1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Run tests against multiple shells with the sh_spec framework.
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # test/spec-runner.sh <function name>
7 |
8 | set -o nounset
9 | set -o pipefail
10 | set -o errexit
11 | shopt -s strict:all 2>/dev/null || true # dogfood for OSH
12 |
13 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
14 |
15 | source build/dev-shell.sh
16 | source test/common.sh
17 | source test/spec-common.sh
18 | source test/tsv-lib.sh # $TAB
19 |
21 |
22 | # Option to use our xargs implementation.
23 | #xargs() {
24 | # echo "Using ~/git/oilshell/xargs.py/xargs.py"
25 | # ~/git/oilshell/xargs.py/xargs.py "$@"
26 | #}
27 |
28 | #
29 | # Test Runner
30 | #
31 |
32 | write-suite-manifests() {
33 | #test/sh_spec.py --print-table spec/*.test.sh
34 | { test/sh_spec.py --print-table spec/*.test.sh | while read suite name; do
35 | case $suite in
36 | osh) echo $name >& $osh ;;
37 | ysh) echo $name >& $ysh ;;
38 | tea) echo $name >& $tea ;;
39 | disabled) ;; # ignore
40 | *) die "Invalid suite $suite" ;;
41 | esac
42 | done
43 | } {osh}>_tmp/spec/SUITE-osh.txt \
44 | {ysh}>_tmp/spec/SUITE-ysh.txt \
45 | {tea}>_tmp/spec/SUITE-tea.txt \
46 | {needs_terminal}>_tmp/spec/SUITE-needs-terminal.txt
47 |
48 | # These are kind of pseudo-suites, not the main 3
49 | test/sh_spec.py --print-tagged interactive \
50 | spec/*.test.sh > _tmp/spec/SUITE-interactive.txt
51 |
52 | test/sh_spec.py --print-tagged dev-minimal \
53 | spec/*.test.sh > _tmp/spec/SUITE-osh-minimal.txt
54 | }
55 |
56 |
57 | diff-manifest() {
58 | ### temporary test
59 |
60 | write-suite-manifests
61 | #return
62 |
63 | # crazy sorting, affects glob
64 | # doesn't work
65 | #LANG=C
67 | #LC_ALL=C
69 |
70 | for suite in osh ysh tea interactive osh-minimal; do
71 | echo
72 | echo [$suite]
73 | echo
74 |
75 | diff -u -r <(sort spec2/SUITE-$suite.txt) <(sort _tmp/spec/SUITE-$suite.txt) #|| true
76 | done
77 | }
78 |
79 | dispatch-one() {
80 | # Determines what binaries to compare against: compare-py | compare-cpp | release-alpine
81 | local compare_mode=${1:-compare-py}
82 | # Which subdir of _tmp/spec: osh-py ysh-py osh-cpp ysh-cpp smoosh tea
83 | local spec_subdir=${2:-osh-py}
84 | local spec_name=$3
85 | shift 3 # rest are more flags
86 |
87 | log "__ $spec_name"
88 |
89 | local -a prefix
90 | case $compare_mode in
91 |
92 | compare-py) prefix=(test/spec.sh) ;;
93 |
94 | compare-cpp) prefix=(test/spec-cpp.sh run-file) ;;
95 |
96 | # For interactive comparison
97 | osh-only) prefix=(test/spec-util.sh run-file-with-osh) ;;
98 | bash-only) prefix=(test/spec-util.sh run-file-with-bash) ;;
99 |
100 | release-alpine) prefix=(test/spec-alpine.sh run-file) ;;
101 |
102 | *) die "Invalid compare mode $compare_mode" ;;
103 | esac
104 |
105 | local base_dir=_tmp/spec/$spec_subdir
106 |
107 | # TODO: Could --stats-{file,template} be a separate awk step on .tsv files?
108 | run-task-with-status \
109 | $base_dir/${spec_name}.task.txt \
110 | "${prefix[@]}" $spec_name \
111 | --format html \
112 | --stats-file $base_dir/${spec_name}.stats.txt \
113 | --stats-template \
114 | '%(num_cases)d %(oils_num_passed)d %(oils_num_failed)d %(oils_failures_allowed)d %(oils_ALT_delta)d' \
115 | "$@" \
116 | > $base_dir/${spec_name}.html
117 | }
118 |
119 |
120 | _html-summary() {
121 | ### Print an HTML summary to stdout and return whether all tests succeeded
122 |
123 | local sh_label=$1 # osh or ysh
124 | local base_dir=$2 # e.g. _tmp/spec/ysh-cpp
125 | local totals=$3 # path to print HTML to
126 | local manifest=$4
127 |
128 | html-head --title "Spec Test Summary" \
129 | ../../../web/base.css ../../../web/spec-tests.css
130 |
131 | cat <<EOF
132 | <body class="width50">
133 |
134 | <p id="home-link">
135 | <!-- The release index is two dirs up -->
136 | <a href="../..">Up</a> |
137 | <a href="/">oilshell.org</a>
138 | </p>
139 |
140 | <h1>Spec Test Results Summary</h1>
141 |
142 | <table>
143 | <thead>
144 | <tr>
145 | <td>name</td>
146 | <td># cases</td> <td>$sh_label # passed</td> <td>$sh_label # failed</td>
147 | <td>$sh_label failures allowed</td>
148 | <td>$sh_label ALT delta</td>
149 | <td>Elapsed Seconds</td>
150 | </tr>
151 | </thead>
152 | <!-- TOTALS -->
153 | EOF
154 |
155 | # Awk notes:
156 | # - "getline" is kind of like bash "read", but it doesn't allow you do
157 | # specify variable names. You have to destructure it yourself.
158 | # - Lack of string interpolation is very annoying
159 |
160 | head -n $NUM_SPEC_TASKS $manifest | sort | awk -v totals=$totals -v base_dir=$base_dir '
161 | # Awk problem: getline errors are ignored by default!
162 | function error(path) {
163 | print "Error reading line from file: " path > "/dev/stderr"
164 | exit(1)
165 | }
166 |
167 | {
168 | spec_name = $0
169 |
170 | # Read from the task files
171 | path = ( base_dir "/" spec_name ".task.txt" )
172 | n = getline < path
173 | if (n != 1) {
174 | error(path)
175 | }
176 | status = $1
177 | wall_secs = $2
178 |
179 | path = ( base_dir "/" spec_name ".stats.txt" )
180 | n = getline < path
181 | if (n != 1) {
182 | error(path)
183 | }
184 | num_cases = $1
185 | oils_num_passed = $2
186 | oils_num_failed = $3
187 | oils_failures_allowed = $4
188 | oils_ALT_delta = $5
189 |
190 | sum_status += status
191 | sum_wall_secs += wall_secs
192 | sum_num_cases += num_cases
193 | sum_oils_num_passed += oils_num_passed
194 | sum_oils_num_failed += oils_num_failed
195 | sum_oils_failures_allowed += oils_failures_allowed
196 | sum_oils_ALT_delta += oils_ALT_delta
197 | num_rows += 1
198 |
199 | # For the console
200 | if (status == 0) {
201 | num_passed += 1
202 | } else {
203 | num_failed += 1
204 | print spec_name " failed with status " status > "/dev/stderr"
205 | }
206 |
207 | if (status != 0) {
208 | css_class = "failed"
209 | } else if (oils_num_failed != 0) {
210 | css_class = "osh-allow-fail"
211 | } else if (oils_num_passed != 0) {
212 | css_class = "osh-pass"
213 | } else {
214 | css_class = ""
215 | }
216 | print "<tr class=" css_class ">"
217 | print "<td><a href=" spec_name ".html>" spec_name "</a></td>"
218 | print "<td>" num_cases "</td>"
219 | print "<td>" oils_num_passed "</td>"
220 | print "<td>" oils_num_failed "</td>"
221 | print "<td>" oils_failures_allowed "</td>"
222 | print "<td>" oils_ALT_delta "</td>"
223 | printf("<td>%.2f</td>\n", wall_secs);
224 | print "</tr>"
225 | }
226 |
227 | END {
228 | print "<tr class=totals>" >totals
229 | print "<td>TOTAL (" num_rows " rows) </td>" >totals
230 | print "<td>" sum_num_cases "</td>" >totals
231 | print "<td>" sum_oils_num_passed "</td>" >totals
232 | print "<td>" sum_oils_num_failed "</td>" >totals
233 | print "<td>" sum_oils_failures_allowed "</td>" >totals
234 | print "<td>" sum_oils_ALT_delta "</td>" >totals
235 | printf("<td>%.2f</td>\n", sum_wall_secs) > totals
236 | print "</tr>" >totals
237 |
238 | print "<tfoot>"
239 | print "<!-- TOTALS -->"
240 | print "</tfoot>"
241 |
242 | # For the console
243 | print "" > "/dev/stderr"
244 | if (num_failed == 0) {
245 | print "*** All " num_passed " tests PASSED" > "/dev/stderr"
246 | } else {
247 | print "*** " num_failed " tests FAILED" > "/dev/stderr"
248 | exit(1) # failure
249 | }
250 | }
251 | '
252 | all_passed=$?
253 |
254 | cat <<EOF
255 | </table>
256 |
257 | <h3>Version Information</h3>
258 | <pre>
259 | EOF
260 |
261 | # TODO: can pass shells here, e.g. for test/spec-cpp.sh
262 | test/spec-version.sh ${suite}-version-text
263 |
264 | cat <<EOF
265 | </pre>
266 | </body>
267 | </html>
268 | EOF
269 |
270 | return $all_passed
271 | }
272 |
273 | html-summary() {
274 | local suite=$1
275 | local base_dir=$2
276 |
277 | local manifest="_tmp/spec/SUITE-$suite.txt"
278 |
279 | local totals=$base_dir/totals-$suite.html
280 | local tmp=$base_dir/tmp-$suite.html
281 |
282 | local out=$base_dir/index.html
283 |
284 | # TODO: Do we also need $base_dir/{osh,oil}-details-for-toil.json
285 | # osh failures, and all failures
286 | # When deploying, if they exist, them copy them outside?
287 | # I guess toil_web.py can use the zipfile module?
288 | # To get _tmp/spec/...
289 | # it can read JSON like:
290 | # { "task_tsv": "_tmp/toil/INDEX.tsv",
291 | # "details_json": [ ... ],
292 | # }
293 |
294 | set +o errexit
295 | _html-summary $suite $base_dir $totals $manifest > $tmp
296 | all_passed=$?
297 | set -o errexit
298 |
299 | # Total rows are displayed at both the top and bottom.
300 | awk -v totals="$(cat $totals)" '
301 | /<!-- TOTALS -->/ {
302 | print totals
303 | next
304 | }
305 | { print }
306 | ' < $tmp > $out
307 |
308 | echo
309 | echo "Results: file://$PWD/$out"
310 |
311 | return $all_passed
312 | }
313 |
314 | _all-parallel() {
315 | local suite=${1:-osh}
316 | local compare_mode=${2:-compare-py}
317 | local spec_subdir=${3:-survey}
318 |
319 | # The rest are more flags
320 | shift 3
321 |
322 | local manifest="_tmp/spec/SUITE-$suite.txt"
323 | local output_base_dir="_tmp/spec/$spec_subdir"
324 | mkdir -p $output_base_dir
325 |
326 | write-suite-manifests
327 |
328 | # The exit codes are recorded in files for html-summary to aggregate.
329 | set +o errexit
330 | head -n $NUM_SPEC_TASKS $manifest \
331 | | xargs -I {} -P $MAX_PROCS -- \
332 | $0 dispatch-one $compare_mode $spec_subdir {} "$@"
333 | set -o errexit
334 |
335 | all-tests-to-html $manifest $output_base_dir
336 |
337 | # note: the HTML links to ../../web/, which is in the repo.
338 | html-summary $suite $output_base_dir # returns whether all passed
339 | }
340 |
341 | all-parallel() {
342 | ### Run spec tests in parallel.
343 |
344 | # Note that this function doesn't fail because 'run-file' saves the status
345 | # to a file.
346 |
347 | time $0 _all-parallel "$@"
348 | }
349 |
350 | all-tests-to-html() {
351 | local manifest=$1
352 | local output_base_dir=$2
353 | # ignore attrs output
354 | head -n $NUM_SPEC_TASKS $manifest \
355 | | xargs --verbose -- doctools/src_tree.py spec-files $output_base_dir >/dev/null
356 |
357 | #| xargs -n 1 -P $MAX_PROCS -- $0 test-to-html $output_base_dir
358 | log "done: all-tests-to-html"
359 | }
360 |
361 | shell-sanity-check() {
362 | echo "PWD = $PWD"
363 | echo "PATH = $PATH"
364 |
365 | for sh in "$@"; do
366 | # note: shells are in $PATH, but not $OSH_LIST
367 | if ! $sh -c 'echo -n "hello from $0: "; command -v $0 || true'; then
368 | echo "ERROR: $sh failed sanity check"
369 | return 1
370 | fi
371 | done
372 | }
373 |
374 | filename=$(basename $0)
375 | if test "$filename" = 'spec-runner.sh'; then
376 | "$@"
377 | fi