1 | """
2 | core/shell.py -- Entry point for the shell interpreter.
3 | """
4 | from __future__ import print_function
5 |
6 | from errno import ENOENT
7 | import time as time_
8 |
9 | from _devbuild.gen import arg_types
10 | from _devbuild.gen.option_asdl import option_i, builtin_i
11 | from _devbuild.gen.runtime_asdl import scope_e
12 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import (loc, source, source_t, IntParamBox,
13 | debug_frame, debug_frame_t)
14 | from _devbuild.gen.value_asdl import (value, value_e)
15 | from core import alloc
16 | from core import comp_ui
17 | from core import dev
18 | from core import error
19 | from core import executor
20 | from core import completion
21 | from core import main_loop
22 | from core import optview
23 | from core import pyos
24 | from core import process
25 | from core import pyutil
26 | from core import state
27 | from display import ui
28 | from core import util
29 | from core import vm
30 |
31 | from frontend import args
32 | from frontend import flag_def # side effect: flags are defined!
33 |
34 | unused1 = flag_def
35 | from frontend import flag_util
36 | from frontend import location
37 | from frontend import reader
38 | from frontend import parse_lib
39 |
40 | from builtin import assign_osh
41 | from builtin import bracket_osh
42 | from builtin import completion_osh
43 | from builtin import completion_ysh
44 | from builtin import dirs_osh
45 | from builtin import error_ysh
46 | from builtin import hay_ysh
47 | from builtin import io_osh
48 | from builtin import io_ysh
49 | from builtin import json_ysh
50 | from builtin import meta_osh
51 | from builtin import misc_osh
52 | from builtin import module_ysh
53 | from builtin import printf_osh
54 | from builtin import process_osh
55 | from builtin import pure_osh
56 | from builtin import pure_ysh
57 | from builtin import readline_osh
58 | from builtin import read_osh
59 | from builtin import trap_osh
60 |
61 | from builtin import func_eggex
62 | from builtin import func_hay
63 | from builtin import func_misc
64 |
65 | from builtin import method_dict
66 | from builtin import method_io
67 | from builtin import method_list
68 | from builtin import method_other
69 | from builtin import method_str
70 |
71 | from osh import cmd_eval
72 | from osh import glob_
73 | from osh import history
74 | from osh import prompt
75 | from osh import sh_expr_eval
76 | from osh import split
77 | from osh import word_eval
78 |
79 | from mycpp import mops
80 | from mycpp import mylib
81 | from mycpp.mylib import print_stderr, log
82 | from pylib import os_path
83 | from tools import deps
84 | from tools import fmt
85 | from tools import ysh_ify
86 | from ysh import expr_eval
87 |
88 | unused2 = log
89 |
90 | import libc
91 | import posix_ as posix
92 |
93 | from typing import List, Dict, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, cast
95 | from frontend.py_readline import Readline
96 |
97 | if mylib.PYTHON:
98 | try:
99 | from _devbuild.gen import help_meta # type: ignore
100 | except ImportError:
101 | help_meta = None
102 |
103 |
104 | def _InitDefaultCompletions(cmd_ev, complete_builtin, comp_lookup):
105 | # type: (cmd_eval.CommandEvaluator, completion_osh.Complete, completion.Lookup) -> None
106 |
107 | # register builtins and words
108 | complete_builtin.Run(cmd_eval.MakeBuiltinArgv(['-E', '-A', 'command']))
109 | # register path completion
110 | # Add -o filenames? Or should that be automatic?
111 | complete_builtin.Run(cmd_eval.MakeBuiltinArgv(['-D', '-A', 'file']))
112 |
113 |
114 | def _CompletionDemo(comp_lookup):
115 | # type: (completion.Lookup) -> None
116 |
117 | # Something for fun, to show off. Also: test that you don't repeatedly hit
118 | # the file system / network / coprocess.
119 | A1 = completion.TestAction(['foo.py', 'foo', 'bar.py'], 0.0)
120 | l = [] # type: List[str]
121 | for i in xrange(0, 5):
122 | l.append('m%d' % i)
123 |
124 | A2 = completion.TestAction(l, 0.1)
125 | C1 = completion.UserSpec([A1, A2], [], [], completion.DefaultPredicate(),
126 | '', '')
127 | comp_lookup.RegisterName('slowc', {}, C1)
128 |
129 |
130 | def SourceStartupFile(
131 | fd_state, # type: process.FdState
132 | rc_path, # type: str
133 | lang, # type: str
134 | parse_ctx, # type: parse_lib.ParseContext
135 | cmd_ev, # type: cmd_eval.CommandEvaluator
136 | errfmt, # type: ui.ErrorFormatter
137 | ):
138 | # type: (...) -> None
139 |
140 | # Right now this is called when the shell is interactive. (Maybe it should
141 | # be called on login_shel too.)
142 | #
143 | # Terms:
144 | # - interactive shell: Roughly speaking, no args or -c, and isatty() is true
145 | # for stdin and stdout.
146 | # - login shell: Started from the top level, e.g. from init or ssh.
147 | #
148 | # We're not going to copy everything bash does because it's too complex, but
149 | # for reference:
150 | # https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html#Bash-Startup-Files
151 | # Bash also has --login.
152 |
153 | try:
154 | f = fd_state.Open(rc_path)
155 | except (IOError, OSError) as e:
156 | # TODO: Could warn about nonexistent explicit --rcfile?
157 | if e.errno != ENOENT:
158 | raise # Goes to top level. Handle this better?
159 | return
160 |
161 | arena = parse_ctx.arena
162 | rc_line_reader = reader.FileLineReader(f, arena)
163 | rc_c_parser = parse_ctx.MakeOshParser(rc_line_reader)
164 |
165 | with alloc.ctx_SourceCode(arena, source.SourcedFile(rc_path, loc.Missing)):
166 | # TODO: handle status, e.g. 2 for ParseError
167 | unused = main_loop.Batch(cmd_ev, rc_c_parser, errfmt)
168 |
169 | f.close()
170 |
171 |
172 | class ShellOptHook(state.OptHook):
173 |
174 | def __init__(self, readline):
175 | # type: (Optional[Readline]) -> None
176 | self.readline = readline
177 |
178 | def OnChange(self, opt0_array, opt_name, b):
179 | # type: (List[bool], str, bool) -> bool
180 | """This method is called whenever an option is changed.
181 |
182 | Returns success or failure.
183 | """
184 | if opt_name == 'vi' or opt_name == 'emacs':
185 | # TODO: Replace with a hook? Just like setting LANG= can have a hook.
186 | if self.readline:
187 | self.readline.parse_and_bind("set editing-mode " + opt_name)
188 | else:
189 | print_stderr(
190 | "Warning: Can't set option %r because shell wasn't compiled with GNU readline"
191 | % opt_name)
192 | return False
193 |
194 | # Invert: they are mutually exclusive!
195 | if opt_name == 'vi':
196 | opt0_array[option_i.emacs] = not b
197 | elif opt_name == 'emacs':
198 | opt0_array[option_i.vi] = not b
199 |
200 | return True
201 |
202 |
203 | def _SetGlobalFunc(mem, name, func):
204 | # type: (state.Mem, str, vm._Callable) -> None
205 | assert isinstance(func, vm._Callable), func
206 |
207 | # Note: no location info for builtin functions?
208 | mem.SetNamed(location.LName(name), value.BuiltinFunc(func),
209 | scope_e.GlobalOnly)
210 |
211 |
212 | def InitAssignmentBuiltins(
213 | mem, # type: state.Mem
214 | procs, # type: state.Procs
215 | exec_opts, # type: optview.Exec
216 | errfmt, # type: ui.ErrorFormatter
217 | ):
218 | # type: (...) -> Dict[int, vm._AssignBuiltin]
219 |
220 | assign_b = {} # type: Dict[int, vm._AssignBuiltin]
221 |
222 | new_var = assign_osh.NewVar(mem, procs, exec_opts, errfmt)
223 | assign_b[builtin_i.declare] = new_var
224 | assign_b[builtin_i.typeset] = new_var
225 | assign_b[builtin_i.local] = new_var
226 |
227 | assign_b[builtin_i.export_] = assign_osh.Export(mem, errfmt)
228 | assign_b[builtin_i.readonly] = assign_osh.Readonly(mem, errfmt)
229 |
230 | return assign_b
231 |
232 |
233 | class ShellFiles(object):
234 |
235 | def __init__(self, lang, home_dir, mem, flag):
236 | # type: (str, str, state.Mem, arg_types.main) -> None
237 | assert lang in ('osh', 'ysh'), lang
238 | self.lang = lang
239 | self.home_dir = home_dir
240 | self.mem = mem
241 | self.flag = flag
242 |
243 | def _HistVar(self):
244 | # type: () -> str
245 | return 'HISTFILE' if self.lang == 'osh' else 'YSH_HISTFILE'
246 |
247 | def _DefaultHistoryFile(self):
248 | # type: () -> str
249 | return os_path.join(self.home_dir,
250 | '.local/share/oils/%s_history' % self.lang)
251 |
252 | def InitAfterLoadingEnv(self):
253 | # type: () -> None
254 |
255 | hist_var = self._HistVar()
256 | if self.mem.GetValue(hist_var).tag() == value_e.Undef:
257 | # Note: if the directory doesn't exist, GNU readline ignores
258 | state.SetGlobalString(self.mem, hist_var,
259 | self._DefaultHistoryFile())
260 |
261 | def HistoryFile(self):
262 | # type: () -> Optional[str]
263 | # TODO: In non-strict mode we should try to cast the HISTFILE value to a
264 | # string following bash's rules
265 |
266 | UP_val = self.mem.GetValue(self._HistVar())
267 | if UP_val.tag() == value_e.Str:
268 | val = cast(value.Str, UP_val)
269 | return val.s
270 | else:
271 | # Note: if HISTFILE is an array, bash will return ${HISTFILE[0]}
272 | return None
273 | #return self._DefaultHistoryFile()
274 |
275 | # TODO: can we recover line information here?
276 | # might be useful to show where HISTFILE was set
277 | #raise error.Strict("$HISTFILE should only ever be a string", loc.Missing)
278 |
279 |
280 | def Main(
281 | lang, # type: str
282 | arg_r, # type: args.Reader
283 | environ, # type: Dict[str, str]
284 | login_shell, # type: bool
285 | loader, # type: pyutil._ResourceLoader
286 | readline, # type: Optional[Readline]
287 | ):
288 | # type: (...) -> int
289 | """The full shell lifecycle. Used by bin/osh and bin/ysh.
290 |
291 | Args:
292 | lang: 'osh' or 'ysh'
293 | login_shell: Was - on argv[0]?
294 | loader: to get help, version, grammar, etc.
295 | readline: optional GNU readline
296 | """
297 | # Differences between osh and ysh:
298 | # - oshrc vs yshrc
299 | # - shopt -s ysh:all
300 | # - Prompt
301 | # - --help
302 |
303 | argv0 = arg_r.Peek()
304 | assert argv0 is not None
305 | arg_r.Next()
306 |
307 | assert lang in ('osh', 'ysh'), lang
308 |
309 | try:
310 | attrs = flag_util.ParseMore('main', arg_r)
311 | except error.Usage as e:
312 | print_stderr('%s usage error: %s' % (lang, e.msg))
313 | return 2
314 | flag = arg_types.main(attrs.attrs)
315 |
316 | arena = alloc.Arena()
317 | errfmt = ui.ErrorFormatter()
318 |
319 | if flag.help:
320 | util.HelpFlag(loader, '%s-usage' % lang, mylib.Stdout())
321 | return 0
322 | if flag.version:
323 | util.VersionFlag(loader, mylib.Stdout())
324 | return 0
325 |
326 | if flag.tool == 'cat-em':
327 | paths = arg_r.Rest()
328 |
329 | status = 0
330 | for p in paths:
331 | try:
332 | contents = loader.Get(p)
333 | print(contents)
334 | except (OSError, IOError):
335 | print_stderr("cat-em: %r not found" % p)
336 | status = 1
337 | return status
338 |
339 | debug_stack = [] # type: List[debug_frame_t]
340 | if arg_r.AtEnd():
341 | dollar0 = argv0
342 | else:
343 | dollar0 = arg_r.Peek() # the script name, or the arg after -c
344 |
345 | frame0 = debug_frame.Main(dollar0)
346 | debug_stack.append(frame0)
347 |
348 | script_name = arg_r.Peek() # type: Optional[str]
349 | arg_r.Next()
350 | mem = state.Mem(dollar0, arg_r.Rest(), arena, debug_stack)
351 |
352 | opt_hook = ShellOptHook(readline)
353 | # Note: only MutableOpts needs mem, so it's not a true circular dep.
354 | parse_opts, exec_opts, mutable_opts = state.MakeOpts(mem, opt_hook)
355 | mem.exec_opts = exec_opts # circular dep
356 | mutable_opts.Init()
357 |
358 | # Set these BEFORE processing flags, so they can be overridden.
359 | if lang == 'ysh':
360 | mutable_opts.SetAnyOption('ysh:all', True)
361 |
362 | pure_osh.SetOptionsFromFlags(mutable_opts, attrs.opt_changes,
363 | attrs.shopt_changes)
364 |
365 | version_str = pyutil.GetVersion(loader)
366 | state.InitMem(mem, environ, version_str)
367 |
368 | # TODO: consider turning on no_copy_env in YSH
369 | if exec_opts.no_copy_env():
370 | # Don't consult the environment
371 | mem.SetPwd(state.GetWorkingDir())
372 | else:
373 | state.InitVarsFromEnv(mem, environ)
374 |
375 | # MUTABLE GLOBAL that's SEPARATE from $PWD. Used by the 'pwd' builtin, but
376 | # it can't be modified by users.
377 | val = mem.GetValue('PWD')
378 | # should be true since it's exported
379 | assert val.tag() == value_e.Str, val
380 | pwd = cast(value.Str, val).s
381 | mem.SetPwd(pwd)
382 |
383 | if attrs.show_options: # special case: sh -o
384 | mutable_opts.ShowOptions([])
385 | return 0
386 |
387 | # feedback between runtime and parser
388 | aliases = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
389 |
390 | ysh_grammar = pyutil.LoadYshGrammar(loader)
391 |
392 | if flag.do_lossless and not exec_opts.noexec():
393 | raise error.Usage('--one-pass-parse requires noexec (-n)', loc.Missing)
394 |
395 | # Tools always use one pass parse
396 | # Note: osh --tool syntax-tree is like osh -n --one-pass-parse
397 | do_lossless = True if len(flag.tool) else flag.do_lossless
398 |
399 | parse_ctx = parse_lib.ParseContext(arena,
400 | parse_opts,
401 | aliases,
402 | ysh_grammar,
403 | do_lossless=do_lossless)
404 |
405 | # Three ParseContext instances SHARE aliases.
406 | comp_arena = alloc.Arena()
407 | comp_arena.PushSource(source.Unused('completion'))
408 | trail1 = parse_lib.Trail()
409 | # do_lossless needs to be turned on to complete inside backticks. TODO:
410 | # fix the issue where ` gets erased because it's not part of
411 | # set_completer_delims().
412 | comp_ctx = parse_lib.ParseContext(comp_arena,
413 | parse_opts,
414 | aliases,
415 | ysh_grammar,
416 | do_lossless=True)
417 | comp_ctx.Init_Trail(trail1)
418 |
419 | hist_arena = alloc.Arena()
420 | hist_arena.PushSource(source.Unused('history'))
421 | trail2 = parse_lib.Trail()
422 | hist_ctx = parse_lib.ParseContext(hist_arena, parse_opts, aliases,
423 | ysh_grammar)
424 | hist_ctx.Init_Trail(trail2)
425 |
426 | # Deps helps manages dependencies. These dependencies are circular:
427 | # - cmd_ev and word_ev, arith_ev -- for command sub, arith sub
428 | # - arith_ev and word_ev -- for $(( ${a} )) and $x$(( 1 ))
429 | # - cmd_ev and builtins (which execute code, like eval)
430 | # - prompt_ev needs word_ev for $PS1, which needs prompt_ev for @P
431 | cmd_deps = cmd_eval.Deps()
432 | cmd_deps.mutable_opts = mutable_opts
433 |
434 | job_control = process.JobControl()
435 | job_list = process.JobList()
436 | fd_state = process.FdState(errfmt, job_control, job_list, mem, None, None,
437 | exec_opts)
438 |
439 | my_pid = posix.getpid()
440 |
441 | debug_path = ''
442 | debug_dir = environ.get('OILS_DEBUG_DIR')
443 | if flag.debug_file is not None:
444 | # --debug-file takes precedence over OSH_DEBUG_DIR
445 | debug_path = flag.debug_file
446 | elif debug_dir is not None:
447 | debug_path = os_path.join(debug_dir, '%d-osh.log' % my_pid)
448 |
449 | if len(debug_path):
450 | # This will be created as an empty file if it doesn't exist, or it could be
451 | # a pipe.
452 | try:
453 | debug_f = util.DebugFile(
454 | fd_state.OpenForWrite(debug_path)) # type: util._DebugFile
455 | except (IOError, OSError) as e:
456 | print_stderr("%s: Couldn't open %r: %s" %
457 | (lang, debug_path, posix.strerror(e.errno)))
458 | return 2
459 | else:
460 | debug_f = util.NullDebugFile()
461 |
462 | if flag.xtrace_to_debug_file:
463 | trace_f = debug_f
464 | else:
465 | trace_f = util.DebugFile(mylib.Stderr())
466 |
467 | trace_dir = environ.get('OILS_TRACE_DIR', '')
468 | dumps = environ.get('OILS_TRACE_DUMPS', '')
469 | streams = environ.get('OILS_TRACE_STREAMS', '')
470 | multi_trace = dev.MultiTracer(my_pid, trace_dir, dumps, streams, fd_state)
471 |
472 | tracer = dev.Tracer(parse_ctx, exec_opts, mutable_opts, mem, trace_f,
473 | multi_trace)
474 | fd_state.tracer = tracer # circular dep
475 |
476 | signal_safe = pyos.InitSignalSafe()
477 | trap_state = trap_osh.TrapState(signal_safe)
478 |
479 | waiter = process.Waiter(job_list, exec_opts, signal_safe, tracer)
480 | fd_state.waiter = waiter
481 |
482 | cmd_deps.debug_f = debug_f
483 |
484 | now = time_.time()
485 | iso_stamp = time_.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time_.localtime(now))
486 |
487 | argv_buf = mylib.BufWriter()
488 | dev.PrintShellArgv(arg_r.argv, argv_buf)
489 |
490 | debug_f.writeln('%s [%d] Oils started with argv %s' %
491 | (iso_stamp, my_pid, argv_buf.getvalue()))
492 | if len(debug_path):
493 | debug_f.writeln('Writing logs to %r' % debug_path)
494 |
495 | interp = environ.get('OILS_HIJACK_SHEBANG', '')
496 | search_path = state.SearchPath(mem)
497 | ext_prog = process.ExternalProgram(interp, fd_state, errfmt, debug_f)
498 |
499 | splitter = split.SplitContext(mem)
500 | # TODO: This is instantiation is duplicated in osh/word_eval.py
501 | globber = glob_.Globber(exec_opts)
502 |
503 | # This could just be OILS_TRACE_DUMPS='crash:argv0'
504 | crash_dump_dir = environ.get('OILS_CRASH_DUMP_DIR', '')
505 | cmd_deps.dumper = dev.CrashDumper(crash_dump_dir, fd_state)
506 |
507 | comp_lookup = completion.Lookup()
508 |
509 | # Various Global State objects to work around readline interfaces
510 | compopt_state = completion.OptionState()
511 |
512 | comp_ui_state = comp_ui.State()
513 | prompt_state = comp_ui.PromptState()
514 |
515 | # The login program is supposed to set $HOME
516 | # https://superuser.com/questions/271925/where-is-the-home-environment-variable-set
517 | # state.InitMem(mem) must happen first
518 | tilde_ev = word_eval.TildeEvaluator(mem, exec_opts)
519 | home_dir = tilde_ev.GetMyHomeDir()
520 | if home_dir is None:
521 | # TODO: print errno from getpwuid()
522 | print_stderr("%s: Failed to get home dir from $HOME or getpwuid()" %
523 | lang)
524 | return 1
525 |
526 | sh_files = ShellFiles(lang, home_dir, mem, flag)
527 | sh_files.InitAfterLoadingEnv()
528 |
529 | #
530 | # Executor and Evaluators (are circularly dependent)
531 | #
532 |
533 | # Global proc namespace. Funcs are defined in the common variable
534 | # namespace.
535 | procs = state.Procs(mem) # type: state.Procs
536 |
537 | builtins = {} # type: Dict[int, vm._Builtin]
538 |
539 | # e.g. s->startswith()
540 | methods = {} # type: Dict[int, Dict[str, vm._Callable]]
541 |
542 | hay_state = hay_ysh.HayState()
543 |
544 | shell_ex = executor.ShellExecutor(mem, exec_opts, mutable_opts, procs,
545 | hay_state, builtins, search_path,
546 | ext_prog, waiter, tracer, job_control,
547 | job_list, fd_state, trap_state, errfmt)
548 |
549 | arith_ev = sh_expr_eval.ArithEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, mutable_opts,
550 | parse_ctx, errfmt)
551 | bool_ev = sh_expr_eval.BoolEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, mutable_opts,
552 | parse_ctx, errfmt)
553 | expr_ev = expr_eval.ExprEvaluator(mem, mutable_opts, methods, splitter,
554 | errfmt)
555 | word_ev = word_eval.NormalWordEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, mutable_opts,
556 | tilde_ev, splitter, errfmt)
557 |
558 | assign_b = InitAssignmentBuiltins(mem, procs, exec_opts, errfmt)
559 | cmd_ev = cmd_eval.CommandEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, errfmt, procs, assign_b,
560 | arena, cmd_deps, trap_state,
561 | signal_safe)
562 |
563 | # PromptEvaluator rendering is needed in non-interactive shells for @P.
564 | prompt_ev = prompt.Evaluator(lang, version_str, parse_ctx, mem)
565 | global_io = value.IO(cmd_ev, prompt_ev)
566 | global_guts = value.Guts(None)
567 |
568 | # Wire up circular dependencies.
569 | vm.InitCircularDeps(arith_ev, bool_ev, expr_ev, word_ev, cmd_ev, shell_ex,
570 | prompt_ev, global_io, tracer)
571 |
572 | unsafe_arith = sh_expr_eval.UnsafeArith(mem, exec_opts, mutable_opts,
573 | parse_ctx, arith_ev, errfmt)
574 | vm.InitUnsafeArith(mem, word_ev, unsafe_arith)
575 |
576 | #
577 | # Initialize Built-in Procs
578 | #
579 |
580 | b = builtins # short alias for initialization
581 |
582 | if mylib.PYTHON:
583 | if help_meta:
584 | help_data = help_meta.TopicMetadata()
585 | else:
586 | help_data = {} # minimal build
587 | else:
588 | help_data = help_meta.TopicMetadata()
589 | b[builtin_i.help] = misc_osh.Help(lang, loader, help_data, errfmt)
590 |
591 | # Interpreter state
592 | b[builtin_i.set] = pure_osh.Set(mutable_opts, mem)
593 | b[builtin_i.shopt] = pure_osh.Shopt(mutable_opts, cmd_ev)
594 |
595 | b[builtin_i.hash] = pure_osh.Hash(search_path) # not really pure
596 | b[builtin_i.trap] = trap_osh.Trap(trap_state, parse_ctx, tracer, errfmt)
597 |
598 | b[builtin_i.shvar] = pure_ysh.Shvar(mem, search_path, cmd_ev)
599 | b[builtin_i.ctx] = pure_ysh.Ctx(mem, cmd_ev)
600 | b[builtin_i.push_registers] = pure_ysh.PushRegisters(mem, cmd_ev)
601 |
602 | # Hay
603 | b[builtin_i.hay] = hay_ysh.Hay(hay_state, mutable_opts, mem, cmd_ev)
604 | b[builtin_i.haynode] = hay_ysh.HayNode_(hay_state, mem, cmd_ev)
605 |
606 | # Interpreter introspection
607 | b[builtin_i.type] = meta_osh.Type(procs, aliases, search_path, errfmt)
608 | b[builtin_i.builtin] = meta_osh.Builtin(shell_ex, errfmt)
609 | b[builtin_i.command] = meta_osh.Command(shell_ex, procs, aliases,
610 | search_path)
611 | # Part of YSH, but similar to builtin/command
612 | b[builtin_i.runproc] = meta_osh.RunProc(shell_ex, procs, errfmt)
613 |
614 | # Meta builtins
615 | source_builtin = meta_osh.Source(parse_ctx, search_path, cmd_ev, fd_state,
616 | tracer, errfmt, loader)
617 | b[builtin_i.source] = source_builtin
618 | b[builtin_i.dot] = source_builtin
619 | b[builtin_i.eval] = meta_osh.Eval(parse_ctx, exec_opts, cmd_ev, tracer,
620 | errfmt, mem)
621 |
622 | # Module builtins
623 | guards = {} # type: Dict[str, bool]
624 | b[builtin_i.source_guard] = module_ysh.SourceGuard(guards, exec_opts,
625 | errfmt)
626 | b[builtin_i.is_main] = module_ysh.IsMain(mem)
627 | b[builtin_i.use] = module_ysh.Use(mem, errfmt)
628 |
629 | # Errors
630 | b[builtin_i.error] = error_ysh.Error()
631 | b[builtin_i.failed] = error_ysh.Failed(mem)
632 | b[builtin_i.boolstatus] = error_ysh.BoolStatus(shell_ex, errfmt)
633 | b[builtin_i.try_] = error_ysh.Try(mutable_opts, mem, cmd_ev, shell_ex,
634 | errfmt)
635 | b[builtin_i.assert_] = error_ysh.Assert(expr_ev, errfmt)
636 |
637 | # Pure builtins
638 | true_ = pure_osh.Boolean(0)
639 | b[builtin_i.colon] = true_ # a "special" builtin
640 | b[builtin_i.true_] = true_
641 | b[builtin_i.false_] = pure_osh.Boolean(1)
642 |
643 | b[builtin_i.alias] = pure_osh.Alias(aliases, errfmt)
644 | b[builtin_i.unalias] = pure_osh.UnAlias(aliases, errfmt)
645 |
646 | b[builtin_i.getopts] = pure_osh.GetOpts(mem, errfmt)
647 |
648 | b[builtin_i.shift] = assign_osh.Shift(mem)
649 | b[builtin_i.unset] = assign_osh.Unset(mem, procs, unsafe_arith, errfmt)
650 |
651 | b[builtin_i.append] = pure_ysh.Append(mem, errfmt)
652 |
653 | # test / [ differ by need_right_bracket
654 | b[builtin_i.test] = bracket_osh.Test(False, exec_opts, mem, errfmt)
655 | b[builtin_i.bracket] = bracket_osh.Test(True, exec_opts, mem, errfmt)
656 |
657 | # Output
658 | b[builtin_i.echo] = io_osh.Echo(exec_opts)
659 | b[builtin_i.printf] = printf_osh.Printf(mem, parse_ctx, unsafe_arith,
660 | errfmt)
661 | b[builtin_i.write] = io_ysh.Write(mem, errfmt)
662 | b[builtin_i.fopen] = io_ysh.Fopen(mem, cmd_ev)
663 |
664 | # (pp output format isn't stable)
665 | b[builtin_i.pp] = io_ysh.Pp(expr_ev, mem, errfmt, procs, arena)
666 |
667 | # Input
668 | b[builtin_i.cat] = io_osh.Cat() # for $(<file)
669 | b[builtin_i.read] = read_osh.Read(splitter, mem, parse_ctx, cmd_ev, errfmt)
670 |
671 | mapfile = io_osh.MapFile(mem, errfmt, cmd_ev)
672 | b[builtin_i.mapfile] = mapfile
673 | b[builtin_i.readarray] = mapfile
674 |
675 | # Dirs
676 | dir_stack = dirs_osh.DirStack()
677 | b[builtin_i.cd] = dirs_osh.Cd(mem, dir_stack, cmd_ev, errfmt)
678 | b[builtin_i.pushd] = dirs_osh.Pushd(mem, dir_stack, errfmt)
679 | b[builtin_i.popd] = dirs_osh.Popd(mem, dir_stack, errfmt)
680 | b[builtin_i.dirs] = dirs_osh.Dirs(mem, dir_stack, errfmt)
681 | b[builtin_i.pwd] = dirs_osh.Pwd(mem, errfmt)
682 |
683 | b[builtin_i.times] = misc_osh.Times()
684 |
685 | b[builtin_i.json] = json_ysh.Json(mem, errfmt, False)
686 | b[builtin_i.json8] = json_ysh.Json(mem, errfmt, True)
687 |
688 | ### Process builtins
689 | b[builtin_i.exec_] = process_osh.Exec(mem, ext_prog, fd_state, search_path,
690 | errfmt)
691 | b[builtin_i.umask] = process_osh.Umask()
692 | b[builtin_i.ulimit] = process_osh.Ulimit()
693 | b[builtin_i.wait] = process_osh.Wait(waiter, job_list, mem, tracer, errfmt)
694 |
695 | b[builtin_i.jobs] = process_osh.Jobs(job_list)
696 | b[builtin_i.fg] = process_osh.Fg(job_control, job_list, waiter)
697 | b[builtin_i.bg] = process_osh.Bg(job_list)
698 |
699 | # Could be in process_ysh
700 | b[builtin_i.fork] = process_osh.Fork(shell_ex)
701 | b[builtin_i.forkwait] = process_osh.ForkWait(shell_ex)
702 |
703 | # Interactive builtins depend on readline
704 | b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt)
705 | b[builtin_i.history] = readline_osh.History(readline, sh_files, errfmt,
706 | mylib.Stdout())
707 |
708 | # Completion
709 | spec_builder = completion_osh.SpecBuilder(cmd_ev, parse_ctx, word_ev,
710 | splitter, comp_lookup, help_data,
711 | errfmt)
712 | complete_builtin = completion_osh.Complete(spec_builder, comp_lookup)
713 | b[builtin_i.complete] = complete_builtin
714 | b[builtin_i.compgen] = completion_osh.CompGen(spec_builder)
715 | b[builtin_i.compopt] = completion_osh.CompOpt(compopt_state, errfmt)
716 | b[builtin_i.compadjust] = completion_osh.CompAdjust(mem)
717 |
718 | comp_ev = word_eval.CompletionWordEvaluator(mem, exec_opts, mutable_opts,
719 | tilde_ev, splitter, errfmt)
720 |
721 | comp_ev.arith_ev = arith_ev
722 | comp_ev.expr_ev = expr_ev
723 | comp_ev.prompt_ev = prompt_ev
724 | comp_ev.CheckCircularDeps()
725 |
726 | root_comp = completion.RootCompleter(comp_ev, mem, comp_lookup,
727 | compopt_state, comp_ui_state,
728 | comp_ctx, debug_f)
729 | b[builtin_i.compexport] = completion_ysh.CompExport(root_comp)
730 |
731 | #
732 | # Initialize Builtin-in Methods
733 | #
734 |
735 | methods[value_e.Str] = {
736 | 'startsWith': method_str.HasAffix(method_str.START),
737 | 'endsWith': method_str.HasAffix(method_str.END),
738 | 'trim': method_str.Trim(method_str.START | method_str.END),
739 | 'trimStart': method_str.Trim(method_str.START),
740 | 'trimEnd': method_str.Trim(method_str.END),
741 | 'upper': method_str.Upper(),
742 | 'lower': method_str.Lower(),
743 |
744 | # finds a substring, optional position to start at
745 | 'find': None,
746 |
747 | # replace substring, OR an eggex
748 | # takes count=3, the max number of replacements to do.
749 | 'replace': method_str.Replace(mem, expr_ev),
750 |
751 | # Like Python's re.search, except we put it on the string object
752 | # It's more consistent with Str->find(substring, pos=0)
753 | # It returns value.Match() rather than an integer
754 | 'search': method_str.SearchMatch(method_str.SEARCH),
755 |
756 | # like Python's re.match()
757 | 'leftMatch': method_str.SearchMatch(method_str.LEFT_MATCH),
758 |
759 | # like Python's re.fullmatch(), not sure if we really need it
760 | 'fullMatch': None,
761 | }
762 | methods[value_e.Dict] = {
763 | 'get': method_dict.Get(),
764 | 'erase': method_dict.Erase(),
765 | 'keys': method_dict.Keys(),
766 | 'values': method_dict.Values(),
767 |
768 | # I think items() isn't as necessary because dicts are ordered?
769 | # YSH code shouldn't use the List of Lists representation.
770 |
771 | # could be d->tally() or d->increment(), but inc() is short
772 | #
773 | # call d->inc('mycounter')
774 | # call d->inc('mycounter', 3)
775 | 'inc': None,
776 |
777 | # call d->accum('mygroup', 'value')
778 | 'accum': None,
779 | }
780 | methods[value_e.List] = {
781 | 'reverse': method_list.Reverse(),
782 | 'append': method_list.Append(),
783 | 'extend': method_list.Extend(),
784 | 'pop': method_list.Pop(),
785 | 'insert': None, # insert object before index
786 | 'remove': None, # insert object before index
787 | 'indexOf': method_list.IndexOf(), # return first index of value, or -1
788 | # Python list() has index(), which raises ValueError
789 | # But this is consistent with Str->find(), and doesn't
790 | # use exceptions
791 | 'join': func_misc.Join(), # both a method and a func
792 | }
793 |
794 | methods[value_e.Match] = {
795 | 'group': func_eggex.MatchMethod(func_eggex.G, expr_ev),
796 | 'start': func_eggex.MatchMethod(func_eggex.S, None),
797 | 'end': func_eggex.MatchMethod(func_eggex.E, None),
798 | }
799 |
800 | methods[value_e.IO] = {
801 | # io->eval(myblock) is the functional version of eval (myblock)
802 | # Should we also have expr->eval() instead of evalExpr?
803 | 'eval': method_io.Eval(cmd_ev),
804 |
805 | # identical to command sub
806 | 'captureStdout': method_io.CaptureStdout(shell_ex),
807 | 'promptVal': method_io.PromptVal(),
808 | 'time': method_io.Time(),
809 | 'strftime': method_io.Strftime(),
810 | }
811 |
812 | methods[value_e.Place] = {
813 | # instead of setplace keyword
814 | 'setValue': method_other.SetValue(mem),
815 | }
816 |
817 | methods[value_e.Command] = {
818 | # var x = ^(echo hi)
819 | # Export source code and line number
820 | # Useful for test frameworks and so forth
821 | 'export': None,
822 | }
823 |
824 | #
825 | # Initialize Built-in Funcs
826 | #
827 |
828 | parse_hay = func_hay.ParseHay(fd_state, parse_ctx, errfmt)
829 | eval_hay = func_hay.EvalHay(hay_state, mutable_opts, mem, cmd_ev)
830 | hay_func = func_hay.HayFunc(hay_state)
831 |
832 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'parseHay', parse_hay)
833 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'evalHay', eval_hay)
834 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, '_hay', hay_func)
835 |
836 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'len', func_misc.Len())
837 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'type', func_misc.Type())
838 |
839 | g = func_eggex.MatchFunc(func_eggex.G, expr_ev, mem)
840 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, '_group', g)
841 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, '_match', g) # TODO: remove this backward compat alias
842 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, '_start', func_eggex.MatchFunc(func_eggex.S, None,
843 | mem))
844 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, '_end', func_eggex.MatchFunc(func_eggex.E, None, mem))
845 |
846 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'evalExpr', func_misc.EvalExpr(expr_ev))
847 |
848 | # type conversions
849 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'bool', func_misc.Bool())
850 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'int', func_misc.Int())
851 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'float', func_misc.Float())
852 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'str', func_misc.Str_())
853 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'list', func_misc.List_())
854 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'dict', func_misc.Dict_())
855 |
856 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'runes', func_misc.Runes())
857 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'encodeRunes', func_misc.EncodeRunes())
858 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'bytes', func_misc.Bytes())
859 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'encodeBytes', func_misc.EncodeBytes())
860 |
861 | # Str
862 | #_SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'strcmp', None)
863 | # TODO: This should be Python style splitting
864 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'split', func_misc.Split(splitter))
865 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'shSplit', func_misc.Split(splitter))
866 |
867 | # Float
868 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'floatsEqual', func_misc.FloatsEqual())
869 |
870 | # List
871 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'join', func_misc.Join())
872 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'maybe', func_misc.Maybe())
873 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'glob', func_misc.Glob(globber))
874 |
875 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'shvarGet', func_misc.Shvar_get(mem))
876 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'getVar', func_misc.GetVar(mem))
877 |
878 | # Serialize
879 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'toJson8', func_misc.ToJson8(True))
880 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'toJson', func_misc.ToJson8(False))
881 |
882 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'fromJson8', func_misc.FromJson8(True))
883 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, 'fromJson', func_misc.FromJson8(False))
884 |
885 | # Demos
886 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, '_a2sp', func_misc.BashArrayToSparse())
887 | _SetGlobalFunc(mem, '_opsp', func_misc.SparseOp())
888 |
889 | mem.SetNamed(location.LName('_io'), global_io, scope_e.GlobalOnly)
890 | mem.SetNamed(location.LName('_guts'), global_guts, scope_e.GlobalOnly)
891 |
892 | mem.SetNamed(location.LName('stdin'), value.Stdin, scope_e.GlobalOnly)
893 |
894 | #
895 | # Is the shell interactive?
896 | #
897 |
898 | # History evaluation is a no-op if readline is None.
899 | hist_ev = history.Evaluator(readline, hist_ctx, debug_f)
900 |
901 | if flag.c is not None:
902 | src = source.CFlag # type: source_t
903 | line_reader = reader.StringLineReader(flag.c,
904 | arena) # type: reader._Reader
905 | if flag.i: # -c and -i can be combined
906 | mutable_opts.set_interactive()
907 |
908 | elif flag.i: # force interactive
909 | src = source.Stdin(' -i')
910 | line_reader = reader.InteractiveLineReader(arena, prompt_ev, hist_ev,
911 | readline, prompt_state)
912 | mutable_opts.set_interactive()
913 |
914 | else:
915 | if script_name is None:
916 | if flag.headless:
917 | src = source.Headless
918 | line_reader = None # unused!
919 | # Not setting '-i' flag for now. Some people's bashrc may want it?
920 | else:
921 | stdin_ = mylib.Stdin()
922 | # --tool never starts a prompt
923 | if len(flag.tool) == 0 and stdin_.isatty():
924 | src = source.Interactive
925 | line_reader = reader.InteractiveLineReader(
926 | arena, prompt_ev, hist_ev, readline, prompt_state)
927 | mutable_opts.set_interactive()
928 | else:
929 | src = source.Stdin('')
930 | line_reader = reader.FileLineReader(stdin_, arena)
931 | else:
932 | src = source.MainFile(script_name)
933 | try:
934 | f = fd_state.Open(script_name)
935 | except (IOError, OSError) as e:
936 | print_stderr("%s: Couldn't open %r: %s" %
937 | (lang, script_name, posix.strerror(e.errno)))
938 | return 1
939 | line_reader = reader.FileLineReader(f, arena)
940 |
941 | # Pretend it came from somewhere else
942 | if flag.location_str is not None:
943 | src = source.Synthetic(flag.location_str)
944 | assert line_reader is not None
945 | location_start_line = mops.BigTruncate(flag.location_start_line)
946 | if location_start_line != -1:
947 | line_reader.SetLineOffset(location_start_line)
948 |
949 | arena.PushSource(src)
950 |
951 | # Calculate ~/.config/oils/oshrc or yshrc. Used for both -i and --headless
952 | # We avoid cluttering the user's home directory. Some users may want to ln
953 | # -s ~/.config/oils/oshrc ~/oshrc or ~/.oshrc.
954 |
955 | # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/24347/why-do-some-applications-use-config-appname-for-their-config-data-while-other
956 |
957 | config_dir = '.config/oils'
958 | rc_paths = [] # type: List[str]
959 | if not flag.norc and (flag.headless or exec_opts.interactive()):
960 | # User's rcfile comes FIRST. Later we can add an 'after-rcdir' hook
961 | rc_path = flag.rcfile
962 | if rc_path is None:
963 | rc_paths.append(
964 | os_path.join(home_dir, '%s/%src' % (config_dir, lang)))
965 | else:
966 | rc_paths.append(rc_path)
967 |
968 | # Load all files in ~/.config/oil/oshrc.d or oilrc.d
969 | # This way "installers" can avoid mutating oshrc directly
970 |
971 | rc_dir = flag.rcdir
972 | if rc_dir is None:
973 | rc_dir = os_path.join(home_dir, '%s/%src.d' % (config_dir, lang))
974 |
975 | rc_paths.extend(libc.glob(os_path.join(rc_dir, '*')))
976 | else:
977 | if flag.rcfile is not None: # bash doesn't have this warning, but it's useful
978 | print_stderr('%s warning: --rcfile ignored with --norc' % lang)
979 | if flag.rcdir is not None:
980 | print_stderr('%s warning: --rcdir ignored with --norc' % lang)
981 |
982 | # Initialize even in non-interactive shell, for 'compexport'
983 | _InitDefaultCompletions(cmd_ev, complete_builtin, comp_lookup)
984 |
985 | if flag.headless:
986 | state.InitInteractive(mem)
987 | mutable_opts.set_redefine_proc_func()
988 | mutable_opts.set_redefine_module()
989 |
990 | # NOTE: rc files loaded AFTER _InitDefaultCompletions.
991 | for rc_path in rc_paths:
992 | with state.ctx_ThisDir(mem, rc_path):
993 | try:
994 | SourceStartupFile(fd_state, rc_path, lang, parse_ctx,
995 | cmd_ev, errfmt)
996 | except util.UserExit as e:
997 | return e.status
998 |
999 | loop = main_loop.Headless(cmd_ev, parse_ctx, errfmt)
1000 | try:
1001 | # TODO: What other exceptions happen here?
1002 | status = loop.Loop()
1003 | except util.UserExit as e:
1004 | status = e.status
1005 |
1006 | # Same logic as interactive shell
1007 | mut_status = IntParamBox(status)
1008 | cmd_ev.RunTrapsOnExit(mut_status)
1009 | status = mut_status.i
1010 |
1011 | return status
1012 |
1013 | # Note: headless mode above doesn't use c_parser
1014 | assert line_reader is not None
1015 | c_parser = parse_ctx.MakeOshParser(line_reader)
1016 |
1017 | if exec_opts.interactive():
1018 | state.InitInteractive(mem)
1019 | # bash: 'set -o emacs' is the default only in the interactive shell
1020 | mutable_opts.set_emacs()
1021 | mutable_opts.set_redefine_proc_func()
1022 | mutable_opts.set_redefine_module()
1023 |
1024 | if readline:
1025 | term_width = 0
1026 | if flag.completion_display == 'nice':
1027 | try:
1028 | term_width = libc.get_terminal_width()
1029 | except (IOError, OSError): # stdin not a terminal
1030 | pass
1031 |
1032 | if term_width != 0:
1033 | display = comp_ui.NiceDisplay(
1034 | term_width, comp_ui_state, prompt_state, debug_f, readline,
1035 | signal_safe) # type: comp_ui._IDisplay
1036 | else:
1037 | display = comp_ui.MinimalDisplay(comp_ui_state, prompt_state,
1038 | debug_f)
1039 |
1040 | comp_ui.InitReadline(readline, sh_files.HistoryFile(), root_comp,
1041 | display, debug_f)
1042 |
1043 | _InitDefaultCompletions(cmd_ev, complete_builtin, comp_lookup)
1044 | if flag.completion_demo:
1045 | _CompletionDemo(comp_lookup)
1046 |
1047 | else: # Without readline module
1048 | display = comp_ui.MinimalDisplay(comp_ui_state, prompt_state,
1049 | debug_f)
1050 |
1051 | process.InitInteractiveShell() # Set signal handlers
1052 |
1053 | # The interactive shell leads a process group which controls the terminal.
1054 | # It MUST give up the terminal afterward, otherwise we get SIGTTIN /
1055 | # SIGTTOU bugs.
1056 | with process.ctx_TerminalControl(job_control, errfmt):
1057 |
1058 | # NOTE: rc files loaded AFTER _InitDefaultCompletions.
1059 | for rc_path in rc_paths:
1060 | with state.ctx_ThisDir(mem, rc_path):
1061 | try:
1062 | SourceStartupFile(fd_state, rc_path, lang, parse_ctx,
1063 | cmd_ev, errfmt)
1064 | except util.UserExit as e:
1065 | return e.status
1066 |
1067 | assert line_reader is not None
1068 | line_reader.Reset() # After sourcing startup file, render $PS1
1069 |
1070 | prompt_plugin = prompt.UserPlugin(mem, parse_ctx, cmd_ev, errfmt)
1071 | try:
1072 | status = main_loop.Interactive(flag, cmd_ev, c_parser, display,
1073 | prompt_plugin, waiter, errfmt)
1074 | except util.UserExit as e:
1075 | status = e.status
1076 |
1077 | mut_status = IntParamBox(status)
1078 | cmd_ev.RunTrapsOnExit(mut_status)
1079 | status = mut_status.i
1080 |
1081 | if readline:
1082 | hist_file = sh_files.HistoryFile()
1083 | if hist_file is not None:
1084 | try:
1085 | readline.write_history_file(hist_file)
1086 | except (IOError, OSError):
1087 | pass
1088 |
1089 | return status
1090 |
1091 | if flag.rcfile is not None: # bash doesn't have this warning, but it's useful
1092 | print_stderr('%s warning: --rcfile ignored in non-interactive shell' %
1093 | lang)
1094 | if flag.rcdir is not None:
1095 | print_stderr('%s warning: --rcdir ignored in non-interactive shell' %
1096 | lang)
1097 |
1098 | #
1099 | # Tools that use the OSH/YSH parsing mode, etc.
1100 | #
1101 |
1102 | # flag.tool is '' if nothing is passed
1103 | # osh --tool syntax-tree is equivalent to osh -n --one-pass-parse
1104 | tool_name = 'syntax-tree' if exec_opts.noexec() else flag.tool
1105 |
1106 | if len(tool_name):
1107 | # Don't save tokens becaues it's slow
1108 | if tool_name != 'syntax-tree':
1109 | arena.SaveTokens()
1110 |
1111 | try:
1112 | node = main_loop.ParseWholeFile(c_parser)
1113 | except error.Parse as e:
1114 | errfmt.PrettyPrintError(e)
1115 | return 2
1116 |
1117 | if tool_name == 'syntax-tree':
1118 | ui.PrintAst(node, flag)
1119 |
1120 | elif tool_name == 'tokens':
1121 | ysh_ify.PrintTokens(arena)
1122 |
1123 | elif tool_name == 'lossless-cat': # for test/lossless.sh
1124 | ysh_ify.LosslessCat(arena)
1125 |
1126 | elif tool_name == 'fmt':
1127 | fmt.Format(arena, node)
1128 |
1129 | elif tool_name == 'test':
1130 | raise AssertionError('TODO')
1131 |
1132 | elif tool_name == 'ysh-ify':
1133 | ysh_ify.Ysh_ify(arena, node)
1134 |
1135 | elif tool_name == 'deps':
1136 | if mylib.PYTHON:
1137 | deps.Deps(node)
1138 |
1139 | else:
1140 | raise AssertionError(tool_name) # flag parser validated it
1141 |
1142 | return 0
1143 |
1144 | #
1145 | # Run a shell script
1146 | #
1147 |
1148 | with state.ctx_ThisDir(mem, script_name):
1149 | try:
1150 | status = main_loop.Batch(cmd_ev,
1151 | c_parser,
1152 | errfmt,
1153 | cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram)
1154 | except util.UserExit as e:
1155 | status = e.status
1156 | mut_status = IntParamBox(status)
1157 | cmd_ev.RunTrapsOnExit(mut_status)
1158 |
1159 | multi_trace.WriteDumps()
1160 |
1161 | # NOTE: We haven't closed the file opened with fd_state.Open
1162 | return mut_status.i