PWD = /home/travis/build/oilshell/oil PATH = /home/travis/build/oilshell/oil/_deps/spec-bin:/home/travis/build/oilshell/oil/_deps/re2c-1.0.3:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3@global/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/.local/bin:/opt/pyenv/shims:/home/travis/.phpenv/shims:/home/travis/perl5/perlbrew/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.11.1.linux.amd64/bin:/usr/local/cmake-3.12.4/bin:/usr/local/clang-7.0.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin:/home/travis/.phpenv/bin:/opt/pyenv/bin hello from dash: /home/travis/build/oilshell/oil/_deps/spec-bin/dash hello from bash: /home/travis/build/oilshell/oil/_deps/spec-bin/bash hello from mksh: /home/travis/build/oilshell/oil/_deps/spec-bin/mksh hello from zsh: /home/travis/build/oilshell/oil/_deps/spec-bin/zsh hello from ash: /home/travis/build/oilshell/oil/_deps/spec-bin/ash hello from osh: __ alias __ append __ arith-context __ arith __ array-compat __ array __ assign-deferred __ assign-dialects assign-dialects: note: Got 1 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ assign-extended __ assign assign: note: Got 2 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ assoc assoc: note: Got 2 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ assoc-zsh __ background background: note: Got 2 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ ble-features __ ble-idioms __ blog1 __ blog2 __ brace-expansion __ bugs __ builtin-bash builtin-bash: note: Got 4 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ builtin-bracket __ builtin-completion builtin-completion: note: Got 1 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ builtin-dirs __ builtin-eval-source __ builtin-getopts __ builtin-io builtin-io: note: Got 3 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ builtin-printf builtin-printf: note: Got 1 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ builtins2 builtins2: note: Got 1 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ builtin-special builtin-special: note: Got 4 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ builtins builtins: note: Got 1 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ builtin-times __ builtin-trap builtin-trap: note: Got 5 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ builtin-vars builtin-vars: note: Got 1 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ case_ case_: note: Got 3 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ command-parsing __ command-sub __ command_ __ comments __ dbracket __ dparen __ empty-bodies __ errexit-oil __ errexit __ exit-status exit-status: note: Got 1 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ explore-parsing __ extglob-match __ for-expr __ func-parsing __ glob glob: note: Got 6 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ here-doc __ if_ __ interactive __ introspect __ let __ loop __ nameref nameref: note: Got 7 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ nocasematch-match nocasematch-match: note: Got 3 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ osh-only __ parse-errors parse-errors: note: Got 3 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ pipeline __ posix __ process-sub __ prompt __ quote __ redirect redirect: FATAL: Got 5 failures (2 osh failures), but 1 are allowed __ regex regex: note: Got 2 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ serialize __ sh-func __ sh-options sh-options: note: Got 2 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ sh-usage __ smoke __ special-vars special-vars: note: Got 6 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ strict-options __ subshell __ tilde __ toysh-posix toysh-posix: note: Got 3 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ toysh toysh: note: Got 1 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ type-compat __ var-num __ var-op-bash var-op-bash: note: Got 3 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ var-op-len __ var-op-patsub var-op-patsub: note: Got 2 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ var-op-slice var-op-slice: note: Got 1 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ var-op-strip __ var-op-test __ var-ref __ var-sub-quote __ var-sub __ word-eval __ word-split word-split: note: Got 7 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) __ xtrace xtrace: note: Got 1 allowed osh failures (exit with code 0) done: all-tests-to-html redirect failed with status 1 *** 1 tests FAILED Results: file:///home/travis/build/oilshell/oil/_tmp/spec/survey/osh.html real 2m9.921s user 1m35.425s sys 0m33.093s