spec test index / oilshell.org
status | bash | osh | |
pass | 5 | 8 | |
ok | 2 | 0 | |
BUG | 1 | 0 | |
total | 8 | 8 | |
case | bash | osh | description |
0 | pass | pass | history -a |
1 | pass | pass | history -r |
2 | pass | pass | HISTFILE is defined initially |
3 | pass | pass | HISTFILE must point to a file |
4 | ok | pass | HISTFILE set to array |
details | |||
5 | pass | pass | HISTFILE unset |
6 | BUG | pass | history -d to delete history item |
details | |||
7 | ok | pass | history usage |
details |
13 passed, 2 OK, 0 not implemented, 1 BUG, 0 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped
bash | 4 HISTFILE set to array stdout: status=0 ^Dstderr: bash: cannot set terminal process group (2787): Inappropriate ioctl for device bash: no job control in this shell bash-5.2$ bash-5.2$ HISTFILE=(a b c) bash-5.2$ history -a bash-5.2$ echo status=$? bash-5.2$ bash-5.2$ exit |
bash | 6 history -d to delete history item stdout: 42 43 44 status=0 status=0 status=0 status=1 ^Dstderr: bash: cannot set terminal process group (2787): Inappropriate ioctl for device bash: no job control in this shell bash-5.2$ bash-5.2$ echo 42 bash-5.2$ echo 43 bash-5.2$ echo 44 bash-5.2$ bash-5.2$ history -a bash-5.2$ bash-5.2$ history -d 1 bash-5.2$ echo status=$? bash-5.2$ bash-5.2$ history -d -1 bash-5.2$ echo status=$? bash-5.2$ history -d -2 bash-5.2$ echo status=$? bash-5.2$ history -d 99 bash: history: 99: history position out of range bash-5.2$ echo status=$? bash-5.2$ bash-5.2$ case $SH in bash*) echo '^D' ;; esac bash-5.2$ bash-5.2$ exit |
bash | 7 history usage stdout: status=1 status=1stderr: bash: line 1: history: not-a-number: numeric argument required bash: line 4: history: too many arguments |