
# Build a compiler for a given target, using one or more existing simple
# cross compilers.

# This can be used to build a native compiler for an aribitrary target, or to
# build a more portable and capable cross compiler for an arbitrary host.

# The new compiler is built --with-shared, with thread support, has uClibc++
# installed, and is linked against musl (see BUILD_STATIC in config).

source sources/include.sh && load_target $1 || exit 1
check_for_base_arch || exit 0

check_prerequisite "${CC_PREFIX}cc"

test -z $HOST_ARCH && setvar HOST_ARCH = "$ARCH" && setvar STAGE_DIR = ""$STAGE_DIR/usr"" ||
  check_prerequisite "${HOST_ARCH}-cc"

mkdir -p "$STAGE_DIR/bin" || dienow

# Build C Library

if test ! -z $KARCH
  build_section linux-headers
  if test -z $UCLIBC_CONFIG || test ! -z $MUSL
    build_section musl
  } else {
    build_section uClibc

# Build binutils, gcc, and ccwrap

build_section binutils
test ! -z $ELF2FLT && build_section elf2flt
build_section gcc
build_section ccwrap

# Tell future packages to link against the libraries in the new compiler,
# rather than the ones in the simple compiler.

export "$(echo $ARCH | sed 's/-/_/g')"_CCWRAP_TOPDIR="$STAGE_DIR"

if test ! -z $KARCH
  # Add C++ standard library

  test -z $NO_CPLUSPLUS && build_section uClibc++

  # For a native compiler, build make, bash, and distcc.  (Yes, this is an old
  # version of Bash.  It's intentional.)

  if test -z $TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX
    build_section make
    build_section bash
    build_section distcc
    cp "$SOURCES/toys/hdainit.sh" "$STAGE_DIR/../init" &&
    mv "$STAGE_DIR"/{man,share/man} || dienow

# Delete some unneeded files and strip everything else
rm -rf "$STAGE_DIR"/{info,libexec/gcc/*/*/install-tools} || dienow
if test -z $SKIP_STRIP
  "${ARCH}-strip" --strip-unneeded "$STAGE_DIR"/lib/*.so
  "${ARCH}-strip" "$STAGE_DIR"/{bin/*,sbin/*}
