1 | ---
2 | in_progress: yes
3 | css_files: ../../web/base.css ../../web/ref-index.css ../../web/toc.css
4 | preserve_anchor_case: yes
5 | ---
6 |
7 | YSH Table of Contents
8 | =====================
9 |
10 | [YSH]($xref) is shell with familiar syntax, JSON-like data structures, and
11 | more. It handles errors properly.
12 |
13 | This page has links to topics in the [Oils Reference](index.html).
14 |
15 | Siblings: [OSH Topics](toc-osh.html), [Data Topics](toc-data.html)
16 |
17 | <div id="toc">
18 | </div>
19 |
20 |
21 | <h2 id="front-end">
22 | Front End (<a class="group-link" href="chap-front-end.html">front-end</a>)
23 | </h2>
24 |
25 | ```chapter-links-front-end
26 | [Usage] bundle-usage ysh-usage
27 | [Lexing] ascii-whitespace [ \t\r\n]
28 | doc-comment ### multiline-command ...
29 | [Tools] cat-em
30 | ```
31 |
32 | <h2 id="cmd-lang">
33 | Command Language (<a class="group-link" href="chap-cmd-lang.html">cmd-lang</a>)
34 | </h2>
35 |
36 | ```chapter-links-cmd-lang
37 | [YSH Simple] typed-arg json write (x)
38 | lazy-expr-arg assert [42 === x]
39 | block-arg cd /tmp { echo $PWD }; cd /tmp (; ; blockexpr)
40 | [YSH Assign] const var setvar setglobal
41 | [YSH Expr] equal = = 1 + 2*3
42 | call call mylist->append(42)
43 | [YSH Code] proc-def proc p (out Ref; pos, ...rest; n=0; b Block) {
44 | func-def func f(x; opt1, opt2) { return (x + 1) }
45 | ysh-return return (myexpr)
46 | [YSH Cond] ysh-case case (x) { *.py { echo 'python' } }
47 | ysh-if if (x > 0) { echo }
48 | [YSH Iter] ysh-while while (x > 0) { echo }
49 | ysh-for for i, item in (mylist) { echo }
50 | ```
51 |
52 | <h2 id="expr-lang">
53 | Expression Language and Assignments (<a class="group-link" href="chap-expr-lang.html">expr-lang</a>)
54 | </h2>
55 |
56 | ```chapter-links-expr-lang
57 | [Assign Ops] = += -= *= /= **= //= %=
58 | &= |= ^= <<= >>=
59 | [Literals] bool-literal true false null
60 | int-literal 42 65_536 0xFF 0o755 0b10
61 | float-lit 3.14 1.5e-10
62 | X num-suffix 42 K Ki M Mi G Gi T Ti / ms us
63 | rune-literal #'a' #'_' \n \\ \u{3bc}
64 | ysh-string "$x" r'[a-z]\n' u'line\n' b'byte \yff'
65 | triple-quoted """ r''' u''' b'''
66 | str-template ^"$a and $b" for Str::replace()
67 | list-literal ['one', 'two', 3] :| unquoted words |
68 | dict-literal {name: 'bob'}
69 | range 1 .. n+1
70 | block-literal ^(echo $PWD)
71 | expr-lit ^[1 + 2*3]
72 | X to-string $[myobj]
73 | X to-array @[myobj]
74 | [Operators] concat s1 ++ s2, L1 ++ L2
75 | ysh-equals === !== ~== is, is not, in, not in
76 | ysh-compare < <= > >= (numbers only)
77 | ysh-logical not and or
78 | ysh-arith + - * / // % **
79 | ysh-bitwise ~ & | ^ << >>
80 | ysh-ternary '+' if x >= 0 else '-'
81 | ysh-index a[3] s[3]
82 | ysh-attr mydict.key
83 | ysh-slice a[1:-1] s[1:-1]
84 | func-call f(x, y)
85 | thin-arrow mylist->pop()
86 | fat-arrow mystr => startsWith('prefix')
87 | match-ops ~ !~ ~~ !~~
88 | [Eggex] re-literal / d+ ; re-flags ; ERE /
89 | re-primitive %zero 'sq'
90 | class-literal [c a-z 'abc' @str_var \\ \xFF \u0100]
91 | named-class dot digit space word d s w
92 | re-repeat d? d* d+ d{3} d{2,4}
93 | re-compound seq1 seq2 alt1|alt2 (expr1 expr2)
94 | re-capture <capture d+ as name: int>
95 | re-splice Subpattern @subpattern
96 | re-flags reg_icase reg_newline
97 | X re-multiline ///
98 | ```
99 |
100 | <h2 id="word-lang">
101 | Word Language (<a class="group-link" href="chap-word-lang.html">word-lang</a>)
102 | </h2>
103 |
104 | ```chapter-links-word-lang
105 | [Quotes] ysh-string "$x" r'[a-z]\n' u'line\n' b'byte \yff'
106 | triple-quoted """ r''' u''' b'''
107 | X tagged-str "<span id=$x>"html
108 | [Substitutions] expr-sub echo $[42 + a[i]]
109 | expr-splice echo @[split(x)]
110 | var-splice @myarray @ARGV
111 | command-sub @(split command)
112 | [Formatting] X ysh-printf ${x %.3f}
113 | X ysh-format ${x|html}
114 | ```
115 |
116 | <h2 id="builtin-cmd">
117 | Builtin Commands (<a class="group-link" href="chap-builtin-cmd">builtin-cmd</a>)
118 | </h2>
119 |
120 | ```chapter-links-builtin-cmd
121 | [Memory] append Add elements to end of array
122 | pp asdl cell X gc-stats line proc
123 | [Handle Errors] try Run with errexit, set _status _error
124 | boolstatus Enforce 0 or 1 exit status
125 | error error 'failed' (status=2)
126 | [Shell State] ysh-cd ysh-shopt compatible, and takes a block
127 | shvar Temporary modify global settings
128 | ctx Share and update a temporary "context"
129 | push-registers Save registers like $?, PIPESTATUS
130 | [Modules] runproc Run a proc; use as main entry point
131 | module guard against duplicate 'source'
132 | is-main false when sourcing a file
133 | use change first word lookup
134 | [I/O] ysh-read flags --all, -0
135 | ysh-echo no -e -n with simple_echo
136 | write Like echo, with --, --sep, --end
137 | fork forkwait Replace & and (), and takes a block
138 | fopen Open multiple streams, takes a block
139 | X dbg Only thing that can be used in funcs
140 | X log X die common functions (polyfill)
141 | [Hay Config] hay haynode For DSLs and config files
142 | [Completion] compadjust compexport
143 | [Data Formats] json read write
144 | json8 read write
145 | X packle read write, Graph-shaped
146 | X [TSV8] rows pick rows; dplyr filter()
147 | cols pick columns ('select' already taken)
148 | group-by add a column with a group ID [ext]
149 | sort-by sort by columns; dplyr arrange() [ext]
150 | summary count, sum, histogram, etc. [ext]
151 | [Args Parser] parser Parse command line arguments
152 | flag
153 | arg
154 | rest
155 | parseArgs()
156 | X [Testing] describe Test harness
157 | assert takes an expression
158 | X [External Lang] BEGIN END when (awk)
159 | rule (make) each (xargs) fs (find)
160 | ```
161 |
162 | <h2 id="option">
163 | Shell Options (<a class="group-link" href="chap-option.html">option</a>)
164 | </h2>
165 |
166 | ```chapter-links-option
167 | [Option Groups] strict:all ysh:upgrade ysh:all
168 | [Strictness] ... More Runtime Errors
169 | strict_argv No empty argv
170 | strict_arith Fatal parse errors (on by default)
171 | strict_array Arrays and strings aren't confused
172 | strict_control_flow Disallow misplaced keyword, empty arg
173 | strict_errexit Disallow code that ignores failure
174 | strict_nameref trap invalid variable names
175 | strict_word_eval Expose unicode and slicing errors
176 | strict_tilde Tilde subst can result in error
177 | X strict_glob Parse the sublanguage more strictly
178 | [YSH Upgrade] ... Migrate Existing Code to YSH
179 | parse_at echo @array @[arrayfunc(x, y)]
180 | parse_brace if true { ... }; cd ~/src { ... }
181 | parse_equals x = 'val' in Caps { } config blocks
182 | parse_paren if (x > 0) ...
183 | parse_proc proc p { ... }
184 | parse_triple_quote """$x""" '''x''' (command mode)
185 | parse_ysh_string echo r'\' u'\\' b'\\' (command mode)
186 | command_sub_errexit Synchronous errexit check
187 | process_sub_fail Analogous to pipefail for process subs
188 | sigpipe_status_ok status 141 -> 0 in pipelines
189 | simple_word_eval No splitting, static globbing
190 | xtrace_rich Hierarchical and process tracing
191 | xtrace_details (-u) Disable most tracing with +
192 | dashglob (-u) Disabled to avoid files like -rf
193 | redefine_proc (-u) Can procs be redefined?
194 | [Interactive] redefine_module 'module' builtin always returns 0
195 | X redefine_const Can consts be redefined?
196 | [Simplicity] ... More Consistent Style
197 | simple_echo echo doesn't accept flags -e -n
198 | simple_eval_builtin eval takes exactly 1 argument
199 | simple_test_builtin 3 args or fewer; use test not [
200 | X simple_trap Function name only
201 | [YSH Breaking] ... The Full YSH Language
202 | parse_at_all @ starting any word is an operator
203 | parse_backslash (-u) Allow bad backslashes in "" and $''
204 | parse_backticks (-u) Allow legacy syntax `echo hi`
205 | parse_bare_word (-u) 'case unquoted' and 'for x in unquoted'
206 | parse_dollar (-u) Allow bare $ to mean \$ (maybe $/d+/)
207 | parse_dbracket (-u) Is legacy [[ allowed?
208 | parse_dparen (-u) Is (( legacy arithmetic allowed?
209 | parse_ignored (-u) Parse, but ignore, certain redirects
210 | parse_sh_arith (-u) Allow legacy shell arithmetic
211 | expand_aliases (-u) Whether aliases are expanded
212 | X copy_env (-u) Use $[ENV.PYTHONPATH] when false
213 | X old_builtins (-u) local/declare/etc. pushd/popd/dirs
214 | ... source unset printf [un]alias
215 | ... getopts
216 | X old_syntax (-u) [[ $(( )) ( ) ${x%prefix}
217 | ${a[@]} $$
218 | [Compatibility] eval_unsafe_arith Allow dynamically parsed a[$(echo 42)]
219 | verbose_errexit Whether to print detailed errors
220 | [More Options] _allow_command_sub To implement strict_errexit, eval_unsafe_arith
221 | _allow_process_sub To implement strict_errexit
222 | dynamic_scope To implement 'proc'
223 | _no_debug_trap Used in pipelines in job control shell
224 | ```
225 |
226 | <h2 id="special-var">
227 | Special Variables (<a class="group-link" href="chap-special-var.html">special-var</a>)
228 | </h2>
229 |
230 | ```chapter-links-special-var
232 | _this_dir
233 | [YSH Status] _status _error
234 | _pipeline_status _process_sub_status
235 | [YSH Tracing] SHX_indent SHX_punct SHX_pid_str
236 | [YSH read] _reply
237 | [History] YSH_HISTFILE
238 | [Oils VM] OILS_VERSION
241 | X [Wok] _filename _line
242 | X [Builtin Sub] _buffer
243 | ```
244 |
245 | <h2 id="type-method">
246 | Builtin Types and Methods (<a class="group-link" href="chap-type-method.html">type-method</a>)
247 | </h2>
248 |
249 | ```chapter-links-type-method
250 | [Primitive] Bool Int Float Str Slice Range
251 | [Str] X find(eggex) replace()
252 | trim() trimStart() trimEnd()
253 | startsWith() endsWith()
254 | upper() lower() # ascii or unicode
255 | search() leftMatch()
256 | [Match] group() start() end()
257 | X groups() X groupDict()
258 | [List] append() pop() extend() indexOf()
259 | X insert() X remove() reverse()
260 | [Dict] keys() values() X get() X erase()
261 | X inc() X accum()
262 | X [Func] name() location() toJson()
263 | X [Proc] name() location() toJson()
264 | X [Module] name() filename()
265 | [Place] setValue()
266 | [IO] X eval() X captureStdout()
267 | promptVal()
268 | X time() X strftime()
269 | X glob()
270 | [Quotation] Expr X Template Command
271 | [Code] BuiltinFunc BuiltinMethod
272 | X [Guts] heapId()
273 | ```
274 |
275 | <h2 id="builtin-func">
276 | Builtin Functions (<a class="group-link" href="chap-builtin-func.html">builtin-func</a>)
277 | </h2>
278 |
279 | ```chapter-links-builtin-func
280 | [Values] len() type() X repeat()
281 | [Conversions] bool() int() float() str() list() dict()
282 | X chr() X ord() X runes()
283 | X [Str] strcmp() X split() shSplit()
284 | [List] join() any() all()
285 | [Collections] X copy() X deepCopy()
286 | [Word] glob() maybe()
287 | [Math] abs() max() min() X round() sum()
288 | [Serialize] toJson() fromJson()
289 | toJson8() fromJson8()
290 | X [J8 Decode] J8.Bool() J8.Int() ...
291 | X [Codecs] quoteUrl() quoteHtml() quoteSh() quoteC()
292 | quoteMake() quoteNinja()
293 | [Pattern] _group() _start() _end()
294 | [Introspection] shvarGet() evalExpr()
295 | [Hay Config] parseHay() evalHay()
296 | X [Wok] _field()
297 | X [Hashing] sha1dc() sha256()
298 | ```
299 |
300 | <h2 id="plugin">
301 | Plugins and Hooks (<a class="group-link" href="chap-plugin.html">plugin</a>)
302 | </h2>
303 |
304 | ```chapter-links-plugin
305 | [YSH] renderPrompt()
306 | ```