1 | # Copyright 2016 Andy Chu. All rights reserved.
2 | # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 | # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 | # You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 | #
6 | # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 | """
8 | ui.py - User interface constructs.
9 | """
10 | from __future__ import print_function
11 |
12 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id, Id_t, Id_str
13 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import (
14 | Token,
15 | SourceLine,
16 | loc,
17 | loc_e,
18 | loc_t,
19 | command_t,
20 | command_str,
21 | source,
22 | source_e,
23 | )
24 | from _devbuild.gen.value_asdl import (value, value_e, value_t, value_str)
25 | from asdl import format as fmt
26 | from data_lang import pretty
27 | from frontend import lexer
28 | from frontend import location
29 | from mycpp import mylib
30 | from mycpp.mylib import print_stderr, tagswitch, log
31 | from data_lang import j8
32 | from data_lang import j8_lite
33 |
34 | from typing import List, Optional, Any, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
36 | from _devbuild.gen import arg_types
37 | from core import error
38 | from core.error import _ErrorWithLocation
39 |
40 | _ = log
41 |
42 |
43 | def ValType(val):
44 | # type: (value_t) -> str
45 | """For displaying type errors in the UI."""
46 |
47 | return value_str(val.tag(), dot=False)
48 |
49 |
50 | def CommandType(cmd):
51 | # type: (command_t) -> str
52 | """For displaying commands in the UI."""
53 |
54 | # Displays 'command.Simple' for now, maybe change it.
55 | return command_str(cmd.tag())
56 |
57 |
58 | def PrettyId(id_):
59 | # type: (Id_t) -> str
60 | """For displaying type errors in the UI."""
61 |
62 | # Displays 'Id.BoolUnary_v' for now
63 | return Id_str(id_)
64 |
65 |
66 | def PrettyToken(tok):
67 | # type: (Token) -> str
68 | """Returns a readable token value for the user.
69 |
70 | For syntax errors.
71 | """
72 | if tok.id == Id.Eof_Real:
73 | return 'EOF'
74 |
75 | val = tok.line.content[tok.col:tok.col + tok.length]
76 | # TODO: Print length 0 as 'EOF'?
77 | return repr(val)
78 |
79 |
80 | def PrettyDir(dir_name, home_dir):
81 | # type: (str, Optional[str]) -> str
82 | """Maybe replace the home dir with ~.
83 |
84 | Used by the 'dirs' builtin and the prompt evaluator.
85 | """
86 | if home_dir is not None:
87 | if dir_name == home_dir or dir_name.startswith(home_dir + '/'):
88 | return '~' + dir_name[len(home_dir):]
89 |
90 | return dir_name
91 |
92 |
93 | def _PrintCodeExcerpt(line, col, length, f):
94 | # type: (str, int, int, mylib.Writer) -> None
95 |
96 | buf = mylib.BufWriter()
97 |
98 | buf.write(' ')
99 | buf.write(line.rstrip())
100 | buf.write('\n ')
101 | # preserve tabs
102 | for c in line[:col]:
103 | buf.write('\t' if c == '\t' else ' ')
104 | buf.write('^')
105 | buf.write('~' * (length - 1))
106 | buf.write('\n')
107 |
108 | # Do this all in a single write() call so it's less likely to be
109 | # interleaved. See test/runtime-errors.sh errexit_multiple_processes
110 | f.write(buf.getvalue())
111 |
112 |
113 | def _PrintTokenTooLong(loc_tok, f):
114 | # type: (loc.TokenTooLong, mylib.Writer) -> None
115 | line = loc_tok.line
116 | col = loc_tok.col
117 |
118 | buf = mylib.BufWriter()
119 |
120 | buf.write(' ')
121 | # Only print 10 characters, since it's probably very long
122 | buf.write(line.content[:col + 10].rstrip())
123 | buf.write('\n ')
124 |
125 | # preserve tabs, like _PrintCodeExcerpt
126 | for c in line.content[:col]:
127 | buf.write('\t' if c == '\t' else ' ')
128 |
129 | buf.write('^\n')
130 |
131 | source_str = GetLineSourceString(loc_tok.line, quote_filename=True)
132 | buf.write(
133 | '%s:%d: Token starting at column %d is too long: %d bytes (%s)\n' %
134 | (source_str, line.line_num, loc_tok.col, loc_tok.length,
135 | Id_str(loc_tok.id)))
136 |
137 | # single write() call
138 | f.write(buf.getvalue())
139 |
140 |
141 | def GetLineSourceString(line, quote_filename=False):
142 | # type: (SourceLine, bool) -> str
143 | """Returns a human-readable string for dev tools.
144 |
145 | This function is RECURSIVE because there may be dynamic parsing.
146 | """
147 | src = line.src
148 | UP_src = src
149 |
150 | with tagswitch(src) as case:
151 | if case(source_e.Interactive):
152 | s = '[ interactive ]' # This might need some changes
153 | elif case(source_e.Headless):
154 | s = '[ headless ]'
155 | elif case(source_e.CFlag):
156 | s = '[ -c flag ]'
157 | elif case(source_e.Stdin):
158 | src = cast(source.Stdin, UP_src)
159 | s = '[ stdin%s ]' % src.comment
160 |
161 | elif case(source_e.MainFile):
162 | src = cast(source.MainFile, UP_src)
163 | # This will quote a file called '[ -c flag ]' to disambiguate it!
164 | # also handles characters that are unprintable in a terminal.
165 | s = src.path
166 | if quote_filename:
167 | s = j8_lite.EncodeString(s, unquoted_ok=True)
168 | elif case(source_e.SourcedFile):
169 | src = cast(source.SourcedFile, UP_src)
170 | # ditto
171 | s = src.path
172 | if quote_filename:
173 | s = j8_lite.EncodeString(s, unquoted_ok=True)
174 |
175 | elif case(source_e.ArgvWord):
176 | src = cast(source.ArgvWord, UP_src)
177 |
178 | # Note: _PrintWithLocation() uses this more specifically
179 |
180 | # TODO: check loc.Missing; otherwise get Token from loc_t, then line
181 | blame_tok = location.TokenFor(src.location)
182 | if blame_tok is None:
183 | s = '[ %s word at ? ]' % src.what
184 | else:
185 | line = blame_tok.line
186 | line_num = line.line_num
187 | outer_source = GetLineSourceString(
188 | line, quote_filename=quote_filename)
189 | s = '[ %s word at line %d of %s ]' % (src.what, line_num,
190 | outer_source)
191 |
192 | elif case(source_e.Variable):
193 | src = cast(source.Variable, UP_src)
194 |
195 | if src.var_name is None:
196 | var_name = '?'
197 | else:
198 | var_name = repr(src.var_name)
199 |
200 | if src.location.tag() == loc_e.Missing:
201 | where = '?'
202 | else:
203 | blame_tok = location.TokenFor(src.location)
204 | assert blame_tok is not None
205 | line_num = blame_tok.line.line_num
206 | outer_source = GetLineSourceString(
207 | blame_tok.line, quote_filename=quote_filename)
208 | where = 'line %d of %s' % (line_num, outer_source)
209 |
210 | s = '[ var %s at %s ]' % (var_name, where)
211 |
212 | elif case(source_e.VarRef):
213 | src = cast(source.VarRef, UP_src)
214 |
215 | orig_tok = src.orig_tok
216 | line_num = orig_tok.line.line_num
217 | outer_source = GetLineSourceString(orig_tok.line,
218 | quote_filename=quote_filename)
219 | where = 'line %d of %s' % (line_num, outer_source)
220 |
221 | var_name = lexer.TokenVal(orig_tok)
222 | s = '[ contents of var %r at %s ]' % (var_name, where)
223 |
224 | elif case(source_e.Alias):
225 | src = cast(source.Alias, UP_src)
226 | s = '[ expansion of alias %r ]' % src.argv0
227 |
228 | elif case(source_e.Reparsed):
229 | src = cast(source.Reparsed, UP_src)
230 | span2 = src.left_token
231 | outer_source = GetLineSourceString(span2.line,
232 | quote_filename=quote_filename)
233 | s = '[ %s in %s ]' % (src.what, outer_source)
234 |
235 | elif case(source_e.Synthetic):
236 | src = cast(source.Synthetic, UP_src)
237 | s = '-- %s' % src.s # use -- to say it came from a flag
238 |
239 | else:
240 | raise AssertionError(src)
241 |
242 | return s
243 |
244 |
245 | def _PrintWithLocation(prefix, msg, blame_loc, show_code):
246 | # type: (str, str, loc_t, bool) -> None
247 | """Should we have multiple error formats:
248 |
249 | - single line and verbose?
250 | - and turn on "stack" tracing? For 'source' and more?
251 | """
252 | f = mylib.Stderr()
253 | if blame_loc.tag() == loc_e.TokenTooLong:
254 | _PrintTokenTooLong(cast(loc.TokenTooLong, blame_loc), f)
255 | return
256 |
257 | blame_tok = location.TokenFor(blame_loc)
258 | if blame_tok is None: # When does this happen?
259 | f.write('[??? no location ???] %s%s\n' % (prefix, msg))
260 | return
261 |
262 | orig_col = blame_tok.col
263 | src = blame_tok.line.src
264 | line = blame_tok.line.content
265 | line_num = blame_tok.line.line_num # overwritten by source__LValue case
266 |
267 | if show_code:
268 | UP_src = src
269 |
270 | with tagswitch(src) as case:
271 | if case(source_e.Reparsed):
272 | # Special case for LValue/backticks
273 |
274 | # We want the excerpt to look like this:
275 | # a[x+]=1
276 | # ^
277 | # Rather than quoting the internal buffer:
278 | # x+
279 | # ^
280 |
281 | # Show errors:
282 | # test/parse-errors.sh text-arith-context
283 |
284 | src = cast(source.Reparsed, UP_src)
285 | tok2 = src.left_token
286 | line_num = tok2.line.line_num
287 |
288 | line2 = tok2.line.content
289 | lbracket_col = tok2.col + tok2.length
290 | # NOTE: The inner line number is always 1 because of reparsing.
291 | # We overwrite it with the original token.
292 | _PrintCodeExcerpt(line2, orig_col + lbracket_col, 1, f)
293 |
294 | elif case(source_e.ArgvWord):
295 | src = cast(source.ArgvWord, UP_src)
296 | # Special case for eval, unset, printf -v, etc.
297 |
298 | # Show errors:
299 | # test/runtime-errors.sh test-assoc-array
300 |
301 | #print('OUTER blame_loc', blame_loc)
302 | #print('OUTER tok', blame_tok)
303 | #print('INNER src.location', src.location)
304 |
305 | # Print code and location for MOST SPECIFIC location
306 | _PrintCodeExcerpt(line, blame_tok.col, blame_tok.length, f)
307 | source_str = GetLineSourceString(blame_tok.line,
308 | quote_filename=True)
309 | f.write('%s:%d\n' % (source_str, line_num))
310 | f.write('\n')
311 |
312 | # Now print OUTER location, with error message
313 | _PrintWithLocation(prefix, msg, src.location, show_code)
314 | return
315 |
316 | else:
317 | _PrintCodeExcerpt(line, blame_tok.col, blame_tok.length, f)
318 |
319 | source_str = GetLineSourceString(blame_tok.line, quote_filename=True)
320 |
321 | # TODO: If the line is blank, it would be nice to print the last non-blank
322 | # line too?
323 | f.write('%s:%d: %s%s\n' % (source_str, line_num, prefix, msg))
324 |
325 |
326 | class ctx_Location(object):
327 |
328 | def __init__(self, errfmt, location):
329 | # type: (ErrorFormatter, loc_t) -> None
330 | errfmt.loc_stack.append(location)
331 | self.errfmt = errfmt
332 |
333 | def __enter__(self):
334 | # type: () -> None
335 | pass
336 |
337 | def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
338 | # type: (Any, Any, Any) -> None
339 | self.errfmt.loc_stack.pop()
340 |
341 |
342 | # TODO:
343 | # - ColorErrorFormatter
344 | # - BareErrorFormatter? Could just display the foo.sh:37:8: and not quotation.
345 | #
346 | # Are these controlled by a flag? It's sort of like --comp-ui. Maybe
347 | # --error-ui.
348 |
349 |
350 | class ErrorFormatter(object):
351 | """Print errors with code excerpts.
352 |
353 | Philosophy:
354 | - There should be zero or one code quotation when a shell exits non-zero.
355 | Showing the same line twice is noisy.
356 | - When running parallel processes, avoid interleaving multi-line code
357 | quotations. (TODO: turn off in child processes?)
358 | """
359 |
360 | def __init__(self):
361 | # type: () -> None
362 | self.loc_stack = [] # type: List[loc_t]
363 | self.one_line_errexit = False # root process
364 |
365 | def OneLineErrExit(self):
366 | # type: () -> None
367 | """Unused now.
368 |
369 | For SubprogramThunk.
370 | """
371 | self.one_line_errexit = True
372 |
373 | # A stack used for the current builtin. A fallback for UsageError.
374 | # TODO: Should we have PushBuiltinName? Then we can have a consistent style
375 | # like foo.sh:1: (compopt) Not currently executing.
376 | def _FallbackLocation(self, blame_loc):
377 | # type: (Optional[loc_t]) -> loc_t
378 | if blame_loc is None or blame_loc.tag() == loc_e.Missing:
379 | if len(self.loc_stack):
380 | return self.loc_stack[-1]
381 | return loc.Missing
382 |
383 | return blame_loc
384 |
385 | def PrefixPrint(self, msg, prefix, blame_loc):
386 | # type: (str, str, loc_t) -> None
387 | """Print a hard-coded message with a prefix, and quote code."""
388 | _PrintWithLocation(prefix,
389 | msg,
390 | self._FallbackLocation(blame_loc),
391 | show_code=True)
392 |
393 | def Print_(self, msg, blame_loc=None):
394 | # type: (str, loc_t) -> None
395 | """Print message and quote code."""
396 | _PrintWithLocation('',
397 | msg,
398 | self._FallbackLocation(blame_loc),
399 | show_code=True)
400 |
401 | def PrintMessage(self, msg, blame_loc=None):
402 | # type: (str, loc_t) -> None
403 | """Print a message WITHOUT quoting code."""
404 | _PrintWithLocation('',
405 | msg,
406 | self._FallbackLocation(blame_loc),
407 | show_code=False)
408 |
409 | def StderrLine(self, msg):
410 | # type: (str) -> None
411 | """Just print to stderr."""
412 | print_stderr(msg)
413 |
414 | def PrettyPrintError(self, err, prefix=''):
415 | # type: (_ErrorWithLocation, str) -> None
416 | """Print an exception that was caught, with a code quotation.
417 |
418 | Unlike other methods, this doesn't use the GetLocationForLine()
419 | fallback. That only applies to builtins; instead we check
420 | e.HasLocation() at a higher level, in CommandEvaluator.
421 | """
422 | # TODO: Should there be a special span_id of 0 for EOF? runtime.NO_SPID
423 | # means there is no location info, but 0 could mean that the location is EOF.
424 | # So then you query the arena for the last line in that case?
425 | # Eof_Real is the ONLY token with 0 span, because it's invisible!
426 | # Well Eol_Tok is a sentinel with span_id == runtime.NO_SPID. I think that
427 | # is OK.
428 | # Problem: the column for Eof could be useful.
429 |
430 | _PrintWithLocation(prefix, err.UserErrorString(), err.location, True)
431 |
432 | def PrintErrExit(self, err, pid):
433 | # type: (error.ErrExit, int) -> None
434 |
435 | # TODO:
436 | # - Don't quote code if you already quoted something on the same line?
437 | # - _PrintWithLocation calculates the line_id. So you need to remember that?
438 | # - return it here?
439 | prefix = 'errexit PID %d: ' % pid
440 | _PrintWithLocation(prefix, err.UserErrorString(), err.location,
441 | err.show_code)
442 |
443 |
444 | def PrintAst(node, flag):
445 | # type: (command_t, arg_types.main) -> None
446 |
447 | if flag.ast_format == 'none':
448 | print_stderr('AST not printed.')
449 | if 0:
450 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id_str
451 | from frontend.lexer import ID_HIST, LAZY_ID_HIST
452 |
453 | print(LAZY_ID_HIST)
454 | print(len(LAZY_ID_HIST))
455 |
456 | for id_, count in ID_HIST.most_common(10):
457 | print('%8d %s' % (count, Id_str(id_)))
458 | print()
459 | total = sum(ID_HIST.values())
460 | uniq = len(ID_HIST)
461 | print('%8d total tokens' % total)
462 | print('%8d unique tokens IDs' % uniq)
463 | print()
464 |
465 | for id_, count in LAZY_ID_HIST.most_common(10):
466 | print('%8d %s' % (count, Id_str(id_)))
467 | print()
468 | total = sum(LAZY_ID_HIST.values())
469 | uniq = len(LAZY_ID_HIST)
470 | print('%8d total tokens' % total)
471 | print('%8d tokens with LazyVal()' % total)
472 | print('%8d unique tokens IDs' % uniq)
473 | print()
474 |
475 | if 0:
476 | from osh.word_parse import WORD_HIST
477 | #print(WORD_HIST)
478 | for desc, count in WORD_HIST.most_common(20):
479 | print('%8d %s' % (count, desc))
480 |
481 | else: # text output
482 | f = mylib.Stdout()
483 |
484 | afmt = flag.ast_format # note: mycpp rewrite to avoid 'in'
485 | if afmt in ('text', 'abbrev-text'):
486 | ast_f = fmt.DetectConsoleOutput(f)
487 | elif afmt in ('html', 'abbrev-html'):
488 | ast_f = fmt.HtmlOutput(f)
489 | else:
490 | raise AssertionError()
491 |
492 | if 'abbrev-' in afmt:
493 | # ASDL "abbreviations" are only supported by asdl/gen_python.py
494 | if mylib.PYTHON:
495 | tree = node.AbbreviatedTree()
496 | else:
497 | tree = node.PrettyTree()
498 | else:
499 | tree = node.PrettyTree()
500 |
501 | ast_f.FileHeader()
502 | fmt.PrintTree(tree, ast_f)
503 | ast_f.FileFooter()
504 | ast_f.write('\n')
505 |
506 |
507 | def PrettyPrintValue(val, f):
508 | # type: (value_t, mylib.Writer) -> None
509 | """For the = keyword"""
510 |
511 | ysh_type = ValType(val)
512 | id_str = j8.ValueIdString(val)
513 |
514 | UP_val = val
515 | with tagswitch(val) as case:
516 | # "JSON" data types will use J8 serialization
517 | if case(value_e.Null, value_e.Bool, value_e.Int, value_e.Float,
518 | value_e.Str, value_e.List, value_e.Dict):
519 | # Use () instead of <> as a hint that it's a "JSON value"
520 | f.write('(%s%s) ' % (ysh_type, id_str))
521 |
522 | # Unused STUB
523 | doc = pretty.FromValue(val)
524 |
525 | buf = mylib.BufWriter()
526 |
527 | # TODO: Wrap lines, and show color. Use core/ansi.py
528 | p = j8.InstancePrinter(buf, -1, j8.SHOW_CYCLES | j8.SHOW_NON_DATA)
529 |
530 | # error.Encode should be impossible - we show cycles and non-data
531 | p.Print(val)
532 |
533 | f.write(buf.getvalue())
534 | f.write('\n')
535 |
536 | elif case(value_e.Range):
537 | val = cast(value.Range, UP_val)
538 |
539 | # Printing Range values more nicely. Note that pp line (x) doesn't
540 | # have this.
541 | f.write('(%s) %d .. %d\n' % (ysh_type, val.lower, val.upper))
542 |
543 | else:
544 | # Just print object and ID. Use <> to show that it's more like
545 | # a reference type.
546 | f.write('<%s%s>\n' % (ysh_type, id_str))