1 | # Usage:
2 | # source test/common.sh
3 |
4 | # Include guard.
5 | test -n "${__TEST_COMMON_SH:-}" && return
6 | readonly __TEST_COMMON_SH=1
7 |
8 | # Used by test/{gold,osh-usage,stateful,wild-runner}
9 | OSH=${OSH:-'bin/osh'}
10 | YSH=${YSH:-'bin/ysh'}
11 |
12 | # For xargs -P in spec-runner.sh, wild-runner.sh.
13 | # If we have 2 cores or less (as on CI machines), use them all. Otherwise save
14 | # 1 for multitasking.
15 | nproc=$(nproc)
16 | MAX_PROCS=${MAX_PROCS:-"$(( nproc <= 2 ? nproc : nproc - 1 ))"}
17 |
18 | # Like PYTHONPATH, but for running R scripts
19 | # Fallback in build/dev-shell.sh
20 | readonly R_PATH=~/R
21 |
22 | log() {
23 | echo "$@" 1>&2
24 | }
25 |
26 | die() {
27 | log "$@"
28 | exit 1
29 | }
30 |
31 | fail() {
32 | echo 'TEST FAILURE ' "$@"
33 | exit 1
34 | }
35 |
36 | assert() {
37 | ### Must be run with errexit off
38 |
39 | if ! test "$@"; then
40 | # note: it's extremely weird that we use -1 and 0, but that seems to be how
41 | # bash works.
42 | die "${BASH_SOURCE[-1]}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}: assert '$@' failed"
43 | fi
44 | }
45 |
46 | run-task-with-status() {
47 | ### Run a process and write a file with status and time
48 |
49 | # Used by test/{spec,wild}-runner.sh
50 |
51 | local out_file=$1
52 | shift
53 |
54 | benchmarks/time_.py \
55 | --tsv \
56 | --output $out_file \
57 | -- "$@" || true # suppress failure
58 |
59 | # TODO: Use rows like this in YSH
60 | # '{"status": %x, "wall_secs": %e, "user_secs": %U, "kernel_secs": %S}' \
61 | }
62 |
63 | list-test-funcs() {
64 | ### Shell funcs that start with 'test-' are cases that will pass or fail
65 | compgen -A function | egrep '^test-'
66 | }
67 |
68 | run-test-funcs() {
69 | ### EXIT on failure
70 |
71 | # for correct error handling, and to mutate $i
72 | #
73 | # Note: when I ran $t rather than $0 t, I seemed to tickle a bash lastpipe bug like this:
74 | # https://www.spinics.net/lists/dash/msg01918.html
75 | # I got a 127 exit code with no explanation.
76 | shopt -s lastpipe
77 |
78 | local i=0
79 | local status=0
80 |
81 | list-test-funcs | while read -r t; do
82 | echo "*** Running $t"
83 |
84 | set +o errexit
85 | $0 $t
86 | status=$?
87 | set -o errexit
88 |
89 | if test $status -ne 0; then
90 | log "FAIL $t"
91 | exit 1
92 | fi
93 |
94 | log "OK $t"
95 | i=$((i + 1))
96 | done
97 |
98 | echo
99 | echo "$0: $i tests passed."
100 | }
101 |
102 | run-test-bin() {
103 | ### Run a binary in _bin/ and log output to a file in _test/
104 |
105 | # Compare with run-test-funcs
106 | local bin=$1
107 | local working_dir=${2:-}
108 | local log_base_dir=${3:-'_test'} # used by test/unit.sh
109 |
110 | local rel_path=${bin#'_bin/'} # for C++ only
111 | local log_dir="$log_base_dir/$(dirname $rel_path)"
112 | mkdir -p $REPO_ROOT/$log_dir # abs path
113 |
114 | local name=$(basename $bin)
115 | export LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="$REPO_ROOT/$log_dir/$name.profraw"
116 |
117 | local log=$log_dir/$name.log
118 | log "RUN $bin > $log"
119 |
120 | if test -n "$working_dir"; then
121 | pushd $working_dir
122 | fi
123 |
124 | set +o errexit
125 | $REPO_ROOT/$bin > $REPO_ROOT/$log 2>&1
126 | local status=$?
127 | set -o errexit
128 |
129 | if test -n "$working_dir"; then
130 | popd
131 | fi
132 |
133 | if test $status -eq 0; then
134 | log 'OK'
135 | else
136 | echo
137 | echo "=== $REPO_ROOT/$log ==="
138 | echo
139 | cat $REPO_ROOT/$log
140 | echo
141 | log "FAIL: $bin with code $status"
142 | return 1
143 | fi
144 | }
145 |
146 | run-one-test() {
147 | local rel_path=$1
148 | local compiler=${2:-cxx}
149 | local variant=${3:-dbg}
150 |
151 | local bin=_bin/$compiler-$variant/$rel_path
152 |
153 | ninja $bin
154 |
155 | run-test-bin $bin
156 | }
157 |
158 | run-test-func() {
159 | ### Similar to above
160 | local func_name=$1
161 | local log=$2
162 | shift 2
163 |
164 | mkdir -p $(dirname $log)
165 | log "RUN $0 $func_name > $log"
166 |
167 | set +o errexit
168 |
169 | # Reinvoke $0 so errexit is on in the function
170 | $0 $func_name "$@" > $log 2>&1
171 | local status=$?
172 |
173 | set -o errexit
174 |
175 | if test $status -eq 0; then
176 | log 'OK'
177 | else
178 | echo
179 | cat $log
180 | echo
181 | log "FAIL: $func_name with code $status"
182 | return 1
183 | fi
184 | }
185 |
186 | # A quick and dirty function to show logs
187 | run-other-suite-for-release() {
188 | local suite_name=$1
189 | local func_name=$2
190 |
191 | local out="_tmp/suite-logs/${suite_name}.txt"
192 | mkdir -p $(dirname $out)
193 |
194 | echo
195 | echo "*** Running test suite '$suite_name' ***"
196 | echo
197 |
198 | # I want to handle errors in $func_name while NOT changing its semantics.
199 | # This requires a separate shell interpreter starts with $0, not just a
200 | # separate process. I came up with this fix in gold/errexit-confusion.sh.
201 |
202 | local status=0
203 |
204 | set +o errexit
205 | time $0 $func_name >$out 2>&1
206 | status=$? # pipefail makes this work.
207 | set -o errexit
208 |
209 | if test $status -eq 0; then
210 | echo
211 | log "Test suite '$suite_name' ran without errors. Wrote '$out'"
212 | else
213 | echo
214 | die "Test suite '$suite_name' failed (running $func_name, wrote '$out')"
215 | fi
216 | }
217 |
218 | date-and-git-info() {
219 | date
220 | echo
221 |
222 | if test -d .git; then
223 | local branch
224 | branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
225 | local hash
226 | hash=$(git rev-parse $branch)
227 |
228 | echo "oil repo: $hash on branch $branch"
229 | else
230 | echo "(not running from git repository)"
231 | fi
232 | echo
233 | }
234 |
235 | html-head() {
236 | PYTHONPATH=. doctools/html_head.py "$@"
237 | }
238 |
239 | escape-html() {
240 | # Annoying that & has to be escaped in substitution!
241 | sed -e 's|&|\&|g' -e 's|<|\<|g' -e 's|>|\>|g' "$@"
242 | }
243 |
244 | export-osh-cpp() {
245 | ### Export $OSH var to value in tarball root, repo root
246 |
247 | # Also build it with shell script, or Ninja
248 |
249 | local tar_root=${1:-} # e.g. _tmp/native-tar-test
250 | local variant=${2:-opt}
251 |
252 | if test -n "$tar_root" && test -d "$tar_root"; then
253 | log "Using binary in $tar_root"
254 |
255 | OIL_VERSION=$(head -n 1 oil-version.txt)
256 | local repo_like=$tar_root/oils-for-unix-$OIL_VERSION
257 |
258 | pushd $repo_like
259 | _build/oils.sh '' $variant SKIP_REBUILD
260 | osh=$PWD/_bin/cxx-$variant-sh/osh
261 | popd
262 |
263 | else
264 | osh=_bin/cxx-$variant/osh
265 | ninja $osh
266 | fi
267 |
268 | # So we can find it
269 | export OSH=$osh
270 | log "Exported OSH=$OSH"
271 | }
272 |
273 | # Used by {mycpp,cpp}/TEST.sh
274 | can-compile-32-bit() {
275 | # Try compiling a basic file
276 | c++ -m32 -o /dev/null build/detect-cc.c
277 | }
278 |
279 |