1 | ---
2 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
3 | preserve_anchor_case: yes
4 | ---
5 |
6 | Oils Reference
7 | =============
8 |
9 | <style>
10 | .highlight {
11 | background-color: #eee;
12 | padding-top: 0.2em;
13 | padding-bottom: 0.2em;
14 | padding-left: 1em;
15 | padding-right: 1em;
16 | }
17 | </style>
18 |
19 | A guide to everything in Oils (in progress).
20 |
21 | Go back to [All Docs on Oils](../index.html) for design docs and tutorials.
22 |
23 | <div id="toc">
24 | </div>
25 |
26 | ## Online HTML
27 |
28 | <div class="highlight">
29 |
30 | Oils has two major "modes" for shell:
31 |
32 | [**OSH Table of Contents**](toc-osh.html) - Compatible
33 |
34 | [**YSH Table of Contents**](toc-ysh.html) - New and Powerful
35 |
36 | You can use OSH by itself, YSH by itself, or upgrade OSH to YSH.
37 |
38 | </div>
39 |
40 | Those two docs link to dozens of **topics** within these 12 **chapters**:
41 |
42 | 1. [Front End](chap-front-end.html)
43 | 1. [Command Language](chap-cmd-lang.html)
44 | 1. [Word Language](chap-word-lang.html)
45 | 1. [OSH Assignment](chap-osh-assign.html)
46 | 1. [Mini Languages](chap-mini-lang.html)
47 | 1. [Builtin Commands](chap-builtin-cmd.html)
48 | 1. [Global Shell Options](chap-option.html)
49 | 1. [Special Variables](chap-special-var.html)
50 | 1. [Plugins and Hooks](chap-plugin.html)
51 | 1. [YSH Expression Language](chap-expr-lang.html)
52 | 1. [YSH Types and Methods](chap-type-method.html)
53 | 1. [Builtin Functions](chap-builtin-func.html)
54 |
55 | <div class="highlight">
56 |
57 | [**Data Notation Table of Contents**](toc-data.html) - Languages for data are
58 | complementary to shell programs.
59 |
60 | </div>
61 |
62 | Topics in these 3 chapters:
63 |
64 | 13. [JSON / J8 Notation](chap-j8.html)
65 | 1. Packle (TODO)
66 | 1. [Errors](chap-errors.html)
67 |
68 | ## `help` builtin command
69 |
70 | When you type `help` in OSH or YSH, the command shows some of this material,
71 | and prints hyperlinks to it.
72 |
73 | ## More About This Reference
74 |
75 | ### Terminology
76 |
77 | There are 3 levels in this tree of docs, which underlies the `help` builtin:
78 |
79 | 1. *Chapter* - An HTML doc that's part of the reference. May apply to OSH, YSH
80 | or both.
81 | 1. *Section* - An `<h2>` heading in a chapter
82 | 1. *Topic* - An `<h3>` heading in a chapter.
83 | - It has text with a **globally unique** name like `doc-comment`.
84 | - May apply to OSH, YSH or both.
85 |
86 | More terminology:
87 |
88 | - *Table of Contents* - a doc that links to topics, within chapters.
89 | - *Card* - Topics maybe be exported as `help` builtin "cards", either as inline
90 | text, or a URL to online HTML. A card may also have a URL to POSIX or bash
91 | docs.
92 |
93 | ### Directory Structures
94 |
95 | The source code is simply a tree of Markdown files:
96 |
97 | doc/
98 | release-index.md # /release/$VERSION/
99 |
100 | index.md # All Docs on Oils, /release/$VERSION/doc/
101 | getting-started.md
102 | ...
103 |
104 | ref/
105 | index.md # this page, the Oils Reference
106 | toc-osh.md # link to OSH topics
107 | toc-ysh.md # link to YSH topics
108 | toc-data.md
109 |
110 | chap-cmd-lang.md # chapter on the command language
111 | ...
112 |
113 |
114 | And the URLs basically mirror the source code:
115 |
116 | /release/$VERSION/
117 | index.html
118 | doc/
119 | index.html
120 | getting-started.html
121 | ...
122 |
123 | ref/
124 | index.html
125 | toc-osh.html
126 | toc-ysh.html
127 | toc-data.html
128 |
129 | chap-cmd-lang.html
130 | ...
131 |
132 | You can link to topics with internal anchors:
133 |
134 | - [chap-option.html#parse_at](chap-option.html#parse_at)
135 | - [chap-builtin-cmd.html#compgen](chap-builtin-cmd.html#compgen)