1 | ---
2 | title: Command Language (Oils Reference)
3 | all_docs_url: ..
4 | body_css_class: width40
5 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
6 | preserve_anchor_case: yes
7 | ---
8 |
9 | <div class="doc-ref-header">
10 |
11 | [Oils Reference](index.html) —
12 | Chapter **Command Language**
13 |
14 | </div>
15 |
16 | This chapter describes the command language for OSH, and some YSH extensions.
17 |
18 | <span class="in-progress">(in progress)</span>
19 |
20 | <div id="dense-toc">
21 | </div>
22 |
23 | ## Quick Sketch: What's a Command?
24 |
25 | OSH:
26 |
27 | print-files() {
28 | for name in *.py; do
29 | if test -x "$name"; then
30 | echo "$name is executable"
31 | fi
32 | done
33 | }
34 |
35 | YSH:
36 |
37 | proc print-files {
38 | for name in *.py {
39 | if test -x $name { # no quotes needed
40 | echo "$name is executable"
41 | }
42 | }
43 | }
44 |
45 |
46 | <h2 id="Commands">Commands</h2>
47 |
48 | <h3 id="simple-command" class="osh-ysh-topic">simple-command</h3>
49 |
50 | Commands are composed of words. The first word may be the name of
51 |
52 | 1. A builtin shell command
53 | 1. A YSH `proc` or shell "function"
54 | 1. A Hay node declared with `hay define`
55 | 1. An external command
56 | 1. An alias
57 |
58 | Examples:
59 |
60 | echo hi # a shell builtin doesn't start a process
61 | ls /usr/bin ~/src # starts a new process
62 | myproc "hello $name"
63 | myshellfunc "hello $name"
64 | myalias -l
65 | <!-- TODO: document lookup order -->
66 |
67 | Redirects are also allowed in any part of the command:
68 |
69 | echo 'to stderr' >&2
70 | echo >&2 'to stderr'
71 |
72 | echo 'to file' > out.txt
73 | echo > out.txt 'to file'
74 |
75 | <h3 id="semicolon" class="osh-ysh-topic">semicolon ;</h3>
76 |
77 | Run two commands in sequence like this:
78 |
79 | echo one; echo two
80 |
81 | or this:
82 |
83 | echo one
84 | echo two
85 |
86 | <h2 id="Conditional">Conditional</h2>
87 |
88 | <h3 id="case" class="osh-topic">case</h3>
89 |
90 | Match a string against a series of glob patterns. Execute code in the section
91 | below the matching pattern.
92 |
93 | path='foo.py'
94 | case "$path" in
95 | *.py)
96 | echo 'python'
97 | ;;
98 | *.sh)
99 | echo 'shell'
100 | ;;
101 | esac
102 |
103 | For bash compatibility, the `;;` terminator can be substituted with either:
104 |
105 | - `;&` - fall through to next arm, ignoring the condition
106 | - `;;&` - fall through to next arm, respecting the condition
107 |
108 | <h3 id="if" class="osh-topic">if</h3>
109 |
110 | Test if a command exited with status zero (true). If so, execute the
111 | corresponding block of code.
112 |
113 | Shell:
114 |
115 | if test -d foo; then
116 | echo 'foo is a directory'
117 | elif test -f foo; then
118 | echo 'foo is a file'
119 | else
120 | echo 'neither'
121 | fi
122 |
123 | YSH:
124 |
125 | if test -d foo {
126 | echo 'foo is a directory'
127 | } elif test -f foo {
128 | echo 'foo is a file'
129 | } else {
130 | echo 'neither'
131 | }
132 |
133 | <h3 id="dbracket" class="osh-topic">dbracket [[</h3>
134 |
135 | Statically parsed boolean expressions, from bash and other shells:
136 |
137 | x=42
138 | if [[ $x -eq 42 ]]; then
139 | echo yes
140 | fi # => yes
141 |
142 | Compare with the [test][] builtin, which is dynamically parsed.
143 |
144 | See [bool-expr][] for the expression syntax.
145 |
146 | [test]: chap-builtin-cmd.html#test
147 | [bool-expr]: chap-mini-lang.html#bool-expr
148 |
149 |
150 | <h3 id="true" class="osh-ysh-topic">true</h3>
151 |
152 | Do nothing and return status 0.
153 |
154 | if true; then
155 | echo hello
156 | fi
157 |
158 | <h3 id="false" class="osh-ysh-topic">false</h3>
159 |
160 | Do nothing and return status 1.
161 |
162 | if false; then
163 | echo 'not reached'
164 | else
165 | echo hello
166 | fi
167 |
168 | <h3 id="colon" class="osh-topic">colon :</h3>
169 |
170 | Like `true`: do nothing and return status 0.
171 |
172 | <h3 id="bang" class="osh-ysh-topic">bang !</h3>
173 |
174 | Invert an exit code:
175 |
176 | if ! test -d /tmp; then
177 | echo "No temp directory
178 | fi
179 |
180 | <h3 id="and" class="osh-ysh-topic">and &&</h3>
181 |
182 | mkdir -p /tmp && cp foo /tmp
183 |
184 | <h3 id="or" class="osh-ysh-topic">or ||</h3>
185 |
186 | ls || die "failed"
187 |
188 | <h2 id="Iteration">Iteration</h2>
189 |
190 | <h3 id="while" class="osh-ysh-topic">while</h3>
191 |
192 | POSIX
193 |
194 | <h3 id="until" class="osh-topic">until</h3>
195 |
196 | POSIX
197 |
198 | <h3 id="for" class="osh-ysh-topic">for</h3>
199 |
200 | For loops iterate over words.
201 |
202 | YSH style:
203 |
204 | var mystr = 'one'
205 | var myarray = :| two three |
206 |
207 | for i in $mystr @myarray *.py {
208 | echo $i
209 | }
210 |
211 |
212 | Shell style:
213 |
214 | local mystr='one'
215 | local myarray=(two three)
216 |
217 | for i in "mystr" "${myarray[@]}" *.py; do
218 | echo $i
219 | done
220 |
221 | Both fragments output 3 lines and then Python files on remaining lines.
222 |
223 | <h3 id="for-expr-sh" class="osh-topic">for-expr-sh</h3>
224 |
225 | A bash/ksh construct:
226 |
227 | for (( i = 0; i < 5; ++i )); do
228 | echo $i
229 | done
230 |
231 | <h2 id="Control Flow">Control Flow</h2>
232 |
233 | These are keywords in Oils, not builtins!
234 |
235 | ### break
236 |
237 | Break out of a loop. (Not used for case statements!)
238 |
239 | ### continue
240 |
241 | Continue to the next iteration of a loop.
242 |
243 | ### return
244 |
245 | Return from a function.
246 |
247 | ### exit
248 |
249 | Exit the shell process with the given status:
250 |
251 | exit 2
252 |
253 | <h2 id="Grouping">Grouping</h2>
254 |
255 | ### sh-func
256 |
257 | POSIX:
258 |
259 | f() {
260 | echo args "$@"
261 | }
262 | f 1 2 3
263 |
264 | ### sh-block
265 |
266 | POSIX:
267 |
268 | { echo one; echo two; }
269 |
270 | The trailing `;` is necessary in OSH, but not YSH. In YSH, `parse_brace` makes
271 | `}` is more of a special word.
272 |
273 |
274 | ### subshell
275 |
276 | ( echo one; echo two )
277 |
278 | In YSH, use [forkwait](chap-builtin-cmd.html#forkwait) instead of parentheses.
279 |
280 | <h2 id="Concurrency">Concurrency</h2>
281 |
282 | ### pipe
283 |
284 | Pipelines are a traditional POSIX shell construct:
285 |
286 | ls /tmp | grep ssh | sort
287 |
288 | Related:
289 |
290 | - [`PIPESTATUS`]() in OSH
291 | - [`_pipeline_status`]() in YSH
292 |
293 | [PIPESTATUS]: chap-special-var.html#PIPESTATUS
294 | [_pipeline_status]: chap-special-var.html#_pipeline_status
295 |
296 | <h3 id="ampersand" class="osh-topic">ampersand &</h3>
297 |
298 | Start a command as a background job. Don't wait for it to finish, and return
299 | control to the shell.
300 |
301 | The PID of the job is recorded in the `$!` variable.
302 |
303 | sleep 1 &
304 | echo pid=$!
305 | { echo two; sleep 2 } &
306 | wait
307 | wait
308 |
309 | In YSH, use the [fork][] builtin.
310 |
311 | [fork]: chap-builtin-cmd.html#fork
312 |
313 |
314 | <h2 id="Redirects">Redirects</h2>
315 |
316 | ### redir-file
317 |
318 | Examples of redirecting the `stdout` of a command:
319 |
320 | echo foo > out.txt # overwrite out.txt
321 | date >> stamp.txt # append to stamp.txt
322 |
323 | <!--
324 | echo foo >| out.txt # clobber the file even if set -o noclobber
325 | -->
326 |
327 | Redirect to the `stdin` of a command:
328 |
329 | cat < in.txt
330 |
331 | Redirects are compatible with POSIX and bash, so they take descriptor numbers
332 | on the left:
333 |
334 | make 2> stderr.txt # '2>' is valid, but '2 >' is not
335 |
336 | Note that the word argument to **file** redirects is evaluated like bash, which
337 | is different than other arguments to other redirects:
338 |
339 | tar -x -z < Python* # glob must expand to exactly 1 file
340 | tar -x -z < $myvar # $myvar is split because it's unquoted
341 |
342 | In other words, it's evaluated **as** a sequence of 1 word, which **produces**
343 | zero to N strings. But redirects are only valid when it produces exactly 1
344 | string.
345 |
346 | (Related: YSH uses `shopt --set simple_word_eval`, which means that globs that
347 | match nothing evaluate to zero strings, not themselves.)
348 |
349 | <!-- They also take a file descriptor on the left -->
350 |
351 |
352 | ### redir-desc
353 |
354 | Redirect to a file descriptor:
355 |
356 | echo 'to stderr' >&2
357 |
358 | <!--
359 | NOTE: >&2 is just like <&2
360 | There's no real difference.
361 | -->
362 |
363 | ### here-doc
364 |
365 | TODO: unbalanced HTML if we use \<\<?
366 |
367 | cat <<EOF
368 | here doc with $double ${quoted} substitution
369 | EOF
370 |
371 | myfunc() {
372 | cat <<-EOF
373 | here doc with one tab leading tab stripped
374 | EOF
375 | }
376 |
377 | cat <<< 'here string'
378 |
379 | <!-- TODO: delimiter can be quoted -->
380 | <!-- Note: Python's HTML parser thinks <EOF starts a tag -->
381 |
382 | ## Other Command
383 |
384 | <h3 id="dparen" class="osh-topic">dparen ((</h3>
385 |
386 | <h3 id="time" class="osh-ysh-topic">time</h3>
387 |
388 | time [-p] pipeline
389 |
390 | Measures the time taken by a command / pipeline. It uses the `getrusage()`
391 | function from `libc`.
392 |
393 | Note that time is a KEYWORD, not a builtin!
394 |
395 | <!-- Note: bash respects TIMEFORMAT -->
396 |
397 |
398 | ## YSH Simple
399 |
400 | ### typed-arg
401 |
402 | Internal commands (procs and builtins) accept typed arguments in parentheses:
403 |
404 | json write (myobj)
405 |
406 | Redirects can also appear after the typed args:
407 |
408 | json write (myobj) >out.txt
409 |
410 | ### lazy-expr-arg
411 |
412 | Expressions in brackets like this:
413 |
414 | assert [42 === x]
415 |
416 | Are syntactic sugar for:
417 |
418 | assert (^[42 === x])
419 |
420 | That is, it's single arg of type `value.Expr`.
421 |
422 | Redirects can also appear after the lazy typed args:
423 |
424 | assert [42 === x] >out.txt
425 |
426 | ### block-arg
427 |
428 | Blocks can be passed to simple commands, either literally:
429 |
430 | cd /tmp {
431 | echo $PWD # prints /tmp
432 | }
433 | echo $PWD
434 |
435 | Or as an expression:
436 |
437 | var block = ^(echo $PWD)
438 | cd /tmp (; ; block)
439 |
440 | Note that `cd` has no typed or named arguments, so the two semicolons are
441 | preceded by nothing.
442 |
443 | Compare with [sh-block](#sh-block).
444 |
445 | Redirects can appear after the block arg:
446 |
447 | cd /tmp {
448 | echo $PWD # prints /tmp
449 | } >out.txt
450 |
451 | ## YSH Cond
452 |
453 | ### ysh-case
454 |
455 | Like the shell case statement, the Ysh case statement has **string/glob** patterns.
456 |
457 | var s = 'README.md'
458 | case (s) {
459 | *.py { echo 'Python' }
460 | *.cc | *.h { echo 'C++' }
461 | * { echo 'Other' }
462 | }
463 | # => Other
464 |
465 | We also generated it to **typed data** within `()`:
466 |
467 | var x = 43
468 | case (x) {
469 | (30 + 12) { echo 'the integer 42' }
470 | (else) { echo 'neither' }
471 | }
472 | # => neither
473 |
474 | The `else` is a special keyword that matches any value.
475 |
476 | case (s) {
477 | / dot* '.md' / { echo 'Markdown' }
478 | (else) { echo 'neither' }
479 | }
480 | # => Markdown
481 |
482 | ### ysh-if
483 |
484 | Like shell, you can use a command:
485 |
486 | if test --file $x {
487 | echo "$x is a file"
488 | }
489 |
490 | You can also use an expression:
491 |
492 | if (x > 0) {
493 | echo 'positive'
494 | }
495 |
496 | ## YSH Iter
497 |
498 | ### ysh-for
499 |
500 | #### Words
501 |
502 | This is a shell-style loop over "words":
503 |
504 | for name in README.md *.py {
505 | echo $name
506 | }
507 | # => README.md
508 | # => foo.py
509 |
510 | You can also ask for the index:
511 |
512 | for i, name in README.md *.py {
513 | echo "$i $name"
514 | }
515 | # => 0 README.md
516 | # => 1 foo.py
517 |
518 | #### Lines of `stdin`
519 |
520 | Here's how to iterate over the lines of stdin:
521 |
522 | for line in (stdin) {
523 | echo $line
524 | }
525 |
526 | Likewise, you can ask for the index with `for i, line in (stdin) { ...`.
527 |
528 | ### ysh-while
529 |
530 | You can use an expression as the condition:
531 |
532 | var x = 5
533 | while (x < 0) {
534 | setvar x -= 1
535 | }
536 |
537 | You or a command:
538 |
539 | while test -f myfile {
540 | echo 'myfile'
541 | sleep 1
542 | }
543 |
544 | #### Expressions
545 |
546 | Expressions are enclosed in `()`.
547 |
548 | Iterating over a `List` or `Range` is like iterating over words or lines:
549 |
550 | var mylist = [42, 43]
551 | for item in (mylist) {
552 | echo $item
553 | }
554 | # => 42
555 | # => 43
556 |
557 | var n = 5
558 | for i in (3 .. n) {
559 | echo $i
560 | }
561 | # => 3
562 | # => 4
563 |
564 | However, there are **three** ways of iterating over a `Dict`:
565 |
566 | for key in (mydict) {
567 | echo $key
568 | }
569 |
570 | for key, value in (mydict) {
571 | echo "$key $value"
572 | }
573 |
574 | for i, key, value in (mydict) {
575 | echo "$i $key $value"
576 | }
577 |
578 | That is, if you ask for two things, you'll get the key and value. If you ask
579 | for three, you'll also get the index.
580 |