1 | // libc.cc: Replacement for pyext/libc.c
2 |
3 | #include "cpp/libc.h"
4 |
5 | #include <errno.h>
6 | #include <fnmatch.h>
7 | #include <glob.h>
8 | #include <locale.h>
9 | #include <regex.h>
10 | #include <sys/ioctl.h>
11 | #include <unistd.h> // gethostname()
12 | #include <wchar.h>
13 |
14 | namespace libc {
15 |
16 | BigStr* gethostname() {
17 | // Note: Fixed issue #1656 - OS X and FreeBSD don't have HOST_NAME_MAX
18 | // https://reviews.freebsd.org/D30062
19 | BigStr* result = OverAllocatedStr(_POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX);
20 | int status = ::gethostname(result->data_, _POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX);
21 | if (status != 0) {
22 | throw Alloc<OSError>(errno);
23 | }
24 | // Important: set the length of the string!
25 | result->MaybeShrink(strlen(result->data_));
26 | return result;
27 | }
28 |
29 | BigStr* realpath(BigStr* path) {
30 | BigStr* result = OverAllocatedStr(PATH_MAX);
31 | char* p = ::realpath(path->data_, result->data_);
32 | if (p == nullptr) {
33 | throw Alloc<OSError>(errno);
34 | }
35 | result->MaybeShrink(strlen(result->data_));
36 | return result;
37 | }
38 |
39 | int fnmatch(BigStr* pat, BigStr* str, int flags) {
40 | #ifdef FNM_EXTMATCH
41 | flags |= FNM_EXTMATCH;
42 | #else
43 | // TODO: We should detect this at ./configure time, and then maybe flag these
44 | // at parse time, not runtime
45 | #endif
46 |
47 | int result = ::fnmatch(pat->data_, str->data_, flags);
48 | switch (result) {
49 | case 0:
50 | return 1;
51 | case FNM_NOMATCH:
52 | return 0;
53 | default:
54 | // Other error
55 | return -1;
56 | }
57 | }
58 |
59 | List<BigStr*>* glob(BigStr* pat) {
60 | glob_t results;
61 | // Hm, it's weird that the first one can't be called with GLOB_APPEND. You
62 | // get a segfault.
63 | int flags = 0;
64 | // int flags = GLOB_APPEND;
65 | // flags |= GLOB_NOMAGIC;
66 | int ret = glob(pat->data_, flags, NULL, &results);
67 |
68 | const char* err_str = NULL;
69 | switch (ret) {
70 | case 0: // no error
71 | break;
72 | case GLOB_ABORTED:
73 | err_str = "read error";
74 | break;
75 | case GLOB_NOMATCH:
76 | // No error, because not matching isn't necessarily a problem.
77 | // NOTE: This can be turned on to log overaggressive calls to glob().
78 | // err_str = "nothing matched";
79 | break;
80 | case GLOB_NOSPACE:
81 | err_str = "no dynamic memory";
82 | break;
83 | default:
84 | err_str = "unknown problem";
85 | break;
86 | }
87 | if (err_str) {
88 | throw Alloc<RuntimeError>(StrFromC(err_str));
89 | }
90 |
91 | // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3512414/does-this-pylist-appendlist-py-buildvalue-leak
92 | size_t n = results.gl_pathc;
93 | auto matches = NewList<BigStr*>();
94 |
95 | // Print array of results
96 | size_t i;
97 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
98 | const char* m = results.gl_pathv[i];
99 | matches->append(StrFromC(m));
100 | }
101 | globfree(&results);
102 |
103 | return matches;
104 | }
105 |
106 | // Raises RuntimeError if the pattern is invalid. TODO: Use a different
107 | // exception?
108 | List<int>* regex_search(BigStr* pattern, int cflags, BigStr* str, int eflags,
109 | int pos) {
110 | cflags |= REG_EXTENDED;
111 | regex_t pat;
112 | int status = regcomp(&pat, pattern->data_, cflags);
113 | if (status != 0) {
114 | char error_desc[50];
115 | regerror(status, &pat, error_desc, 50);
116 |
117 | char error_message[80];
118 | snprintf(error_message, 80, "Invalid regex %s (%s)", pattern->data_,
119 | error_desc);
120 |
121 | throw Alloc<ValueError>(StrFromC(error_message));
122 | }
123 |
124 | int num_groups = pat.re_nsub + 1; // number of captures
125 |
126 | List<int>* indices = NewList<int>();
127 | indices->reserve(num_groups * 2);
128 |
129 | const char* s = str->data_;
130 | regmatch_t* pmatch =
131 | static_cast<regmatch_t*>(malloc(sizeof(regmatch_t) * num_groups));
132 | bool match = regexec(&pat, s + pos, num_groups, pmatch, eflags) == 0;
133 | if (match) {
134 | int i;
135 | for (i = 0; i < num_groups; i++) {
136 | int start = pmatch[i].rm_so;
137 | if (start != -1) {
138 | start += pos;
139 | }
140 | indices->append(start);
141 |
142 | int end = pmatch[i].rm_eo;
143 | if (end != -1) {
144 | end += pos;
145 | }
146 | indices->append(end);
147 | }
148 | }
149 |
150 | free(pmatch);
151 | regfree(&pat);
152 |
153 | if (!match) {
154 | return nullptr;
155 | }
156 |
157 | return indices;
158 | }
159 |
160 | // For ${//}, the number of groups is always 1, so we want 2 match position
161 | // results -- the whole regex (which we ignore), and then first group.
162 | //
163 | // For [[ =~ ]], do we need to count how many matches the user gave?
164 |
165 | const int NMATCH = 2;
166 |
167 | // Odd: This a Tuple2* not Tuple2 because it's Optional[Tuple2]!
168 | Tuple2<int, int>* regex_first_group_match(BigStr* pattern, BigStr* str,
169 | int pos) {
170 | regex_t pat;
171 | regmatch_t m[NMATCH];
172 |
173 | // Could have been checked by regex_parse for [[ =~ ]], but not for glob
174 | // patterns like ${foo/x*/y}.
175 |
176 | if (regcomp(&pat, pattern->data_, REG_EXTENDED) != 0) {
177 | throw Alloc<RuntimeError>(
178 | StrFromC("Invalid regex syntax (func_regex_first_group_match)"));
179 | }
180 |
181 | // Match at offset 'pos'
182 | int result = regexec(&pat, str->data_ + pos, NMATCH, m, 0 /*flags*/);
183 | regfree(&pat);
184 |
185 | if (result != 0) {
186 | return nullptr;
187 | }
188 |
189 | // Assume there is a match
190 | regoff_t start = m[1].rm_so;
191 | regoff_t end = m[1].rm_eo;
192 | Tuple2<int, int>* tup = Alloc<Tuple2<int, int>>(pos + start, pos + end);
193 |
194 | return tup;
195 | }
196 |
197 | // TODO: SHARE with pyext
198 | int wcswidth(BigStr* s) {
199 | // Behavior of mbstowcs() depends on LC_CTYPE
200 |
201 | // Calculate length first
202 | int num_wide_chars = mbstowcs(NULL, s->data_, 0);
203 | if (num_wide_chars == -1) {
204 | throw Alloc<UnicodeError>(StrFromC("mbstowcs() 1"));
205 | }
206 |
207 | // Allocate buffer
208 | int buf_size = (num_wide_chars + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t);
209 | wchar_t* wide_chars = static_cast<wchar_t*>(malloc(buf_size));
210 | assert(wide_chars != nullptr);
211 |
212 | // Convert to wide chars
213 | num_wide_chars = mbstowcs(wide_chars, s->data_, num_wide_chars);
214 | if (num_wide_chars == -1) {
215 | throw Alloc<UnicodeError>(StrFromC("mbstowcs() 2"));
216 | }
217 |
218 | // Find number of columns
219 | int width = ::wcswidth(wide_chars, num_wide_chars);
220 | if (width == -1) {
221 | // unprintable chars
222 | throw Alloc<UnicodeError>(StrFromC("wcswidth()"));
223 | }
224 | free(wide_chars);
225 |
226 | return width;
227 | }
228 |
229 | int get_terminal_width() {
230 | struct winsize w;
231 | if (ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w) == -1) {
232 | throw Alloc<IOError>(errno);
233 | }
234 | return w.ws_col;
235 | }
236 |
237 | } // namespace libc