(build/ninja_main.py) -> _build/oils.sh ninja: no work to do. total 3792 drwxr-xr-x 3 uke uke 4096 Aug 7 02:51 VERSION -rwxr-xr-x 1 uke uke 7487 Aug 7 02:51 hello-xshar.xshar -rw-r--r-- 1 uke uke 516412 Aug 7 02:51 oils-for-unix-0.22.0.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 uke uke 3348480 Aug 7 02:51 oils-for-unix.tar -rw-r--r-- 1 uke uke 13505369 Aug 7 02:51 _tmp/test-oils.tar.gz -rwxr-xr-x 1 uke uke 18244631 Aug 7 02:51 _release/test-oils.xshar total 22M drwxr-xr-x 3 uke uke 4.0K Aug 7 02:51 VERSION -rwxr-xr-x 1 uke uke 7.4K Aug 7 02:51 hello-xshar.xshar -rw-r--r-- 1 uke uke 505K Aug 7 02:51 oils-for-unix-0.22.0.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 uke uke 3.2M Aug 7 02:51 oils-for-unix.tar -rwxr-xr-x 1 uke uke 18M Aug 7 02:51 test-oils.xshar num_iters=1 num_shells=1 num_workloads=1 build/py.sh: line 10: stdlib/osh/bash-strict.sh: No such file or directory stdlib/osh/byo-server.sh: line 15: stdlib/osh/two.sh: No such file or directory CC benchmarks/time-helper.c /tmp/test-oils.xshar.REUSED/_tmp/oils-tar /tmp/test-oils.xshar.REUSED /tmp/test-oils.xshar.REUSED/_tmp/oils-tar/oils-for-unix-0.22.0 /tmp/test-oils.xshar.REUSED/_tmp/oils-tar /tmp/test-oils.xshar.REUSED ./configure: Wrote _build/detected-cpp-config.h ./configure: Wrote _build/detected-config.sh ./configure: Wrote _build/detected-config.h _build/oils.sh: Building oils-for-unix: _bin/cxx-opt-sh/oils-for-unix _build/oils.sh: PWD = /tmp/test-oils.xshar.REUSED/_tmp/oils-tar/oils-for-unix-0.22.0 CXX _gen/bin/oils_for_unix.mycpp.cc CXX _gen/bin/text_files.cc CXX _gen/core/runtime.asdl.cc CXX _gen/core/value.asdl.cc CXX _gen/cpp/build_stamp.cc CXX _gen/data_lang/nil8.asdl.cc CXX _gen/display/pretty.asdl.cc CXX _gen/frontend/arg_types.cc CXX _gen/frontend/consts.cc CXX _gen/frontend/help_meta.cc CXX _gen/frontend/id_kind.asdl.cc CXX _gen/frontend/signal.cc CXX _gen/frontend/syntax.asdl.cc CXX _gen/osh/arith_parse.cc CXX _gen/ysh/grammar_tables.cc CXX cpp/core.cc CXX cpp/data_lang.cc CXX cpp/fanos.cc CXX cpp/fanos_shared.c CXX cpp/frontend_flag_spec.cc CXX cpp/frontend_match.cc CXX cpp/frontend_pyreadline.cc CXX cpp/libc.cc CXX cpp/osh.cc CXX cpp/osh_tdop.cc CXX cpp/pgen2.cc CXX cpp/pylib.cc CXX cpp/stdlib.cc CXX mycpp/bump_leak_heap.cc CXX mycpp/gc_builtins.cc CXX mycpp/gc_mops.cc CXX mycpp/gc_mylib.cc CXX mycpp/gc_str.cc CXX mycpp/hash.cc CXX mycpp/mark_sweep_heap.cc WAIT LINK _bin/cxx-opt-sh/oils-for-unix osh -> oils-for-unix ysh -> oils-for-unix real 0m37.440s user 0m57.058s sys 0m3.438s -rwxr-xr-x 1 uke uke 2227096 Aug 7 02:52 _bin/cxx-opt-sh/oils-for-unix.stripped You can now run _bin/cxx-opt-sh/oils-for-unix.stripped. Example: + _bin/cxx-opt-sh/oils-for-unix.stripped osh -n -c 'echo "hello $name"' (command.Simple blame_tok: (Token id: Id.Lit_Chars length: 4 col: 0 line: (SourceLine line_num:1 content:"echo \"hello $name\"" src:(source.CFlag)) ) more_env: [] words: [ (CompoundWord parts:[...0x13de]) (CompoundWord parts: [ (DoubleQuoted left: (Token id:Id.Left_DoubleQuote length:1 col:5 line:...0x13e6) parts: [ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars length:6 col:6 line:...0x13e6) (SimpleVarSub tok: (Token id:Id.VSub_DollarName length:5 col:12 line:...0x13e6) ) ] right: (Token id:Id.Right_DoubleQuote length:1 col:17 line:...0x13e6) ) ] ) ] is_last_cmd: F ) smoke test: osh and time_.py /tmp/test-oils.xshar.REUSED/_tmp/oils-tar /tmp/test-oils.xshar.REUSED /tmp/test-oils.xshar.REUSED smoke test: hi from benchmarks/osh-runtime.sh *** fea61257f595 fea61257f595 2024-08-07__02-52-36 _tmp Published host ID to _tmp/host-id/fea61257f595-556df3ee Published shell ID to _tmp/shell-id/bash-0d7b5c2e Published shell ID to _tmp/shell-id/dash-308ec8e6 Published shell ID to _tmp/shell-id/osh-46c27339 Wrote _tmp/provenance.txt and _tmp/provenance.tsv fea61257f595 /tmp/test-oils.xshar.REUSED/_tmp/oils-tar/oils-for-unix-0.22.0/_bin/cxx-opt-sh/osh hello-world *** fea61257f595 /tmp/test-oils.xshar.REUSED/_tmp/oils-tar/oils-for-unix-0.22.0/_bin/cxx-opt-sh/osh hello-world 0 mkdir: created directory '/tmp/test-oils.xshar.REUSED/_tmp/osh-runtime/raw/files-0' '_tmp/provenance.tsv' -> '_tmp/osh-runtime/raw/provenance.tsv' Usage: test-oils.xshar ACTION FLAGS* This is a self-extracting, executable shell archive (xshar) to test Oils. It contains: 1. The oils-for-unix tarball, which can be compiled on any machine 2. Test / benchmark scripts and their dependencies 3. This harness, which compiles the tarball, accepts flags, runs benchmarks. Actions: osh-runtime (currently the only one) Flags: -n --num-iters (default: 1) Run everything this number of times. -s --num-shells Run the first N of osh, bash, dash -w --num-workloads Run the first N of the workloads -u --upload Upload .wwz results to the CI server --subdir Subdirectory for the wwz. results default: git-$commit --url Upload to this URL default: http://travis-ci.oilshell.org/wwup.cgi --dry-run Print out tasks, but don't execute them Workloads: hello-world bin-true configure.cpython configure.util-linux configure.ocaml configure.tcc configure.yash abuild-print-help Example: test-oils.xshar osh-runtime --num-iters 2 --num-shells 2 --num-workloads 3 will run this benchmark matrix 2 times: (osh, bash) X (hello-world, bin-true, configure-cpython) xshar runtime dependencies: - base64, tar, gzip - for unpacking the payload osh-runtime dependencies: - C++ compiler, for oils-for-unix and benchmarks/time-helper.c - On OS X, the compiler comes with XCode - python2 for - benchmarks/time_.py, tsv*.py, gc_stats*.py - zip for creating the .wwz payload - curl for uploading it via HTTP test-oils.xshar was built from git commit 0abb57cade56b188b91dcd064a2e1ba8534c33bc