// yaks_main.mycpp.cc: translated from Python by mycpp
// #include "_gen/yaks/yaks_main.mycpp.h"
#include "yaks/preamble.h"
// BEGIN mycpp output
#include "mycpp/runtime.h"
GLOBAL_STR(str0, "(");
GLOBAL_STR(str1, ")");
GLOBAL_STR(str2, "_");
GLOBAL_STR(str3, "T");
GLOBAL_STR(str4, "F");
GLOBAL_STR(str5, "\n\n
\n oil AST\n \n \n \n \n");
GLOBAL_STR(str6, "\n
\n \n\n ");
GLOBAL_STR(str7, "n");
GLOBAL_STR(str8, "s");
GLOBAL_STR(str9, "o");
GLOBAL_STR(str10, "o");
GLOBAL_STR(str11, "o");
GLOBAL_STR(str12, "");
GLOBAL_STR(str13, "");
GLOBAL_STR(str14, " ");
GLOBAL_STR(str15, "\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str16, " ");
GLOBAL_STR(str17, "]");
GLOBAL_STR(str18, " ");
GLOBAL_STR(str19, " ");
GLOBAL_STR(str20, "\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str21, "\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str22, " ");
GLOBAL_STR(str23, "%s%s: [");
GLOBAL_STR(str24, "\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str25, "\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str26, "%s]");
GLOBAL_STR(str27, "%s%s: ");
GLOBAL_STR(str28, "\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str29, "\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str30, " ");
GLOBAL_STR(str31, "UNTYPED any");
GLOBAL_STR(str32, "...0x%s");
GLOBAL_STR(str33, " ");
GLOBAL_STR(str34, " ");
GLOBAL_STR(str35, " %s:");
GLOBAL_STR(str36, "UNTYPED any");
GLOBAL_STR(str37, "[");
GLOBAL_STR(str38, " ");
GLOBAL_STR(str39, "]");
GLOBAL_STR(str40, "...0x%s");
GLOBAL_STR(str41, "\u001b[0;0m");
GLOBAL_STR(str42, "\u001b[1m");
GLOBAL_STR(str43, "\u001b[4m");
GLOBAL_STR(str44, "\u001b[7m");
GLOBAL_STR(str45, "\u001b[31m");
GLOBAL_STR(str46, "\u001b[32m");
GLOBAL_STR(str47, "\u001b[33m");
GLOBAL_STR(str48, "\u001b[34m");
GLOBAL_STR(str49, "<%s %r>");
GLOBAL_STR(str50, "status");
GLOBAL_STR(str51, "message");
GLOBAL_STR(str52, "%s, got %s");
GLOBAL_STR(str53, " (line %d, offset %d-%d: %r)");
GLOBAL_STR(str54, "");
GLOBAL_STR(str55, " 0x%s");
GLOBAL_STR(str56, "\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd");
GLOBAL_STR(str57, "");
GLOBAL_STR(str58, "\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str59, "\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str60, " ");
GLOBAL_STR(str61, "[]");
GLOBAL_STR(str62, "[");
GLOBAL_STR(str63, ",");
GLOBAL_STR(str64, "]");
GLOBAL_STR(str65, "{}");
GLOBAL_STR(str66, "{");
GLOBAL_STR(str67, ",");
GLOBAL_STR(str68, ":");
GLOBAL_STR(str69, "}");
GLOBAL_STR(str70, "null");
GLOBAL_STR(str71, "true");
GLOBAL_STR(str72, "false");
GLOBAL_STR(str73, "[ -->%s ]");
GLOBAL_STR(str74, "Can't encode List%s in object cycle");
GLOBAL_STR(str75, "{ -->%s }");
GLOBAL_STR(str76, "Can't encode Dict%s in object cycle");
GLOBAL_STR(str77, "[");
GLOBAL_STR(str78, ",");
GLOBAL_STR(str79, "null");
GLOBAL_STR(str80, "]");
GLOBAL_STR(str81, "{");
GLOBAL_STR(str82, ",");
GLOBAL_STR(str83, ":");
GLOBAL_STR(str84, "}");
GLOBAL_STR(str85, "<%s%s>");
GLOBAL_STR(str86, "Can't serialize object of type %s");
GLOBAL_STR(str87, "Single quotes aren't part of JSON; you may want 'json8 read'");
GLOBAL_STR(str88, "Comments aren't part of JSON; you may want 'json8 read'");
GLOBAL_STR(str89, "Invalid UTF-8 in %s string literal");
GLOBAL_STR(str90, "J8 Lines can't have unescaped ASCII control chars");
GLOBAL_STR(str91, "Unexpected EOF while lexing %s string");
GLOBAL_STR(str92, "Bad backslash escape in %s string");
GLOBAL_STR(str93, "%s strings can't have unescaped ASCII control chars");
GLOBAL_STR(str94, "Invalid UTF-8 in %s string literal");
GLOBAL_STR(str95, "\\u{%s} escape is illegal because it's in the surrogate range");
GLOBAL_STR(str96, "\\y%s escapes not allowed in u'' strings");
GLOBAL_STR(str97, "J8");
GLOBAL_STR(str98, "JSON");
GLOBAL_STR(str99, "");
GLOBAL_STR(str100, "Expected %s, got %s");
GLOBAL_STR(str101, "t");
GLOBAL_STR(str102, "Unexpected EOF while parsing %s");
GLOBAL_STR(str103, "Invalid token while parsing %s: %s");
GLOBAL_STR(str104, "Unexpected trailing input");
GLOBAL_STR(str105, "t");
GLOBAL_STR(str106, "Unexpected EOF while parsing %s");
GLOBAL_STR(str107, "Invalid token while parsing %s: %s");
GLOBAL_STR(str108, "Unexpected trailing input");
GLOBAL_STR(str109, "%s tok_id %s %d-%d");
GLOBAL_STR(str110, "Unexpected text after J8 Line (%s)");
GLOBAL_STR(str111, "Unexpected trailing input in J8 Lines");
GLOBAL_STR(str112, "&");
GLOBAL_STR(str113, "&");
GLOBAL_STR(str114, "<");
GLOBAL_STR(str115, "<");
GLOBAL_STR(str116, ">");
GLOBAL_STR(str117, ">");
GLOBAL_STR(str118, "int");
GLOBAL_STR(str119, "BigStr*");
GLOBAL_STR(str120, "List<");
GLOBAL_STR(str121, ">*");
GLOBAL_STR(str122, " %s");
GLOBAL_STR(str123, "%d");
GLOBAL_STR(str124, " return ");
GLOBAL_STR(str125, ";\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str126, " %s(");
GLOBAL_STR(str127, ", ");
GLOBAL_STR(str128, ") {\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str129, "}\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str130, "#include \"mycpp/runtime.h\"\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str131, "namespace %s {\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str132, "} // namespace %s\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str133, "Expected Symbol, got %s");
GLOBAL_STR(str134, "Expected List, got %s");
GLOBAL_STR(str135, "path");
GLOBAL_STR(str136, "chunk");
GLOBAL_STR(str137, "Bool");
GLOBAL_STR(str138, "Int");
GLOBAL_STR(str139, "Str");
GLOBAL_STR(str140, "List");
GLOBAL_STR(str141, "Dict");
GLOBAL_STR(str142, "Signature should have 3 items: => params return");
GLOBAL_STR(str143, "=>");
GLOBAL_STR(str144, "Signature should start with =>");
GLOBAL_STR(str145, "Statement shouldn't be empty");
GLOBAL_STR(str146, "var");
GLOBAL_STR(str147, "setvar");
GLOBAL_STR(str148, "call");
GLOBAL_STR(str149, "return");
GLOBAL_STR(str150, "break");
GLOBAL_STR(str151, "continue");
GLOBAL_STR(str152, "Invalid statment %r");
GLOBAL_STR(str153, "Module should have at least 2 items, got %d");
GLOBAL_STR(str154, "Module shouldn't be empty");
GLOBAL_STR(str155, "global");
GLOBAL_STR(str156, "func");
GLOBAL_STR(str157, "class");
GLOBAL_STR(str158, "Invalid module def %r");
GLOBAL_STR(str159, "foo");
GLOBAL_STR(str160, "Action required");
GLOBAL_STR(str161, "cpp");
GLOBAL_STR(str162, "");
GLOBAL_STR(str163, "\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str164, "\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str165, "check");
GLOBAL_STR(str166, "hi");
GLOBAL_STR(str167, "\n");
GLOBAL_STR(str168, "Invalid action %r");
namespace runtime { // forward declare
class TraversalState;
} // forward declare namespace runtime
namespace format { // forward declare
class ColorOutput;
class TextOutput;
class HtmlOutput;
class AnsiOutput;
class _PrettyPrinter;
} // forward declare namespace format
namespace ansi { // forward declare
} // forward declare namespace ansi
namespace error { // forward declare
class _ErrorWithLocation;
class Usage;
class Parse;
class FailGlob;
class RedirectEval;
class FatalRuntime;
class Strict;
class ErrExit;
class Expr;
class Structured;
class AssertionErr;
class TypeErrVerbose;
class TypeErr;
class Runtime;
class Decode;
class Encode;
} // forward declare namespace error
namespace num { // forward declare
} // forward declare namespace num
namespace j8 { // forward declare
class InstancePrinter;
class PrettyPrinter;
class LexerDecoder;
class _Parser;
class Parser;
class Nil8Parser;
class J8LinesParser;
} // forward declare namespace j8
namespace j8_lite { // forward declare
} // forward declare namespace j8_lite
namespace cgi { // forward declare
} // forward declare namespace cgi
namespace gen_cpp { // forward declare
} // forward declare namespace gen_cpp
namespace transform { // forward declare
} // forward declare namespace transform
namespace yaks_main { // forward declare
} // forward declare namespace yaks_main
namespace runtime { // declare
using hnode_asdl::hnode;
extern int NO_SPID;
hnode::Record* NewRecord(BigStr* node_type);
hnode::Leaf* NewLeaf(BigStr* s, hnode_asdl::color_t e_color);
class TraversalState {
Dict* seen;
Dict* ref_count;
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassScanned(2, sizeof(TraversalState));
extern BigStr* TRUE_STR;
extern BigStr* FALSE_STR;
} // declare namespace runtime
namespace format { // declare
using hnode_asdl::hnode;
format::ColorOutput* DetectConsoleOutput(mylib::Writer* f);
class ColorOutput {
ColorOutput(mylib::Writer* f);
virtual format::ColorOutput* NewTempBuffer();
virtual void FileHeader();
virtual void FileFooter();
virtual void PushColor(hnode_asdl::color_t e_color);
virtual void PopColor();
virtual void write(BigStr* s);
void WriteRaw(Tuple2* raw);
int NumChars();
Tuple2 GetRaw();
mylib::Writer* f;
int num_chars;
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return maskbit(offsetof(ColorOutput, f));
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(ColorOutput));
class TextOutput : public ColorOutput {
TextOutput(mylib::Writer* f);
virtual format::TextOutput* NewTempBuffer();
virtual void PushColor(hnode_asdl::color_t e_color);
virtual void PopColor();
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return ColorOutput::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(TextOutput));
class HtmlOutput : public ColorOutput {
HtmlOutput(mylib::Writer* f);
virtual format::HtmlOutput* NewTempBuffer();
virtual void FileHeader();
virtual void FileFooter();
virtual void PushColor(hnode_asdl::color_t e_color);
virtual void PopColor();
virtual void write(BigStr* s);
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return ColorOutput::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(HtmlOutput));
class AnsiOutput : public ColorOutput {
AnsiOutput(mylib::Writer* f);
virtual format::AnsiOutput* NewTempBuffer();
virtual void PushColor(hnode_asdl::color_t e_color);
virtual void PopColor();
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return ColorOutput::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(AnsiOutput));
extern int INDENT;
class _PrettyPrinter {
_PrettyPrinter(int max_col);
bool _PrintWrappedArray(List* array, int prefix_len, format::ColorOutput* f, int indent);
bool _PrintWholeArray(List* array, int prefix_len, format::ColorOutput* f, int indent);
void _PrintRecord(hnode::Record* node, format::ColorOutput* f, int indent);
void PrintNode(hnode_asdl::hnode_t* node, format::ColorOutput* f, int indent);
int max_col;
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassScanned(0, sizeof(_PrettyPrinter));
bool _TrySingleLineObj(hnode::Record* node, format::ColorOutput* f, int max_chars);
bool _TrySingleLine(hnode_asdl::hnode_t* node, format::ColorOutput* f, int max_chars);
void PrintTree(hnode_asdl::hnode_t* node, format::ColorOutput* f);
} // declare namespace format
namespace ansi { // declare
extern BigStr* RESET;
extern BigStr* BOLD;
extern BigStr* UNDERLINE;
extern BigStr* REVERSE;
extern BigStr* RED;
extern BigStr* GREEN;
extern BigStr* YELLOW;
extern BigStr* BLUE;
} // declare namespace ansi
namespace error { // declare
using syntax_asdl::loc;
BigStr* _ValType(value_asdl::value_t* val);
class _ErrorWithLocation {
_ErrorWithLocation(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
bool HasLocation();
BigStr* UserErrorString();
syntax_asdl::loc_t* location;
BigStr* msg;
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return maskbit(offsetof(_ErrorWithLocation, location))
| maskbit(offsetof(_ErrorWithLocation, msg));
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(_ErrorWithLocation));
class Usage : public _ErrorWithLocation {
Usage(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return _ErrorWithLocation::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(Usage));
class Parse : public _ErrorWithLocation {
Parse(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return _ErrorWithLocation::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(Parse));
class FailGlob : public _ErrorWithLocation {
FailGlob(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return _ErrorWithLocation::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(FailGlob));
class RedirectEval : public _ErrorWithLocation {
RedirectEval(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return _ErrorWithLocation::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(RedirectEval));
class FatalRuntime : public _ErrorWithLocation {
FatalRuntime(int exit_status, BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
int ExitStatus();
int exit_status;
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return _ErrorWithLocation::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(FatalRuntime));
class Strict : public FatalRuntime {
Strict(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return FatalRuntime::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(Strict));
class ErrExit : public FatalRuntime {
ErrExit(int exit_status, BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location, bool show_code = false);
bool show_code;
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return FatalRuntime::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(ErrExit));
class Expr : public FatalRuntime {
Expr(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return FatalRuntime::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(Expr));
class Structured : public FatalRuntime {
Structured(int status, BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location, Dict* properties = nullptr);
value::Dict* ToDict();
Dict* properties;
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return FatalRuntime::field_mask()
| maskbit(offsetof(Structured, properties));
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(Structured));
class AssertionErr : public Expr {
AssertionErr(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return Expr::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(AssertionErr));
class TypeErrVerbose : public Expr {
TypeErrVerbose(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return Expr::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(TypeErrVerbose));
class TypeErr : public TypeErrVerbose {
TypeErr(value_asdl::value_t* actual_val, BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return TypeErrVerbose::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(TypeErr));
class Runtime {
Runtime(BigStr* msg);
BigStr* UserErrorString();
BigStr* msg;
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassScanned(1, sizeof(Runtime));
class Decode {
Decode(BigStr* msg, BigStr* s, int start_pos, int end_pos, int line_num);
BigStr* Message();
BigStr* __str__();
BigStr* msg;
BigStr* s;
int start_pos;
int end_pos;
int line_num;
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassScanned(2, sizeof(Decode));
class Encode {
Encode(BigStr* msg);
BigStr* Message();
BigStr* msg;
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassScanned(1, sizeof(Encode));
[[noreturn]] void e_usage(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
[[noreturn]] void e_strict(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
[[noreturn]] void p_die(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location);
[[noreturn]] void e_die(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location = nullptr);
[[noreturn]] void e_die_status(int status, BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location = nullptr);
} // declare namespace error
namespace num { // declare
value::Int* ToBig(int i);
mops::BigInt Exponent(mops::BigInt x, mops::BigInt y);
int Exponent2(int x, int y);
mops::BigInt IntDivide(mops::BigInt x, mops::BigInt y);
int IntDivide2(int x, int y);
mops::BigInt IntRemainder(mops::BigInt x, mops::BigInt y);
int IntRemainder2(int x, int y);
} // declare namespace num
namespace j8 { // declare
using id_kind_asdl::Id;
BigStr* ValType(value_asdl::value_t* val);
int ValueId(value_asdl::value_t* val);
BigStr* ValueIdString(value_asdl::value_t* val);
BigStr* Utf8Encode(int code);
extern int SHOW_CYCLES;
extern int SHOW_NON_DATA;
extern int LOSSY_JSON;
void _Print(value_asdl::value_t* val, mylib::BufWriter* buf, int indent, int options = 0);
void PrintMessage(value_asdl::value_t* val, mylib::BufWriter* buf, int indent);
void PrintJsonMessage(value_asdl::value_t* val, mylib::BufWriter* buf, int indent);
void PrintLine(value_asdl::value_t* val, mylib::Writer* f);
void EncodeString(BigStr* s, mylib::BufWriter* buf, bool unquoted_ok = false);
BigStr* MaybeEncodeString(BigStr* s);
BigStr* MaybeEncodeJsonString(BigStr* s);
extern int UNSEEN;
extern int EXPLORING;
extern int FINISHED;
class InstancePrinter {
InstancePrinter(mylib::BufWriter* buf, int indent, int options);
void _ItemIndent(int level);
void _BracketIndent(int level);
void _MaybeNewline();
void _MaybeSpace();
void _PrintList(value::List* val, int level);
void _PrintDict(value::Dict* val, int level);
void Print(value_asdl::value_t* val, int level = 0);
mylib::BufWriter* buf;
Dict* visited;
int indent;
int options;
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassScanned(2, sizeof(InstancePrinter));
class PrettyPrinter {
PrettyPrinter(int max_col);
void PrettyTree(value_asdl::value_t* val, format::ColorOutput* f);
void Print(value_asdl::value_t* val, mylib::BufWriter* buf);
Dict* ref_count;
int max_col;
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassScanned(1, sizeof(PrettyPrinter));
class LexerDecoder {
LexerDecoder(BigStr* s, bool is_j8, BigStr* lang_str);
error::Decode* _Error(BigStr* msg, int end_pos);
Tuple3 Next();
Tuple3 NextForLines();
Tuple3 _DecodeString(int left_id, int str_pos);
BigStr* s;
BigStr* lang_str;
mylib::BufWriter* decoded;
bool is_j8;
int pos;
int cur_line_num;
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassScanned(3, sizeof(LexerDecoder));
class _Parser {
_Parser(BigStr* s, bool is_j8);
void _Next();
void _Eat(int tok_id);
void _NextForLines();
error::Decode* _ParseError(BigStr* msg);
BigStr* decoded;
int end_pos;
bool is_j8;
BigStr* lang_str;
j8::LexerDecoder* lexer;
BigStr* s;
int start_pos;
int tok_id;
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return maskbit(offsetof(_Parser, decoded))
| maskbit(offsetof(_Parser, lang_str))
| maskbit(offsetof(_Parser, lexer))
| maskbit(offsetof(_Parser, s));
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(_Parser));
class Parser : public _Parser {
Parser(BigStr* s, bool is_j8);
Tuple2 _ParsePair();
value_asdl::value_t* _ParseDict();
value_asdl::value_t* _ParseList();
value_asdl::value_t* _ParseValue();
value_asdl::value_t* ParseValue();
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return _Parser::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(Parser));
class Nil8Parser : public _Parser {
Nil8Parser(BigStr* s, bool is_j8);
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* _ParseRecord();
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* _ParseList8();
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* _ParseNil8();
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* ParseNil8();
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return _Parser::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(Nil8Parser));
class J8LinesParser : public _Parser {
J8LinesParser(BigStr* s);
void _Show(BigStr* s);
void _ParseLine(List* out);
List* Parse();
static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
return _Parser::field_mask();
static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(J8LinesParser));
List* SplitJ8Lines(BigStr* s);
} // declare namespace j8
namespace j8_lite { // declare
BigStr* EncodeString(BigStr* s, bool unquoted_ok = false);
BigStr* MaybeShellEncode(BigStr* s);
BigStr* ShellEncode(BigStr* s);
BigStr* YshEncode(BigStr* s, bool unquoted_ok = false);
} // declare namespace j8_lite
namespace cgi { // declare
BigStr* escape(BigStr* s);
} // declare namespace cgi
namespace gen_cpp { // declare
void GenType(yaks_asdl::ktype_t* typ, mylib::Writer* f);
void GenParam(yaks_asdl::NameType* p, mylib::Writer* f);
void GenExpr(yaks_asdl::kexpr_t* expr, mylib::Writer* f);
void GenStatement(yaks_asdl::stmt_t* st, mylib::Writer* f);
void GenFunction(mod_def::Func* func, mylib::Writer* f);
void GenCpp(yaks_asdl::Program* prog, mylib::Writer* f);
} // declare namespace gen_cpp
namespace transform { // declare
BigStr* MustBeSymbol(nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* nval);
List* MustBeList(nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* nval);
yaks_asdl::kexpr_t* TransformExpr(nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* nval);
yaks_asdl::ktype_t* TransformType(nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* nval);
yaks_asdl::NameType* TransformParam(List* param_n);
List* TransformParams(List* params_n);
yaks_asdl::Signature* TransformSignature(nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* nval);
mod_def::Func* TransformFunc(List* func_n);
yaks_asdl::Module* TransformModule(List* mod_n);
yaks_asdl::Program* Transform(nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* nval);
} // declare namespace transform
namespace yaks_main { // declare
int main(List* argv);
} // declare namespace yaks_main
namespace runtime { // define
using hnode_asdl::hnode;
using hnode_asdl::color_t;
using hnode_asdl::color_e;
int NO_SPID = -1;
hnode::Record* NewRecord(BigStr* node_type) {
StackRoot _root0(&node_type);
return Alloc(node_type, Alloc>(), false, str0, str1, Alloc>());
hnode::Leaf* NewLeaf(BigStr* s, hnode_asdl::color_t e_color) {
StackRoot _root0(&s);
if (s == nullptr) {
return Alloc(str2, color_e::OtherConst);
else {
return Alloc(s, e_color);
TraversalState::TraversalState() {
this->seen = Alloc>();
this->ref_count = Alloc>();
BigStr* TRUE_STR = str3;
BigStr* FALSE_STR = str4;
} // define namespace runtime
namespace format { // define
using hnode_asdl::hnode;
using hnode_asdl::hnode_e;
using hnode_asdl::hnode_t;
using hnode_asdl::color_e;
using hnode_asdl::color_t;
format::ColorOutput* DetectConsoleOutput(mylib::Writer* f) {
StackRoot _root0(&f);
if (f->isatty()) {
return Alloc(f);
else {
return Alloc(f);
ColorOutput::ColorOutput(mylib::Writer* f) {
this->f = f;
this->num_chars = 0;
format::ColorOutput* ColorOutput::NewTempBuffer() {
FAIL(kNotImplemented); // Python NotImplementedError
void ColorOutput::FileHeader() {
; // pass
void ColorOutput::FileFooter() {
; // pass
void ColorOutput::PushColor(hnode_asdl::color_t e_color) {
FAIL(kNotImplemented); // Python NotImplementedError
void ColorOutput::PopColor() {
FAIL(kNotImplemented); // Python NotImplementedError
void ColorOutput::write(BigStr* s) {
StackRoot _root0(&s);
this->num_chars += len(s);
void ColorOutput::WriteRaw(Tuple2* raw) {
BigStr* s = nullptr;
int num_chars;
StackRoot _root0(&raw);
StackRoot _root1(&s);
Tuple2* tup0 = raw;
s = tup0->at0();
num_chars = tup0->at1();
this->num_chars += num_chars;
int ColorOutput::NumChars() {
return this->num_chars;
Tuple2 ColorOutput::GetRaw() {
mylib::BufWriter* f = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&f);
f = static_cast(this->f);
return Tuple2(f->getvalue(), this->num_chars);
TextOutput::TextOutput(mylib::Writer* f) : ColorOutput(f) {
format::TextOutput* TextOutput::NewTempBuffer() {
return Alloc(Alloc());
void TextOutput::PushColor(hnode_asdl::color_t e_color) {
; // pass
void TextOutput::PopColor() {
; // pass
HtmlOutput::HtmlOutput(mylib::Writer* f) : ColorOutput(f) {
format::HtmlOutput* HtmlOutput::NewTempBuffer() {
return Alloc(Alloc());
void HtmlOutput::FileHeader() {
void HtmlOutput::FileFooter() {
void HtmlOutput::PushColor(hnode_asdl::color_t e_color) {
BigStr* css_class = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&css_class);
if (e_color == color_e::TypeName) {
css_class = str7;
else {
if (e_color == color_e::StringConst) {
css_class = str8;
else {
if (e_color == color_e::OtherConst) {
css_class = str9;
else {
if (e_color == color_e::External) {
css_class = str10;
else {
if (e_color == color_e::UserType) {
css_class = str11;
else {
assert(0); // AssertionError
this->f->write(StrFormat("", css_class));
void HtmlOutput::PopColor() {
void HtmlOutput::write(BigStr* s) {
StackRoot _root0(&s);
this->num_chars += len(s);
AnsiOutput::AnsiOutput(mylib::Writer* f) : ColorOutput(f) {
format::AnsiOutput* AnsiOutput::NewTempBuffer() {
return Alloc(Alloc());
void AnsiOutput::PushColor(hnode_asdl::color_t e_color) {
if (e_color == color_e::TypeName) {
else {
if (e_color == color_e::StringConst) {
else {
if (e_color == color_e::OtherConst) {
else {
if (e_color == color_e::External) {
this->f->write(str_concat(ansi::BOLD, ansi::BLUE));
else {
if (e_color == color_e::UserType) {
else {
assert(0); // AssertionError
void AnsiOutput::PopColor() {
int INDENT = 2;
_PrettyPrinter::_PrettyPrinter(int max_col) {
this->max_col = max_col;
bool _PrettyPrinter::_PrintWrappedArray(List* array, int prefix_len, format::ColorOutput* f, int indent) {
bool all_fit;
int chars_so_far;
int i;
format::ColorOutput* single_f = nullptr;
BigStr* s = nullptr;
int num_chars;
StackRoot _root0(&array);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
StackRoot _root2(&single_f);
StackRoot _root3(&s);
all_fit = true;
chars_so_far = prefix_len;
i = 0;
for (ListIter it(array); !it.Done(); it.Next(), ++i) {
hnode_asdl::hnode_t* val = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&val );
if (i != 0) {
single_f = f->NewTempBuffer();
if (_TrySingleLine(val, single_f, (this->max_col - chars_so_far))) {
Tuple2 tup1 = single_f->GetRaw();
s = tup1.at0();
num_chars = tup1.at1();
f->WriteRaw((Alloc>(s, num_chars)));
chars_so_far += single_f->NumChars();
else {
this->PrintNode(val, f, (indent + INDENT));
chars_so_far = 0;
all_fit = false;
return all_fit;
bool _PrettyPrinter::_PrintWholeArray(List* array, int prefix_len, format::ColorOutput* f, int indent) {
bool all_fit;
List*>* pieces = nullptr;
int chars_so_far;
format::ColorOutput* single_f = nullptr;
BigStr* s = nullptr;
int num_chars;
int i;
StackRoot _root0(&array);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
StackRoot _root2(&pieces);
StackRoot _root3(&single_f);
StackRoot _root4(&s);
all_fit = true;
pieces = Alloc*>>();
chars_so_far = prefix_len;
for (ListIter it(array); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
hnode_asdl::hnode_t* item = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&item );
single_f = f->NewTempBuffer();
if (_TrySingleLine(item, single_f, (this->max_col - chars_so_far))) {
Tuple2 tup2 = single_f->GetRaw();
s = tup2.at0();
num_chars = tup2.at1();
pieces->append((Alloc>(s, num_chars)));
chars_so_far += single_f->NumChars();
else {
all_fit = false;
if (all_fit) {
i = 0;
for (ListIter*> it(pieces); !it.Done(); it.Next(), ++i) {
Tuple2* p = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&p );
if (i != 0) {
return all_fit;
void _PrettyPrinter::_PrintRecord(hnode::Record* node, format::ColorOutput* f, int indent) {
BigStr* ind = nullptr;
BigStr* prefix = nullptr;
int prefix_len;
bool all_fit;
BigStr* name = nullptr;
hnode_asdl::hnode_t* val = nullptr;
BigStr* ind1 = nullptr;
hnode_asdl::hnode_t* UP_val = nullptr;
int tag;
BigStr* name_str = nullptr;
format::ColorOutput* single_f = nullptr;
BigStr* s = nullptr;
int num_chars;
StackRoot _root0(&node);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
StackRoot _root2(&ind);
StackRoot _root3(&prefix);
StackRoot _root4(&name);
StackRoot _root5(&val);
StackRoot _root6(&ind1);
StackRoot _root7(&UP_val);
StackRoot _root8(&name_str);
StackRoot _root9(&single_f);
StackRoot _root10(&s);
ind = str_repeat(str18, indent);
if (node->abbrev) {
prefix = str_concat(ind, node->left);
if (len(node->node_type)) {
prefix_len = ((len(prefix) + len(node->node_type)) + 1);
all_fit = this->_PrintWrappedArray(node->unnamed_fields, prefix_len, f, indent);
if (!all_fit) {
else {
f->write(str_concat(ind, node->left));
for (ListIter it(node->fields); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
hnode_asdl::Field* field = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&field );
name = field->name;
val = field->val;
ind1 = str_repeat(str22, (indent + INDENT));
UP_val = val;
tag = val->tag();
if (tag == hnode_e::Array) {
hnode::Array* val = static_cast(UP_val);
name_str = StrFormat("%s%s: [", ind1, name);
prefix_len = len(name_str);
if (!this->_PrintWholeArray(val->children, prefix_len, f, indent)) {
for (ListIter it(val->children); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
hnode_asdl::hnode_t* child = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&child );
this->PrintNode(child, f, ((indent + INDENT) + INDENT));
f->write(StrFormat("%s]", ind1));
else {
name_str = StrFormat("%s%s: ", ind1, name);
prefix_len = len(name_str);
single_f = f->NewTempBuffer();
if (_TrySingleLine(val, single_f, (this->max_col - prefix_len))) {
Tuple2 tup3 = single_f->GetRaw();
s = tup3.at0();
num_chars = tup3.at1();
f->WriteRaw((Alloc>(s, num_chars)));
else {
this->PrintNode(val, f, ((indent + INDENT) + INDENT));
f->write(str_concat(ind, node->right));
void _PrettyPrinter::PrintNode(hnode_asdl::hnode_t* node, format::ColorOutput* f, int indent) {
BigStr* ind = nullptr;
format::ColorOutput* single_f = nullptr;
BigStr* s = nullptr;
int num_chars;
hnode_asdl::hnode_t* UP_node = nullptr;
int tag;
StackRoot _root0(&node);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
StackRoot _root2(&ind);
StackRoot _root3(&single_f);
StackRoot _root4(&s);
StackRoot _root5(&UP_node);
ind = str_repeat(str30, indent);
single_f = f->NewTempBuffer();
if (_TrySingleLine(node, single_f, (this->max_col - indent))) {
Tuple2 tup4 = single_f->GetRaw();
s = tup4.at0();
num_chars = tup4.at1();
f->WriteRaw((Alloc>(s, num_chars)));
return ;
UP_node = node;
tag = node->tag();
if (tag == hnode_e::Leaf) {
hnode::Leaf* node = static_cast(UP_node);
f->write(j8_lite::EncodeString(node->s, true));
else {
if (tag == hnode_e::External) {
hnode::External* node = static_cast(UP_node);
// if not PYTHON
// endif MYCPP
else {
if (tag == hnode_e::Record) {
hnode::Record* node = static_cast(UP_node);
this->_PrintRecord(node, f, indent);
else {
if (tag == hnode_e::AlreadySeen) {
hnode::AlreadySeen* node = static_cast(UP_node);
f->write(StrFormat("...0x%s", mylib::hex_lower(node->heap_id)));
else {
assert(0); // AssertionError
bool _TrySingleLineObj(hnode::Record* node, format::ColorOutput* f, int max_chars) {
int i;
StackRoot _root0(&node);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
if (node->abbrev) {
if (len(node->node_type)) {
i = 0;
for (ListIter it(node->unnamed_fields); !it.Done(); it.Next(), ++i) {
hnode_asdl::hnode_t* val = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&val );
if (i != 0) {
if (!_TrySingleLine(val, f, max_chars)) {
return false;
else {
for (ListIter it(node->fields); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
hnode_asdl::Field* field = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&field );
f->write(StrFormat(" %s:", field->name));
if (!_TrySingleLine(field->val, f, max_chars)) {
return false;
return true;
bool _TrySingleLine(hnode_asdl::hnode_t* node, format::ColorOutput* f, int max_chars) {
hnode_asdl::hnode_t* UP_node = nullptr;
int tag;
int i;
int num_chars_so_far;
StackRoot _root0(&node);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
StackRoot _root2(&UP_node);
UP_node = node;
tag = node->tag();
if (tag == hnode_e::Leaf) {
hnode::Leaf* node = static_cast(UP_node);
f->write(j8_lite::EncodeString(node->s, true));
else {
if (tag == hnode_e::External) {
hnode::External* node = static_cast(UP_node);
// if not PYTHON
// endif MYCPP
else {
if (tag == hnode_e::Array) {
hnode::Array* node = static_cast(UP_node);
i = 0;
for (ListIter it(node->children); !it.Done(); it.Next(), ++i) {
hnode_asdl::hnode_t* item = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&item );
if (i != 0) {
if (!_TrySingleLine(item, f, max_chars)) {
return false;
else {
if (tag == hnode_e::Record) {
hnode::Record* node = static_cast(UP_node);
return _TrySingleLineObj(node, f, max_chars);
else {
if (tag == hnode_e::AlreadySeen) {
hnode::AlreadySeen* node = static_cast(UP_node);
f->write(StrFormat("...0x%s", mylib::hex_lower(node->heap_id)));
else {
assert(0); // AssertionError
num_chars_so_far = f->NumChars();
if (num_chars_so_far > max_chars) {
return false;
return true;
void PrintTree(hnode_asdl::hnode_t* node, format::ColorOutput* f) {
format::_PrettyPrinter* pp = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&node);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
StackRoot _root2(&pp);
pp = Alloc<_PrettyPrinter>(100);
pp->PrintNode(node, f, 0);
} // define namespace format
namespace ansi { // define
BigStr* RESET = str41;
BigStr* BOLD = str42;
BigStr* UNDERLINE = str43;
BigStr* REVERSE = str44;
BigStr* RED = str45;
BigStr* GREEN = str46;
BigStr* YELLOW = str47;
BigStr* BLUE = str48;
} // define namespace ansi
namespace error { // define
using syntax_asdl::loc_e;
using syntax_asdl::loc_t;
using syntax_asdl::loc;
using value_asdl::value;
using value_asdl::value_t;
using value_asdl::value_str;
BigStr* _ValType(value_asdl::value_t* val) {
StackRoot _root0(&val);
return value_str(val->tag(), false);
_ErrorWithLocation::_ErrorWithLocation(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) {
this->msg = msg;
if (location == nullptr) {
this->location = loc::Missing;
else {
this->location = location;
bool _ErrorWithLocation::HasLocation() {
return this->location->tag() != loc_e::Missing;
BigStr* _ErrorWithLocation::UserErrorString() {
return this->msg;
Usage::Usage(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) : _ErrorWithLocation(msg, location) {
Parse::Parse(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) : _ErrorWithLocation(msg, location) {
FailGlob::FailGlob(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) : _ErrorWithLocation(msg, location) {
RedirectEval::RedirectEval(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) : _ErrorWithLocation(msg, location) {
FatalRuntime::FatalRuntime(int exit_status, BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) : _ErrorWithLocation(msg, location) {
this->exit_status = exit_status;
int FatalRuntime::ExitStatus() {
return this->exit_status;
Strict::Strict(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) : FatalRuntime(1, msg, location) {
ErrExit::ErrExit(int exit_status, BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location, bool show_code) : FatalRuntime(exit_status, msg, location) {
this->show_code = show_code;
Expr::Expr(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) : FatalRuntime(3, msg, location) {
Structured::Structured(int status, BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location, Dict* properties) : FatalRuntime(status, msg, location) {
this->properties = properties;
value::Dict* Structured::ToDict() {
if (this->properties == nullptr) {
this->properties = Alloc>();
this->properties->set(str50, num::ToBig(this->ExitStatus()));
this->properties->set(str51, Alloc(this->msg));
return Alloc(this->properties);
AssertionErr::AssertionErr(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) : Expr(msg, location) {
TypeErrVerbose::TypeErrVerbose(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) : Expr(msg, location) {
TypeErr::TypeErr(value_asdl::value_t* actual_val, BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) : TypeErrVerbose(StrFormat("%s, got %s", msg, _ValType(actual_val)), location) {
Runtime::Runtime(BigStr* msg) {
this->msg = msg;
BigStr* Runtime::UserErrorString() {
return this->msg;
Decode::Decode(BigStr* msg, BigStr* s, int start_pos, int end_pos, int line_num) {
this->msg = msg;
this->s = s;
this->start_pos = start_pos;
this->end_pos = end_pos;
this->line_num = line_num;
BigStr* Decode::Message() {
int start;
int end;
BigStr* part = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&part);
start = max(0, (this->start_pos - 4));
end = min(len(this->s), (this->end_pos + 4));
part = this->s->slice(start, end);
return str_concat(this->msg, StrFormat(" (line %d, offset %d-%d: %r)", this->line_num, this->start_pos, this->end_pos, part));
BigStr* Decode::__str__() {
return this->Message();
Encode::Encode(BigStr* msg) {
this->msg = msg;
BigStr* Encode::Message() {
return this->msg;
[[noreturn]] void e_usage(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) {
StackRoot _root0(&msg);
StackRoot _root1(&location);
throw Alloc(msg, location);
[[noreturn]] void e_strict(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) {
StackRoot _root0(&msg);
StackRoot _root1(&location);
throw Alloc(msg, location);
[[noreturn]] void p_die(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) {
StackRoot _root0(&msg);
StackRoot _root1(&location);
throw Alloc(msg, location);
[[noreturn]] void e_die(BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) {
StackRoot _root0(&msg);
StackRoot _root1(&location);
throw Alloc(1, msg, location);
[[noreturn]] void e_die_status(int status, BigStr* msg, syntax_asdl::loc_t* location) {
StackRoot _root0(&msg);
StackRoot _root1(&location);
throw Alloc(status, msg, location);
} // define namespace error
namespace num { // define
using value_asdl::value;
value::Int* ToBig(int i) {
return Alloc(mops::IntWiden(i));
mops::BigInt Exponent(mops::BigInt x, mops::BigInt y) {
int y_int;
mops::BigInt result;
y_int = mops::BigTruncate(y);
result = mops::BigInt(1);
for (int i = 0; i < y_int; ++i) {
result = mops::Mul(result, x);
return result;
int Exponent2(int x, int y) {
return mops::BigTruncate(Exponent(mops::IntWiden(x), mops::IntWiden(y)));
mops::BigInt IntDivide(mops::BigInt x, mops::BigInt y) {
mops::BigInt ZERO;
int sign;
mops::BigInt ax;
mops::BigInt ay;
ZERO = mops::BigInt(0);
sign = 1;
if (mops::Greater(ZERO, x)) {
ax = mops::Negate(x);
sign = -1;
else {
ax = x;
if (mops::Greater(ZERO, y)) {
ay = mops::Negate(y);
sign = -sign;
else {
ay = y;
return mops::Mul(mops::IntWiden(sign), mops::Div(ax, ay));
int IntDivide2(int x, int y) {
return mops::BigTruncate(IntDivide(mops::IntWiden(x), mops::IntWiden(y)));
mops::BigInt IntRemainder(mops::BigInt x, mops::BigInt y) {
mops::BigInt ZERO;
mops::BigInt ax;
int sign;
mops::BigInt ay;
ZERO = mops::BigInt(0);
if (mops::Greater(ZERO, x)) {
ax = mops::Negate(x);
sign = -1;
else {
ax = x;
sign = 1;
if (mops::Greater(ZERO, y)) {
ay = mops::Negate(y);
else {
ay = y;
return mops::Mul(mops::IntWiden(sign), mops::Rem(ax, ay));
int IntRemainder2(int x, int y) {
return mops::BigTruncate(IntRemainder(mops::IntWiden(x), mops::IntWiden(y)));
} // define namespace num
namespace j8 { // define
using id_kind_asdl::Id;
using id_kind_asdl::Id_t;
using id_kind_asdl::Id_str;
using value_asdl::value;
using value_asdl::value_e;
using value_asdl::value_t;
using value_asdl::value_str;
using nil8_asdl::nvalue;
using nil8_asdl::nvalue_t;
namespace fmt = format;
BigStr* ValType(value_asdl::value_t* val) {
StackRoot _root0(&val);
return value_str(val->tag(), false);
int ValueId(value_asdl::value_t* val) {
StackRoot _root0(&val);
switch (val->tag()) {
case value_e::Null:
case value_e::Bool:
case value_e::Int:
case value_e::Float:
case value_e::Str: {
return -1;
default: {
return HeapValueId(val);
BigStr* ValueIdString(value_asdl::value_t* val) {
int heap_id;
StackRoot _root0(&val);
heap_id = ValueId(val);
if (heap_id == -1) {
return str54;
else {
return StrFormat(" 0x%s", mylib::hex_lower(heap_id));
BigStr* Utf8Encode(int code) {
int num_cont_bytes;
List* bytes_ = nullptr;
int b;
List* tmp = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&bytes_);
StackRoot _root1(&tmp);
num_cont_bytes = 0;
if (code <= 127) {
return chr((code & 127));
else {
if (code <= 2047) {
num_cont_bytes = 1;
else {
if (code <= 65535) {
num_cont_bytes = 2;
else {
if (code <= 1114111) {
num_cont_bytes = 3;
else {
return str56;
bytes_ = Alloc>();
for (int _ = 0; _ < num_cont_bytes; ++_) {
bytes_->append((128 | (code & 63)));
code >>= 6;
b = ((30 << (6 - num_cont_bytes)) | (code & (63 >> num_cont_bytes)));
tmp = Alloc>();
for (ListIter it(bytes_); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
int b = it.Value();
tmp->append(chr((b & 255)));
return str57->join(tmp);
int SHOW_CYCLES = (1 << 1);
int SHOW_NON_DATA = (1 << 2);
int LOSSY_JSON = (1 << 3);
void _Print(value_asdl::value_t* val, mylib::BufWriter* buf, int indent, int options) {
j8::InstancePrinter* p = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&val);
StackRoot _root1(&buf);
StackRoot _root2(&p);
p = Alloc(buf, indent, options);
void PrintMessage(value_asdl::value_t* val, mylib::BufWriter* buf, int indent) {
StackRoot _root0(&val);
StackRoot _root1(&buf);
_Print(val, buf, indent);
void PrintJsonMessage(value_asdl::value_t* val, mylib::BufWriter* buf, int indent) {
StackRoot _root0(&val);
StackRoot _root1(&buf);
_Print(val, buf, indent, LOSSY_JSON);
void PrintLine(value_asdl::value_t* val, mylib::Writer* f) {
mylib::BufWriter* buf = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&val);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
StackRoot _root2(&buf);
buf = Alloc();
_Print(val, buf, -1, (SHOW_CYCLES | SHOW_NON_DATA));
void EncodeString(BigStr* s, mylib::BufWriter* buf, bool unquoted_ok) {
StackRoot _root0(&s);
StackRoot _root1(&buf);
if ((unquoted_ok and fastfunc::CanOmitQuotes(s))) {
return ;
_Print(Alloc(s), buf, -1);
BigStr* MaybeEncodeString(BigStr* s) {
mylib::BufWriter* buf = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&s);
StackRoot _root1(&buf);
buf = Alloc();
_Print(Alloc(s), buf, -1);
return buf->getvalue();
BigStr* MaybeEncodeJsonString(BigStr* s) {
mylib::BufWriter* buf = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&s);
StackRoot _root1(&buf);
buf = Alloc();
_Print(Alloc(s), buf, -1, LOSSY_JSON);
return buf->getvalue();
int UNSEEN = 0;
int EXPLORING = 1;
int FINISHED = 2;
InstancePrinter::InstancePrinter(mylib::BufWriter* buf, int indent, int options) {
this->buf = buf;
this->indent = indent;
this->options = options;
this->visited = Alloc>();
void InstancePrinter::_ItemIndent(int level) {
if (this->indent == -1) {
return ;
this->buf->write_spaces(((level + 1) * this->indent));
void InstancePrinter::_BracketIndent(int level) {
if (this->indent == -1) {
return ;
this->buf->write_spaces((level * this->indent));
void InstancePrinter::_MaybeNewline() {
if (this->indent == -1) {
return ;
void InstancePrinter::_MaybeSpace() {
if (this->indent == -1) {
return ;
void InstancePrinter::_PrintList(value::List* val, int level) {
int i;
StackRoot _root0(&val);
if (len(val->items) == 0) {
else {
i = 0;
for (ListIter it(val->items); !it.Done(); it.Next(), ++i) {
value_asdl::value_t* item = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&item );
if (i != 0) {
this->Print(item, (level + 1));
void InstancePrinter::_PrintDict(value::Dict* val, int level) {
int i;
StackRoot _root0(&val);
if (len(val->d) == 0) {
else {
i = 0;
for (DictIter it(val->d); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
BigStr* k = it.Key();
value_asdl::value_t* v = it.Value();
if (i != 0) {
pyj8::WriteString(k, this->options, this->buf);
this->Print(v, (level + 1));
i += 1;
void InstancePrinter::Print(value_asdl::value_t* val, int level) {
value_asdl::value_t* UP_val = nullptr;
int heap_id;
int node_state;
int i;
BigStr* ysh_type = nullptr;
BigStr* id_str = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&val);
StackRoot _root1(&UP_val);
StackRoot _root2(&ysh_type);
StackRoot _root3(&id_str);
UP_val = val;
switch (val->tag()) {
case value_e::Null: {
case value_e::Bool: {
value::Bool* val = static_cast(UP_val);
this->buf->write(val->b ? str71 : str72);
case value_e::Int: {
value::Int* val = static_cast(UP_val);
case value_e::Float: {
value::Float* val = static_cast(UP_val);
case value_e::Str: {
value::Str* val = static_cast(UP_val);
pyj8::WriteString(val->s, this->options, this->buf);
case value_e::List: {
value::List* val = static_cast(UP_val);
heap_id = HeapValueId(val);
node_state = this->visited->get(heap_id, UNSEEN);
if (node_state == FINISHED) {
this->_PrintList(val, level);
return ;
if (node_state == EXPLORING) {
if ((this->options & SHOW_CYCLES)) {
this->buf->write(StrFormat("[ -->%s ]", ValueIdString(val)));
return ;
else {
throw Alloc(StrFormat("Can't encode List%s in object cycle", ValueIdString(val)));
this->visited->set(heap_id, EXPLORING);
this->_PrintList(val, level);
this->visited->set(heap_id, FINISHED);
case value_e::Dict: {
value::Dict* val = static_cast(UP_val);
heap_id = HeapValueId(val);
node_state = this->visited->get(heap_id, UNSEEN);
if (node_state == FINISHED) {
this->_PrintDict(val, level);
return ;
if (node_state == EXPLORING) {
if ((this->options & SHOW_CYCLES)) {
this->buf->write(StrFormat("{ -->%s }", ValueIdString(val)));
return ;
else {
throw Alloc(StrFormat("Can't encode Dict%s in object cycle", ValueIdString(val)));
this->visited->set(heap_id, EXPLORING);
this->_PrintDict(val, level);
this->visited->set(heap_id, FINISHED);
case value_e::BashArray: {
value::BashArray* val = static_cast(UP_val);
i = 0;
for (ListIter it(val->strs); !it.Done(); it.Next(), ++i) {
BigStr* s = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&s );
if (i != 0) {
if (s == nullptr) {
else {
pyj8::WriteString(s, this->options, this->buf);
case value_e::BashAssoc: {
value::BashAssoc* val = static_cast(UP_val);
i = 0;
for (DictIter it(val->d); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
BigStr* k2 = it.Key();
BigStr* v2 = it.Value();
if (i != 0) {
pyj8::WriteString(k2, this->options, this->buf);
pyj8::WriteString(v2, this->options, this->buf);
i += 1;
default: {
; // pass
if ((this->options & SHOW_NON_DATA)) {
ysh_type = ValType(val);
id_str = ValueIdString(val);
this->buf->write(StrFormat("<%s%s>", ysh_type, id_str));
else {
throw Alloc(StrFormat("Can't serialize object of type %s", ValType(val)));
PrettyPrinter::PrettyPrinter(int max_col) {
this->max_col = max_col;
this->ref_count = Alloc>();
void PrettyPrinter::PrettyTree(value_asdl::value_t* val, format::ColorOutput* f) {
StackRoot _root0(&val);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
; // pass
void PrettyPrinter::Print(value_asdl::value_t* val, mylib::BufWriter* buf) {
format::ColorOutput* f = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&val);
StackRoot _root1(&buf);
StackRoot _root2(&f);
f = fmt::DetectConsoleOutput(mylib::Stdout());
this->PrettyTree(val, f);
; // pass
LexerDecoder::LexerDecoder(BigStr* s, bool is_j8, BigStr* lang_str) {
this->s = s;
this->is_j8 = is_j8;
this->lang_str = lang_str;
this->pos = 0;
this->cur_line_num = 1;
this->decoded = Alloc();
error::Decode* LexerDecoder::_Error(BigStr* msg, int end_pos) {
StackRoot _root0(&msg);
return Alloc(msg, this->s, this->pos, end_pos, this->cur_line_num);
Tuple3 LexerDecoder::Next() {
int tok_id;
int end_pos;
Tuple2 tup0 = match::MatchJ8Token(this->s, this->pos);
tok_id = tup0.at0();
end_pos = tup0.at1();
if (!this->is_j8) {
if ((tok_id == Id::Left_BSingleQuote || tok_id == Id::Left_USingleQuote)) {
throw this->_Error(str87, end_pos);
if (tok_id == Id::Ignored_Comment) {
throw this->_Error(str88, end_pos);
if ((tok_id == Id::Left_DoubleQuote || tok_id == Id::Left_BSingleQuote || tok_id == Id::Left_USingleQuote)) {
return this->_DecodeString(tok_id, end_pos);
if (tok_id == Id::Ignored_Newline) {
this->cur_line_num += 1;
this->pos = end_pos;
return Tuple3(tok_id, end_pos, nullptr);
Tuple3 LexerDecoder::NextForLines() {
int tok_id;
int end_pos;
Tuple2 tup1 = match::MatchJ8LinesToken(this->s, this->pos);
tok_id = tup1.at0();
end_pos = tup1.at1();
if ((tok_id == Id::Left_DoubleQuote || tok_id == Id::Left_BSingleQuote || tok_id == Id::Left_USingleQuote)) {
return this->_DecodeString(tok_id, end_pos);
if ((tok_id == Id::Lit_Chars and !pyj8::PartIsUtf8(this->s, this->pos, end_pos))) {
throw this->_Error(StrFormat("Invalid UTF-8 in %s string literal", this->lang_str), end_pos);
if (tok_id == Id::Char_AsciiControl) {
throw this->_Error(str90, end_pos);
if (tok_id == Id::J8_Newline) {
this->cur_line_num += 1;
this->pos = end_pos;
return Tuple3(tok_id, end_pos, nullptr);
Tuple3 LexerDecoder::_DecodeString(int left_id, int str_pos) {
int tok_id;
int str_end;
BigStr* s = nullptr;
BigStr* part = nullptr;
BigStr* ch = nullptr;
BigStr* h = nullptr;
int i;
BigStr* h1 = nullptr;
BigStr* h2 = nullptr;
int i1;
int i2;
int code_point;
StackRoot _root0(&s);
StackRoot _root1(&part);
StackRoot _root2(&ch);
StackRoot _root3(&h);
StackRoot _root4(&h1);
StackRoot _root5(&h2);
while (true) {
if (left_id == Id::Left_DoubleQuote) {
Tuple2 tup2 = match::MatchJsonStrToken(this->s, str_pos);
tok_id = tup2.at0();
str_end = tup2.at1();
else {
Tuple2 tup3 = match::MatchJ8StrToken(this->s, str_pos);
tok_id = tup3.at0();
str_end = tup3.at1();
if (tok_id == Id::Eol_Tok) {
throw this->_Error(StrFormat("Unexpected EOF while lexing %s string", this->lang_str), str_end);
if (tok_id == Id::Unknown_Backslash) {
throw this->_Error(StrFormat("Bad backslash escape in %s string", this->lang_str), str_end);
if (tok_id == Id::Char_AsciiControl) {
throw this->_Error(StrFormat("%s strings can't have unescaped ASCII control chars", this->lang_str), str_end);
if ((tok_id == Id::Right_SingleQuote || tok_id == Id::Right_DoubleQuote)) {
this->pos = str_end;
s = this->decoded->getvalue();
return Tuple3(Id::J8_String, str_end, s);
if (tok_id == Id::Lit_Chars) {
part = this->s->slice(str_pos, str_end);
if (!pyj8::PartIsUtf8(this->s, str_pos, str_end)) {
throw this->_Error(StrFormat("Invalid UTF-8 in %s string literal", this->lang_str), str_end);
else {
if (tok_id == Id::Char_OneChar) {
ch = this->s->at((str_pos + 1));
part = consts::LookupCharC(ch);
else {
if (tok_id == Id::Char_UBraced) {
h = this->s->slice((str_pos + 3), (str_end - 1));
i = to_int(h, 16);
if ((55296 <= i and i < 57344)) {
throw this->_Error(StrFormat("\\u{%s} escape is illegal because it's in the surrogate range", h), str_end);
part = Utf8Encode(i);
else {
if (tok_id == Id::Char_YHex) {
h = this->s->slice((str_pos + 2), str_end);
if (left_id != Id::Left_BSingleQuote) {
throw this->_Error(StrFormat("\\y%s escapes not allowed in u'' strings", h), str_end);
i = to_int(h, 16);
part = chr(i);
else {
if (tok_id == Id::Char_SurrogatePair) {
h1 = this->s->slice((str_pos + 2), (str_pos + 6));
h2 = this->s->slice((str_pos + 8), (str_pos + 12));
i1 = (to_int(h1, 16) - 55296);
i2 = (to_int(h2, 16) - 56320);
code_point = ((65536 + (i1 << 10)) + i2);
part = Utf8Encode(code_point);
else {
if (tok_id == Id::Char_Unicode4) {
h = this->s->slice((str_pos + 2), str_end);
i = to_int(h, 16);
part = Utf8Encode(i);
else {
assert(0); // AssertionError
str_pos = str_end;
_Parser::_Parser(BigStr* s, bool is_j8) {
this->s = s;
this->is_j8 = is_j8;
this->lang_str = is_j8 ? str97 : str98;
this->lexer = Alloc(s, is_j8, this->lang_str);
this->tok_id = Id::Undefined_Tok;
this->start_pos = 0;
this->end_pos = 0;
this->decoded = str99;
void _Parser::_Next() {
while (true) {
this->start_pos = this->end_pos;
Tuple3 tup4 = this->lexer->Next();
this->tok_id = tup4.at0();
this->end_pos = tup4.at1();
this->decoded = tup4.at2();
if ((this->tok_id != Id::Ignored_Space && this->tok_id != Id::Ignored_Newline && this->tok_id != Id::Ignored_Comment)) {
void _Parser::_Eat(int tok_id) {
if (this->tok_id != tok_id) {
throw this->_ParseError(StrFormat("Expected %s, got %s", Id_str(tok_id), Id_str(this->tok_id)));
void _Parser::_NextForLines() {
this->start_pos = this->end_pos;
Tuple3 tup5 = this->lexer->NextForLines();
this->tok_id = tup5.at0();
this->end_pos = tup5.at1();
this->decoded = tup5.at2();
error::Decode* _Parser::_ParseError(BigStr* msg) {
StackRoot _root0(&msg);
return Alloc(msg, this->s, this->start_pos, this->end_pos, this->lexer->cur_line_num);
Parser::Parser(BigStr* s, bool is_j8) : _Parser(s, is_j8) {
Tuple2 Parser::_ParsePair() {
BigStr* k = nullptr;
value_asdl::value_t* v = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&k);
StackRoot _root1(&v);
k = this->decoded;
v = this->_ParseValue();
return Tuple2(k, v);
value_asdl::value_t* Parser::_ParseDict() {
Dict* d = nullptr;
BigStr* k = nullptr;
value_asdl::value_t* v = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&d);
StackRoot _root1(&k);
StackRoot _root2(&v);
d = Alloc>();
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_RBrace) {
return Alloc(d);
Tuple2 tup6 = this->_ParsePair();
k = tup6.at0();
v = tup6.at1();
d->set(k, v);
while (this->tok_id == Id::J8_Comma) {
Tuple2 tup7 = this->_ParsePair();
k = tup7.at0();
v = tup7.at1();
d->set(k, v);
return Alloc(d);
value_asdl::value_t* Parser::_ParseList() {
List* items = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&items);
items = Alloc>();
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_RBracket) {
return Alloc(items);
while (this->tok_id == Id::J8_Comma) {
return Alloc(items);
value_asdl::value_t* Parser::_ParseValue() {
value::Bool* b = nullptr;
BigStr* part = nullptr;
value::Str* str_val = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&b);
StackRoot _root1(&part);
StackRoot _root2(&str_val);
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_LBrace) {
return this->_ParseDict();
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_LBracket) {
return this->_ParseList();
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_Null) {
return value::Null;
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_Bool) {
b = Alloc(str_equals(this->s->at(this->start_pos), str101));
return b;
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_Int) {
part = this->s->slice(this->start_pos, this->end_pos);
return Alloc(mops::FromStr(part));
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_Float) {
part = this->s->slice(this->start_pos, this->end_pos);
return Alloc(to_float(part));
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_String) {
str_val = Alloc(this->decoded);
return str_val;
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::Eol_Tok) {
throw this->_ParseError(StrFormat("Unexpected EOF while parsing %s", this->lang_str));
else {
throw this->_ParseError(StrFormat("Invalid token while parsing %s: %s", this->lang_str, Id_str(this->tok_id)));
value_asdl::value_t* Parser::ParseValue() {
value_asdl::value_t* obj = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&obj);
obj = this->_ParseValue();
if (this->tok_id != Id::Eol_Tok) {
throw this->_ParseError(str104);
return obj;
Nil8Parser::Nil8Parser(BigStr* s, bool is_j8) : _Parser(s, is_j8) {
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* Nil8Parser::_ParseRecord() {
List* items = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&items);
items = Alloc>();
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_RParen) {
return Alloc(items);
while (this->tok_id != Id::J8_RParen) {
return Alloc(items);
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* Nil8Parser::_ParseList8() {
List* items = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&items);
items = Alloc>();
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_RBracket) {
return Alloc(items);
while (this->tok_id != Id::J8_RBracket) {
return Alloc(items);
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* Nil8Parser::_ParseNil8() {
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* obj = nullptr;
nvalue::Bool* b = nullptr;
BigStr* part = nullptr;
nvalue::Str* str_val = nullptr;
nvalue::Symbol* op = nullptr;
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* operand2 = nullptr;
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* infix = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&obj);
StackRoot _root1(&b);
StackRoot _root2(&part);
StackRoot _root3(&str_val);
StackRoot _root4(&op);
StackRoot _root5(&operand2);
StackRoot _root6(&infix);
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_LParen) {
obj = this->_ParseRecord();
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_LBracket) {
obj = this->_ParseList8();
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_Null) {
obj = nvalue::Null;
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_Bool) {
b = Alloc(str_equals(this->s->at(this->start_pos), str105));
obj = b;
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_Int) {
part = this->s->slice(this->start_pos, this->end_pos);
obj = Alloc(to_int(part));
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_Float) {
part = this->s->slice(this->start_pos, this->end_pos);
obj = Alloc(to_float(part));
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_String) {
str_val = Alloc(this->decoded);
obj = str_val;
else {
if ((this->tok_id == Id::J8_Identifier || this->tok_id == Id::J8_Operator || this->tok_id == Id::J8_Colon || this->tok_id == Id::J8_Comma)) {
part = this->s->slice(this->start_pos, this->end_pos);
obj = Alloc(part);
else {
if (this->tok_id == Id::Eol_Tok) {
throw this->_ParseError(StrFormat("Unexpected EOF while parsing %s", this->lang_str));
else {
throw this->_ParseError(StrFormat("Invalid token while parsing %s: %s", this->lang_str, Id_str(this->tok_id)));
if ((this->tok_id == Id::J8_Operator || this->tok_id == Id::J8_Colon || this->tok_id == Id::J8_Comma)) {
part = this->s->slice(this->start_pos, this->end_pos);
op = Alloc(part);
operand2 = this->_ParseNil8();
infix = Alloc(NewList(std::initializer_list{op, obj, operand2}));
return infix;
return obj;
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* Nil8Parser::ParseNil8() {
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* obj = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&obj);
obj = this->_ParseNil8();
if (this->tok_id != Id::Eol_Tok) {
throw this->_ParseError(str108);
return obj;
J8LinesParser::J8LinesParser(BigStr* s) : _Parser(s, true) {
void J8LinesParser::_Show(BigStr* s) {
StackRoot _root0(&s);
mylib::print_stderr(StrFormat("%s tok_id %s %d-%d", s, Id_str(this->tok_id), this->start_pos, this->end_pos));
void J8LinesParser::_ParseLine(List* out) {
int string_start;
int prev_id;
int prev_start;
int string_end;
StackRoot _root0(&out);
if (this->tok_id == Id::WS_Space) {
if ((this->tok_id == Id::J8_Newline || this->tok_id == Id::Eol_Tok)) {
return ;
if (this->tok_id == Id::J8_String) {
if (this->tok_id == Id::WS_Space) {
if ((this->tok_id != Id::J8_Newline && this->tok_id != Id::Eol_Tok)) {
throw this->_ParseError(StrFormat("Unexpected text after J8 Line (%s)", Id_str(this->tok_id)));
return ;
if (this->tok_id == Id::Lit_Chars) {
string_start = this->start_pos;
while (true) {
prev_id = this->tok_id;
prev_start = this->start_pos;
if ((this->tok_id == Id::J8_Newline || this->tok_id == Id::Eol_Tok)) {
if (prev_id == Id::WS_Space) {
string_end = prev_start;
else {
string_end = this->start_pos;
out->append(this->s->slice(string_start, string_end));
return ;
assert(0); // AssertionError
List* J8LinesParser::Parse() {
List* lines = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&lines);
lines = Alloc>();
while (this->tok_id != Id::Eol_Tok) {
if (this->tok_id != Id::Eol_Tok) {
throw this->_ParseError(str111);
return lines;
List* SplitJ8Lines(BigStr* s) {
j8::J8LinesParser* p = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&s);
StackRoot _root1(&p);
p = Alloc(s);
return p->Parse();
} // define namespace j8
namespace j8_lite { // define
BigStr* EncodeString(BigStr* s, bool unquoted_ok) {
StackRoot _root0(&s);
if ((unquoted_ok and fastfunc::CanOmitQuotes(s))) {
return s;
return fastfunc::J8EncodeString(s, 1);
BigStr* MaybeShellEncode(BigStr* s) {
StackRoot _root0(&s);
if (fastfunc::CanOmitQuotes(s)) {
return s;
return fastfunc::ShellEncodeString(s, 0);
BigStr* ShellEncode(BigStr* s) {
StackRoot _root0(&s);
return fastfunc::ShellEncodeString(s, 0);
BigStr* YshEncode(BigStr* s, bool unquoted_ok) {
StackRoot _root0(&s);
if ((unquoted_ok and fastfunc::CanOmitQuotes(s))) {
return s;
return fastfunc::ShellEncodeString(s, 1);
} // define namespace j8_lite
namespace cgi { // define
BigStr* escape(BigStr* s) {
StackRoot _root0(&s);
s = s->replace(str112, str113);
s = s->replace(str114, str115);
s = s->replace(str116, str117);
return s;
} // define namespace cgi
namespace gen_cpp { // define
using yaks_asdl::Program;
using yaks_asdl::mod_def;
using yaks_asdl::mod_def_e;
using yaks_asdl::ktype;
using yaks_asdl::ktype_e;
using yaks_asdl::ktype_t;
using yaks_asdl::NameType;
using yaks_asdl::stmt;
using yaks_asdl::stmt_e;
using yaks_asdl::stmt_t;
using yaks_asdl::Int;
using yaks_asdl::kexpr_e;
using yaks_asdl::kexpr_t;
using yaks_asdl::Int;
void GenType(yaks_asdl::ktype_t* typ, mylib::Writer* f) {
yaks_asdl::ktype_t* UP_typ = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&typ);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
StackRoot _root2(&UP_typ);
UP_typ = typ;
switch (typ->tag()) {
case ktype_e::Int: {
case ktype_e::Str: {
case ktype_e::List: {
ktype::List* typ = static_cast(UP_typ);
GenType(typ->T, f);
default: {
assert(0); // AssertionError
void GenParam(yaks_asdl::NameType* p, mylib::Writer* f) {
StackRoot _root0(&p);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
GenType(p->typ, f);
f->write(StrFormat(" %s", p->name));
void GenExpr(yaks_asdl::kexpr_t* expr, mylib::Writer* f) {
yaks_asdl::kexpr_t* UP_expr = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&expr);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
StackRoot _root2(&UP_expr);
UP_expr = expr;
switch (expr->tag()) {
case kexpr_e::Int: {
Int* expr = static_cast(UP_expr);
f->write(StrFormat("%d", expr->i));
default: {
assert(0); // AssertionError
void GenStatement(yaks_asdl::stmt_t* st, mylib::Writer* f) {
yaks_asdl::stmt_t* UP_st = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&st);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
StackRoot _root2(&UP_st);
UP_st = st;
switch (st->tag()) {
case stmt_e::Return: {
stmt::Return* st = static_cast(UP_st);
GenExpr(st->e, f);
void GenFunction(mod_def::Func* func, mylib::Writer* f) {
int i;
StackRoot _root0(&func);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
GenType(func->sig->return_type, f);
f->write(StrFormat(" %s(", func->name));
i = 0;
for (ListIter it(func->sig->params); !it.Done(); it.Next(), ++i) {
yaks_asdl::NameType* p = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&p );
if (i != 0) {
GenParam(p, f);
for (ListIter it(func->statements); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
yaks_asdl::stmt_t* st = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&st );
GenStatement(st, f);
void GenCpp(yaks_asdl::Program* prog, mylib::Writer* f) {
yaks_asdl::mod_def_t* UP_d = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&prog);
StackRoot _root1(&f);
StackRoot _root2(&UP_d);
for (ListIter it(prog->modules); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
yaks_asdl::Module* module = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&module );
f->write(StrFormat("namespace %s {\n", module->name));
for (ListIter it(module->defs); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
yaks_asdl::mod_def_t* d = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&d );
UP_d = d;
switch (d->tag()) {
case mod_def_e::Func: {
mod_def::Func* d = static_cast(UP_d);
GenFunction(d, f);
f->write(StrFormat("} // namespace %s\n", module->name));
} // define namespace gen_cpp
namespace transform { // define
using nil8_asdl::nvalue;
using nil8_asdl::nvalue_e;
using nil8_asdl::nvalue_t;
using yaks_asdl::Module;
using yaks_asdl::Program;
using yaks_asdl::mod_def;
using yaks_asdl::mod_def_t;
using yaks_asdl::ktype;
using yaks_asdl::ktype_t;
using yaks_asdl::stmt;
using yaks_asdl::stmt_t;
using yaks_asdl::kexpr_t;
using yaks_asdl::Int;
using yaks_asdl::Token;
using yaks_asdl::Signature;
using yaks_asdl::NameType;
BigStr* MustBeSymbol(nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* nval) {
StackRoot _root0(&nval);
if (nval->tag() != nvalue_e::Symbol) {
assert(0); // AssertionError
return static_cast(nval)->s;
List* MustBeList(nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* nval) {
StackRoot _root0(&nval);
if (nval->tag() != nvalue_e::List) {
assert(0); // AssertionError
return static_cast(nval)->items;
yaks_asdl::kexpr_t* TransformExpr(nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* nval) {
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* UP_nval = nullptr;
yaks_asdl::Token* loc = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&nval);
StackRoot _root1(&UP_nval);
StackRoot _root2(&loc);
UP_nval = nval;
switch (nval->tag()) {
case nvalue_e::Int: {
nvalue::Int* nval = static_cast(UP_nval);
loc = Alloc(str135, str136, 0, 3);
return Alloc(nval->i, loc);
default: {
assert(0); // AssertionError
yaks_asdl::ktype_t* TransformType(nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* nval) {
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* UP_nval = nullptr;
BigStr* first = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&nval);
StackRoot _root1(&UP_nval);
StackRoot _root2(&first);
UP_nval = nval;
switch (nval->tag()) {
case nvalue_e::Symbol: {
nvalue::Symbol* nval = static_cast(UP_nval);
if (str_equals(nval->s, str137)) {
return ktype::Bool;
else {
if (str_equals(nval->s, str138)) {
return ktype::Int;
else {
if (str_equals(nval->s, str139)) {
return ktype::Str;
else {
assert(0); // AssertionError
case nvalue_e::List: {
nvalue::List* nval = static_cast(UP_nval);
first = MustBeSymbol(nval->items->at(0));
if (str_equals(first, str140)) {
return Alloc(TransformType(nval->items->at(1)));
else {
if (str_equals(first, str141)) {
return Alloc(TransformType(nval->items->at(1)), TransformType(nval->items->at(2)));
else {
assert(0); // AssertionError
default: {
assert(0); // AssertionError
yaks_asdl::NameType* TransformParam(List* param_n) {
BigStr* name = nullptr;
yaks_asdl::ktype_t* typ = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(¶m_n);
StackRoot _root1(&name);
StackRoot _root2(&typ);
if (len(param_n) != 2) {
assert(0); // AssertionError
name = MustBeSymbol(param_n->at(0));
typ = TransformType(param_n->at(1));
return Alloc(name, typ);
List* TransformParams(List* params_n) {
List* result = nullptr;
List* param_n = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(¶ms_n);
StackRoot _root1(&result);
StackRoot _root2(¶m_n);
result = Alloc>();
for (ListIter it(params_n); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* p = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&p );
param_n = MustBeList(p);
return result;
yaks_asdl::Signature* TransformSignature(nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* nval) {
List* sig_n = nullptr;
BigStr* first = nullptr;
List* params_n = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&nval);
StackRoot _root1(&sig_n);
StackRoot _root2(&first);
StackRoot _root3(¶ms_n);
sig_n = MustBeList(nval);
if (len(sig_n) != 3) {
assert(0); // AssertionError
first = MustBeSymbol(sig_n->at(0));
if (!(str_equals(first, str143))) {
assert(0); // AssertionError
params_n = MustBeList(sig_n->at(1));
return Alloc(TransformParams(params_n), TransformType(sig_n->at(2)));
mod_def::Func* TransformFunc(List* func_n) {
BigStr* func_name = nullptr;
List* out_stmts = nullptr;
yaks_asdl::Signature* sig = nullptr;
mod_def::Func* func = nullptr;
List* stmts = nullptr;
List* stmt_n = nullptr;
BigStr* first = nullptr;
yaks_asdl::kexpr_t* expr = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&func_n);
StackRoot _root1(&func_name);
StackRoot _root2(&out_stmts);
StackRoot _root3(&sig);
StackRoot _root4(&func);
StackRoot _root5(&stmts);
StackRoot _root6(&stmt_n);
StackRoot _root7(&first);
StackRoot _root8(&expr);
func_name = MustBeSymbol(func_n->at(1));
out_stmts = Alloc>();
sig = TransformSignature(func_n->at(2));
func = Alloc(func_name, sig, out_stmts);
stmts = func_n->slice(3);
for (ListIter it(stmts); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* st = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&st );
stmt_n = MustBeList(st);
if (len(stmt_n) == 0) {
assert(0); // AssertionError
first = MustBeSymbol(stmt_n->at(0));
if (str_equals(first, str146)) {
; // pass
else {
if (str_equals(first, str147)) {
; // pass
else {
if (str_equals(first, str148)) {
; // pass
else {
if (str_equals(first, str149)) {
expr = TransformExpr(stmt_n->at(1));
else {
if (str_equals(first, str150)) {
; // pass
else {
if (str_equals(first, str151)) {
; // pass
else {
assert(0); // AssertionError
return func;
yaks_asdl::Module* TransformModule(List* mod_n) {
BigStr* mod_name = nullptr;
List* out_defs = nullptr;
yaks_asdl::Module* module = nullptr;
List* defs = nullptr;
List* def_n = nullptr;
BigStr* first = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&mod_n);
StackRoot _root1(&mod_name);
StackRoot _root2(&out_defs);
StackRoot _root3(&module);
StackRoot _root4(&defs);
StackRoot _root5(&def_n);
StackRoot _root6(&first);
if (len(mod_n) < 2) {
assert(0); // AssertionError
mod_name = MustBeSymbol(mod_n->at(1));
out_defs = Alloc>();
module = Alloc(mod_name, out_defs);
defs = mod_n->slice(2);
for (ListIter it(defs); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* d = it.Value();
StackRoot _for(&d );
def_n = MustBeList(d);
if (len(def_n) == 0) {
assert(0); // AssertionError
first = MustBeSymbol(def_n->at(0));
if (str_equals(first, str155)) {
; // pass
else {
if (str_equals(first, str156)) {
else {
if (str_equals(first, str157)) {
; // pass
else {
assert(0); // AssertionError
return module;
yaks_asdl::Program* Transform(nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* nval) {
List* mod_n = nullptr;
yaks_asdl::Module* module = nullptr;
yaks_asdl::Program* prog = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&nval);
StackRoot _root1(&mod_n);
StackRoot _root2(&module);
StackRoot _root3(&prog);
mod_n = MustBeList(nval);
module = TransformModule(mod_n);
prog = Alloc(str159, NewList(std::initializer_list{module}));
return prog;
} // define namespace transform
namespace yaks_main { // define
namespace fmt = format;
int main(List* argv) {
mylib::Writer* stderr_ = nullptr;
BigStr* action = nullptr;
BigStr* path = nullptr;
List* lines = nullptr;
mylib::LineReader* f = nullptr;
BigStr* line = nullptr;
BigStr* contents = nullptr;
j8::Nil8Parser* p = nullptr;
nil8_asdl::nvalue_t* nval = nullptr;
format::ColorOutput* pretty_f = nullptr;
yaks_asdl::Program* prog = nullptr;
yaks_asdl::Module* m = nullptr;
StackRoot _root0(&argv);
StackRoot _root1(&stderr_);
StackRoot _root2(&action);
StackRoot _root3(&path);
StackRoot _root4(&lines);
StackRoot _root5(&f);
StackRoot _root6(&line);
StackRoot _root7(&contents);
StackRoot _root8(&p);
StackRoot _root9(&nval);
StackRoot _root10(&pretty_f);
StackRoot _root11(&prog);
StackRoot _root12(&m);
stderr_ = mylib::Stderr();
try {
action = argv->at(1);
catch (IndexError*) {
throw Alloc(str160);
if (str_equals(action, str161)) {
path = argv->at(2);
lines = Alloc>();
f = mylib::open(path);
while (true) {
line = f->readline();
if (len(line) == 0) {
contents = str162->join(lines);
p = Alloc(contents, true);
try {
nval = p->ParseNil8();
catch (error::Decode* e) {
return 1;
pretty_f = fmt::DetectConsoleOutput(stderr_);
fmt::PrintTree(nval->PrettyTree(), pretty_f);
prog = transform::Transform(nval);
fmt::PrintTree(prog->PrettyTree(), pretty_f);
gen_cpp::GenCpp(prog, mylib::Stdout());
else {
if (str_equals(action, str165)) {
path = argv->at(2);
m = Alloc(str166, Alloc>());
pretty_f = fmt::DetectConsoleOutput(stderr_);
fmt::PrintTree(m->PrettyTree(), pretty_f);
else {
throw Alloc(StrFormat("Invalid action %r", action));
return 0;
} // define namespace yaks_main
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
mylib::InitCppOnly(); // Initializes gHeap
auto* args = Alloc>();
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
int status = yaks_main::main(args);
return status;