1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 |
4 | import unittest
5 |
6 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import Id, Id_str
7 | from core import error
8 | from data_lang import j8
9 | from mycpp.mylib import log
10 |
11 |
12 | class FunctionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
13 |
14 | def testUtf8Encode(self):
15 | CASES = [
16 | (u'\u0065'.encode('utf-8'), 0x0065),
17 | (u'\u0100'.encode('utf-8'), 0x0100),
18 | (u'\u1234'.encode('utf-8'), 0x1234),
19 | (u'\U00020000'.encode('utf-8'), 0x00020000),
20 | # Out of range gives Unicode replacement character.
21 | ('\xef\xbf\xbd', 0x10020000),
22 | ]
23 |
24 | for expected, code_point in CASES:
25 | print('')
26 | print('Utf8Encode case %r %r' % (expected, code_point))
27 | self.assertEqual(expected, j8.Utf8Encode(code_point))
28 |
29 |
30 | def _PrintTokens(lex):
31 | log('---')
32 | log('J8 Case %r', lex.s)
33 | pos = 0
34 | while True:
35 | id_, end_pos, decoded = lex.Next()
36 | val = lex.s[pos:end_pos]
37 | d = repr(decoded) if decoded is not None else '-'
38 | log(' %20s %15r %15s', Id_str(id_), val, d)
39 | if id_ == Id.Eol_Tok:
40 | break
41 | pos = end_pos
42 | log('')
43 |
44 |
45 | class Nil8Test(unittest.TestCase):
46 |
47 | def testNil8Errors(self):
48 | cases = [
49 | #'()',
50 | #'(42)',
51 | #'(:)',
52 | # extra input
53 | '(command.Simple))',
54 | '(',
55 | '(obj.field',
56 | '(obj.',
57 |
58 | # Expected a value afterward
59 | '(obj.)',
60 | '(obj.+',
61 | '(obj.+)',
62 | '(obj.[)',
63 | ]
64 | for s in cases:
65 | p = j8.Nil8Parser(s, True)
66 | try:
67 | obj = p.ParseNil8()
68 | except error.Decode as e:
69 | print(e)
70 | else:
71 | self.fail('Expected error.Decode when parsing %r' % s)
72 |
73 | def testNil8Operator(self):
74 | # Should be equivalent!
75 |
76 | cases = [
77 | # These are equivalent, note that parens like (key: "value") add another layer
78 | ('(: key "value")', 'key: "value"'),
79 | ('((: k "v") (: k2 "v2"))', '(k: "v" k2: "v2")'),
80 | ('(@ "str" x123)', '"str" @ x123'),
81 | ('((! a b) c)', '( a ! b c)'),
82 | ('(c (! a b))', '( c a ! b )'),
83 | ('(. (. obj field1) field2)', 'obj.field1.field2'),
84 | ('((-> obj method) (. obj field))', '(obj->method obj.field1)'),
85 | ]
86 | for prefix, infix in cases:
87 | print()
88 | print('PREFIX %s' % prefix)
89 | p = j8.Nil8Parser(prefix, True)
90 | obj1 = p.ParseNil8()
91 | print(obj1)
92 | log('len %d', len(obj1.items))
93 |
94 | print()
95 | print('INFIX %s' % infix)
96 | p = j8.Nil8Parser(infix, True)
97 | obj2 = p.ParseNil8()
98 | print(obj2)
99 | log('len %d', len(obj2.items))
100 |
101 | self.assertEqual(obj1.tag(), obj2.tag(),
102 | '%s != %s' % (obj1.tag(), obj2.tag()))
103 | self.assertEqual(len(obj1.items), len(obj2.items))
104 |
105 | def testNil8(self):
106 | cases = [
107 | '(unquoted)',
108 | '(command.Simple)',
109 | '(f x)',
110 | '(f 42 "hi")',
111 | '((-> obj method) (. obj field))',
112 |
113 | # address
114 | '(@ x123 (Token "foo"))',
115 | '(: key "value")',
116 | '(. x123)', # dereference, could be @
117 |
118 | #'(Token "foo") @ x123',
119 |
120 | # TODO: parse like infix
121 | '(Token key:"value" k2:"v2")',
122 |
123 | # Should be parsed like infix operator
124 | '(key !x123)',
125 | '(<-)', # symbol
126 | "(<- 1 b'hi')", # any kinds of args
127 | "(<- 1 'hi' (f [1 2 3]))", # symbol
128 | '[]',
129 | '[42]',
130 | '[42 43]',
131 | '[42 ["a" "b"]]',
132 | '42',
133 | '"hi"',
134 | ]
135 | for s in cases:
136 | p = j8.Nil8Parser(s, True)
137 | obj = p.ParseNil8()
138 | print(s)
139 | print(' %s' % obj)
140 | print()
141 |
142 |
143 | class J8Test(unittest.TestCase):
144 |
145 | def testJ8(self):
146 | s = '{}'
147 | p = j8.Parser(s, True)
148 | obj = p.ParseValue()
149 | print(obj)
150 |
151 | def testLexerDecoder(self):
152 | lex = j8.LexerDecoder(r'{"hi": "bye \n"}', True, 'J8')
153 | _PrintTokens(lex)
154 |
155 | lex = j8.LexerDecoder(r"{u'unicode': b'bytes \y1f \yff'}", True, 'J8')
156 | _PrintTokens(lex)
157 |
158 | lex = j8.LexerDecoder(
159 | r'{"mu \u03BC \u0001":' + r"b'mu \u{03bc} \u{2620}'", True, 'J8')
160 | _PrintTokens(lex)
161 |
162 | lex = j8.LexerDecoder(r'{"x": [1, 2, 3.14, true]}', True, 'J8')
163 | _PrintTokens(lex)
164 |
165 | lex = j8.LexerDecoder(
166 | r'''
167 | [
168 | 1e9, 1e-9, -1e9, -1E-9, 42
169 | ]
170 | ''', True, 'J8')
171 | _PrintTokens(lex)
172 |
173 | try:
174 | lex = j8.LexerDecoder('"\x01"', True, 'J8')
175 | _PrintTokens(lex)
176 | except error.Decode as e:
177 | print(e)
178 | else:
179 | self.fail('Expected failure')
180 |
181 | try:
182 | lex = j8.LexerDecoder('"\x1f"', True, 'J8')
183 | _PrintTokens(lex)
184 | except error.Decode as e:
185 | print(e)
186 | else:
187 | self.fail('Expected failure')
188 |
189 | def testMoreTokens(self):
190 | cases = [
191 | 'true # comment',
192 | 'truez8 # identifier',
193 | 'truez8> # symbol',
194 | '(<= 1 3) # less than',
195 | # Can allow hex identifiers here like 123
196 | '(<- 123 (Token))',
197 | '(Node left:(-> 123))',
198 | ]
199 | for s in cases:
200 | lex = j8.LexerDecoder(s, True, 'J8')
201 | _PrintTokens(lex)
202 |
203 | def testErrorMessagePosition(self):
204 | lex = j8.LexerDecoder("[ u'hi']", False, 'J8')
205 | try:
206 | _PrintTokens(lex)
207 | except error.Decode as e:
208 | print(e)
209 | self.assertEquals(2, e.start_pos)
210 | self.assertEquals(4, e.end_pos)
211 | else:
212 | self.fail('Expected failure')
213 |
214 |
215 | class YajlTest(unittest.TestCase):
216 | """
217 | Note on old tests for YAJL. Differences
218 |
219 | - It decoded to Python 2 str() type, not unicode()
220 | - Bug in emitting \\xff literally, which is not valid JSON
221 | - turns out there is a C level option for this
222 | """
223 | pass
224 |
225 |
226 | if __name__ == '__main__':
227 | unittest.main()
228 |
229 | # vim: sw=4