usage: abuild [options] [-P REPODEST] [-s SRCDEST] [-D DESCRIPTION] [cmd] ...
       abuild [-c] -n PKGNAME[-PKGVER]
 -A  Print CARCH and exit
 -c  Enable colored output
 -d  Disable dependency checking
 -D  Set APKINDEX description (default: $repo $(git describe))
 -f  Force specified cmd, even if they are already done
 -F  Force run as root
 -h  Show this help
 -i  Install PKG after successful build
 -k  Keep built packages, even if APKBUILD or sources are newer
 -K  Keep buildtime temp dirs and files (srcdir/pkgdir/deps)
 -m  Disable colors (monochrome)
 -P  Set REPODEST as the repository location for created packages
 -q  Quiet
 -r  Install missing dependencies from system repository (using sudo)
 -R  Recursively build and install missing dependencies (using sudo)
 -s  Set source package destination directory
 -u  Recursively build and upgrade all dependencies (using sudo)
 -v  Verbose: show every command as it is run (very noisy)

  build       Compile and install package into $pkgdir
  check       Run any defined tests concerning the package
  checksum    Generate checksum to be included in APKBUILD
  clean       Remove temp build and install dirs
  cleancache  Remove downloaded files from $SRCDEST
  cleanoldpkg Remove binary packages except current version
  cleanpkg    Remove already built binary and source package
  deps        Install packages listed in makedepends and depends
  fetch       Fetch sources to $SRCDEST and verify checksums
  index       Regenerate indexes in $REPODEST
  listpkg     List target packages
  package     Create package in $REPODEST
  prepare     Apply patches
  rootbld     Build package in clean chroot
  rootpkg     Run 'package', the split functions and create apks as fakeroot
  sanitycheck Basic sanity check of APKBUILD
  snapshot    Create a $giturl or $svnurl snapshot and upload to $disturl
  sourcecheck Check if remote source package exists upstream
  srcpkg      Make a source package
  undeps      Uninstall packages listed in makedepends and depends
  unpack      Unpack sources to $srcdir
  up2date     Compare target and sources dates
  verify      Verify checksums

To activate cross compilation specify in environment:
  CHOST       Arch or hostspec of machine to generate packages for
  CTARGET     Arch or hostspec of machine to generate compiler for