1 | #
2 | # Tests for quotes.
3 |
4 | #### Unquoted words
5 | echo unquoted words
6 | ## stdout: unquoted words
7 |
8 | #### Single-quoted
9 | echo 'single quoted'
10 | ## stdout: single quoted
11 |
12 | #### Two single-quoted parts
13 | echo 'two single-quoted pa''rts in one token'
14 | ## stdout: two single-quoted parts in one token
15 |
16 | #### Unquoted and single quoted
17 | echo unquoted' and single-quoted'
18 | ## stdout: unquoted and single-quoted
19 |
20 | #### newline inside single-quoted string
21 | echo 'newline
22 | inside single-quoted string'
23 | ## stdout-json: "newline\ninside single-quoted string\n"
24 |
25 | #### Double-quoted
26 | echo "double quoted"
27 | ## stdout: double quoted
28 |
29 | #### Mix of quotes in one word
30 | echo unquoted' single-quoted'" double-quoted "unquoted
31 | ## stdout: unquoted single-quoted double-quoted unquoted
32 |
33 | #### Var substitution
34 | FOO=bar
35 | echo "==$FOO=="
36 | ## stdout: ==bar==
37 |
38 | #### Var substitution with braces
39 | FOO=bar
40 | echo foo${FOO}
41 | ## stdout: foobar
42 |
43 | #### Var substitution with braces, quoted
44 | FOO=bar
45 | echo "foo${FOO}"
46 | ## stdout: foobar
47 |
48 | #### Var length
49 | FOO=bar
50 | echo "foo${#FOO}"
51 | ## stdout: foo3
52 |
53 | #### Storing backslashes and then echoing them
54 | # This is a bug fix; it used to cause problems with unescaping.
55 | one='\'
56 | two='\\'
57 | echo $one $two
58 | echo "$one" "$two"
59 | ## STDOUT:
60 | \ \\
61 | \ \\
62 | ## END
63 | ## BUG dash/mksh STDOUT:
64 | \ \
65 | \ \
66 | ## END
67 |
68 | #### Backslash escapes
69 | echo \$ \| \a \b \c \d \\
70 | ## stdout: $ | a b c d \
71 |
72 | #### Backslash escapes inside double quoted string
73 | echo "\$ \\ \\ \p \q"
74 | ## stdout: $ \ \ \p \q
75 |
76 | #### C-style backslash escapes inside double quoted string
77 | # mksh and dash implement POSIX incompatible extensions. $ ` " \ <newline>
78 | # are the only special ones
79 | echo "\a \b"
80 | ## stdout: \a \b
81 | ## BUG dash/mksh stdout-json: "\u0007 \u0008\n"
82 |
83 | # BUG
84 |
85 | #### Literal $
86 | echo $
87 | ## stdout: $
88 |
89 | #### Quoted Literal $
90 | echo $ "$" $
91 | ## stdout: $ $ $
92 |
93 | #### Line continuation
94 | echo foo\
95 | $
96 | ## stdout: foo$
97 |
98 | #### Line continuation inside double quotes
99 | echo "foo\
100 | $"
101 | ## stdout: foo$
102 |
103 | #### $? split over multiple lines
104 | # Same with $$, etc. OSH won't do this because $? is a single token.
105 | echo $\
106 | ?
107 | ## stdout: $?
108 | ## OK dash/bash/mksh/ash stdout: 0
109 |
110 | #
111 | # Bad quotes
112 | #
113 |
114 | # TODO: Also test unterminated quotes inside ${} and $()
115 |
116 | #### Unterminated single quote
117 | ## code: ls foo bar '
118 | ## status: 2
119 | ## OK mksh status: 1
120 |
121 | #### Unterminated double quote
122 | ## code: ls foo bar "
123 | ## status: 2
124 | ## OK mksh status: 1
125 |
126 |
127 | #
128 | # TODO: Might be another section?
129 | #
130 |
131 | #### Semicolon
132 | echo separated; echo by semi-colon
133 | ## stdout-json: "separated\nby semi-colon\n"
134 |
135 | #
136 | # TODO: Variable substitution operators.
137 | #
138 |
139 | #### No tab escapes within single quotes
140 | # dash and mksh allow this, which is a BUG.
141 | # POSIX says: "Enclosing characters in single-quotes ( '' ) shall preserve the
142 | # literal value of each character within the single-quotes. A single-quote
143 | # cannot occur within single-quotes"
144 | echo 'a\tb'
145 | ## stdout: a\tb
146 | ## BUG dash/mksh stdout-json: "a\tb\n"
147 |
148 | # See if it supports ANSI C escapes. Bash supports this, but dash does NOT. I
149 | # guess dash you would do IFS=$(printf '\n\t')
150 |
151 | #### $''
152 | echo $'foo'
153 | ## stdout: foo
154 | ## N-I dash stdout: $foo
155 |
156 | #### $'' with quotes
157 | echo $'single \' double \"'
158 | ## stdout: single ' double "
159 | ## N-I dash stdout-json: ""
160 | ## N-I dash status: 2
161 |
162 | #### $'' with newlines
163 | echo $'col1\ncol2\ncol3'
164 | ## stdout-json: "col1\ncol2\ncol3\n"
165 | # In dash, \n is special within single quotes
166 | ## N-I dash stdout-json: "$col1\ncol2\ncol3\n"
167 |
168 | #### $'' octal escapes don't have leading 0
169 | # echo -e syntax is echo -e \0377
170 | echo -n $'\001' $'\377' | od -A n -c | sed 's/ \+/ /g'
171 | ## STDOUT:
172 | 001 377
173 | ## END
174 | ## N-I dash STDOUT:
175 | $ 001 $ 377
176 | ## END
177 |
178 | #### $'' octal escapes with fewer than 3 chars
179 | echo $'\1 \11 \11 \111' | od -A n -c | sed 's/ \+/ /g'
180 | ## STDOUT:
181 | 001 \t \t I \n
182 | ## END
183 | ## N-I dash STDOUT:
184 | $ 001 \t \t I \n
185 | ## END
186 |
187 | #### OSH allows invalid backslashes
188 | case $SH in (dash|mksh) exit ;; esac
189 |
190 | w=$'\uZ'
191 | x=$'\u{03bc'
192 | y=$'\z'
193 | echo $w $x $y
194 | ## STDOUT:
195 | \uZ \u{03bc \z
196 | ## END
197 | ## N-I dash/mksh stdout-json: ""
198 |
199 | #### Oil parse errors with parse_backslash
200 | case $SH in (*osh) ;; (*) exit ;; esac
201 | shopt -s oil:all
202 |
203 | const w = c'\uZ'
204 |
205 | const x = c'\u{03bc'
206 |
207 | # Also invalid
208 | const y = c'\z'
209 |
210 | ## stdout-json: ""
211 | ## status: 2
212 | ## N-I dash/bash/mksh/ash status: 0
213 |
214 | #### Oil allows unquoted foo\ bar
215 | shopt -s oil:all
216 | touch foo\ bar
217 | ls foo\ bar
218 | ## STDOUT:
219 | foo bar
220 | ## END
221 |
222 | #### $""
223 | echo $"foo"
224 | ## stdout: foo
225 | ## N-I dash/ash stdout: $foo
226 |
227 | #### printf
228 | # This accepts \t by itself, hm.
229 | printf "c1\tc2\nc3\tc4\n"
230 | ## stdout-json: "c1\tc2\nc3\tc4\n"