1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Run unit tests. Sets PYTHONPATH.
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # test/unit.sh <function name>
7 | #
8 | # Examples:
9 | #
10 | # test/unit.sh unit frontend/lexer_test.py
11 | # test/unit.sh all
12 | # test/unit.sh minimal
13 |
14 | set -o nounset
15 | set -o pipefail
16 | set -o errexit
17 | shopt -s strict:all 2>/dev/null || true # dogfood for OSH
18 |
19 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd) # tsv-lib.sh uses this
20 | readonly REPO_ROOT
21 |
22 | source build/dev-shell.sh # R_LIBS_USER, but also changes python3
23 | source test/common.sh # html-head
24 | source devtools/run-task.sh # run-task
25 | source test/tsv-lib.sh
26 |
27 | # for 'import typing' in Python 2. Can't go in build/dev-shell.sh because it
28 | # would affect Python 3.
29 | export PYTHONPATH="vendor:$PYTHONPATH"
30 |
31 | # For auto-complete
32 | unit() {
33 | "$@"
34 | }
35 |
36 | delete-pyc() {
37 | find . -name '*.pyc' | xargs --no-run-if-empty -- rm || true
38 | }
39 |
40 | # WTF, fixes native_test issue
42 |
43 | banner() {
44 | echo -----
45 | echo "$@"
46 | echo -----
47 | }
48 |
49 | readonly -a PY2_UNIT_TESTS=( {asdl,asdl/examples,build,builtin,core,data_lang,doctools,frontend,lazylex,ysh,osh,pyext,pylib,soil,test,tools}/*_test.py )
50 |
51 | readonly -a PY3_UNIT_TESTS=( mycpp/*_test.py spec/stateful/*_test.py )
52 |
53 | py2-tests() {
54 | local minimal=${1:-}
55 |
56 | for t in "${PY2_UNIT_TESTS[@]}"; do
57 | # For Travis after build/py.sh minimal: if we didn't build fastlex.so,
58 | # then skip a unit test that will fail.
59 |
60 | if test -n "$minimal"; then
61 | if test $t = 'pyext/fastlex_test.py'; then
62 | continue
63 | fi
64 | # doctools/cmark.sh makes that shared library
65 | if test $t = 'doctools/cmark_test.py'; then
66 | continue
67 | fi
68 | fi
69 |
70 | echo $t
71 | done
72 | }
73 |
74 | py3-tests() {
75 | for t in "${PY3_UNIT_TESTS[@]}"; do
76 | echo $t
77 | done
78 | }
79 |
80 | all-tests() {
81 | py2-tests "$@"
82 |
83 | # TODO: This only PRINTS the tests. It doesn't actually run them, but we
84 | # need a different PYTHONPATH here.
85 | py3-tests
86 | }
87 |
88 | run-unit-tests() {
89 | while read test_path; do
90 | # no separate working dir
91 | run-test-bin $test_path '' _test/py-unit
92 | done
93 | }
94 |
95 | all() {
96 | ### Run unit tests after build/py.sh all
97 |
98 | time all-tests "$@" | run-unit-tests
99 | echo
100 | echo "All unit tests passed."
101 | }
102 |
103 | minimal() {
104 | ### Run unit tests after build/py.sh minimal
105 |
106 | time py2-tests T | run-unit-tests
107 | echo
108 | echo "Minimal unit tests passed."
109 | }
110 |
111 | #
112 | # Experimental tsv-stream
113 | #
114 |
115 | tsv-stream-one() {
116 | local rel_path=$1
117 |
118 | local log_file=_tmp/unit/$rel_path.txt
119 | mkdir -p "$(dirname $log_file)"
120 |
121 | echo
122 | echo "| ROW test=$rel_path test_HREF=$log_file"
123 |
124 | # TODO: Emit | ADD status=0 elapsed_secs=0.11
125 |
126 | time-tsv -o /dev/stdout -- $rel_path
127 | local status=$?
128 |
129 | if test $status -ne 0; then
130 | echo
131 | echo "*** $t FAILED ***"
132 | echo
133 | return 255 # xargs aborts
134 | fi
135 |
136 | }
137 |
138 | tsv-stream-all() {
139 | echo '| HEADER status elapsed_secs test test_HREF'
140 |
141 | time py2-tests T | head -n 20 | xargs -n 1 -- $0 tsv-stream-one
142 | }
143 |
144 | # Experimental idea: Capture tsv-stream-all, and turn it into two things:
145 | #
146 | # - A TSV file, which can be turned into HTML, and summarized with counts
147 | # - An HTML text string with <a name=""> anchors, which the table can link to
148 | #
149 | # At the terminal, the raw output is still readable, without a filter.
150 | # Although we might want:
151 | #
152 | # | OK
153 | # | FAIL
154 | #
155 | # Instead of:
156 | #
157 | # | ADD status=0
158 | # | ADD status=1
159 | #
160 | # Also, we currently send output to /dev/null at the terminal, and we save it
161 | # when doing a release.
162 | #
163 | # We might also do something like C++ unit tests:
164 | #
165 | # RUN osh/split_test.py &> _test/osh/split_test
166 |
167 |
168 | all-2() {
169 | ### New harness that uses tsv-stream
170 |
171 | # Use this at the command line, in the CI, and in the release.
172 |
173 | tsv-stream-all | devtools/tsv_stream.py
174 | }
175 |
176 | # NOTE: Show options like this:
177 | # python -m unittest discover -h
178 |
179 | #
180 | # For _release/VERSION
181 | #
182 |
183 | run-test-and-log() {
184 | local tasks_tsv=$1
185 | local rel_path=$2
186 |
187 | local log=_tmp/unit/$rel_path.txt
188 | mkdir -p "$(dirname $log)"
189 |
190 | time-tsv --append --out $tasks_tsv \
191 | --field $rel_path --field "$rel_path.txt" -- \
192 | $rel_path >$log 2>&1
193 | }
194 |
195 | run-all-and-log() {
196 | local out_dir=_tmp/unit
197 | mkdir -p $out_dir
198 | rm -r -f $out_dir/*
199 |
200 | local tasks_tsv=$out_dir/tasks.tsv
201 |
202 | local status=0
203 |
204 | # TODO: I need to write a schema too? Or change csv2html.py to support HREF
205 | # in NullSchema.
206 |
207 | tsv-row 'status' 'elapsed_secs' 'test' 'test_HREF' > $tasks_tsv
208 |
209 | # There are no functions here, so disabline errexit is safe.
210 | # Note: In YSH, this could use shopt { }.
211 | set +o errexit
212 | time all-tests | xargs -n 1 -- $0 run-test-and-log $tasks_tsv
213 | status=$?
214 | set -o errexit
215 |
216 | if test $status -ne 0; then
217 | cat $tasks_tsv
218 | echo
219 | echo "*** Some tests failed. See $tasks_tsv ***"
220 | echo
221 |
222 | return $status
223 | fi
224 |
225 | #tree _tmp/unit
226 | echo
227 | echo "All unit tests passed."
228 | }
229 |
230 |
231 | # TODO: It would be nice to have timestamps of the underlying CSV files and
232 | # timestamp of running the report. This is useful for benchmarks too.
233 |
234 | print-report() {
235 | local in_dir=${1:-_tmp/unit}
236 | local base_url='../../web' # published at more_tests.wwz/unit/
237 |
238 | html-head --title 'Oils Unit Test Results' \
239 | "$base_url/table/table-sort.js" \
240 | "$base_url/table/table-sort.css" \
241 | "$base_url/base.css" \
242 | "$base_url/benchmarks.css"
243 |
244 | # NOTE: Using benchmarks for now.
245 | cat <<EOF
246 | <body class="width40">
247 | <p id="home-link">
248 | <a href="/">oilshell.org</a>
249 | </p>
250 | <h2>Unit Test Results</h2>
251 |
252 | EOF
253 |
254 | tsv2html $in_dir/report.tsv
255 |
256 | cat <<EOF
257 | </body>
258 | </html>
259 | EOF
260 | }
261 |
262 | # Presentation changes:
263 | #
264 | # - elapsed seconds -> milliseconds
265 | # - Need a link to the log for the test name (done, but no schema)
266 | # - schema for right-justifying numbers
267 |
268 | write-report() {
269 | local out=_tmp/unit/index.html
270 | test/report.R unit _tmp/unit _tmp/unit
271 | print-report > $out
272 | echo "Wrote $out"
273 | }
274 |
275 | soil-run() {
276 | # TODO: Should run everything in CI, but it depends on R. dev-minimal
277 | # doesn't have it
278 | #
279 | # Skips fastlex_test.py and cmark_test.py
280 | minimal
281 | }
282 |
283 | # Called by scripts/release.sh.
284 | run-for-release() {
285 | run-all-and-log
286 | write-report
287 | }
288 |
289 | run-task "$@"