1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Compare Python implementation with other shells.
4 | #
5 | # Contrast with test/spec-cpp.sh, which compares the Python and C++ version.
6 | #
7 | # Usage:
8 | # test/spec-py.sh <function name>
9 |
10 | set -o nounset
11 | set -o pipefail
12 | set -o errexit
13 |
14 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
15 |
16 | source test/spec-common.sh
17 | source devtools/run-task.sh
18 |
19 | run-file() {
20 | local spec_name=$1
21 | shift
22 |
23 | sh-spec spec/$spec_name.test.sh \
24 | --compare-shells \
25 | --oils-bin-dir $PWD/bin "$@"
26 | }
27 |
28 | osh-all() {
29 | test/spec.sh check-survey-shells
30 |
31 | # $suite $compare_mode $spec_subdir
32 | test/spec-runner.sh all-parallel osh compare-py osh-py "$@"
33 |
34 | # By default, it runs sh_spec.py with --compare-shells
35 | # Can also add:
36 | # --ovm-bin-dir
37 | # --oils-cpp-bin-dir
38 | # to compare with more
39 | }
40 |
41 | ysh-all() {
42 | # $suite $compare_mode $spec_subdir
43 | test/spec-runner.sh all-parallel ysh compare-py ysh-py "$@"
44 | }
45 |
46 | ysh-ovm-tarball() {
47 | ### Regression test run by CI
48 |
49 | local version
50 | version=$(head -n 1 oil-version.txt)
51 |
52 | local tar_root=$REPO_ROOT/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-$version
53 |
54 | pushd $tar_root
55 | $REPO_ROOT/devtools/bin.sh make-ovm-links
56 | popd
57 |
58 | # Run the file that depends on stdlib/
59 |
60 | #test/spec.sh ysh-stdlib --ovm-bin-dir $tar_root/_bin
61 |
62 | set +o errexit
63 | ysh-all-serial --ovm-bin-dir $tar_root/_bin
64 | local status=$?
65 | set +o errexit
66 |
67 | echo
68 | echo status=$status
69 | }
70 |
71 | ysh-stdlib-regress() {
72 | test/spec.sh ysh-stdlib --ovm-bin-dir $REPO_ROOT/_bin "$@"
73 | }
74 |
75 | tea-all() {
76 | # $suite $compare_mode $spec_subdir
77 | test/spec-runner.sh all-parallel tea compare-py tea
78 | }
79 |
80 | osh-minimal() {
81 | ### Some tests that work on the minimal build. Run by Soil.
82 |
83 | # depends on link-busybox-ash, then source dev-shell.sh at the top of this
84 | # file
85 | test/spec.sh check-survey-shells
86 |
87 | # suite compare_mode spec_subdir
88 | test/spec-runner.sh all-parallel osh-minimal compare-py osh-minimal "$@"
89 | }
90 |
91 |
92 | osh-all-serial() { MAX_PROCS=1 $0 osh-all "$@"; }
93 | ysh-all-serial() { MAX_PROCS=1 $0 ysh-all "$@"; }
94 | tea-all-serial() { MAX_PROCS=1 $0 tea-all "$@"; }
95 | osh-minimal-serial() { MAX_PROCS=1 $0 osh-minimal "$@"; }
96 |
97 | interactive-osh() {
98 | ### Run spec files tagged 'interactive' in soil/interactive, which uses a terminal
99 | # This repeats what 'compare-py' does.
100 |
101 | # Doesn't seem to trigger "Stopped" bug, but it hangs in the CI unless serial
102 |
103 | # pass '1' to make it serial. default is N-1 CPUS in test/spec-common.sh
104 | local max_procs=${1:-1}
105 |
106 | # Note: without MAX_PROCS=1, I observed at least 2 instances of hanging (for
107 | # 30 minutes)
108 | #
109 | # TODO:
110 | # - better diagnostics from those hanging instances
111 | # - note: worked OK (failed to hang) one time in soil/host-shim.sh local-test-uke
112 | # - I suspect job control, we need to test it more throoughly, by simulating
113 | # the kernel in Python unit tests
114 |
115 | # $suite $compare_mode $spec_subdir
116 | MAX_PROCS=$max_procs test/spec-runner.sh all-parallel \
117 | interactive osh-only interactive-osh "$@"
118 | }
119 |
120 | debug-2023-06() {
121 | # 2023-06-30:
122 | # HANGING BUG after removing test/spec_param.py, and using run-file
123 | # All of the sudden test/spec-py.sh interactive-osh hangs in Docker, and then
124 | # this does too
125 | # It reproduces LOCALLY as well
126 | # But doesn't reproduce outside the container on my machine
127 | #
128 | # I get an ORPHANED bash -i command running at 100%, outside the container
129 | # Remember that runs with docker -t
130 |
131 | # NARROWED DOWN: the bug was that bash ALWAYS fails inside the container
132 | #
133 | # We don't run with bash and a terminal in the CI
134 |
135 | test/spec.sh run-file-with-osh builtin-history
136 | }
137 |
138 | interactive-bash() {
139 | # Triggers the "Stopped" bug with bash alone, unless max_procs=1
140 |
141 | # pass '1' to make it serial. default is N-1 CPUS in test/spec-common.sh
142 | local max_procs=${1:-}
143 |
144 | # $suite $compare_mode $spec_subdir
145 | MAX_PROCS=$max_procs test/spec-runner.sh all-parallel \
146 | interactive bash-only interactive-bash "$@"
147 | }
148 |
149 | interactive-osh-bash() {
150 | # Triggers the "Stopped" bug with osh and bash!
151 |
152 | # Note: there's no longer a way to run with 2 shells? We could do
153 | # test/sh_spec.py --shells-from-argv foo.test.sh osh bash
154 | echo TODO
155 | }
156 |
157 | all-and-smoosh() {
158 | ### Published with each release
159 |
160 | # Args are flags to sh_spec.py
161 | # --oils-bin-dir
162 | # --ovm-bin-dir
163 | local -a more_flags=( "$@" )
164 |
165 | # Note: MAX_PROCS=1 prevents [#oil-dev > Random Spec Test Stoppages]
166 | # Still need to fix that bug
167 | MAX_PROCS=1 osh-all "${more_flags[@]}"
168 | ysh-all "${more_flags[@]}"
169 |
170 | # These aren't all green/yellow yet, and are slow.
171 | test/spec.sh smoosh-html "${more_flags[@]}"
172 | test/spec.sh smoosh-hang-html "${more_flags[@]}"
173 | }
174 |
175 | run-task "$@"