spec test index / oilshell.org
33 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 4 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped 4 failed under osh
ysh | 6 Str => startsWith(Str) and endsWith(Str), eggex matches bytes not runes [ysh stdout] Expected 'true true\ntrue true\ntrue true\ntrue true\n' Got 'true true\ntrue true\nfalse false\nfalse false\n' stdout: true true true true false false false falsestderr: |
ysh | 15 Str => trim*() with an eggex pattern trims bytes not runes [ysh stdout] Expected 'b\'\\ya3\', b\'\\yce\', ""\nb\'\\ya3\', b\'\\yce\', ""\n"", "", ""\n"", "", ""\n' Got '"", "", ""\n"", "", ""\nb\'\\yce\', b\'\\yce\', b\'\\yce\'\nb\'\\yce\', b\'\\yce\', b\'\\yce\'\n' stdout: "", "", "" "", "", "" b'\yce', b'\yce', b'\yce' b'\yce', b'\yce', b'\yce'stderr: |
ysh | 25 Str => split(sep), non-empty sep [ysh stdout] Expected '(List) ["a","b","c"]\n(List) ["","",""]\n(List) ["a","b","c<d"]\n(List) ["a","b","","c"]\n(List) []\n' Got '' [ysh status] Expected 0, got 3 stdout: stderr: pp test_ ('a,b,c'.split(',')) ^~~~~ [ stdin ]:1: fatal: Method 'split' does not exist on builtin type Str |
ysh | 26 Str => split(sep, count), non-empty sep [ysh stdout] Expected '(List) ["a","b","c"]\n(List) ["a","b","c"]\n(List) ["","a"]\n(List) ["a","b","c<d"]\n(List) ["a","b",";c"]\n(List) []\n(List) []\n' Got '' [ysh status] Expected 0, got 3 stdout: stderr: pp test_ ('a,b,c'.split(',', count=-1)) ^~~~~ [ stdin ]:1: fatal: Method 'split' does not exist on builtin type Str |