1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """
3 | builtin_process.py - Builtins that deal with processes or modify process state.
4 |
5 | This is sort of the opposite of builtin_pure.py.
6 | """
7 | from __future__ import print_function
8 |
9 | from signal import SIGCONT
10 |
11 | from _devbuild.gen import arg_types
12 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import loc
13 | from _devbuild.gen.runtime_asdl import cmd_value, job_state_e, wait_status, wait_status_e
14 | from core import dev
15 | from core import error
16 | from core.error import e_usage, e_die_status
17 | from core import process # W1_OK, W1_ECHILD
18 | from core import vm
19 | from mycpp.mylib import log, tagswitch, print_stderr
20 | from frontend import flag_util
21 | from frontend import typed_args
22 |
23 | import posix_ as posix
24 |
25 | from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, cast
27 | from core.process import Waiter, ExternalProgram, FdState
28 | from core.state import Mem, SearchPath
29 | from core.ui import ErrorFormatter
30 |
31 |
32 | class Jobs(vm._Builtin):
33 | """List jobs."""
34 |
35 | def __init__(self, job_list):
36 | # type: (process.JobList) -> None
37 | self.job_list = job_list
38 |
39 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
40 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv) -> int
41 |
42 | attrs, arg_r = flag_util.ParseCmdVal('jobs', cmd_val)
43 | arg = arg_types.jobs(attrs.attrs)
44 |
45 | if arg.l:
46 | style = process.STYLE_LONG
47 | elif arg.p:
48 | style = process.STYLE_PID_ONLY
49 | else:
50 | style = process.STYLE_DEFAULT
51 |
52 | self.job_list.DisplayJobs(style)
53 |
54 | if arg.debug:
55 | self.job_list.DebugPrint()
56 |
57 | return 0
58 |
59 |
60 | class Fg(vm._Builtin):
61 | """Put a job in the foreground."""
62 |
63 | def __init__(self, job_control, job_list, waiter):
64 | # type: (process.JobControl, process.JobList, Waiter) -> None
65 | self.job_control = job_control
66 | self.job_list = job_list
67 | self.waiter = waiter
68 |
69 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
70 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv) -> int
71 |
72 | job_spec = '' # get current job by default
73 | if len(cmd_val.argv) > 1:
74 | job_spec = cmd_val.argv[1]
75 |
76 | job = self.job_list.GetJobWithSpec(job_spec)
77 | if job is None:
78 | log('No job to put in the foreground')
79 | return 1
80 |
81 | pgid = job.ProcessGroupId()
82 | assert pgid != process.INVALID_PGID, \
83 | 'Processes put in the background should have a PGID'
84 |
85 | # TODO: Print job ID rather than the PID
86 | log('Continue PID %d', pgid)
87 | # Put the job's process group back into the foreground. GiveTerminal() must
88 | # be called before sending SIGCONT or else the process might immediately get
89 | # suspsended again if it tries to read/write on the terminal.
90 | self.job_control.MaybeGiveTerminal(pgid)
91 | job.SetForeground()
92 | # needed for Wait() loop to work
93 | job.state = job_state_e.Running
94 | posix.killpg(pgid, SIGCONT)
95 |
96 | status = -1
97 | wait_st = job.JobWait(self.waiter)
98 | UP_wait_st = wait_st
99 | with tagswitch(wait_st) as case:
100 | if case(wait_status_e.Proc):
101 | wait_st = cast(wait_status.Proc, UP_wait_st)
102 | status = wait_st.code
103 |
104 | elif case(wait_status_e.Pipeline):
105 | wait_st = cast(wait_status.Pipeline, UP_wait_st)
106 | # TODO: handle PIPESTATUS? Is this right?
107 | status = wait_st.codes[-1]
108 |
109 | elif case(wait_status_e.Cancelled):
110 | wait_st = cast(wait_status.Cancelled, UP_wait_st)
111 | status = 128 + wait_st.sig_num
112 |
113 | else:
114 | raise AssertionError()
115 |
116 | return status
117 |
118 |
119 | class Bg(vm._Builtin):
120 | """Put a job in the background."""
121 |
122 | def __init__(self, job_list):
123 | # type: (process.JobList) -> None
124 | self.job_list = job_list
125 |
126 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
127 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv) -> int
128 |
129 | # How does this differ from 'fg'? It doesn't wait and it sets controlling
130 | # terminal?
131 |
132 | raise error.Usage("isn't implemented", loc.Missing)
133 |
134 |
135 | class Fork(vm._Builtin):
136 |
137 | def __init__(self, shell_ex):
138 | # type: (vm._Executor) -> None
139 | self.shell_ex = shell_ex
140 |
141 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
142 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv) -> int
143 | _, arg_r = flag_util.ParseCmdVal('fork',
144 | cmd_val,
145 | accept_typed_args=True)
146 |
147 | arg, location = arg_r.Peek2()
148 | if arg is not None:
149 | e_usage('got unexpected argument %r' % arg, location)
150 |
151 | cmd = typed_args.OptionalBlock(cmd_val)
152 | if cmd is None:
153 | e_usage('expected a block', loc.Missing)
154 |
155 | return self.shell_ex.RunBackgroundJob(cmd)
156 |
157 |
158 | class ForkWait(vm._Builtin):
159 |
160 | def __init__(self, shell_ex):
161 | # type: (vm._Executor) -> None
162 | self.shell_ex = shell_ex
163 |
164 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
165 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv) -> int
166 | _, arg_r = flag_util.ParseCmdVal('forkwait',
167 | cmd_val,
168 | accept_typed_args=True)
169 | arg, location = arg_r.Peek2()
170 | if arg is not None:
171 | e_usage('got unexpected argument %r' % arg, location)
172 |
173 | cmd = typed_args.OptionalBlock(cmd_val)
174 | if cmd is None:
175 | e_usage('expected a block', loc.Missing)
176 |
177 | return self.shell_ex.RunSubshell(cmd)
178 |
179 |
180 | class Exec(vm._Builtin):
181 |
182 | def __init__(self, mem, ext_prog, fd_state, search_path, errfmt):
183 | # type: (Mem, ExternalProgram, FdState, SearchPath, ErrorFormatter) -> None
184 | self.mem = mem
185 | self.ext_prog = ext_prog
186 | self.fd_state = fd_state
187 | self.search_path = search_path
188 | self.errfmt = errfmt
189 |
190 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
191 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv) -> int
192 | _, arg_r = flag_util.ParseCmdVal('exec', cmd_val)
193 |
194 | # Apply redirects in this shell. # NOTE: Redirects were processed earlier.
195 | if arg_r.AtEnd():
196 | self.fd_state.MakePermanent()
197 | return 0
198 |
199 | environ = self.mem.GetExported()
200 | i = arg_r.i
201 | cmd = cmd_val.argv[i]
202 | argv0_path = self.search_path.CachedLookup(cmd)
203 | if argv0_path is None:
204 | e_die_status(127, 'exec: %r not found' % cmd, cmd_val.arg_locs[1])
205 |
206 | # shift off 'exec', and remove typed args because they don't apply
207 | c2 = cmd_value.Argv(cmd_val.argv[i:], cmd_val.arg_locs[i:], None, None,
208 | None, None)
209 |
210 | self.ext_prog.Exec(argv0_path, c2, environ) # NEVER RETURNS
211 | # makes mypy and C++ compiler happy
212 | raise AssertionError('unreachable')
213 |
214 |
215 | class Wait(vm._Builtin):
216 | """
217 | wait: wait [-n] [id ...]
218 | Wait for job completion and return exit status.
219 |
220 | Waits for each process identified by an ID, which may be a process ID or a
221 | job specification, and reports its termination status. If ID is not
222 | given, waits for all currently active child processes, and the return
223 | status is zero. If ID is a a job specification, waits for all processes
224 | in that job's pipeline.
225 |
226 | If the -n option is supplied, waits for the next job to terminate and
227 | returns its exit status.
228 |
229 | Exit Status:
230 | Returns the status of the last ID; fails if ID is invalid or an invalid
231 | option is given.
232 | """
233 |
234 | def __init__(self, waiter, job_list, mem, tracer, errfmt):
235 | # type: (Waiter, process.JobList, Mem, dev.Tracer, ErrorFormatter) -> None
236 | self.waiter = waiter
237 | self.job_list = job_list
238 | self.mem = mem
239 | self.tracer = tracer
240 | self.errfmt = errfmt
241 |
242 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
243 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv) -> int
244 | with dev.ctx_Tracer(self.tracer, 'wait', cmd_val.argv):
245 | return self._Run(cmd_val)
246 |
247 | def _Run(self, cmd_val):
248 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv) -> int
249 | attrs, arg_r = flag_util.ParseCmdVal('wait', cmd_val)
250 | arg = arg_types.wait(attrs.attrs)
251 |
252 | job_ids, arg_locs = arg_r.Rest2()
253 |
254 | if arg.n:
255 | # Loop until there is one fewer process running, there's nothing to wait
256 | # for, or there's a signal
257 | n = self.job_list.NumRunning()
258 | if n == 0:
259 | status = 127
260 | else:
261 | target = n - 1
262 | status = 0
263 | while self.job_list.NumRunning() > target:
264 | result = self.waiter.WaitForOne()
265 | if result == process.W1_OK:
266 | status = self.waiter.last_status
267 | elif result == process.W1_ECHILD:
268 | # nothing to wait for, or interrupted
269 | status = 127
270 | break
271 | elif result >= 0: # signal
272 | status = 128 + result
273 | break
274 |
275 | return status
276 |
277 | if len(job_ids) == 0:
278 | #log('*** wait')
279 |
280 | # BUG: If there is a STOPPED process, this will hang forever, because we
281 | # don't get ECHILD. Not sure it matters since you can now Ctrl-C it.
282 | # But how to fix this?
283 |
284 | status = 0
285 | while self.job_list.NumRunning() != 0:
286 | result = self.waiter.WaitForOne()
287 | if result == process.W1_ECHILD:
288 | # nothing to wait for, or interrupted. status is 0
289 | break
290 | elif result >= 0: # signal
291 | status = 128 + result
292 | break
293 |
294 | return status
295 |
296 | # Get list of jobs. Then we need to check if they are ALL stopped.
297 | # Returns the exit code of the last one on the COMMAND LINE, not the exit
298 | # code of last one to FINISH.
299 | jobs = [] # type: List[process.Job]
300 | for i, job_id in enumerate(job_ids):
301 | location = arg_locs[i]
302 |
303 | job = None # type: Optional[process.Job]
304 | if job_id == '' or job_id.startswith('%'):
305 | job = self.job_list.GetJobWithSpec(job_id)
306 |
307 | if job is None:
308 | # Does it look like a PID?
309 | try:
310 | pid = int(job_id)
311 | except ValueError:
312 | raise error.Usage(
313 | 'expected PID or jobspec, got %r' % job_id, location)
314 |
315 | job = self.job_list.ProcessFromPid(pid)
316 |
317 | if job is None:
318 | self.errfmt.Print_("%s isn't a child of this shell" % job_id,
319 | blame_loc=location)
320 | return 127
321 |
322 | jobs.append(job)
323 |
324 | status = 1 # error
325 | for job in jobs:
326 | wait_st = job.JobWait(self.waiter)
327 | UP_wait_st = wait_st
328 | with tagswitch(wait_st) as case:
329 | if case(wait_status_e.Proc):
330 | wait_st = cast(wait_status.Proc, UP_wait_st)
331 | status = wait_st.code
332 |
333 | elif case(wait_status_e.Pipeline):
334 | wait_st = cast(wait_status.Pipeline, UP_wait_st)
335 | # TODO: handle PIPESTATUS? Is this right?
336 | status = wait_st.codes[-1]
337 |
338 | elif case(wait_status_e.Cancelled):
339 | wait_st = cast(wait_status.Cancelled, UP_wait_st)
340 | status = 128 + wait_st.sig_num
341 |
342 | else:
343 | raise AssertionError()
344 |
345 | return status
346 |
347 |
348 | class Umask(vm._Builtin):
349 |
350 | def __init__(self):
351 | # type: () -> None
352 | """Dummy constructor for mycpp."""
353 | pass
354 |
355 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
356 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv) -> int
357 |
358 | argv = cmd_val.argv[1:]
359 | if len(argv) == 0:
360 | # umask() has a dumb API: you can't get it without modifying it first!
361 | # NOTE: dash disables interrupts around the two umask() calls, but that
362 | # shouldn't be a concern for us. Signal handlers won't call umask().
363 | mask = posix.umask(0)
364 | posix.umask(mask) #
365 | print('0%03o' % mask) # octal format
366 | return 0
367 |
368 | if len(argv) == 1:
369 | a = argv[0]
370 | try:
371 | new_mask = int(a, 8)
372 | except ValueError:
373 | # NOTE: This also happens when we have '8' or '9' in the input.
374 | print_stderr(
375 | "osh warning: umask with symbolic input isn't implemented")
376 | return 1
377 |
378 | posix.umask(new_mask)
379 | return 0
380 |
381 | e_usage('umask: unexpected arguments', loc.Missing)