1 | ---
2 | in_progress: yes
3 | ---
4 |
5 | Examples of HTML Plugins
6 | ========================
7 |
8 | This file is essentially a unit test for [doctools/oil_doc.py]($oils-src), which
9 | contains all the HTML plugins.
10 |
11 | Related: [How We Build Oils Documentation](doc-toolchain.html).
12 |
13 | <div id="toc">
14 | </div>
15 |
16 | ## Link Shortcuts with `$`
17 |
18 | - `$xref`: [bash]($xref)
19 | - `$blog-tag`: [oil-release]($blog-tag)
20 | - `$oils-src`: [INSTALL.txt]($oils-src), [INSTALL.txt]($oils-src:INSTALL.txt)
21 | - `$blog-code-src`: [interactive-shell/README.md]($blog-code-src)
22 | - `$issue`: [issue 11]($issue:11)
23 | - `$oils-commit`: [this commit]($oils-commit:a1dad10d53b1fb94a164888d9ec277249ae98b58)
24 |
25 | ## Syntax Highlighting Specified In Front matter
26 |
27 | If every `pre` block in a document needs the same highlighter, you can specify
28 | it in the front matter like this:
29 |
30 | ---
31 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
32 | ---
33 |
34 | My Title
35 | ========
36 |
37 | ## Syntax Highlighting With Fenced Code Blocks
38 |
39 | ### sh-prompt
40 |
41 | Highlights the `$` line. For example, this input
42 |
43 | ```sh-prompt
44 | $ echo hi # comment
45 | hi
46 | ```
47 |
48 | produces
49 |
50 | ```sh-prompt
51 | $ echo hi # comment
52 | hi
53 | ```
54 |
55 | ### oils-sh
56 |
57 | A generic formatter that works for both shell and YSH code. It's used in
58 | [idioms.html](idioms.html), [known differences](known-differences.html), and is
59 | now the default for the Oils blog.
60 |
61 | (Detail: it's the same as `sh-prompt` for now. We might want to do something
62 | smarter.)
63 |
64 | ### none (Explicit Override)
65 |
66 | To override the default highlighter with none:
67 |
68 | ```none
69 | $ echo 'no syntax highlighting'
70 | ```
71 |
72 | Result:
73 |
74 | ```none
75 | $ echo 'no syntax highlighting'
76 | ```
77 |
78 | ### Pygments Lexers
79 |
80 | Use any pygments lexer:
81 |
82 | ```python
83 | x = 42
84 | print(x, file=sys.stderr)
85 | ```
86 |
87 | produces
88 |
89 | ```python
90 | x = 42
91 | print(x, file=sys.stderr)
92 | ```
93 |
94 | ### Plugins We Should Have
95 |
96 | - ysh and osh. *A Tour of YSH* could use it to show which code blocks can be
97 | extracted and run.
98 | - Side-by-side sh and YSH
99 | - Side-by-side PCRE and Eggex
100 | - sh-session - How to replace the data?
101 |
102 | A shell session could look like this:
103 |
104 | ```session-bash
105 | $ echo one
106 | one
107 |
108 | $ for x in foo bar; do
109 | > echo $x
110 | > done
111 | foo
112 | bar
113 | ```
114 |
115 | or
116 |
117 | ```session-ysh
118 | $ echo one
119 | one
120 |
121 | $ for x in foo bar {
122 | > echo $x
123 | > }
124 | foo
125 | bar
126 | ```
127 |
128 | <!--
129 | Workflow:
130 | - You should write this directly in Markdown. Even the output. So you know
131 | what you expect.
132 | - Syntax highlighter:
133 | - $ and > lines prefixes in bold, with the code in blue
134 | - the rest of the output in black
135 | - Verifier
136 | - Will extract:
137 | 1. sequences of lines that begin with $ and continue with >
138 | 2. expected output (not beginning with $ or >)
139 | - It will run those in a CLEAN working directory, one after the other
140 | - maybe it inserts 'echo __MAGIC_DELIMITER__ between them?
141 | - Or you could use the headless shell! To preserve state!
142 | - And then it will diff the actual output vs. the expected output
143 |
144 | Another idea: PS2 should lead with the same number of spaces as PS1:
145 |
146 | ysh$ for x in foo bar {
147 | . echo $x
148 | . }
149 | foo
150 | bar
151 |
152 | This looks cleaner.
153 | -->
154 |
155 | Embeddings:
156 |
157 | - Embed Image Preview of Web Page?
158 | - Embed Github Commit?
159 | - hashdiv has this for stories
160 | - Graphviz
161 | - LaTeX (although I don't really use it)
162 |