1 | ---
2 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
3 | ---
4 |
5 | Tracing Execution in Oils (`xtrace`)
6 | ===================================
7 |
8 | Oils extends shell's `set -x` / `xtrace` mechanism to give you more visibility
9 | into your program's execution. It shows high-level program structure
10 | ("functions", `eval`) as well as runtime events (starting and stopping external
11 | processes).
12 |
13 | <div id="toc">
14 | </div>
15 |
16 | ## Background
17 |
18 | In shell, the `$PS4` variable controls the prefix of each trace line. The
19 | default value is `'+ '`, which results in traces like this:
20 |
21 | $ sh -x -c 'echo 1; echo 2'
22 | + echo 1
23 | 1
24 | + echo 2
25 | 2
26 |
27 | ### What's Wrong With `set -x`?
28 |
29 | - It shows only an `argv` array for commands. It doesn't tell you if the
30 | command is a builtin, shell function, or external binary, which is important
31 | for program comprehension (and performance).
32 | - It doesn't show you which commands are run in **which processes**. Because
33 | processes have their own state, this is also crucial for understanding a
34 | shell program. (Example: does `echo x | read` mutate a variable?)
35 | - It's **missing** other information, like when processes are started and
36 | stopped, the exit status, and when commands come from `eval` or `source`.
37 | - Shell **concurrency** makes the trace incomprehensible. For example, partial
38 | lines can be interleaved.
39 | - Most implementations don't show non-printable and whitespace characters in a
40 | coherent way.
41 |
42 | <!-- TODO: you generally lose tracing across processes. -->
43 |
44 | ## Oils Enhancements
45 |
46 | Oils solves these problems. Here's an example of tracing a builtin, a pipeline,
47 | then another builtin:
48 |
49 | $ osh -O ysh:upgrade -x -c 'set +e; ls | grep OOPS | wc -l; echo end'
50 | . builtin set '+e'
51 | > pipeline
52 | | part 103
53 | . 103 exec ls
54 | | part 104
55 | . 104 exec grep OOPS
56 | | command 105: wc -l
57 | ; process 103: status 0
58 | ; process 104: status 1
59 | ; process 105: status 0
60 | < pipeline
61 | . builtin echo end
62 |
63 | - Builtins are shown with the `builtin` prefix.
64 | - External commands are shown with the `command` prefix.
65 | - Bare `exec()` calls are shown with the `exec` prefix.
66 | - It shows **synchronous** shell constructs with indentation and the `>`
67 | and `<` characters. This includes the entire pipeline, as well as `proc`
68 | calls (not shown).
69 | - It shows process starts and ends with the `|` and `;` characters. These are
70 | **asynchronous** in general.
71 | - It shows the exit status of **every process**, which is important for
72 | reasoning about failure.
73 | - It annotates trace lines with the shell PID (when it's not the root PID).
74 | - Strings in `argv` arrays may be quoted with [QSN]($oils-doc:qsn.html). This
75 | shows special characters unambiguously, and ensures that each trace entry is
76 | exactly one physical line.
77 |
78 | ### Option Names
79 |
80 | This functionality is enabled by the [xtrace_rich]($oil-help) option, but you
81 | should generally use the `ysh:upgrade` option group. This group turns on
82 | [xtrace_rich]($oil-help) and turns off [xtrace_details]($oil-help), which is
83 | equivalent to:
84 |
85 | $ shopt --set xtrace_rich
86 | $ shopt --unset xtrace_details
87 |
88 | ### Variables for the Trace Line
89 |
90 | In YSH, the default trace line prefix is:
91 |
92 | $ PS4='${SHX_indent}${SHX_punct}${SHX_pid_str} '
93 |
94 | - `SHX_indent` is affected by synchronous constructs like `proc` and `eval`, as
95 | well as new processes.
96 | - `SHX_pid_str` is only set for child shell processes (to avoid redundancy).
97 | It has a space at the beginning like `' 123'`.
98 |
99 | `SHX_punct` is one of the following:
100 |
101 | - `+` for legacy shell tracing ([xtrace_details]($oil-help))
102 | - `.` for `builtin` and `exec`
103 | - `>` and `<` for internal, stack-based, **synchronous** constructs
104 | - `proc`, `eval`, and `source`, an entire pipeline, and the `wait` builtin
105 | - running trap handlers (which happens in the main loop)
106 | - `|` and `;` for process start and wait
107 | - **synchronous** processes: subshell aka [forkwait]($oil-help), command sub
108 | like `$(date)`, simple commands (`;`)
109 | - **async** processes: [fork]($oil-help) (`&`), pipeline parts, process subs
110 | like `<(sort left.txt)`, the process that writes a here doc
111 |
112 | TODO: Cross-shell tracing
113 |
114 | - `SHX_descriptor` is alias for `BASH_XTRACEFD` ?
115 | - Inherited `$SHX_indent` and `$SHX_pid_str`
116 |
117 | ## Other Useful Variables
118 |
119 | These variables can enhance the traces.
120 |
122 | - TODO: Add `@SOURCE_NAMES` as alias? `LINE_NUMS`?
123 | - TODO: `$SECONDS` for timing
124 |
125 | <!--
126 | And OIL_PID? or maybe OIL_CURRENT_PID. or maybe getpid() is better -
127 | distinguish between functions and values
128 | -->
129 |
130 | ## Parsing `xtrace_rich` Output
131 |
132 | TODO
133 |
134 | - It's concurrent, but lines are atomically written
135 | - Specify a regular language?
136 | - Coalesce by PID?
137 |