1 | // core.h: Replacement for core/*.py
2 |
3 | #ifndef CORE_H
4 | #define CORE_H
5 |
6 | #include <pwd.h> // passwd
7 | #include <signal.h>
8 | #include <termios.h>
9 |
10 | // For now, we assume that simple int and pointer operations are atomic, rather
11 | // than using std::atomic. Could be a ./configure option later.
12 | //
13 | // See doc/portability.md.
14 |
15 | #define LOCK_FREE_ATOMICS 0
16 |
18 | #include <atomic>
19 | #endif
20 |
21 | #include "_gen/frontend/syntax.asdl.h"
22 | #include "cpp/pgen2.h"
23 | #include "mycpp/runtime.h"
24 |
25 | // Hacky forward declaration
26 | namespace completion {
27 | class RootCompleter;
28 | };
29 |
30 | namespace pyos {
31 |
32 | const int TERM_ICANON = ICANON;
33 | const int TERM_ECHO = ECHO;
34 | const int EOF_SENTINEL = 256;
35 | const int NEWLINE_CH = 10;
36 | const int UNTRAPPED_SIGWINCH = -1;
37 |
38 | Tuple2<int, int> WaitPid(int waitpid_options);
39 | Tuple2<int, int> Read(int fd, int n, List<BigStr*>* chunks);
40 | Tuple2<int, int> ReadByte(int fd);
41 | BigStr* ReadLineBuffered();
42 | Dict<BigStr*, BigStr*>* Environ();
43 | int Chdir(BigStr* dest_dir);
44 | BigStr* GetMyHomeDir();
45 | BigStr* GetHomeDir(BigStr* user_name);
46 |
47 | class ReadError {
48 | public:
49 | explicit ReadError(int err_num_) : err_num(err_num_) {
50 | }
51 |
52 | static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
53 | return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(kZeroMask, sizeof(ReadError));
54 | }
55 |
56 | int err_num;
57 | };
58 |
59 | class PasswdEntry {
60 | public:
61 | explicit PasswdEntry(const passwd* entry)
62 | : pw_name(StrFromC(entry->pw_name)),
63 | pw_uid(entry->pw_uid),
64 | pw_gid(entry->pw_gid) {
65 | }
66 |
67 | static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
68 | return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(PasswdEntry));
69 | }
70 |
71 | BigStr* pw_name;
72 | int pw_uid;
73 | int pw_gid;
74 |
75 | static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
76 | return maskbit(offsetof(PasswdEntry, pw_name));
77 | }
78 | };
79 |
80 | List<PasswdEntry*>* GetAllUsers();
81 |
82 | BigStr* GetUserName(int uid);
83 |
84 | BigStr* OsType();
85 |
86 | Tuple2<mops::BigInt, mops::BigInt> GetRLimit(int resource);
87 |
88 | void SetRLimit(int resource, mops::BigInt soft, mops::BigInt hard);
89 |
90 | Tuple3<double, double, double> Time();
91 |
92 | void PrintTimes();
93 |
94 | bool InputAvailable(int fd);
95 |
96 | IOError_OSError* FlushStdout();
97 |
98 | Tuple2<int, void*> PushTermAttrs(int fd, int mask);
99 | void PopTermAttrs(int fd, int orig_local_modes, void* term_attrs);
100 |
101 | // Make the signal queue slab 4096 bytes, including the GC header. See
102 | // cpp/core_test.cc.
103 | const int kMaxPendingSignals = 1022;
104 |
105 | class SignalSafe {
106 | // State that is shared between the main thread and signal handlers.
107 | public:
108 | SignalSafe()
109 | : pending_signals_(AllocSignalList()),
110 | empty_list_(AllocSignalList()), // to avoid repeated allocation
111 | last_sig_num_(0),
112 | received_sigint_(false),
113 | received_sigwinch_(false),
114 | sigwinch_code_(UNTRAPPED_SIGWINCH),
115 | num_dropped_(0) {
116 | }
117 |
118 | // Called from signal handling context. Do not allocate.
119 | void UpdateFromSignalHandler(int sig_num) {
120 | if (pending_signals_->len_ < pending_signals_->capacity_) {
121 | // We can append without allocating
122 | pending_signals_->append(sig_num);
123 | } else {
124 | // Unlikely: we would have to allocate. Just increment a counter, which
125 | // we could expose somewhere in the UI.
126 | num_dropped_++;
127 | }
128 |
129 | if (sig_num == SIGINT) {
130 | received_sigint_ = true;
131 | }
132 |
133 | if (sig_num == SIGWINCH) {
134 | received_sigwinch_ = true;
135 | sig_num = sigwinch_code_; // mutate param
136 | }
137 |
139 | last_sig_num_.store(sig_num);
140 | #else
141 | last_sig_num_ = sig_num;
142 | #endif
143 | }
144 |
145 | // Main thread takes signals so it can run traps.
146 | List<int>* TakePendingSignals() {
147 | List<int>* ret = pending_signals_;
148 |
149 | // Make sure we have a distinct list to reuse.
150 | DCHECK(empty_list_ != pending_signals_);
151 | pending_signals_ = empty_list_;
152 |
153 | return ret;
154 | }
155 |
156 | // Main thread returns the same list as an optimization to avoid allocation.
157 | void ReuseEmptyList(List<int>* empty_list) {
158 | DCHECK(empty_list != pending_signals_); // must be different
159 | DCHECK(len(empty_list) == 0); // main thread clears
160 | DCHECK(empty_list->capacity_ == kMaxPendingSignals);
161 |
162 | empty_list_ = empty_list;
163 | }
164 |
165 | // Main thread wants to get the last signal received.
166 | int LastSignal() {
168 | return last_sig_num_.load();
169 | #else
170 | return last_sig_num_;
171 | #endif
172 | }
173 |
174 | // Main thread wants to know if SIGINT was received since the last time
175 | // PollSigInt was called.
176 | bool PollSigInt() {
177 | bool result = received_sigint_;
178 | received_sigint_ = false;
179 | return result;
180 | }
181 |
182 | // Main thread tells us whether SIGWINCH is trapped.
183 | void SetSigWinchCode(int code) {
184 | sigwinch_code_ = code;
185 | }
186 |
187 | // Main thread wants to know if SIGWINCH was received since the last time
188 | // PollSigWinch was called.
189 | bool PollSigWinch() {
190 | bool result = received_sigwinch_;
191 | received_sigwinch_ = false;
192 | return result;
193 | }
194 |
195 | static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
196 | return maskbit(offsetof(SignalSafe, pending_signals_)) |
197 | maskbit(offsetof(SignalSafe, empty_list_));
198 | }
199 |
200 | static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
201 | return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(SignalSafe));
202 | }
203 |
204 | List<int>* pending_signals_; // public for testing
205 | List<int>* empty_list_;
206 |
207 | private:
208 | // Enforce private state because two different "threads" will use it!
209 |
210 | // Reserve a fixed number of signals.
211 | List<int>* AllocSignalList() {
212 | List<int>* ret = NewList<int>();
213 | ret->reserve(kMaxPendingSignals);
214 | return ret;
215 | }
216 |
218 | std::atomic<int> last_sig_num_;
219 | #else
220 | int last_sig_num_;
221 | #endif
222 | // Not sufficient: volatile sig_atomic_t last_sig_num_;
223 |
224 | int received_sigint_;
225 | int received_sigwinch_;
226 | int sigwinch_code_;
227 | int num_dropped_;
228 | };
229 |
230 | extern SignalSafe* gSignalSafe;
231 |
232 | // Allocate global and return it.
233 | SignalSafe* InitSignalSafe();
234 |
235 | void sigaction(int sig_num, void (*handler)(int));
236 |
237 | void RegisterSignalInterest(int sig_num);
238 |
239 | Tuple2<BigStr*, int>* MakeDirCacheKey(BigStr* path);
240 |
241 | } // namespace pyos
242 |
243 | namespace pyutil {
244 |
245 | double infinity();
246 | double nan();
247 |
248 | bool IsValidCharEscape(BigStr* c);
249 | BigStr* ChArrayToString(List<int>* ch_array);
250 |
251 | class _ResourceLoader {
252 | public:
253 | _ResourceLoader() {
254 | }
255 |
256 | virtual BigStr* Get(BigStr* path);
257 |
258 | static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
259 | return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(kZeroMask, sizeof(_ResourceLoader));
260 | }
261 | };
262 |
263 | _ResourceLoader* GetResourceLoader();
264 |
265 | BigStr* GetVersion(_ResourceLoader* loader);
266 |
267 | void PrintVersionDetails(_ResourceLoader* loader);
268 |
269 | BigStr* strerror(IOError_OSError* e);
270 |
271 | BigStr* BackslashEscape(BigStr* s, BigStr* meta_chars);
272 |
273 | grammar::Grammar* LoadYshGrammar(_ResourceLoader*);
274 |
275 | } // namespace pyutil
276 |
277 | #endif // CORE_H