
WILD / distro / aboriginal / sources

Files Max Lines Total Lines Parse Failures Max Parse Time (secs) Total Parse Time (secs) Translation Failures Directory
1 73 73 0 0.00 0.00 0 root-filesystem/
4 148 227 0 0.00 0.01 0 sections/
7 148 439 2 0.00 0.02 0 toys/

Side By Side Lines Parsed? Parse Process Time (secs) Translated? Filename
view 340 OK 0.004386 OK download_functions.sh
view 454 FAIL 0.004086 OK functions.sh
view 30 OK 0.003392 OK include.sh
view 179 FAIL 0.003718 OK utility_functions.sh
view 107 OK 0.003766 OK variables.sh


Parsing utility_functions.sh
              x=$[$x + 1]
../oil_DEPS/wild/src/distro/aboriginal/sources/utility_functions.sh:51: In expressions, remove $ and use `x`, or sometimes "$x"

Translating utility_functions.sh
              x=$[$x + 1]
../oil_DEPS/wild/src/distro/aboriginal/sources/utility_functions.sh:51: In expressions, remove $ and use `x`, or sometimes "$x"

Parsing download_functions.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing functions.sh
../oil_DEPS/wild/src/distro/aboriginal/sources/functions.sh:387: In expressions, remove $ and use `X`, or sometimes "$X"

Translating functions.sh
../oil_DEPS/wild/src/distro/aboriginal/sources/functions.sh:387: In expressions, remove $ and use `X`, or sometimes "$X"

Parsing include.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing variables.sh
        AST not printed.