[1/1] SYMLINK _bin/cxx-asan oils-for-unix ysh
'ysh' -> 'oils-for-unix'
*** Running test-EvalExpr-calls

===== CASE: -c json write (len(42)) =====

  json write (len(42))
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c = len(42) =====

  = len(42)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c call len(42) =====

  call len(42)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c echo $[len(42)] =====

  echo $[len(42)]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c echo $[len(z = 42)] =====

  echo $[len(z = 42)]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected at least 1 typed args, but only got 0

===== CASE: -c echo @[len(42)] =====

  echo @[len(42)]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c echo @[len(z = 42)] =====

  echo @[len(z = 42)]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected at least 1 typed args, but only got 0

===== CASE: -c const x = len(42) =====

  const x = len(42)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c setvar x += len(42) =====

  setvar x += len(42)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c 
    var d = {}
    setvar d[len(42)] = "foo"

      setvar d[len(42)] = "foo"
[ -c flag ]:3: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c 
    var d = {}
    setvar len(42).z = "foo"

      setvar len(42).z = "foo"
[ -c flag ]:3: Subscript/Attribute not allowed on this LHS expression

===== CASE: -c 
  hay define Package
  Package foo {
    x = len(42)

      x = len(42)
[ -c flag ]:4: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c if (len(42)) { echo hi } =====

  if (len(42)) { echo hi }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c while (len(42)) { echo hi } =====

  while (len(42)) { echo hi }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c for x in (len(42)) { echo $x } =====

  for x in (len(42)) { echo $x }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int
OK  test-EvalExpr-calls
*** Running test-append-usage-error

===== CASE: -c append x ([]) =====

===== CASE: -c append =====

[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected at least 1 typed args, but only got 0

===== CASE: -c append x =====

  append x
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected at least 1 typed args, but only got 0

===== CASE: -c append x ([], []) =====

  append x ([], [])
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected 1 typed args, but got 2
OK  test-append-usage-error
*** Running test-assert

===== CASE: -c assert [0.0] =====

  assert [0.0]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expression isn't true

===== CASE: -c assert [3 > 4] =====

  assert [3 > 4]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expression isn't true

===== CASE: -c assert (0) =====

Value isn't true: (Int)   0
  assert (0)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: assertion

===== CASE: -c assert (null === 42) =====

Value isn't true: (Bool)  false
  assert (null === 42)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: assertion

===== CASE: -c assert [null === 42] =====

Expected: (Null)  null
Got:      (Int)   42
  assert [null === 42]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Not equal

===== CASE: -c assert [null === list(1 .. 50)] =====

Expected: (Null)  null
Got:      (List)
        1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
        19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
        37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
  assert [null === list(1 .. 50)]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Not equal

===== CASE: -c assert [{k: list(3 .. 40)} === list(1 .. 50)] =====

Expected: (Dict)
        k: [
            3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
            20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
            37, 38, 39
Got:      (List)
        1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
        19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
        37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
  assert [{k: list(3 .. 40)} === list(1 .. 50)]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Not equal
OK  test-assert
*** Running test-attr-error-locs

===== CASE: -c = {}.key =====

  = {}.key
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Dict entry 'key' not found

===== CASE: -c = {}->method =====

  = {}->method
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Mutating method 'M/method' not found on builtin type Dict

===== CASE: -c var obj = Object(null, {}); = obj.attr =====

  var obj = Object(null, {}); = obj.attr
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Attribute 'attr' not found on Obj

===== CASE: -c var obj = Object(null, {}); = obj->method =====

  var obj = Object(null, {}); = obj->method
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Mutating method 'M/method' not found on Obj prototype chain
OK  test-attr-error-locs
*** Running test-const-decl

===== CASE: -c const x = {}; const x = {}; =====

  const x = {}; const x = {};
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Can't assign to readonly value 'x'

===== CASE: -c const x; const x; =====

  const x; const x;
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Can't assign to readonly value 'x'
OK  test-const-decl
*** Running test-dict-convert

===== CASE: -c = dict(1) =====

  = dict(1)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: dict() expected Dict, Obj, or BashAssoc, got Int

===== CASE: -c = dict("foo") =====

  = dict("foo")
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: dict() expected Dict, Obj, or BashAssoc, got Str

===== CASE: -c = dict(len) =====

  = dict(len)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: dict() expected Dict, Obj, or BashAssoc, got BuiltinFunc

===== CASE: -c = dict("foo"->startswith) =====

  = dict("foo"->startswith)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Mutating method 'M/startswith' not found on builtin type Str

===== CASE: -c = dict([["too", "many", "parts"]]) =====

  = dict([["too", "many", "parts"]])
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: dict() expected Dict, Obj, or BashAssoc, got List
OK  test-dict-convert
*** Running test-eggex

===== CASE: -c  = / [ \x00 \xff ] / =====

<Eggex 0xa8c>

===== CASE: -c  = / [ \x00-\xff ] / =====

<Eggex 0xa8c>

===== CASE: -c = / [ $'\x00 \xff' ] / =====

  = / [ $'\x00 \xff' ] /
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Use unquoted char literal for byte 255, which is >= 128 (avoid confusing a set of bytes with a sequence)

===== CASE: -c  = / [ \u{0} ] / =====

<Eggex 0xa8c>

===== CASE: -c  = / [ \u{0}-\u{1} ] / =====

<Eggex 0xa8c>

===== CASE: -c var x =/ [ \u{80} ] /; echo $x =====

  var x =/ [ \u{80} ] /; echo $x
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: ERE can't express char code 128

===== CASE: -c var x = / [ \u{7f}-\u{80} ] /; echo $x =====

  var x = / [ \u{7f}-\u{80} ] /; echo $x
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: ERE can't express char code 128

===== CASE: -c = / [ \\ '^-]' 'abc' ] / =====

<Eggex 0xa98>

===== CASE: -c var x = / [ a-'^' ] /; echo $x =====

  var x = / [ a-'^' ] /; echo $x
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Can't use char 94 as end of range in ERE syntax

===== CASE: -c var x = / [ '-'-z ] /; echo $x =====

  var x = / [ '-'-z ] /; echo $x
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Can't use char 45 as start of range in ERE syntax

===== CASE: -c var x = / [ ']'-z ] /; echo $x =====

  var x = / [ ']'-z ] /; echo $x
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Can't use char 93 as start of range in ERE syntax

===== CASE: -c var x = / ['^'] /; echo $x =====


===== CASE: -c 
  var i = 42
  = / @i /   # splice object of wrong type

    = / @i /   # splice object of wrong type
[ -c flag ]:3: fatal: Eggex splice expected Str or Eggex, got Int

===== CASE: -c 
  var i = 42
  = / [a @i] /   # char class splice object of wrong type

    = / [a @i] /   # char class splice object of wrong type
[ -c flag ]:3: fatal: Eggex char class splice expected Str, got Int
OK  test-eggex
*** Running test-eggex-2

===== CASE: -c var sq = / 'foo'+ / =====

===== CASE: -c   var sq = / ('foo')+ /
  echo $sq

  var sq2 = / <capture 'foo'>+ /
  echo $sq2 =====


===== CASE: -c 
  var literal = "foo"
  var svs = / @literal+ /
  echo $svs

    var svs = / @literal+ /
[ -c flag ]:3: fatal: POSIX EREs don't have groups without capture, so this node needs () around it.
OK  test-eggex-2
*** Running test-eggex-api

===== CASE: -c = _group(0) =====

  = _group(0)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: No regex capture groups

===== CASE: -c if ("foo" ~ /[a-z]/) { echo $[_group(1)] } =====

  if ("foo" ~ /[a-z]/) { echo $[_group(1)] }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected capture group less than 1, got 1

===== CASE: -c if ("foo" ~ /[a-z]/) { echo $[_group("name")] } =====

  if ("foo" ~ /[a-z]/) { echo $[_group("name")] }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: No such group 'name'

===== CASE: -c if ("foo" ~ "[a-z]") { echo $[_group(1)] } =====

  if ("foo" ~ "[a-z]") { echo $[_group(1)] }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected capture group less than 1, got 1

===== CASE: -c if ("foo" ~ "[a-z]") { echo $[_group("name")] } =====

  if ("foo" ~ "[a-z]") { echo $[_group("name")] }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: ERE captures don't have names ('name')

===== CASE: -c = _group("foo") =====

  = _group("foo")
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: No regex capture groups
OK  test-eggex-api
*** Running test-eggex-convert-func

===== CASE: -c = / <capture d+ as month: int> / =====

<Eggex 0xa94>

===== CASE: -c = / <capture d+: int> / =====

<Eggex 0xa8c>

===== CASE: -c = / <capture d+> / =====

<Eggex 0xa8c>

===== CASE: -c = / <capture d+ as month: BAD> / =====

  = / <capture d+ as month: BAD> /
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected 'BAD' to be a func, got Undef

===== CASE: -c = / <capture d+: BAD> / =====

  = / <capture d+: BAD> /
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected 'BAD' to be a func, got Undef

===== CASE: -c var pat = / <capture d+: evalExpr> /; var m = "10" => search(pat) => group(1) =====

  var pat = / <capture d+: evalExpr> /; var m = "10" => search(pat) => group(1)
[ -c flag ]:1: Fatal error calling Eggex conversion func 'evalExpr' from this Match accessor

  var pat = / <capture d+: evalExpr> /; var m = "10" => search(pat) => group(1)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Arg 1 should be a Expr, got Str
OK  test-eggex-convert-func
*** Running test-equality

===== CASE: -c 
  = ^[42] === ^[43]

    = ^[42] === ^[43]
[ -c flag ]:2: fatal: Can't compare two values of type Expr

===== CASE: -c 
  = ^(echo hi) === ^(echo yo)

    = ^(echo hi) === ^(echo yo)
[ -c flag ]:2: fatal: Can't compare two values of type Command
OK  test-equality
*** Running test-error-builtin

===== CASE: -c error  =====

[ -c flag ]:1: 'error' expected a message to display
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 13558: command.Simple failed with status 2

===== CASE: -c error -- =====

  error --
[ -c flag ]:1: 'error' expected a message to display
  error --
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 13560: command.Simple failed with status 2

===== CASE: -c error -- oops =====

  error -- oops
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: oops

===== CASE: -c error oops =====

  error oops
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: oops

===== CASE: -c error oops (code=99) =====

  error oops (code=99)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: oops
OK  test-error-builtin
*** Running test-error-loc-bugs

===== CASE: -c 
func id(x) {
  return (x)

#pp test_ (id(len(42)))

# This should point at ( in len, not id(
pp test_ (len(id(42)))

  pp test_ (len(id(42)))
[ -c flag ]:9: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c 
var methods = {}

# Should point at methods, not {}
var o = Object(methods, {})

  var o = Object(methods, {})
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: Object() expected Obj or Null, got Dict
OK  test-error-loc-bugs
*** Running test-fallback-locations

===== CASE: -c if (len(42)) { echo hi } =====

  if (len(42)) { echo hi }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c if (1 + len(42)) { echo hi } =====

  if (1 + len(42)) { echo hi }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c const f = 42; func f() { echo hi } =====

  const f = 42; func f() { echo hi }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Can't assign to readonly value 'f'

===== CASE: -c for x in $[2 + len(42)] { echo hi } =====

  for x in $[2 + len(42)] { echo hi }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c for x in (len(42)) { echo hi } =====

  for x in (len(42)) { echo hi }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c while (len(42)) { echo hi } =====

  while (len(42)) { echo hi }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c case (len(42)) { pat { echo argument } } =====

  case (len(42)) { pat { echo argument } }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c case (42) { (len(42)) { echo arm } } =====

  case (42) { (len(42)) { echo arm } }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c case "$[len(42)]" in pat) echo hi ;; esac =====

  case "$[len(42)]" in pat) echo hi ;; esac
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c var x = 3 + len(42) =====

  var x = 3 + len(42)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c const x = 3 + len(42) =====

  const x = 3 + len(42)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c setvar x = 3 + len(42) =====

  setvar x = 3 + len(42)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c setvar x = "s" + 5 =====

  setvar x = "s" + 5
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Binary operator expected numbers, got Str and Int (OILS-ERR-201)

===== CASE: -c while ("s" + 5) { echo yes }  =====

  while ("s" + 5) { echo yes }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Binary operator expected numbers, got Str and Int (OILS-ERR-201)

===== CASE: -c func f(x) { return (x) }; var x = f([1,2])[1](3); echo $x =====

  func f(x) { return (x) }; var x = f([1,2])[1](3); echo $x
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected a function or method, got Int
OK  test-fallback-locations
*** Running test-fat-arrow

===== CASE: -c = "str" => upper() =====

(Str)   'STR'

===== CASE: -c = "str" -> bad() =====

  = "str" -> bad()
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Mutating method 'M/bad' not found on builtin type Str

===== CASE: -c = "str" => bad() =====

  = "str" => bad()
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Undefined variable 'bad'

===== CASE: -c = ["3", "4"] => join("/") =====

(Str)   '3/4'

===== CASE: -c = "badstring" => join("/") =====

  = "badstring" => join("/")
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Arg 1 should be a List, got Str

===== CASE: -c = [1.0, 2.0] => indexOf(3.14) =====

  = [1.0, 2.0] => indexOf(3.14)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Equality isn't defined on Float values (OILS-ERR-202)

===== CASE: -c 
  var myint = 42
  = "badstring" => myint("/")

    = "badstring" => myint("/")
[ -c flag ]:3: fatal: Fat arrow => expects method or function, got Int
OK  test-fat-arrow
*** Running test-float-convert

===== CASE: -c = float({}) =====

  = float({})
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: float() expected Int, Float, or Str, got Dict

===== CASE: -c = float([]) =====

  = float([])
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: float() expected Int, Float, or Str, got List

===== CASE: -c = float("foo") =====

  = float("foo")
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Cannot convert foo to Float

===== CASE: -c = float(len) =====

  = float(len)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: float() expected Int, Float, or Str, got BuiltinFunc

===== CASE: -c = float("foo"->startswith) =====

  = float("foo"->startswith)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Mutating method 'M/startswith' not found on builtin type Str
OK  test-float-convert
*** Running test-float-equality

===== CASE: -c 
var x = 1
pp test_ (42.0 === x) =====

  pp test_ (42.0 === x)
[ -c flag ]:3: fatal: Equality isn't defined on Float values (OILS-ERR-202)

===== CASE: -c pp test_ (2.0 === 1.0) =====

  pp test_ (2.0 === 1.0)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Equality isn't defined on Float values (OILS-ERR-202)
OK  test-float-equality
*** Running test-func-defaults

===== CASE: -c func f(a=ZZ) { echo } =====

  func f(a=ZZ) { echo }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Undefined variable 'ZZ'

===== CASE: -c func f(a; named=YY) { echo } =====

  func f(a; named=YY) { echo }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Undefined variable 'YY'

===== CASE: -c func f(a=[]) { echo } =====

  func f(a=[]) { echo }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Default values can't be mutable, got List

===== CASE: -c func f(; d={a:3}) { echo } =====

  func f(; d={a:3}) { echo }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Default values can't be mutable, got Dict
OK  test-func-defaults
*** Running test-func-error-locs

===== CASE: -c = join(["foo", "bar"], " ", 99) =====

  = join(["foo", "bar"], " ", 99)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected 2 typed args, but got 3

===== CASE: -c = int() =====

  = int()
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected at least 1 typed args, but only got 0

===== CASE: -c = str({}) =====

  = str({})
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: str() expected Str, Int, or Float, got Dict

===== CASE: -c = "foo"->startswith("f", "o") =====

  = "foo"->startswith("f", "o")
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Mutating method 'M/startswith' not found on builtin type Str

===== CASE: -c = "foo"->startswith() =====

  = "foo"->startswith()
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Mutating method 'M/startswith' not found on builtin type Str

===== CASE: -c = "foo"->startswith(1) =====

  = "foo"->startswith(1)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Mutating method 'M/startswith' not found on builtin type Str

===== CASE: -c 
  func f(x) {
     return (x)
  = f()

    = f()
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: 'f' wasn't passed typed param 'x'
OK  test-func-error-locs
*** Running test-func-extra

===== CASE: -c 
  func f() {
    echo "$x $y"
  call f(42)  # extra pos

    call f(42)  # extra pos
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: Func 'f' takes no positional args, but got 1

===== CASE: -c 
  func f() {
    echo "$x $y"
  call f(; x=32)  # extra named

    call f(; x=32)  # extra named
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: Func 'f' takes no named args, but got 1
OK  test-func-extra
*** Running test-func-missing

===== CASE: -c 
  func f(x, y) {
    echo "$x $y"
  call f(1)

    call f(1)
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: 'f' wasn't passed typed param 'y'

===== CASE: -c 
  func f(x, y; z) {
    echo "$x $y"
  call f(3, 4)

    call f(3, 4)
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: 'f' wasn't passed named param 'z'
OK  test-func-missing
*** Running test-func-passing

===== CASE: -c 
  func f(...rest=3) {
    return (42)

    func f(...rest=3) {
[ -c flag ]:2: Syntax error in expression (near Id.Arith_Equal)

===== CASE: -c 
  func f(a, b) {
    echo "$a -- $b"
  = f()

    = f()
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: 'f' wasn't passed typed param 'a'

===== CASE: -c 
  func f(a, b) {
    echo "$a -- $b"
  = f(...[1, 2])
  = f(...3)

1 -- 2
(Null)  null
    = f(...3)
[ -c flag ]:6: fatal: Spread expected a List, got Int

===== CASE: -c 
  func f(a, ...b) {
    echo $a - @b -
  = f(1, 2, 3)

  var x = [4, 5, 6]
  = f(...x)

1 - 2 3 -
(Null)  null
4 - 5 6 -
(Null)  null

===== CASE: -c 
  func f(p ; a, b) {
    echo "$p ; $a $b"
  var kwargs = {a: 42, b: 43, c: 44}
  = f(99; ...kwargs)

99 ; 42 43
(Null)  null
OK  test-func-passing
*** Running test-hay

===== CASE: -c 
hay define package user TASK

hay eval :result {
  package foo {
    # commands can be run while evaluating

  bad 2

[ -c flag ]:7: Unknown command 'oops' while running hay
[ -c flag ]:7: errexit PID 13703: command.Simple failed with status 127
OK  test-hay
*** Running test-hay-osh

===== CASE: -c 
hay define package TASK

package foo {
  version = 1

    version = 1
[ -c flag ]:5: 'version' not found (OILS-ERR-100)
[ -c flag ]:6: Unexpected right brace

===== CASE: -c 
shopt --set parse_brace

hay define package TASK

hay eval :result {
  package foo {
    version = 1

      version = 1
[ -c flag ]:8: Unknown command 'version' while running hay
OK  test-hay-osh
*** Running test-int-convert

===== CASE: -c = int({}) =====

  = int({})
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: int() expected Bool, Int, Float, or Str, got Dict

===== CASE: -c = int([]) =====

  = int([])
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: int() expected Bool, Int, Float, or Str, got List

===== CASE: -c = int("foo") =====

  = int("foo")
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Can't convert foo to Int

===== CASE: -c = int(len) =====

  = int(len)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: int() expected Bool, Int, Float, or Str, got BuiltinFunc

===== CASE: -c = int("foo" => startsWith) =====

  = int("foo" => startsWith)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: int() expected Bool, Int, Float, or Str, got BoundFunc

===== CASE: -c = int(NAN) =====

  = int(NAN)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Can't convert float NAN to Int

===== CASE: -c = int(-INFINITY) =====

  = int(-INFINITY)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Can't convert float -INFINITY to Int
OK  test-int-convert
*** Running test-json

===== CASE: -c json write =====

  json write
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected at least 1 typed args, but only got 0

===== CASE: -c json write (42, 43) =====

  json write (42, 43)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected 1 typed args, but got 2

===== CASE: -c json read zz =====

  json read zz
[ -c flag ]:1: 'json' read got too many args
  json read zz
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 13738: command.Simple failed with status 2

===== CASE: -c json read yy zz =====

  json read yy zz
[ -c flag ]:1: 'json' read got too many args
  json read yy zz
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 13740: command.Simple failed with status 2

===== CASE: -c json read (&x, 43) =====

  json read (&x, 43)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected 1 typed args, but got 2
OK  test-json
*** Running test-list-convert

===== CASE: -c = list(1) =====

  = list(1)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: list() expected Dict, List, or Range, got Int

===== CASE: -c = list(len) =====

  = list(len)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: list() expected Dict, List, or Range, got BuiltinFunc

===== CASE: -c = list("foo"->startswith) =====

  = list("foo"->startswith)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Mutating method 'M/startswith' not found on builtin type Str
OK  test-list-convert
*** Running test-method-type-errors

===== CASE: -c = "hi" => search(42) =====

  = "hi" => search(42)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: expected Eggex or Str, got Int

===== CASE: -c = "hi" => leftMatch(42) =====

  = "hi" => leftMatch(42)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: expected Eggex or Str, got Int

===== CASE: -c var m = 'hi' => leftMatch(/'hi'/); = m => group(3.14) =====

  var m = 'hi' => leftMatch(/'hi'/); = m => group(3.14)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: expected Int or Str, got Float
OK  test-method-type-errors
*** Running test-no-typed-args

===== CASE: -c true (42) =====

  true (42)
[ -c flag ]:1: 'true' got unexpected typed args
  true (42)
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 13765: command.Simple failed with status 2

===== CASE: -c false { echo hi } =====

  false { echo hi }
[ -c flag ]:1: 'false' got unexpected typed args
  false { echo hi }
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 13767: command.Simple failed with status 2
OK  test-no-typed-args
*** Running test-place

===== CASE: -c 
  var a = null
  var p = &a
  call p->setValue()  # 1 arg

    call p->setValue()  # 1 arg
[ -c flag ]:4: fatal: Expected at least 2 typed args, but only got 1

===== CASE: -c 
  var a = null
  var p = &a
  call p->setValue(3, 4)

    call p->setValue(3, 4)
[ -c flag ]:4: fatal: Expected 1 typed args, but got 2

===== CASE: -c 
  func f() {
    var s = "foo"
    return (&s)

  var p = f()
  call p->setValue(3)

    call p->setValue(3)
[ -c flag ]:8: fatal: Can't assign to place that's no longer on the call stack.
OK  test-place
*** Running test-pp

===== CASE: -c pp (42/0) =====

  pp (42/0)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Divide by zero

===== CASE: -c pp [42/0] =====

  pp [42/0]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Divide by zero

===== CASE: -c pp [42
/0] =====

[ -c flag ]:2: fatal: Divide by zero

===== CASE: -c pp [5, 6] =====

  pp [5, 6]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expected 1 typed args, but got 2

===== CASE: -c pp (42) =====

  pp (42)
[ -c flag ]:1: (Int)   42

===== CASE: -c var x = 42; pp (x) =====

  var x = 42; pp (x)
[ -c flag ]:1: (Int)   42

===== CASE: -c 
var x = 42;
pp [x] =====

  pp [x]
[ -c flag ]:3: (Int)   42

===== CASE: -c 
var x = list(1 .. 50);
pp [x] =====

  pp [x]
[ -c flag ]:3: (List)
        1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
        19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
        37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
OK  test-pp
*** Running test-proc-defaults

===== CASE: -c proc p(word=42) { echo } =====

  proc p(word=42) { echo }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Default val for word param must be Str, got Int

===== CASE: -c proc p(word=null) { echo } =====

  proc p(word=null) { echo }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Default val for word param must be Str, got Null

===== CASE: -c proc p( ; ; ; block="str") { echo } =====

  proc p( ; ; ; block="str") { echo }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Default value for block should be Command or Null, got Str

===== CASE: -c proc p( ; ; ; block=[]) { echo } =====

  proc p( ; ; ; block=[]) { echo }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Default value for block should be Command or Null, got List

===== CASE: -c proc p( ; ; ; block=^(echo hi)) { true } =====

===== CASE: -c proc p( ; ; ; block=null) { true } =====

===== CASE: -c proc p(word; t=42/0) { echo } =====

  proc p(word; t=42/0) { echo }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Divide by zero

===== CASE: -c proc p(word; t=f()) { echo } =====

  proc p(word; t=f()) { echo }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Undefined variable 'f'

===== CASE: -c proc p(word; t=42; named=undef) { echo } =====

  proc p(word; t=42; named=undef) { echo }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Undefined variable 'undef'

===== CASE: -c proc p(word; t=42; named=43; block=ZZ) { echo } =====

  proc p(word; t=42; named=43; block=ZZ) { echo }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Undefined variable 'ZZ'

===== CASE: -c 
  proc p(word="yo"; t=42; named=43; block=null) {
    #echo $word $t $named $block
    echo $word $t $block

yo 42 null
OK  test-proc-defaults
*** Running test-proc-error-locs

===== CASE: -c 
  var d = [1]

  func f(a=1, x=d[2]) {
    echo hi

    func f(a=1, x=d[2]) {
[ -c flag ]:4: fatal: List index out of range: 2

===== CASE: -c 
  var d = [1]

  func f(; n=1, m=d[2]) {
    echo hi

    func f(; n=1, m=d[2]) {
[ -c flag ]:4: fatal: List index out of range: 2
OK  test-proc-error-locs
*** Running test-proc-extra

===== CASE: -c 
  proc myproc () {
    echo hi
  myproc foo

    myproc foo
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: Proc 'myproc' takes no word args, but got 1

===== CASE: -c 
  proc myproc (w) {
    echo hi
  myproc foo (42)

    myproc foo (42)
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: Proc 'myproc' takes no typed args, but got 1

===== CASE: -c 
  proc myproc (w; p) {
    echo hi
  myproc foo (42; named=1)

    myproc foo (42; named=1)
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: Proc 'myproc' takes no named args, but got 1

===== CASE: -c 
  proc myproc (w; p; n) {
    echo hi
  myproc foo (42; n=1) { echo hi }

    myproc foo (42; n=1) { echo hi }
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: Proc 'myproc' doesn't accept a block argument
OK  test-proc-extra
*** Running test-proc-missing

===== CASE: -c 
  proc myproc (w) {
    = w

[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: proc 'myproc' wasn't passed word param 'w'

===== CASE: -c 
  proc myproc (w; t1, t2) {
    = w
    = t
  myproc foo (42)

    myproc foo (42)
[ -c flag ]:6: fatal: 'myproc' wasn't passed typed param 't2'

===== CASE: -c 
  proc myproc (; p ; a, b) {
    echo "$p ; $a $b"
  myproc (99, b=3)

    myproc (99, b=3)
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: 'myproc' wasn't passed named param 'a'

===== CASE: -c 
  proc myproc (; p ; a, b) {
    echo "$p ; $a $b"
  myproc (99; b=3)

    myproc (99; b=3)
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: 'myproc' wasn't passed named param 'a'

===== CASE: -c 
  proc myproc (w; p ; a, b; block) {
    = block
  myproc foo (99, a=1, b=2)

    myproc foo (99, a=1, b=2)
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: 'myproc' wasn't passed block param 'block'
OK  test-proc-missing
*** Running test-proc-passing

===== CASE: -c 
  proc p(a, b) { echo }
  p a

    p a
[ -c flag ]:3: fatal: proc 'p' wasn't passed word param 'b'

===== CASE: -c 
  proc p(a, b) { echo }
  p AA b c DD

    p AA b c DD
[ -c flag ]:3: fatal: proc 'p' takes 2 words, but got 4

===== CASE: -c 
  proc p( ; a, b) { echo }
  p (42)

    p (42)
[ -c flag ]:3: fatal: 'p' wasn't passed typed param 'b'

===== CASE: -c 
  proc p( ; a, b) { echo }
  p (42, 43, 44, 45)

    p (42, 43, 44, 45)
[ -c flag ]:3: fatal: 'p' takes 2 typed args, but got 4

===== CASE: -c 
  proc p(; a, b) {
    echo $a - $b -
  p (...[1, 2])
  p (...3)

1 - 2 -
    p (...3)
[ -c flag ]:6: fatal: Spread expected a List, got Int

===== CASE: -c 
  proc p(; a, ...b) {
    echo $a - @b -
  p (1, 2, 3)

  var x = [4, 5, 6]
  p (...x)

1 - 2 3 -
4 - 5 6 -

===== CASE: -c 
  proc myproc (; p ; a, b) {
    echo "$p ; $a $b"
  var kwargs = {a: 42, b: 43}
  myproc (99; ...kwargs)

99 ; 42 43

===== CASE: -c 
  proc myproc (; p ; a, b, ...named) {
    = p
    = a
    = b
    = named
  var kwargs = {a: 42, b: 43, c:44}
  myproc (99; ...kwargs)

(Int)   99
(Int)   42
(Int)   43
(Dict)  {c: 44}
OK  test-proc-passing
*** Running test-read-builtin

===== CASE: -c echo hi | read (&x) =====

  echo hi | read (&x)
[ -c flag ]:1: 'read' doesn't accept typed args without --all, or --num-bytes
  echo hi | read (&x)
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 13875: command.Simple failed with status 2
  echo hi | read (&x)
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 13875: command.Pipeline failed with status 2

===== CASE: -c echo hi | read --all x y =====

  echo hi | read --all x y
[ -c flag ]:1: 'read' got extra argument
  echo hi | read --all x y
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 13878: command.Simple failed with status 2
  echo hi | read --all x y
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 13878: command.Pipeline failed with status 2

===== CASE: -c echo hi | read --line x y =====

  echo hi | read --line x y
[ -c flag ]:1: 'read' got invalid flag '--line'
  echo hi | read --line x y
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 13881: command.Simple failed with status 2
  echo hi | read --line x y
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 13881: command.Pipeline failed with status 2
OK  test-read-builtin
*** Running test-remainder

===== CASE: -c = 5 % -3 =====

  = 5 % -3
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Divisor can't be negative

===== CASE: -c var x = 5; setvar x %= -3 =====

  var x = 5; setvar x %= -3
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Divisor can't be negative
OK  test-remainder
*** Running test-setglobal

===== CASE: -c 
var a = [0]
setglobal a[1-1] = 42
pp test_ (a)

(List)   [42]

===== CASE: -c 
var a = [0]
setglobal a[a.bad] = 42
pp test_ (a)

  setglobal a[a.bad] = 42
[ -c flag ]:3: fatal: Method 'bad' not found on builtin type List

===== CASE: -c 
var d = {e:{f:0}}
setglobal d.e.f = 42
pp test_ (d)
setglobal d.e.f += 1
pp test_ (d)

(Dict)   {"e":{"f":42}}
(Dict)   {"e":{"f":43}}
OK  test-setglobal
*** Running test-str-convert

===== CASE: -c = str({}) =====

  = str({})
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: str() expected Str, Int, or Float, got Dict

===== CASE: -c = str([]) =====

  = str([])
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: str() expected Str, Int, or Float, got List

===== CASE: -c = str(len) =====

  = str(len)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: str() expected Str, Int, or Float, got BuiltinFunc

===== CASE: -c = str("foo"->startswith) =====

  = str("foo"->startswith)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Mutating method 'M/startswith' not found on builtin type Str
OK  test-str-convert
*** Running test-str-replace

===== CASE: -c = "foo" => replace("", "-") =====

(Str)   '-f-o-o-'

===== CASE: -c = "foo" => replace("", "-", count=2) =====

(Str)   '-f-oo'

===== CASE: -c = "foo" => replace("o", ^"-") =====

(Str)   'f--'

===== CASE: -c = "foo" => replace("o", ^"-$0") =====

(Str)   'f-o-o'

===== CASE: -c = "foo" => replace(/[o]/, ^"-$0") =====

(Str)   'f-o-o'

===== CASE: -c = "foo" => replace(/<capture [o]>/, ^"-$1") =====

(Str)   'f-o-o'

===== CASE: -c = "foo" => replace(/<capture [o] as letter>/, ^"-$letter") =====

(Str)   'f-o-o'

===== CASE: -c = "foo" => replace(42, "x") =====

  = "foo" => replace(42, "x")
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: expected pattern to be Eggex or Str, got Int

===== CASE: -c = "foo" => replace("x", 42) =====

  = "foo" => replace("x", 42)
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: expected substitution to be Str or Expr, got Int

===== CASE: -c = "foo" => replace("x", ^[42]) =====

  = "foo" => replace("x", ^[42])
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: expected expr to eval to a Str, got Int
OK  test-str-replace
*** Running test-trim-utf8-error

===== CASE: -c   var badUtf = b'\yF9'

  # error is missed
  call " a$[badUtf]b " => trim()
  echo status=$_status

  # error is found
  call "$[badUtf]b " => trim() =====

    call "$[badUtf]b " => trim()
[ -c flag ]:8: fatal: UTF-8 decode: Bad encoding at offset 0 in string of 3 bytes
OK  test-trim-utf8-error
*** Running test-try-usage-error

===== CASE: -c 
var s = "README"
case (s) {
  README { echo hi }
echo hi

try myproc
if (_status !== 0) {
  echo failed

  try myproc
[ -c flag ]:8: fatal: Expected a block arg
OK  test-try-usage-error
*** Running test-undefined-vars

===== CASE: -c echo hi; const y = 2 + x + 3 =====

  echo hi; const y = 2 + x + 3
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Undefined variable 'x'

===== CASE: -c if (x) { echo hello } =====

  if (x) { echo hello }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Undefined variable 'x'

===== CASE: -c if (${x}) { echo hi } =====

  if (${x}) { echo hi }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Undefined variable 'x'

===== CASE: -c const x = / @undef /; echo hi =====

  const x = / @undef /; echo hi
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Undefined variable 'undef'

===== CASE: -c var x = undef; echo $x =====

  var x = undef; echo $x
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Undefined variable 'undef'

===== CASE: -c setvar a = undef =====

  setvar a = undef
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Undefined variable 'undef'
OK  test-undefined-vars
*** Running test-user-reported

===== CASE: -c 
  var snippets = [{status: 42}]
  for snippet in (snippets) {
    if (len(42)) {
      echo hi

      if (len(42)) {
[ -c flag ]:4: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int

===== CASE: -c 
  var count = 0

  # The $ causes a weird error
  while (count < len(count)) {
    setvar count += 1

    while (count < len(count)) {
[ -c flag ]:5: fatal: len() expected Str, List, or Dict, got Int
OK  test-user-reported
*** Running test-var-decl

===== CASE: -c var x, y = 1, 2, 3 =====

  var x, y = 1, 2, 3
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Got 2 places on the left, but 3 values on right

===== CASE: -c setvar x, y = 1, 2, 3 =====

  setvar x, y = 1, 2, 3
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Got 2 places on the left, but 3 values on the right
OK  test-var-decl
*** Running test-word-eval-with-ysh-data

===== CASE: -c var d = {}; echo ${d:-} =====

  var d = {}; echo ${d:-}
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Can't substitute into word, got Dict

===== CASE: -c var d = {}; echo ${#d} =====

  var d = {}; echo ${#d}
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Length op expected Str, BashArray, BashAssoc, got Dict

===== CASE: -c var d = {}; echo ${d[0]} =====

  var d = {}; echo ${d[0]}
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Index op expected BashArray, BashAssoc, got Dict

===== CASE: -c var d = {}; echo ${d[@]:1:3} =====

  var d = {}; echo ${d[@]:1:3}
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Slice op expected Str or BashArray, got Dict

===== CASE: -c var d = {}; echo ${!d} =====

  var d = {}; echo ${!d}
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Var Ref op expected Str, got Dict

===== CASE: -c var d = {}; echo ${!d[@]} =====

  var d = {}; echo ${!d[@]}
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Keys op expected Str, got Dict

===== CASE: -c var d = {}; echo ${d#prefix} =====

  var d = {}; echo ${d#prefix}
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Unary op expected Str, BashArray, BashAssoc, got Dict

===== CASE: -c var d = {}; echo ${d//a/b} =====

  var d = {}; echo ${d//a/b}
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Pat Sub op expected Str, BashArray, BashAssoc, got Dict
OK  test-word-eval-with-ysh-data
*** Running test-ysh-expr-eval

===== CASE: -c echo $[42 / 0 ] =====

  echo $[42 / 0 ]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Divide by zero

===== CASE: -c var d = {}; var item = d->nonexistent =====

  var d = {}; var item = d->nonexistent
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Mutating method 'M/nonexistent' not found on builtin type Dict

===== CASE: -c var d = {}; var item = d["nonexistent"] =====

  var d = {}; var item = d["nonexistent"]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Dict entry not found: 'nonexistent'

===== CASE: -c var a = []; setvar item = a[1] =====

  var a = []; setvar item = a[1]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: List index out of range: 1

===== CASE: -c const x = 42 / 0 =====

  const x = 42 / 0
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Divide by zero

===== CASE: -c var x = "z" ++ $(false) =====

  var x = "z" ++ $(false)
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 14014: command.Simple failed with status 1
[ -c flag ]:1: errexit PID 14013: Command Sub exited with status 1

===== CASE: -c case (42 / 0) { * { echo hi } }; echo OK =====

  case (42 / 0) { * { echo hi } }; echo OK
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Divide by zero

===== CASE: -c var d = {}; for x in $[d->zzz] { echo hi } =====

  var d = {}; for x in $[d->zzz] { echo hi }
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Mutating method 'M/zzz' not found on builtin type Dict

===== CASE: -c var d = {}; setvar d[42] = 3 =====

  var d = {}; setvar d[42] = 3
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Dict index should be Str, got Int

===== CASE: -c var L = []; setvar L["key"] = 3 =====

  var L = []; setvar L["key"] = 3
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: List index should be Int, got Str
OK  test-ysh-expr-eval
*** Running test-ysh-expr-eval-2

===== CASE: -c var L = []; var slice = L["foo": "bar"] =====

  var L = []; var slice = L["foo": "bar"]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Slice begin should be Int, got Str

===== CASE: -c = 3 < true =====

  = 3 < true
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Comparison operator expected numbers, got Int and Bool

===== CASE: -c = "a" < "b" =====

  = "a" < "b"
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Comparison operator expected numbers, got Str and Str

===== CASE: -c var key = 42; var d = {[key]: 3} =====

  var key = 42; var d = {[key]: 3}
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Dict keys must be strings, got Int

===== CASE: -c var d = {}; var a = d.a =====

  var d = {}; var a = d.a
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Dict entry 'a' not found

===== CASE: -c var d = []; var a = d.a =====

  var d = []; var a = d.a
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Method 'a' not found on builtin type List

===== CASE: -c = 3 ** -2 =====

  = 3 ** -2
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Exponent can't be a negative number

===== CASE: -c = 3.2 ** 2 =====

  = 3.2 ** 2
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Left operand should be Int, got Float

===== CASE: -c = - "foo" =====

  = - "foo"
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Negation expected Int or Float, got Str
OK  test-ysh-expr-eval-2
*** Running test-ysh-word-eval

===== CASE: -c echo $[maybe("foo")] =====

  echo $[maybe("foo")]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: got a List, which can't be stringified. Perhaps use @ instead of $, or use join()

===== CASE: -c source --builtin funcs.ysh; echo $[identity({key: "val"})] =====

  source --builtin funcs.ysh; echo $[identity({key: "val"})]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: expected Null, Bool, Int, Float, Eggex, got Dict

===== CASE: -c source --builtin funcs.ysh; write -- @[identity([{key: "val"}])] =====

  source --builtin funcs.ysh; write -- @[identity([{key: "val"}])]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expr splice expected Null, Bool, Int, Float, Eggex, got Dict

===== CASE: -c const x = [1, 2]; echo $x =====

  const x = [1, 2]; echo $x
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: got a List, which can't be stringified. Perhaps use @ instead of $, or use join()

===== CASE: -c var x = [1, 2]; write @x =====


===== CASE: -c var x = [3, {}]; write @x =====

  var x = [3, {}]; write @x
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Splice expected Null, Bool, Int, Float, Eggex, got Dict

===== CASE: -c var x = [3, {}]; write @[x] =====

  var x = [3, {}]; write @[x]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expr splice expected Null, Bool, Int, Float, Eggex, got Dict

===== CASE: -c var x = /d+/; write @x =====

  var x = /d+/; write @x
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Splice expected List, got Eggex

===== CASE: -c var x = /d+/; write @[x] =====

  var x = /d+/; write @[x]
[ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expr splice expected List, got Eggex
OK  test-ysh-word-eval

test/ysh-runtime-errors.sh: 50 tests passed.