1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | # Copyright 2016 Andy Chu. All rights reserved.
3 | # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 | # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 | # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 | #
7 | # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 | """
9 | word_eval_test.py: Tests for word_eval.py
10 | """
11 | from __future__ import print_function
12 |
13 | import unittest
14 |
15 | from core import error
16 | from core import test_lib
17 | from core import util
18 | from osh import word_eval
19 | from osh.cmd_parse_test import assertParseSimpleCommand
20 |
21 |
22 | def InitEvaluator():
23 | word_ev = test_lib.InitWordEvaluator()
24 | test_lib.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'x', '- -- ---')
25 | test_lib.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'y', 'y yy')
26 | test_lib.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'empty', '')
27 | test_lib.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'binding', 'spam=eggs')
28 | test_lib.SetLocalString(word_ev.mem, 'binding_with_spaces',
29 | 'x=green eggs and ham')
30 |
31 | word_ev.mem.SetArgv(['x', 'foo', 'spam=eggs'])
32 | return word_ev
33 |
34 |
35 | class RegexTest(unittest.TestCase):
36 |
37 | def testSplitAssignArg(self):
38 | CASES = [
39 | # var name, op, value
40 | ('s', ['s', '', '']),
41 | ('value', ['value', '', '']),
42 |
43 | ('s!', None),
44 | ('!', None),
45 | ('=s', None),
46 | ('s=', ['s', '=', '']),
47 | ('s=val', ['s', '=', 'val']),
48 | ('s=+', ['s', '=', '+']),
49 | ('s+=val!', ['s', '+=', 'val!']),
50 | ('s+=+', ['s', '+=', '+']),
51 | ]
52 |
53 | for s, expected in CASES:
54 | actual = util.RegexSearch(word_eval.ASSIGN_ARG_RE, s)
55 | if actual is None:
56 | self.assertEqual(expected, actual) # no match
57 | else:
58 | _, var_name, _, op, value = actual
59 | self.assertEqual(expected, [var_name, op, value])
60 |
61 |
62 | class WordEvalTest(unittest.TestCase):
63 |
64 | def testEvalWordSequence_Errors(self):
65 | CASES = [
66 | 'readonly a[x]=1',
67 | 'readonly $binding a[x]=1',
68 | # There's no word elision! This will be a parse error
69 | 'declare $empty',
70 | ]
71 |
72 | for case in CASES:
73 | print()
74 | print('\t%s' % case)
75 | node = assertParseSimpleCommand(self, case)
76 | ev = InitEvaluator()
77 | try:
78 | argv = ev.EvalWordSequence2(node.words, allow_assign=True)
79 | except error.FatalRuntime:
80 | pass
81 | else:
82 | self.fail("%r should have raised ParseError", case)
83 |
84 | def testEvalWordSequence(self):
85 | node = assertParseSimpleCommand(self, 'ls foo')
86 | self.assertEqual(2, len(node.words), node.words)
87 | print()
88 | print()
89 |
90 | CASES = [
91 | 'ls [$x] $y core/a*.py',
92 | 'local a=1',
93 |
94 | # What to do about these?
95 | # Resolve second word then?
96 | 'builtin local a=1',
97 | 'command local a=1',
98 | 'typeset -"$@"',
99 | # array=(b c)',
100 | 'local a=(1 2) "$@"', # static then dynamic
101 | 'readonly "$@" a=(1 2)', # dynamic then static
102 | 'declare -rx foo=bar spam=eggs a=(1 2)',
103 | 'declare $binding',
104 | 'declare $binding_with_spaces',
105 |
106 | # This can be parsed, but the builtin should reject it
107 | 'export a=(1 2)',
108 | 'export A=(["k"]=v)',
109 |
110 | # Hard test cases:
111 | #
112 | # command export foo=bar
113 | # builtin export foo=bar
114 | #
115 | # b=builtin c=command e=export binding='foo=bar'
116 | # $c $e $binding
117 | # $b $e $binding
118 | ]
119 |
120 | for case in CASES:
121 | print()
122 | print('\t%s' % case)
123 | node = assertParseSimpleCommand(self, case)
124 | ev = InitEvaluator()
125 | argv = ev.EvalWordSequence2(node.words, allow_assign=True)
126 |
127 | print()
128 | print('\tcmd_value:')
129 | print(argv)
130 | print()
131 |
132 |
133 | if __name__ == '__main__':
134 | unittest.main()