1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | #
3 | # Usage:
4 | # ./configure-test.sh <function name>
5 |
6 | # Note: set -e and -u are POSIX; maybe the configure script should run with them
7 | #set -o nounset
8 | #set -o pipefail
9 | #set -o errexit
10 |
11 | export _OIL_CONFIGURE_TEST=1 # so we don't run main
12 |
13 | . $PWD/configure # define the functions to be tested
14 |
15 | test_cc_statements() {
16 | cc_print_expr 'sizeof(int)'
17 |
18 | local actual
19 | actual=$(cat $TMP/print_expr.out)
20 | if ! test "$actual" = 4; then
21 | die "Expected 4, got $actual"
22 | fi
23 |
24 | if ! check_sizeof SIZEOF_INT 'int' 4; then
25 | die "FAILED"
26 | fi
27 | # failing test
28 | #check_sizeof SIZEOF_INT 'int' 8
29 |
30 | if ! cc_statement HAVE_INT 'int x = (int)0;'; then
31 | die "FAILED"
32 | fi
33 |
34 | if cc_statement HAVE_FOO 'foo x = (foo)0;'; then
35 | die "Expected to fail"
36 | fi
37 | }
38 |
39 | test_parse_flags() {
40 | parse_flags --prefix /usr --datarootdir /usr/local/share
41 |
42 | if ! test "$FLAG_prefix" = '/usr'; then
43 | die "FAILED - prefix is $FLAG_prefix not /usr"
44 | fi
45 |
46 | if ! test "$FLAG_datarootdir" = '/usr/local/share'; then
47 | die "FAILED - datarootdir is $FLAG_datarootdir not /usr/local/share"
48 | fi
49 |
50 | FLAG_prefix='/usr/local'
51 | FLAG_datarootdir=''
52 |
53 | parse_flags --prefix /usr
54 |
55 | if ! test "$FLAG_datarootdir" = '/usr/share'; then
56 | die "FAILED - datarootdir is $FLAG_datarootdir not /usr/share"
57 | fi
58 |
59 | FLAG_prefix='/usr/local'
60 | FLAG_datarootdir=''
61 | }
62 |
63 | test_echo_cpp() {
64 | local output
65 |
66 | # before calling detect_readline
67 | output="$(echo_cpp 2>&1)"
68 | if test "$?" = 0; then
69 | die 'Expected echo_cpp to fail, but succeeded'
70 | fi
71 | if ! test "$output" = "$0 ERROR: called echo_cpp before detecting readline."; then
72 | die "Unexpected echo_cpp output: $output"
73 | fi
74 |
75 | # pretend detected_readline was called
76 | detected_readline=1
77 |
78 | # no readline
79 | output="$(echo_cpp)"
80 | if ! test "$?" = 0; then
81 | die 'Expected echo_cpp to succeed, but failed'
82 | fi
83 | case "$output" in
84 | '/* #undef HAVE_READLINE */'*) ;;
85 | *) die "Unexpected echo_cpp output: $output" ;;
86 | esac
87 |
88 | # have readline
89 | have_readline=1
90 | output="$(echo_cpp)"
91 | if ! test "$?" = 0; then
92 | die 'Expected echo_cpp to succeed, but failed'
93 | fi
94 | case "$output" in
95 | '#define HAVE_READLINE 1'*) ;;
96 | *) die "Unexpected echo_cpp output: $output" ;;
97 | esac
98 |
99 | # clean-up
100 | detected_readline=''
101 | have_readline=''
102 | }
103 |
104 | test_echo_vars() {
105 | local output
106 |
107 | # before calling detect_readline
108 | output="$(echo_shell_vars 2>&1)"
109 | if test "$?" = 0; then
110 | die 'Expected echo_shell_vars to fail, but succeeded'
111 | fi
112 | if ! test "$output" = "$0 ERROR: called echo_shell_vars before detecting readline."; then
113 | die "Unexpected echo_shell_vars output: $output"
114 | fi
115 |
116 | # pretend detect_readline was called
117 | detected_readline=1
118 |
119 | # no readline
120 | output="$(echo_shell_vars)"
121 | if ! test "$?" = 0; then
122 | die 'Expected echo_shell_vars to succeed, but failed'
123 | fi
124 | if ! test "$output" = 'HAVE_READLINE=
126 | PREFIX=/usr/local
128 | STRIP_FLAGS=--gc-sections'; then
129 | die "Unexpected echo_shell_vars output: $output"
130 | fi
131 |
132 | # have readline, no readline_dir
133 | have_readline=1
134 | output="$(echo_shell_vars)"
135 | if ! test "$?" = 0; then
136 | die 'Expected echo_shell_vars to succeed, but failed'
137 | fi
138 | if ! test "$output" = 'HAVE_READLINE=1
140 | PREFIX=/usr/local
142 | STRIP_FLAGS=--gc-sections'; then
143 | die "Unexpected echo_shell_vars output: $output"
144 | fi
145 |
146 | # have readline, readline_dir present
147 | have_readline=1
148 | readline_dir=/path/to/readline
149 | output="$(echo_shell_vars)"
150 | if ! test "$?" = 0; then
151 | die 'Expected echo_shell_vars to succeed, but failed'
152 | fi
153 | if ! test "$output" = 'HAVE_READLINE=1
154 | READLINE_DIR=/path/to/readline
155 | PREFIX=/usr/local
157 | STRIP_FLAGS=--gc-sections'; then
158 | die "Unexpected echo_shell_vars output: $output"
159 | fi
160 |
161 | # clean-up
162 | detected_readline=''
163 | have_readline=''
164 | readline_dir=''
165 | }
166 |
167 | soil_run() {
168 | # Note: could use run-test-funcs
169 |
170 | for func in \
171 | test_cc_statements \
172 | test_parse_flags \
173 | test_echo_cpp \
174 | test_echo_vars; do
175 |
176 | echo " $func"
177 | $func
178 | echo ' OK'
179 |
180 | done
181 | }
182 |
183 | "$@"