1 | """
2 | pyos.py -- Wrappers for the operating system.
3 |
4 | Like py{error,util}.py, it won't be translated to C++.
5 | """
6 | from __future__ import print_function
7 |
8 | from errno import EINTR
9 | import pwd
10 | import resource
11 | import signal
12 | import select
13 | import sys
14 | import termios # for read -n
15 | import time
16 |
17 | from core import pyutil
18 | from mycpp.mylib import log
19 |
20 | import posix_ as posix
21 | from posix_ import WUNTRACED
22 |
23 | from typing import Optional, Tuple, List, Dict, cast, Any
24 |
25 | _ = log
26 |
27 | EOF_SENTINEL = 256 # bigger than any byte
28 | NEWLINE_CH = 10 # ord('\n')
29 |
30 |
31 | def FlushStdout():
32 | # type: () -> None
33 | """Flush CPython buffers."""
34 | sys.stdout.flush()
35 |
36 |
37 | def WaitPid(waitpid_options):
38 | # type: (int) -> Tuple[int, int]
39 | """
40 | Return value:
41 | pid is 0 if WNOHANG passed, and nothing has changed state
42 | status: value that can be parsed with WIFEXITED() etc.
43 | """
44 | try:
45 | # Notes:
46 | # - The arg -1 makes it like wait(), which waits for any process.
47 | # - WUNTRACED is necessary to get stopped jobs. What about WCONTINUED?
48 | # - We don't retry on EINTR, because the 'wait' builtin should be
49 | # interruptible.
50 | # - waitpid_options can be WNOHANG
51 | pid, status = posix.waitpid(-1, WUNTRACED | waitpid_options)
52 | except OSError as e:
53 | return -1, e.errno
54 |
55 | return pid, status
56 |
57 |
58 | class ReadError(Exception):
59 | """Wraps errno returned by read().
60 |
61 | Used by 'read' and 'mapfile' builtins.
62 | """
63 |
64 | def __init__(self, err_num):
65 | # type: (int) -> None
66 | self.err_num = err_num
67 |
68 |
69 | def Read(fd, n, chunks):
70 | # type: (int, int, List[str]) -> Tuple[int, int]
71 | """C-style wrapper around Python's posix.read() that uses return values
72 | instead of exceptions for errors. We will implement this directly in C++
73 | and not use exceptions at all.
74 |
75 | It reads n bytes from the given file descriptor and appends it to chunks.
76 |
77 | Returns:
78 | (-1, errno) on failure
79 | (number of bytes read, 0) on success. Where 0 bytes read indicates EOF.
80 | """
81 | try:
82 | chunk = posix.read(fd, n)
83 | except OSError as e:
84 | return -1, e.errno
85 | else:
86 | length = len(chunk)
87 | if length:
88 | chunks.append(chunk)
89 | return length, 0
90 |
91 |
92 | def ReadByte(fd):
93 | # type: (int) -> Tuple[int, int]
94 | """Another low level interface with a return value interface. Used by
95 | _ReadUntilDelim() and _ReadLineSlowly().
96 |
97 | Returns:
98 | failure: (-1, errno) on failure
99 | success: (ch integer value or EOF_SENTINEL, 0)
100 | """
101 | try:
102 | b = posix.read(fd, 1)
103 | except OSError as e:
104 | return -1, e.errno
105 | else:
106 | if len(b):
107 | return ord(b), 0
108 | else:
109 | return EOF_SENTINEL, 0
110 |
111 |
112 | if 0:
113 |
114 | def ReadLineBuffered():
115 | # type: () -> str
116 | """Obsolete
117 | """
118 | ch_array = [] # type: List[int]
119 | while True:
120 | ch, err_num = ReadByte(0)
121 |
122 | if ch < 0:
123 | if err_num == EINTR:
124 | # Instead of retrying, return EOF, which is what libc.stdin_readline()
125 | # did. I think this interface is easier with getline().
126 | # This causes 'read --line' to return status 1.
127 | return ''
128 | else:
129 | raise ReadError(err_num)
130 |
131 | elif ch == EOF_SENTINEL:
132 | break
133 |
134 | else:
135 | ch_array.append(ch)
136 |
137 | # TODO: Add option to omit newline
138 | if ch == NEWLINE_CH:
139 | break
140 |
141 | return pyutil.ChArrayToString(ch_array)
142 |
143 |
144 | def Environ():
145 | # type: () -> Dict[str, str]
146 | return posix.environ
147 |
148 |
149 | def Chdir(dest_dir):
150 | # type: (str) -> int
151 | """Returns 0 for success and nonzero errno for error."""
152 | try:
153 | posix.chdir(dest_dir)
154 | except OSError as e:
155 | return e.errno
156 | return 0
157 |
158 |
159 | def GetMyHomeDir():
160 | # type: () -> Optional[str]
161 | """Get the user's home directory from the /etc/pyos.
162 |
163 | Used by $HOME initialization in osh/state.py. Tilde expansion and
164 | readline initialization use mem.GetValue('HOME').
165 | """
166 | uid = posix.getuid()
167 | try:
168 | e = pwd.getpwuid(uid)
169 | except KeyError:
170 | return None
171 |
172 | return e.pw_dir
173 |
174 |
175 | def GetHomeDir(user_name):
176 | # type: (str) -> Optional[str]
177 | """For ~otheruser/src.
178 |
179 | TODO: Should this be cached?
180 | """
181 | # http://linux.die.net/man/3/getpwnam
182 | try:
183 | e = pwd.getpwnam(user_name)
184 | except KeyError:
185 | return None
186 |
187 | return e.pw_dir
188 |
189 |
190 | class PasswdEntry(object):
191 |
192 | def __init__(self, pw_name, uid, gid):
193 | # type: (str, int, int) -> None
194 | self.pw_name = pw_name
195 | self.pw_uid = uid
196 | self.pw_gid = gid
197 |
198 |
199 | def GetAllUsers():
200 | # type: () -> List[PasswdEntry]
201 | users = [
202 | PasswdEntry(u.pw_name, u.pw_uid, u.pw_gid) for u in pwd.getpwall()
203 | ]
204 | return users
205 |
206 |
207 | def GetUserName(uid):
208 | # type: (int) -> str
209 | try:
210 | e = pwd.getpwuid(uid)
211 | except KeyError:
212 | return "<ERROR: Couldn't determine user name for uid %d>" % uid
213 | else:
214 | return e.pw_name
215 |
216 |
217 | def Time():
218 | # type: () -> Tuple[float, float, float]
219 | t = time.time() # calls gettimeofday() under the hood
220 | u = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
221 | return t, u.ru_utime, u.ru_stime
222 |
223 |
224 | def PrintTimes():
225 | # type: () -> None
226 | utime, stime, cutime, cstime, elapsed = posix.times()
227 | print("%dm%.3fs %dm%.3fs" %
228 | (utime / 60, utime % 60, stime / 60, stime % 60))
229 | print("%dm%.3fs %dm%.3fs" %
230 | (cutime / 60, cutime % 60, cstime / 60, cstime % 60))
231 |
232 |
233 | # So builtin_misc.py doesn't depend on termios, which makes C++ translation
234 | # easier
235 | TERM_ICANON = termios.ICANON
236 | TERM_ECHO = termios.ECHO
237 |
238 |
239 | def PushTermAttrs(fd, mask):
240 | # type: (int, int) -> Tuple[int, Any]
241 | """Returns opaque type (void* in C++) to be reused in the PopTermAttrs()"""
242 | # https://docs.python.org/2/library/termios.html
243 | term_attrs = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
244 |
245 | # Flip the bits in one field, e.g. ICANON to disable canonical (buffered)
246 | # mode.
247 | orig_local_modes = cast(int, term_attrs[3])
248 | term_attrs[3] = orig_local_modes & mask
249 |
250 | termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, term_attrs)
251 | return orig_local_modes, term_attrs
252 |
253 |
254 | def PopTermAttrs(fd, orig_local_modes, term_attrs):
255 | # type: (int, int, Any) -> None
256 |
257 | term_attrs[3] = orig_local_modes
258 | try:
259 | termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, term_attrs)
260 | except termios.error as e:
261 | # Superficial fix for issue #1001. I'm not sure why we get errno.EIO,
262 | # but we can't really handle it here. In C++ I guess we ignore the
263 | # error.
264 | pass
265 |
266 |
267 | def OsType():
268 | # type: () -> str
269 | """Compute $OSTYPE variable."""
270 | return posix.uname()[0].lower()
271 |
272 |
273 | def InputAvailable(fd):
274 | # type: (int) -> bool
275 | # similar to lib/sh/input_avail.c in bash
276 | # read, write, except
277 | r, w, exc = select.select([fd], [], [fd], 0)
278 | return len(r) != 0
279 |
280 |
282 |
283 |
284 | class SignalSafe(object):
285 | """State that is shared between the main thread and signal handlers.
286 |
287 | See C++ implementation in cpp/core.h
288 | """
289 |
290 | def __init__(self):
291 | # type: () -> None
292 | self.pending_signals = [] # type: List[int]
293 | self.last_sig_num = 0 # type: int
294 | self.received_sigint = False
295 | self.received_sigwinch = False
296 | self.sigwinch_code = UNTRAPPED_SIGWINCH
297 |
298 | def UpdateFromSignalHandler(self, sig_num, unused_frame):
299 | # type: (int, Any) -> None
300 | """Receive the given signal, and update shared state.
301 |
302 | This method is registered as a Python signal handler.
303 | """
304 | self.pending_signals.append(sig_num)
305 |
306 | if sig_num == signal.SIGINT:
307 | self.received_sigint = True
308 |
309 | if sig_num == signal.SIGWINCH:
310 | self.received_sigwinch = True
311 | sig_num = self.sigwinch_code # mutate param
312 |
313 | self.last_sig_num = sig_num
314 |
315 | def LastSignal(self):
316 | # type: () -> int
317 | """Return the number of the last signal that fired."""
318 | return self.last_sig_num
319 |
320 | def PollSigInt(self):
321 | # type: () -> bool
322 | """Has SIGINT received since the last time PollSigInt() was called?"""
323 | result = self.received_sigint
324 | self.received_sigint = False
325 | return result
326 |
327 | def SetSigWinchCode(self, code):
328 | # type: (int) -> None
329 | """Depending on whether or not SIGWINCH is trapped by a user, it is
330 | expected to report a different code to `wait`.
331 |
332 | SetSigwinchCode() lets us set which code is reported.
333 | """
334 | self.sigwinch_code = code
335 |
336 | def PollSigWinch(self):
337 | # type: () -> bool
338 | """Has SIGWINCH been received since the last time PollSigWinch() was
339 | called?"""
340 | result = self.received_sigwinch
341 | self.received_sigwinch = False
342 | return result
343 |
344 | def TakePendingSignals(self):
345 | # type: () -> List[int]
346 | # A note on signal-safety here. The main loop might be calling this function
347 | # at the same time a signal is firing and appending to
348 | # `self.pending_signals`. We can forgoe using a lock here
349 | # (which would be problematic for the signal handler) because mutual
350 | # exclusivity should be maintained by the atomic nature of pointer
351 | # assignment (i.e. word-sized writes) on most modern platforms.
352 | # The replacement run list is allocated before the swap, so it can be
353 | # interuppted at any point without consequence.
354 | # This means the signal handler always has exclusive access to
355 | # `self.pending_signals`. In the worst case the signal handler might write to
356 | # `new_queue` and the corresponding trap handler won't get executed
357 | # until the main loop calls this function again.
358 | # NOTE: It's important to distinguish between signal-safety an
359 | # thread-safety here. Signals run in the same process context as the main
360 | # loop, while concurrent threads do not and would have to worry about
361 | # cache-coherence and instruction reordering.
362 | new_queue = [] # type: List[int]
363 | ret = self.pending_signals
364 | self.pending_signals = new_queue
365 | return ret
366 |
367 | def ReuseEmptyList(self, empty_list):
368 | # type: (List[int]) -> None
369 | """This optimization only happens in C++."""
370 | pass
371 |
372 |
373 | gSignalSafe = None # type: SignalSafe
374 |
375 |
376 | def InitSignalSafe():
377 | # type: () -> SignalSafe
378 | """Set global instance so the signal handler can access it."""
379 | global gSignalSafe
380 | gSignalSafe = SignalSafe()
381 | return gSignalSafe
382 |
383 |
384 | def Sigaction(sig_num, handler):
385 | # type: (int, Any) -> None
386 | """Register a signal handler."""
387 | signal.signal(sig_num, handler)
388 |
389 |
390 | def RegisterSignalInterest(sig_num):
391 | # type: (int) -> None
392 | """Have the kernel notify the main loop about the given signal."""
393 | assert gSignalSafe is not None
394 | signal.signal(sig_num, gSignalSafe.UpdateFromSignalHandler)
395 |
396 |
397 | def MakeDirCacheKey(path):
398 | # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, int]
399 | """Returns a pair (path with last modified time) that can be used to cache
400 | directory accesses."""
401 | st = posix.stat(path)
402 | return (path, int(st.st_mtime))