1 | """comp_ui.py."""
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 |
4 | from core import ansi
5 | from core import completion
6 | import libc
7 |
8 | from mycpp import mylib
9 |
10 | from typing import Any, List, Optional, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING
12 | from frontend.py_readline import Readline
13 | from core.util import _DebugFile
14 | from core import pyos
15 |
16 | # ANSI escape codes affect the prompt!
17 | # https://superuser.com/questions/301353/escape-non-printing-characters-in-a-function-for-a-bash-prompt
18 | #
19 | # Readline understands \x01 and \x02, while bash understands \[ and \].
20 |
21 | # NOTE: There were used in demoish.py. Do we still want those styles?
22 | if 0:
23 | PROMPT_BOLD = '\x01%s\x02' % ansi.BOLD
24 | PROMPT_RESET = '\x01%s\x02' % ansi.RESET
25 | PROMPT_UNDERLINE = '\x01%s\x02' % ansi.UNDERLINE
26 | PROMPT_REVERSE = '\x01%s\x02' % ansi.REVERSE
27 |
28 |
29 | def _PromptLen(prompt_str):
30 | # type: (str) -> int
31 | """Ignore all characters between \x01 and \x02 and handle unicode
32 | characters.
33 |
34 | In particular, the display width of a string may be different from
35 | either the number of bytes or the number of unicode characters.
36 | Additionally, if there are multiple lines in the prompt, only give
37 | the length of the last line.
38 | """
39 | escaped = False
40 | display_str = ""
41 | for c in prompt_str:
42 | if c == '\x01':
43 | escaped = True
44 | elif c == '\x02':
45 | escaped = False
46 | elif not escaped:
47 | # mycpp: rewrite of +=
48 | display_str = display_str + c
49 | last_line = display_str.split('\n')[-1]
50 | try:
51 | width = libc.wcswidth(last_line)
52 | # en_US.UTF-8 locale missing, just return the number of bytes
53 | except UnicodeError:
54 | return len(display_str)
55 | if width == -1:
56 | return len(display_str)
57 | return width
58 |
59 |
60 | class PromptState(object):
61 | """For the InteractiveLineReader to communicate with the Display
62 | callback."""
63 |
64 | def __init__(self):
65 | # type: () -> None
66 | self.last_prompt_str = None # type: Optional[str]
67 | self.last_prompt_len = -1
68 |
69 | def SetLastPrompt(self, prompt_str):
70 | # type: (str) -> None
71 | self.last_prompt_str = prompt_str
72 | self.last_prompt_len = _PromptLen(prompt_str)
73 |
74 |
75 | class State(object):
76 | """For the RootCompleter to communicate with the Display callback."""
77 |
78 | def __init__(self):
79 | # type: () -> None
80 | # original line, truncated
81 | self.line_until_tab = None # type: Optional[str]
82 |
83 | # Start offset in EVERY candidate to display. We send fully-completed
84 | # LINES to readline because we don't want it to do its own word splitting.
85 | self.display_pos = -1
86 |
87 | # completion candidate descriptions
88 | self.descriptions = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
89 |
90 |
91 | class _IDisplay(object):
92 | """Interface for completion displays."""
93 |
94 | def __init__(self, comp_state, prompt_state, num_lines_cap, f, debug_f):
95 | # type: (State, PromptState, int, mylib.Writer, _DebugFile) -> None
96 | self.comp_state = comp_state
97 | self.prompt_state = prompt_state
98 | self.num_lines_cap = num_lines_cap
99 | self.f = f
100 | self.debug_f = debug_f
101 |
102 | def PrintCandidates(self, unused_subst, matches, unused_match_len):
103 | # type: (Optional[str], List[str], int) -> None
104 | try:
105 | self._PrintCandidates(unused_subst, matches, unused_match_len)
106 | except Exception:
107 | if 0:
108 | import traceback
109 | traceback.print_exc()
110 |
111 | def _PrintCandidates(self, unused_subst, matches, unused_match_len):
112 | # type: (Optional[str], List[str], int) -> None
113 | """Abstract method."""
114 | raise NotImplementedError()
115 |
116 | def Reset(self):
117 | # type: () -> None
118 | """Call this in between commands."""
119 | pass
120 |
121 | def ShowPromptOnRight(self, rendered):
122 | # type: (str) -> None
123 | # Doesn't apply to MinimalDisplay
124 | pass
125 |
126 | def EraseLines(self):
127 | # type: () -> None
128 | # Doesn't apply to MinimalDisplay
129 | pass
130 |
131 | if mylib.PYTHON:
132 |
133 | def PrintRequired(self, msg, *args):
134 | # type: (str, *Any) -> None
135 | # This gets called with "nothing to display"
136 | pass
137 |
138 | def PrintOptional(self, msg, *args):
139 | # type: (str, *Any) -> None
140 | pass
141 |
142 |
143 | class MinimalDisplay(_IDisplay):
144 | """A display with minimal dependencies.
145 |
146 | It doesn't output color or depend on the terminal width. It could be
147 | useful if we ever have a browser build! We can see completion
148 | without testing it.
149 | """
150 |
151 | def __init__(self, comp_state, prompt_state, debug_f):
152 | # type: (State, PromptState, _DebugFile) -> None
153 | _IDisplay.__init__(self, comp_state, prompt_state, 10, mylib.Stdout(),
154 | debug_f)
155 |
156 | self.reader = None
157 |
158 | def _RedrawPrompt(self):
159 | # type: () -> None
160 | # NOTE: This has to reprint the prompt and the command line!
161 | # Like bash, we SAVE the prompt and print it, rather than re-evaluating it.
162 | self.f.write(self.prompt_state.last_prompt_str)
163 | self.f.write(self.comp_state.line_until_tab)
164 |
165 | def _PrintCandidates(self, unused_subst, matches, unused_match_len):
166 | # type: (Optional[str], List[str], int) -> None
167 | #log('_PrintCandidates %s', matches)
168 | self.f.write('\n') # need this
169 | display_pos = self.comp_state.display_pos
170 | assert display_pos != -1
171 |
172 | too_many = False
173 | i = 0
174 | for m in matches:
175 | self.f.write(' %s\n' % m[display_pos:])
176 |
177 | if i == self.num_lines_cap:
178 | too_many = True
179 | i += 1 # Count this one
180 | break
181 |
182 | i += 1
183 |
184 | if too_many:
185 | num_left = len(matches) - i
186 | if num_left:
187 | self.f.write(' ... and %d more\n' % num_left)
188 |
189 | self._RedrawPrompt()
190 |
191 | if mylib.PYTHON:
192 |
193 | def PrintRequired(self, msg, *args):
194 | # type: (str, *Any) -> None
195 | self.f.write('\n')
196 | if args:
197 | msg = msg % args
198 | self.f.write(' %s\n' % msg) # need a newline
199 | self._RedrawPrompt()
200 |
201 |
202 | def _PrintPacked(matches, max_match_len, term_width, max_lines, f):
203 | # type: (List[str], int, int, int, mylib.Writer) -> int
204 | # With of each candidate. 2 spaces between each.
205 | w = max_match_len + 2
206 |
207 | # Number of candidates per line. Don't print in first or last column.
208 | num_per_line = max(1, (term_width - 2) // w)
209 |
210 | fmt = '%-' + str(w) + 's'
211 | num_lines = 0
212 |
213 | too_many = False
214 | remainder = num_per_line - 1
215 | i = 0 # num matches
216 | for m in matches:
217 | if i % num_per_line == 0:
218 | f.write(' ') # 1 space left gutter
219 |
220 | f.write(fmt % m)
221 |
222 | if i % num_per_line == remainder:
223 | f.write('\n') # newline (leaving 1 space right gutter)
224 | num_lines += 1
225 |
226 | # Check if we've printed enough lines
227 | if num_lines == max_lines:
228 | too_many = True
229 | i += 1 # count this one
230 | break
231 | i += 1
232 |
233 | # Write last line break, unless it came out exactly.
234 | if i % num_per_line != 0:
235 | #log('i = %d, num_per_line = %d, i %% num_per_line = %d',
236 | # i, num_per_line, i % num_per_line)
237 |
238 | f.write('\n')
239 | num_lines += 1
240 |
241 | if too_many:
242 | # TODO: Save this in the Display class
243 | fmt2 = ansi.BOLD + ansi.BLUE + '%' + str(term_width -
244 | 2) + 's' + ansi.RESET
245 | num_left = len(matches) - i
246 | if num_left:
247 | f.write(fmt2 % '... and %d more\n' % num_left)
248 | num_lines += 1
249 |
250 | return num_lines
251 |
252 |
253 | def _PrintLong(
254 | matches, # type: List[str]
255 | max_match_len, # type: int
256 | term_width, # type: int
257 | max_lines, # type: int
258 | descriptions, # type: Dict[str, str]
259 | f, # type: mylib.Writer
260 | ):
261 | # type: (...) -> int
262 | """Print flags with descriptions, one per line.
263 |
264 | Args:
265 | descriptions: dict of { prefix-stripped match -> description }
266 |
267 | Returns:
268 | The number of lines printed.
269 | """
270 | #log('desc = %s', descriptions)
271 |
272 | # Subtract 3 chars: 1 for left and right margin, and then 1 for the space in
273 | # between.
274 | max_desc = max(0, term_width - max_match_len - 3)
275 | fmt = ' %-' + str(
276 | max_match_len) + 's ' + ansi.YELLOW + '%s' + ansi.RESET + '\n'
277 |
278 | num_lines = 0
279 |
280 | # rl_match is a raw string, which may or may not have a trailing space
281 | for rl_match in matches:
282 | desc = descriptions.get(rl_match)
283 | if desc is None:
284 | desc = ''
285 | if max_desc == 0: # the window is not wide enough for some flag
286 | f.write(' %s\n' % rl_match)
287 | else:
288 | if len(desc) > max_desc:
289 | desc = desc[:max_desc - 5] + ' ... '
290 | f.write(fmt % (rl_match, desc))
291 |
292 | num_lines += 1
293 |
294 | if num_lines == max_lines:
295 | # right justify
296 | fmt2 = ansi.BOLD + ansi.BLUE + '%' + str(term_width -
297 | 1) + 's' + ansi.RESET
298 | num_left = len(matches) - num_lines
299 | if num_left:
300 | f.write(fmt2 % '... and %d more\n' % num_left)
301 | num_lines += 1
302 | break
303 |
304 | return num_lines
305 |
306 |
307 | class NiceDisplay(_IDisplay):
308 | """Methods to display completion candidates and other messages.
309 |
310 | This object has to remember how many lines we last drew, in order to erase
311 | them before drawing something new.
312 |
313 | It's also useful for:
314 | - Stripping off the common prefix according to OUR rules, not readline's.
315 | - displaying descriptions of flags and builtins
316 | """
317 |
318 | def __init__(
319 | self,
320 | term_width, # type: int
321 | comp_state, # type: State
322 | prompt_state, # type: PromptState
323 | debug_f, # type: _DebugFile
324 | readline, # type: Optional[Readline]
325 | signal_safe, # type: pyos.SignalSafe
326 | ):
327 | # type: (...) -> None
328 | """
329 | Args:
330 | bold_line: Should user's entry be bold?
331 | """
332 | _IDisplay.__init__(self, comp_state, prompt_state, 10, mylib.Stdout(),
333 | debug_f)
334 |
335 | self.term_width = term_width # initial terminal width; will be invalidated
336 |
337 | self.readline = readline
338 | self.signal_safe = signal_safe
339 |
340 | self.bold_line = False
341 |
342 | self.num_lines_last_displayed = 0
343 |
344 | # For debugging only, could get rid of
345 | self.c_count = 0
346 | self.m_count = 0
347 |
348 | # hash of matches -> count. Has exactly ONE entry at a time.
349 | self.dupes = {} # type: Dict[int, int]
350 |
351 | def Reset(self):
352 | # type: () -> None
353 | """Call this in between commands."""
354 | self.num_lines_last_displayed = 0
355 | self.dupes.clear()
356 |
357 | def _ReturnToPrompt(self, num_lines):
358 | # type: (int) -> None
359 | # NOTE: We can't use ANSI terminal codes to save and restore the prompt,
360 | # because the screen may have scrolled. Instead we have to keep track of
361 | # how many lines we printed and the original column of the cursor.
362 |
363 | orig_len = len(self.comp_state.line_until_tab)
364 |
365 | self.f.write('\x1b[%dA' % num_lines) # UP
366 | last_prompt_len = self.prompt_state.last_prompt_len
367 | assert last_prompt_len != -1
368 |
369 | # Go right, but not more than the terminal width.
370 | n = orig_len + last_prompt_len
371 | n = n % self._GetTerminalWidth()
372 | self.f.write('\x1b[%dC' % n) # RIGHT
373 |
374 | if self.bold_line:
375 | self.f.write(ansi.BOLD) # Experiment
376 |
377 | self.f.flush()
378 |
379 | def _PrintCandidates(self, unused_subst, matches, unused_max_match_len):
380 | # type: (Optional[str], List[str], int) -> None
381 | term_width = self._GetTerminalWidth()
382 |
383 | # Variables set by the completion generator. They should always exist,
384 | # because we can't get "matches" without calling that function.
385 | display_pos = self.comp_state.display_pos
386 | self.debug_f.write('DISPLAY POS in _PrintCandidates = %d\n' %
387 | display_pos)
388 |
389 | self.f.write('\n')
390 |
391 | self.EraseLines() # Delete previous completions!
392 | #log('_PrintCandidates %r', unused_subst, file=DEBUG_F)
393 |
394 | # Figure out if the user hit TAB multiple times to show more matches.
395 | # It's not correct to hash the line itself, because two different lines can
396 | # have the same completions:
397 | #
398 | # ls <TAB>
399 | # ls --<TAB>
400 | #
401 | # This is because there is a common prefix.
402 | # So instead use the hash of all matches as the identity.
403 |
404 | # This could be more accurate but I think it's good enough.
405 | comp_id = hash(''.join(matches))
406 | if comp_id in self.dupes:
407 | # mycpp: rewrite of +=
408 | self.dupes[comp_id] = self.dupes[comp_id] + 1
409 | else:
410 | self.dupes.clear() # delete the old ones
411 | self.dupes[comp_id] = 1
412 |
413 | max_lines = self.num_lines_cap * self.dupes[comp_id]
414 |
415 | assert display_pos != -1
416 | if display_pos == 0: # slight optimization for first word
417 | to_display = matches
418 | else:
419 | to_display = [m[display_pos:] for m in matches]
420 |
421 | # Calculate max length after stripping prefix.
422 | lens = [len(m) for m in to_display]
423 | max_match_len = max(lens)
424 |
425 | # TODO: NiceDisplay should truncate when max_match_len > term_width?
426 | # Also truncate when a single candidate is super long?
427 |
428 | # Print and go back up. But we have to ERASE these before hitting enter!
429 | if self.comp_state.descriptions is not None and len(
430 | self.comp_state.descriptions) > 0: # exists and is NON EMPTY
431 | num_lines = _PrintLong(to_display, max_match_len, term_width,
432 | max_lines, self.comp_state.descriptions,
433 | self.f)
434 | else:
435 | num_lines = _PrintPacked(to_display, max_match_len, term_width,
436 | max_lines, self.f)
437 |
438 | self._ReturnToPrompt(num_lines + 1)
439 | self.num_lines_last_displayed = num_lines
440 |
441 | self.c_count += 1
442 |
443 | if mylib.PYTHON:
444 |
445 | def PrintRequired(self, msg, *args):
446 | # type: (str, *Any) -> None
447 | """Print a message below the prompt, and then return to the
448 | location on the prompt line."""
449 | if args:
450 | msg = msg % args
451 |
452 | # This will mess up formatting
453 | assert not msg.endswith('\n'), msg
454 |
455 | self.f.write('\n')
456 |
457 | self.EraseLines()
458 | #log('PrintOptional %r', msg, file=DEBUG_F)
459 |
460 | # Truncate to terminal width
461 | max_len = self._GetTerminalWidth() - 2
462 | if len(msg) > max_len:
463 | msg = msg[:max_len - 5] + ' ... '
464 |
465 | # NOTE: \n at end is REQUIRED. Otherwise we get drawing problems when on
466 | # the last line.
467 | fmt = ansi.BOLD + ansi.BLUE + '%' + str(
468 | max_len) + 's' + ansi.RESET + '\n'
469 | self.f.write(fmt % msg)
470 |
471 | self._ReturnToPrompt(2)
472 |
473 | self.num_lines_last_displayed = 1
474 | self.m_count += 1
475 |
476 | def PrintOptional(self, msg, *args):
477 | # type: (str, *Any) -> None
478 | self.PrintRequired(msg, *args)
479 |
480 | def ShowPromptOnRight(self, rendered):
481 | # type: (str) -> None
482 | n = self._GetTerminalWidth() - 2 - len(rendered)
483 | spaces = ' ' * n
484 |
485 | # We avoid drawing problems if we print it on its own line:
486 | # - inserting text doesn't push it to the right
487 | # - you can't overwrite it
488 | self.f.write(spaces + ansi.REVERSE + ' ' + rendered + ' ' +
489 | ansi.RESET + '\r\n')
490 |
491 | def EraseLines(self):
492 | # type: () -> None
493 | """Clear N lines one-by-one.
494 |
495 | Assume the cursor is right below thep rompt:
496 |
497 | ish$ echo hi
498 | _ <-- HERE
499 |
500 | That's the first line to erase out of N. After erasing them, return it
501 | there.
502 | """
503 | if self.bold_line:
504 | self.f.write(ansi.RESET) # if command is bold
505 | self.f.flush()
506 |
507 | n = self.num_lines_last_displayed
508 |
509 | #log('EraseLines %d (c = %d, m = %d)', n, self.c_count, self.m_count,
510 | # file=DEBUG_F)
511 |
512 | if n == 0:
513 | return
514 |
515 | for i in xrange(n):
516 | self.f.write('\x1b[2K') # 2K clears entire line (not 0K or 1K)
517 | self.f.write('\x1b[1B') # go down one line
518 |
519 | # Now go back up
520 | self.f.write('\x1b[%dA' % n)
521 | self.f.flush() # Without this, output will look messed up
522 |
523 | def _GetTerminalWidth(self):
524 | # type: () -> int
525 | if self.signal_safe.PollSigWinch(): # is our value dirty?
526 | try:
527 | self.term_width = libc.get_terminal_width()
528 | except (IOError, OSError):
529 | # This shouldn't raise IOError because we did it at startup! Under
530 | # rare circumstances stdin can change, e.g. if you do exec <&
531 | # input.txt. So we have a fallback.
532 | self.term_width = 80
533 | return self.term_width
534 |
535 |
536 | def ExecutePrintCandidates(display, sub, matches, max_len):
537 | # type: (_IDisplay, str, List[str], int) -> None
538 | display.PrintCandidates(sub, matches, max_len)
539 |
540 |
541 | def InitReadline(
542 | readline, # type: Optional[Readline]
543 | hist_file, # type: Optional[str]
544 | root_comp, # type: completion.RootCompleter
545 | display, # type: _IDisplay
546 | debug_f, # type: _DebugFile
547 | ):
548 | # type: (...) -> None
549 | assert readline
550 |
551 | if hist_file is not None:
552 | try:
553 | readline.read_history_file(hist_file)
554 | except (IOError, OSError):
555 | pass
556 |
557 | readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
558 |
559 | readline.parse_and_bind('set horizontal-scroll-mode on')
560 |
561 | # How does this map to C?
562 | # https://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/php/chet/readline/readline.html#SEC45
563 |
564 | complete_cb = completion.ReadlineCallback(readline, root_comp, debug_f)
565 | readline.set_completer(complete_cb)
566 |
567 | # http://web.mit.edu/gnu/doc/html/rlman_2.html#SEC39
568 | # "The basic list of characters that signal a break between words for the
569 | # completer routine. The default value of this variable is the characters
570 | # which break words for completion in Bash, i.e., " \t\n\"\\'`@$><=;|&{(""
571 |
572 | # This determines the boundaries you get back from get_begidx() and
573 | # get_endidx() at completion time!
574 | # We could be more conservative and set it to ' ', but then cases like
575 | # 'ls|w<TAB>' would try to complete the whole thing, instead of just 'w'.
576 | #
577 | # Note that this should not affect the OSH completion algorithm. It only
578 | # affects what we pass back to readline and what readline displays to the
579 | # user!
580 |
581 | # No delimiters because readline isn't smart enough to tokenize shell!
582 | readline.set_completer_delims('')
583 |
584 | readline.set_completion_display_matches_hook(display)