}" # missing [] is equivalent to ${!A[0]} ?
65 | echo A_nobrackets=$?
66 |
67 | ## STDOUT:
68 | ['0', '1']
69 | a_keys=0
70 | ['']
71 | a_nobrackets=0
72 | ---
73 | ['A', 'B']
74 | A_keys=0
75 | ['']
76 | A_nobrackets=0
77 | ## END
78 |
79 | #### ${!a[@]-'default'} is illegal
80 |
81 | # bash disallows this when a is an array. We make it an error because [@]
82 | # implies it's an array.
83 |
84 | argv.py "${!a[@]-default}"
85 | echo status=$?
86 |
87 | a=(x y z)
88 | argv.py "${!a[@]-default}"
89 | echo status=$?
90 | ## status: 1
91 | ## STDOUT:
92 | ## END
93 | ## BUG bash status: 0
94 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
95 | ['default']
96 | status=0
97 | status=1
98 | ## END
99 |
100 |
101 | #### var ref to $@ with @
102 | set -- one two
103 | ref='@'
104 | echo ref=${!ref}
105 | ## STDOUT:
106 | ref=one two
107 | ## END
108 |
109 | #### var ref to $1 and $2 with 1 and 2
110 | set -- one two
111 | ref1='1'
112 | echo ref1=${!ref1}
113 | ref2='2'
114 | echo ref2=${!ref2}
115 |
116 | ## STDOUT:
117 | ref1=one
118 | ref2=two
119 | ## END
120 |
121 | #### var ref: 1, @, *
122 | set -- x y
123 | ref=1; argv.py "${!ref}"
124 | ref=@; argv.py "${!ref}"
125 | ref=*; argv.py "${!ref}" # maybe_decay_array bug?
126 |
127 | ## STDOUT:
128 | ['x']
129 | ['x', 'y']
130 | ['x y']
131 | ## END
132 |
133 | #### var ref to special var BASH_SOURCE
134 | ref='LINENO'
135 | echo lineno=${!ref}
136 | ## STDOUT:
137 | lineno=2
138 | ## END
139 |
140 | #### var ref to $? with '?'
141 | myfunc() {
142 | local ref=$1
143 | echo ${!ref}
144 | }
145 | myfunc FUNCNAME
146 | myfunc '?'
147 | ## STDOUT:
148 | myfunc
149 | 0
150 | ## END
151 |
152 |
153 | #### Var ref, then assignment with ${ := }
154 | z=zz
155 | zz=
156 | echo ${!z:=foo}
157 | echo ${!z:=bar}
158 | ## STDOUT:
159 | foo
160 | foo
161 | ## END
162 |
163 | #### Var ref, then error with ${ ? }
164 | w=ww
165 | ww=
166 | echo ${!w:?'my message'}
167 | echo done
168 | ## status: 1
169 | ## STDOUT:
170 | ## END
171 |
172 | #### Indirect expansion, THEN suffix operators
173 |
174 | check_eq() {
175 | [ "$1" = "$2" ] || { echo "$1 vs $2"; }
176 | }
177 | check_expand() {
178 | val=$(eval "echo \"$1\"")
179 | [ "$val" = "$2" ] || { echo "$1 -> expected $2, got $val"; }
180 | }
181 | check_err() {
182 | e="$1"
183 | msg=$(eval "$e" 2>&1) && echo "bad success: $e"
184 | if test -n "$2"; then
185 | if [[ "$msg" != $2 ]]; then
186 | echo "Expected error: $e"
187 | echo "Got error : $msg"
188 | fi
189 | fi
190 | }
191 | # Nearly everything in manual section 3.5.3 "Shell Parameter Expansion"
192 | # is allowed after a !-indirection.
193 | #
194 | # Not allowed: any further prefix syntax.
195 | x=xx; xx=aaabcc
196 | xd=x
197 | check_err '${!!xd}'
198 | check_err '${!!x*}'
199 | a=(asdf x)
200 | check_err '${!!a[*]}'
201 | check_err '${!#x}'
202 | check_err '${!#a[@]}'
203 | # And an array reference binds tighter in the syntax, so goes first;
204 | # there's no way to spell "indirection, then array reference".
205 | check_expand '${!a[1]}' xx
206 | b=(aoeu a)
207 | check_expand '${!b[1]}' asdf # i.e. like !(b[1]), not (!b)[1]
208 | #
209 | # Allowed: apparently everything else.
210 | y=yy; yy=
211 | check_expand '${!y:-foo}' foo
212 | check_expand '${!x:-foo}' aaabcc
213 |
214 | check_expand '${!x:?oops}' aaabcc
215 |
216 | check_expand '${!y:+foo}' ''
217 | check_expand '${!x:+foo}' foo
218 |
219 | check_expand '${!x:2}' abcc
220 | check_expand '${!x:2:2}' ab
221 |
222 | check_expand '${!x#*a}' aabcc
223 | check_expand '${!x%%c*}' aaab
224 | check_expand '${!x/a*b/d}' dcc
225 |
226 | # ^ operator not fully implemented in OSH
227 | #check_expand '${!x^a}' Aaabcc
228 |
229 | p=pp; pp='\$ '
230 | check_expand '${!p@P}' '$ '
231 | echo ok
232 | ## stdout: ok
233 |
234 | #### var ref OF array var -- silent a[0] decay
235 | declare -a a=(ale bean)
236 | echo first=${!a}
237 |
238 | ale=zzz
239 | echo first=${!a}
240 |
241 | ## status: 0
242 | ## STDOUT:
243 | first=
244 | first=zzz
245 | ## END
246 |
247 | #### array ref
248 |
249 | declare -a array=(ale bean)
250 | ref='array[0]'
251 | echo ${!ref}
252 | ## status: 0
253 | ## STDOUT:
254 | ale
255 | ## END
256 |
257 | #### array ref with strict_array
258 | shopt -s strict_array
259 |
260 | declare -a array=(ale bean)
261 | ref='array'
262 | echo ${!ref}
263 | ## status: 1
264 | ## stdout-json: ""
265 | ## N-I bash status: 0
266 | ## N-I bash STDOUT:
267 | ale
268 | ## END
269 |
270 | #### var ref TO array var
271 | shopt -s compat_array
272 |
273 | declare -a array=(ale bean)
274 |
275 | ref='array' # when compat_array is on, this is like array[0]
276 | ref_AT='array[@]'
277 |
278 | echo ${!ref}
279 | echo ${!ref_AT}
280 |
281 | ## STDOUT:
282 | ale
283 | ale bean
284 | ## END
285 |
286 | #### var ref TO array var, with subscripts
287 | f() {
288 | argv.py "${!1}"
289 | }
290 | f 'nonexistent[0]'
291 | array=(x y z)
292 | f 'array[0]'
293 | f 'array[1+1]'
294 | f 'array[@]'
295 | f 'array[*]'
296 | # Also associative arrays.
297 | ## STDOUT:
298 | ['']
299 | ['x']
300 | ['z']
301 | ['x', 'y', 'z']
302 | ['x y z']
303 | ## END
304 |
305 | #### var ref TO assoc array a[key]
306 | shopt -s compat_array
307 |
308 | declare -A assoc=([ale]=bean [corn]=dip)
309 | ref=assoc
310 | #ref_AT='assoc[@]'
311 |
312 | # UNQUOTED doesn't work with Oil's parser
313 | #ref_SUB='assoc[ale]'
314 | ref_SUB='assoc["ale"]'
315 |
316 | ref_SUB_QUOTED='assoc["al"e]'
317 |
318 | ref_SUB_BAD='assoc["bad"]'
319 |
320 | echo ref=${!ref} # compat_array: assoc is equivalent to assoc[0]
321 | #echo ref_AT=${!ref_AT}
322 | echo ref_SUB=${!ref_SUB}
323 | echo ref_SUB_QUOTED=${!ref_SUB_QUOTED}
324 | echo ref_SUB_BAD=${!ref_SUB_BAD}
325 |
326 | ## STDOUT:
327 | ref=
328 | ref_SUB=bean
329 | ref_SUB_QUOTED=bean
330 | ref_SUB_BAD=
331 | ## END
332 |
333 | #### var ref TO array with arbitrary subscripts
334 | shopt -s eval_unsafe_arith compat_array
335 |
336 | f() {
337 | local val=$(echo "${!1}")
338 | if test "$val" = y; then
339 | echo "works: $1"
340 | fi
341 | }
342 | # Warmup: nice plain array reference
343 | a=(x y)
344 | f 'a[1]'
345 | #
346 | # Not allowed:
347 | # no brace expansion
348 | f 'a[{1,0}]' # operand expected
349 | # no process substitution (but see command substitution below!)
350 | f 'a[<(echo x)]' # operand expected
351 | # TODO word splitting seems interesting
352 | aa="1 0"
353 | f 'a[$aa]' # 1 0: syntax error in expression (error token is "0")
354 | # no filename globbing
355 | f 'a[b*]' # operand expected
356 | f 'a[1"]' # bad substitution
357 | #
358 | # Allowed: most everything else in section 3.5 "Shell Expansions".
359 | # shell parameter expansion
360 | b=1
361 | f 'a[$b]'
362 | f 'a[${c:-1}]'
363 | # (... and presumably most of the other features there)
364 | # command substitution, yikes!
365 | f 'a[$(echo 1)]'
366 | # arithmetic expansion
367 | f 'a[$(( 3 - 2 ))]'
368 |
369 | # All of these are undocumented and probably shouldn't exist,
370 | # though it's always possible some will turn up in the wild and
371 | # we'll end up implementing them.
372 |
373 | ## STDOUT:
374 | works: a[1]
375 | works: a[$b]
376 | works: a[${c:-1}]
377 | works: a[$(echo 1)]
378 | works: a[$(( 3 - 2 ))]
379 | ## END
380 |
381 | #### Bizarre tilde expansion in array index
382 | a=(x y)
383 | PWD=1
384 | ref='a[~+]'
385 | echo ${!ref}
386 | ## status: 1
387 | ## BUG bash status: 0
388 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
389 | y
390 | ## END
391 |
392 | #### Indirect expansion TO fancy expansion features bash disallows
393 |
394 | check_indir() {
395 | result="${!1}"
396 | desugared_result=$(eval 'echo "${'"$1"'}"')
397 | [ "$2" = "$desugared_result" ] || { echo "$1 $desugared_result"; }
398 | }
399 | x=y
400 | y=a
401 | a=(x y)
402 | declare -A aa
403 | aa=([k]=r [l]=s)
404 | # malformed array indexing
405 | check_indir "a[0"
406 | check_indir "aa[k"
407 | # double indirection
408 | check_indir "!x" a
409 | check_indir "!a[0]" y
410 | # apparently everything else in the manual under "Shell Parameter Expansion"
411 | check_indir "x:-foo" y
412 | check_indir "x:=foo" y
413 | check_indir "x:?oops" y
414 | check_indir "x:+yy" yy
415 | check_indir "x:0" y
416 | check_indir "x:0:1" y
417 | check_indir "!a@" "a aa"
418 | # (!a[@] is elsewhere)
419 | check_indir "#x" 1
420 | check_indir "x#y"
421 | check_indir "x/y/foo" foo
422 | check_indir "x@Q" "'y'"
423 | echo done
424 | ## status: 1
425 | ## stdout-json: ""
426 | ## OK bash status: 0
427 | ## OK bash stdout: done
428 |
429 | #### Bad var ref
430 | a='bad var name'
431 | echo ref ${!a}
432 | echo status=$?
433 |
434 | ## STDOUT:
435 | status=1
436 | ## END
437 | ## OK osh stdout-json: ""
438 | ## OK osh status: 1
439 |
440 | #### Bad var ref 2
441 | b='/' # really bad
442 | echo ref ${!b}
443 | echo status=$?
444 | ## STDOUT:
445 | status=1
446 | ## END
447 | ## OK osh stdout-json: ""
448 | ## OK osh status: 1
449 |
450 | #### ${!OPTIND} (used by bash completion
451 | set -- a b c
452 | echo ${!OPTIND}
453 | f() {
454 | local OPTIND=1
455 | echo ${!OPTIND}
456 | local OPTIND=2
457 | echo ${!OPTIND}
458 | }
459 | f x y z
460 | ## STDOUT:
461 | a
462 | x
463 | y
464 | ## END
465 |
466 | #### var ref doesn't need cycle detection
467 | x=y
468 | y=x
469 | echo cycle=${!x}
470 |
471 | typeset -n a=b
472 | typeset -n b=a
473 | echo cycle=${a}
474 | ## status: 1
475 | ## STDOUT:
476 | cycle=x
477 | ## END
478 | ## OK bash status: 0
479 | ## OK bash STDOUT:
480 | cycle=x
481 | cycle=
482 | ## END
483 |
484 | #### Var Ref Code Injection $(tee PWNED)
485 |
486 | typeset -a a
487 | a=(42)
488 |
489 | x='a[$(echo 0 | tee PWNED)]'
490 |
491 | echo ${!x}
492 |
493 | if test -f PWNED; then
494 | echo PWNED
495 | cat PWNED
496 | else
497 | echo NOPE
498 | fi
499 |
500 | ## status: 1
501 | ## STDOUT:
502 | ## END
503 |
504 | ## BUG bash status: 0
505 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
506 | 42
507 | PWNED
508 | 0
509 | ## END