1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """test/syscall.py
3 |
4 | Print a results table.
5 |
6 | Input looks like
7 |
8 | 01-dash
9 | 01-dash
10 | 01-osh
11 | 01-osh
12 | 01-bash-4.4
13 | ...
14 | """
15 | from __future__ import print_function
16 |
17 | import collections
18 | import optparse
19 | import os
20 | import re
21 | import sys
22 |
23 |
24 | def log(msg, *args):
25 | if args:
26 | msg = msg % args
27 | print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
28 |
29 |
30 | def Cell(i):
31 | """Visually show number of processes.
32 |
33 | ^ ^^ ^^^ etc.
34 | """
35 | s = '^' * i
36 | return '%6s' % s
37 |
38 |
39 | # lines look like this:
40 | #
41 | # 554 01-osh.1234
42 | # 553 01-osh.1235
43 |
44 | WC_LINE = re.compile(
45 | r'''
46 | \s*
47 | (\d+) # number of lines
48 | \s+
49 | ([a-z0-9.-]+) # shell name, could be bash-4.4
50 | __
51 | (\d{2}) # case ID
52 | ''', re.VERBOSE)
53 |
54 | assert WC_LINE.match(' 68 osh-cpp__01.19610')
55 | # This is unfortunate
56 | assert WC_LINE.match(' 68 bash-4.4__01.19610')
57 |
58 |
59 | def WriteHeader(f, shells, col=''):
60 | f.write("ID\t")
61 | for sh in shells:
62 | # abbreviate
63 | if sh.startswith('bash-4'):
64 | sh = 'bash-4'
65 | elif sh.startswith('bash-5'):
66 | sh = 'bash-5'
67 | f.write("%6s\t" % sh)
68 | f.write('%s\t' % col)
69 | f.write('Description')
70 | f.write("\n")
71 |
72 |
73 | def WriteProcessReport(f, cases, code_strs, proc_sh, num_procs,
74 | procs_by_shell):
75 | not_minimum = 0
76 | more_than_bash = 0
77 | fewer_than_bash = 0
78 |
79 | minimum = {} # case -> number of procses
80 | for case_id in sorted(cases):
81 | min_procs = 20
82 | for sh in proc_sh:
83 | n = num_procs[case_id, sh]
84 | min_procs = min(n, min_procs)
85 | minimum[case_id] = min_procs
86 |
87 | osh_count = num_procs[case_id, 'osh']
88 | if osh_count != min_procs:
89 | not_minimum += 1
90 |
91 | bash_count = num_procs[case_id, 'bash-5.2.21']
92 | if osh_count > bash_count:
93 | more_than_bash += 1
94 | if osh_count < bash_count:
95 | fewer_than_bash += 1
96 |
97 | f.write('Number of Processes Started, by shell and test case\n')
98 | f.write('\n')
99 | f.write("Cases where ...\n")
100 | f.write(" OSH isn't the minimum: %d\n" % not_minimum)
101 | f.write(" OSH starts more than bash 5: %d\n" % more_than_bash)
102 | f.write(" OSH starts fewer than bash 5: %d\n\n" % fewer_than_bash)
103 | f.write('\n')
104 | WriteHeader(f, proc_sh, col='osh>min')
105 | f.write('\n')
106 |
107 | f.write("TOTAL\t")
108 | for sh in proc_sh:
109 | f.write('%6d\t' % procs_by_shell[sh])
110 | f.write('\n')
111 | f.write('\n')
112 |
113 | for case_id in sorted(cases):
114 | f.write(case_id + "\t")
115 | for sh in proc_sh:
116 | n = num_procs[case_id, sh]
117 | f.write(Cell(n) + "\t")
118 |
119 | osh_count = num_procs[case_id, 'osh']
120 | min_procs = minimum[case_id]
121 | if osh_count != min_procs:
122 | f.write('%d>%d\t' % (osh_count, min_procs))
123 | else:
124 | f.write('\t')
125 |
126 | f.write(code_strs[case_id])
127 | f.write("\n")
128 |
129 | return not_minimum, more_than_bash, fewer_than_bash
130 |
131 |
132 | def WriteSyscallReport(f, cases, code_strs, syscall_sh, num_syscalls,
133 | syscalls_by_shell):
134 | f.write('Number of Syscalls\n\n')
135 |
136 | WriteHeader(f, syscall_sh)
137 |
138 | for case_id in sorted(cases):
139 | f.write(case_id + "\t")
140 | #min_procs = 20
141 | for sh in syscall_sh:
142 | n = num_syscalls[case_id, sh]
143 | f.write('%6d\t' % n)
144 | #min_procs = min(n, min_procs)
145 |
146 | f.write('\t')
147 |
148 | f.write(code_strs[case_id])
149 | f.write("\n")
150 |
151 | f.write("TOTAL\t")
152 | for sh in syscall_sh:
153 | f.write('%6d\t' % syscalls_by_shell[sh])
154 | f.write('\n\n')
155 |
156 |
157 | def Options():
158 | """Returns an option parser instance."""
159 | p = optparse.OptionParser()
160 | p.add_option('--suite',
161 | dest='suite',
162 | default='SUITE',
163 | help='Test suite name')
164 | p.add_option(
165 | '--not-minimum',
166 | dest='not_minimum',
167 | type=int,
168 | default=0,
169 | help=
170 | "Expected number of cases where OSH doesn't start the minimum number of"
171 | "processes")
172 | p.add_option(
173 | '--more-than-bash',
174 | dest='more_than_bash',
175 | type=int,
176 | default=0,
177 | help=
178 | 'Expected number of cases where OSH starts more processes than bash')
179 | return p
180 |
181 |
182 | def main(argv):
183 | o = Options()
184 | opts, argv = o.parse_args(argv[1:])
185 |
186 | cases_path = argv[0]
187 | out_dir = argv[1]
188 |
189 | code_strs = {}
190 | with open(cases_path) as f:
191 | for line in f:
192 | case_id, code_str = line.split(None, 1) # whitespace
193 | code_strs[case_id] = code_str
194 |
195 | cases = set()
196 | shells = set()
197 |
198 | num_procs = collections.defaultdict(int)
199 | procs_by_shell = collections.defaultdict(int)
200 |
201 | num_syscalls = collections.defaultdict(int)
202 | syscalls_by_shell = collections.defaultdict(int)
203 |
204 | #
205 | # Summarize Data
206 | #
207 |
208 | for line in sys.stdin:
209 | m = WC_LINE.match(line)
210 | if not m:
211 | raise RuntimeError('Invalid line %r' % line)
212 | num_sys, sh, case = m.groups()
213 | num_sys = int(num_sys)
214 |
215 | cases.add(case)
216 | shells.add(sh)
217 |
218 | num_procs[case, sh] += 1
219 | num_syscalls[case, sh] += num_sys
220 |
221 | procs_by_shell[sh] += 1
222 | syscalls_by_shell[sh] += num_sys
223 |
224 | # Orders columns by how good the results are, then shell name.
225 | proc_sh = sorted(procs_by_shell, key=lambda sh: (procs_by_shell[sh], sh))
226 | syscall_sh = sorted(syscalls_by_shell,
227 | key=lambda sh: (syscalls_by_shell[sh], sh))
228 |
229 | #
230 | # Print Tables
231 | #
232 |
233 | out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'processes.%s.txt' % opts.suite)
234 | with open(out_path, 'w') as f:
235 | not_minimum, more_than_bash, fewer_than_bash = WriteProcessReport(
236 | f, cases, code_strs, proc_sh, num_procs, procs_by_shell)
237 | log('Wrote %s', out_path)
238 |
239 | #
240 | # Print Table of Syscall Counts
241 | #
242 |
243 | out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'syscalls.%s.txt' % opts.suite)
244 | with open(out_path, 'w') as f:
245 | WriteSyscallReport(f, cases, code_strs, syscall_sh, num_syscalls,
246 | syscalls_by_shell)
247 | log('Wrote %s', out_path)
248 |
249 | ok = True
250 | if more_than_bash != opts.more_than_bash:
251 | log('Expected %d more than bash, got %d', opts.more_than_bash,
252 | more_than_bash)
253 | ok = False
254 |
255 | if not_minimum != opts.not_minimum:
256 | log('Expected %d that are not minimal, got %d', opts.not_minimum,
257 | not_minimum)
258 | ok = False
259 |
260 | return 0 if ok else 1
261 |
262 |
263 | if __name__ == '__main__':
264 | try:
265 | sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
266 | except RuntimeError as e:
267 | print('FATAL: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
268 | sys.exit(1)