spec test index / oilshell.org
status | osh | osh_.py | osh_.cc | |
pass | 8 | 8 | 5 | |
FAIL | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
total | 8 | 8 | 8 | |
case | osh | osh_.py | osh_.cc | description |
0 | pass | pass | pass | String length |
1 | pass | pass | pass | Unicode string length (UTF-8) |
2 | pass | pass | FAIL | Unicode string length (spec/testdata/utf8-chars.txt) |
details | ||||
3 | pass | pass | FAIL | String length with incomplete utf-8 |
details | ||||
4 | pass | pass | FAIL | String length with invalid utf-8 continuation bytes |
details | ||||
5 | pass | pass | pass | Length of undefined variable |
6 | pass | pass | pass | Length of undefined variable with nounset |
7 | pass | pass | pass | Length operator can't be followed by test operator |
21 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 3 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped
osh_.cc | 2 Unicode string length (spec/testdata/utf8-chars.txt) [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '7\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: osh_eval.opt: cpp/posix.h:106: Tuple2<int, int> posix::pipe(): Assertion `0' failed. |
osh_.cc | 3 String length with incomplete utf-8 [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '0\n1\n2\n-1\n3\n4\n-1\n-1\n5\n6\n-1\n-1\n-1\n7\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Incomplete UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Incomplete UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Incomplete UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Incomplete UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Incomplete UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Incomplete UTF-8 character\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: osh_eval.opt: cpp/posix.h:143: void posix::dup2(int, int): Assertion `0' failed. |
osh_.cc | 4 String length with invalid utf-8 continuation bytes [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid UTF-8 continuation byte\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid UTF-8 continuation byte\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid UTF-8 continuation byte\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid UTF-8 continuation byte\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid UTF-8 continuation byte\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid UTF-8 continuation byte\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: osh_eval.opt: cpp/posix.h:143: void posix::dup2(int, int): Assertion `0' failed. |