1 | """
2 | pass_state.py
3 | """
4 | from __future__ import print_function
5 |
6 | import os
7 | import re
8 | import subprocess
9 | from collections import defaultdict
10 |
11 | from mypy.types import Type
12 | from mypy.nodes import Expression
13 |
14 | from mycpp.util import join_name, log, split_py_name, SymbolPath
15 |
16 | from typing import Optional
17 |
18 | _ = log
19 |
20 |
21 | class ModuleMember(object):
22 | """
23 | A member of a Python module.
24 |
25 | e.g. core.state.Mem => core::state::Mem
26 | """
27 |
28 | def __init__(self, module_path: SymbolPath, member: str) -> None:
29 | self.module_path = module_path
30 | self.member = member
31 |
32 |
33 | class StaticObjectMember(object):
34 | """
35 | A static member of an object. Usually a a method like an alternative constructor.
36 |
37 | e.g. runtime_asdl.Cell.CreateNull() => runtime_asdl::Cell::CreateNull()
38 | """
39 |
40 | def __init__(self, base_type_name: SymbolPath, member: str) -> None:
41 | self.base_type_name = base_type_name
42 | self.member = member
43 |
44 |
45 | class HeapObjectMember(object):
46 | """
47 | A member of a heap-allocated object.
48 |
49 | e.g foo.empty() => foo->empty()
50 | """
51 |
52 | def __init__(self, object_expr: Expression, object_type: Type,
53 | member: str) -> None:
54 | self.object_expr = object_expr
55 | self.object_type = object_type
56 | self.member = member
57 |
58 |
59 | class StackObjectMember(object):
60 | """
61 | A member of a stack-allocated object.
62 |
63 | e.g foo.empty() => foo.empty()
64 | """
65 |
66 | def __init__(self, object_expr: Expression, object_type: Type,
67 | member: str) -> None:
68 | self.ojbect_expr = object_expr
69 | self.object_type = object_type
70 | self.member = member
71 |
72 |
73 | class Virtual(object):
74 | """Calculate which C++ methods need the virtual keyword.
75 |
76 | See unit test for example usage.
77 | """
78 |
79 | def __init__(self) -> None:
80 | self.methods: dict[SymbolPath, list[str]] = defaultdict(list)
81 | self.subclasses: dict[SymbolPath, list[tuple[str]]] = defaultdict(list)
82 | self.virtuals: dict[tuple[SymbolPath, str], Optional[tuple[SymbolPath,
83 | str]]] = {}
84 | self.has_vtable: dict[SymbolPath, bool] = {}
85 | self.can_reorder_fields: dict[SymbolPath, bool] = {}
86 |
87 | # _Executor -> vm::_Executor
88 | self.base_class_unique: dict[str, SymbolPath] = {}
89 |
90 | # These are called on the Forward Declare pass
91 | def OnMethod(self, class_name: SymbolPath, method_name: str) -> None:
92 | #log('OnMethod %s %s', class_name, method_name)
93 |
94 | # __init__ and so forth don't count
95 | if method_name.startswith('__') and method_name.endswith('__'):
96 | return
97 |
98 | self.methods[class_name].append(method_name)
99 |
100 | def OnSubclass(self, base_class: SymbolPath, subclass: SymbolPath) -> None:
101 | if len(base_class) > 1:
102 | # Hack for
103 | #
104 | # class _Executor: pass
105 | # versus
106 | # class MyExecutor(vm._Executor): pass
107 | base_key = base_class[-1]
108 |
109 | # Fail if we have two base classes in different namespaces with the same
110 | # name.
111 | if base_key in self.base_class_unique:
112 | # Make sure we don't have collisions
113 | assert (self.base_class_unique[base_key] == base_class or
114 | base_class
115 | in self.subclasses[self.base_class_unique[base_key]]
116 | ), base_class
117 | else:
118 | self.base_class_unique[base_key] = base_class
119 |
120 | else:
121 | base_key = base_class
122 |
123 | self.subclasses[base_class].append(subclass)
124 |
125 | def Calculate(self) -> None:
126 | """Call this after the forward declare pass."""
127 | for base_class, subclasses in self.subclasses.items():
128 | self.can_reorder_fields[base_class] = False
129 |
130 | for subclass in subclasses:
131 | self.can_reorder_fields[subclass] = False
132 |
133 | b_methods = self.methods[base_class]
134 | s_methods = self.methods[subclass]
135 | overlapping = set(b_methods) & set(s_methods)
136 | for method in overlapping:
137 | self.virtuals[(base_class, method)] = None
138 | self.virtuals[(subclass, method)] = (base_class, method)
139 | if overlapping:
140 | self.has_vtable[base_class] = True
141 | self.has_vtable[subclass] = True
142 |
143 | # These is called on the Decl pass
144 | def IsVirtual(self, class_name: SymbolPath, method_name: str) -> bool:
145 | return (class_name, method_name) in self.virtuals
146 |
147 | def HasVTable(self, class_name: SymbolPath) -> bool:
148 | return class_name in self.has_vtable
149 |
150 | def CanReorderFields(self, class_name: SymbolPath) -> bool:
151 | if class_name in self.can_reorder_fields:
152 | return self.can_reorder_fields[class_name]
153 | else:
154 | return True # by default they can be reordered
155 |
156 |
157 | def SymbolPathToReference(func: str, p: SymbolPath) -> str:
158 | if len(p) > 1:
159 | return '$ObjectMember({}, {})'.format(join_name(p[:-1], delim='.'), p[-1])
160 |
161 | return '$LocalVariable({}, {})'.format(func, p[0])
162 |
163 |
164 | class Fact(object):
165 | """
166 | An abstract fact. These can be used to build up datalog programs.
167 | """
168 |
169 | def __init__(self) -> None:
170 | pass
171 |
172 | def name(self) -> str:
173 | raise NotImplementedError()
174 |
175 | def Generate(self, func: str, statement: int) -> str:
176 | raise NotImplementedError()
177 |
178 |
179 | class FunctionCall(Fact):
180 |
181 | def __init__(self, callee: str) -> None:
182 | self.callee = callee
183 |
184 | def name(self) -> str:
185 | return 'call'
186 |
187 | def Generate(self, func: str, statement: int) -> str:
188 | return '{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(func, statement, self.callee)
189 |
190 |
191 | class Definition(Fact):
192 | """
193 | The definition of a variable. This corresponds to an allocation.
194 | """
195 |
196 | def __init__(self, ref: SymbolPath, obj: str) -> None:
197 | self.ref = ref
198 | self.obj = obj
199 |
200 | def name(self) -> str:
201 | return 'assign'
202 |
203 | def Generate(self, func: str, statement: int) -> str:
204 | return '{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(func, statement,
205 | SymbolPathToReference(func, self.ref),
206 | self.obj)
207 |
208 |
209 | class Assignment(Fact):
210 | """
211 | The assignment of one variable or object member to another.
212 | """
213 |
214 | def __init__(self, lhs: SymbolPath, rhs: SymbolPath) -> None:
215 | self.lhs = lhs
216 | self.rhs = rhs
217 |
218 | def name(self) -> str:
219 | return 'assign'
220 |
221 | def Generate(self, func: str, statement: int) -> str:
222 | return '{}\t{}\t{}\t$Ref({})\n'.format(func, statement,
223 | SymbolPathToReference(func, self.lhs),
224 | SymbolPathToReference(func, self.rhs))
225 |
226 |
227 | class Use(Fact):
228 | """
229 | The use of a reference.
230 | """
231 |
232 | def __init__(self, ref: SymbolPath) -> None:
233 | self.ref = ref
234 |
235 | def name(self) -> str:
236 | return 'use'
237 |
238 | def Generate(self, func: str, statement: int) -> str:
239 | return '{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(func, statement,
240 | SymbolPathToReference(func, self.ref))
241 |
242 |
243 | class ControlFlowGraph(object):
244 | """
245 | A simple control-flow graph.
246 |
247 | Every statement in the program is represented as a node in a graph with
248 | unique a numeric ID. Control flow is represented as directed edges through
249 | the graph. Loops can introduce back-edges. Every node in the graph will
250 | satisfy at least one of the following conditions:
251 |
252 | - Its indegree is at least one.
253 |
254 | - Its outdegree is at least one.
255 |
256 | For simple linear graphs all you need is the AddStatement method. For more
257 | complex flows there is a set of context managers below to help simplify
258 | construction.
259 |
260 | - For branches-like statements (e.g. if- and try- statements) use
261 | CfgBranchContext. It will take care of the details associated with
262 | stitching the different branches to statements in the next statement.
263 |
264 | - For loops, use CfgLoopContext. It will take care of adding back-edges
265 | and connecting break statements to any statements that proceed the
266 | loop.
267 |
268 | - CfgBlockContext can be used for simple cases where you just want to
269 | track the beginning and end of a sequence of statements.
270 |
271 | Statements can carry annotations called facts, which are used as inputs to
272 | datalog programs to perform dataflow diffrent kinds of dataflow analyses.
273 | To annotate a statement, use the AddFact method with any object that
274 | implements the Fact interface.
275 |
276 | See the unit tests in pass_state_test.py and the mycpp phase in
277 | control_flow_pass.py for detailed examples of usage.
278 | """
279 |
280 | def __init__(self) -> None:
281 | self.statement_counter: int = 0
282 | self.edges: set[tuple[int, int]] = set({})
283 | self.block_stack: list[int] = []
284 | self.predecessors: set[int] = set({})
285 | self.deadends: set[int] = set({})
286 |
287 | # order doesn't actually matter here, but sets require elements to be
288 | # hashable
289 | self.facts: dict[int, list[Fact]] = defaultdict(list)
290 |
291 | def AddEdge(self, pred: int, succ: int) -> None:
292 | """
293 | Add a directed edge from pred to succ. If pred is a deadend, its
294 | non-deadends will be used instead.
295 | """
296 | if pred in self.deadends:
297 | for w in [u for (u, v) in self.edges if v == pred]:
298 | self.AddEdge(w, succ)
299 | else:
300 | self.edges.add((pred, succ))
301 |
302 | def AddDeadend(self, statement: int):
303 | """
304 | Mark a statement as a dead-end (e.g. return or continue).
305 | """
306 | self.deadends.add(statement)
307 |
308 | def AddStatement(self) -> int:
309 | """
310 | Add a new statement and return its ID.
311 | """
312 | if len(self.predecessors) == 0:
313 | if len(self.block_stack):
314 | self.predecessors.add(self.block_stack[-1])
315 | else:
316 | self.predecessors.add(self.statement_counter)
317 |
318 | self.statement_counter += 1
319 | for pred in self.predecessors:
320 | self.AddEdge(pred, self.statement_counter)
321 |
322 | self.predecessors = set({})
323 |
324 | if len(self.block_stack):
325 | self.block_stack[-1] = self.statement_counter
326 |
327 | return self.statement_counter
328 |
329 | def AddFact(self, statement: int, fact: Fact) -> None:
330 | """
331 | Annotate a statement with a fact.
332 | """
333 | self.facts[statement].append(fact)
334 |
335 | def _PushBlock(self, begin: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
336 | """
337 | Start a block at the given statement ID. If a beginning statement isn't
338 | provided one will be created and its ID will be returend.
339 |
340 | Direct use of this function is discouraged. Consider using one of the
341 | block context managers below instead.
342 | """
343 | if begin is None:
344 | begin = self.AddStatement()
345 | else:
346 | self.predecessors.add(begin)
347 |
348 | self.block_stack.append(begin)
349 | return begin
350 |
351 | def _PopBlock(self) -> int:
352 | """
353 | Pop a block from the top of the stack and return the ID of the block's
354 | last statement.
355 |
356 | Direct use of this function is discouraged. Consider using one of the
357 | block context managers below instead.
358 | """
359 | assert len(self.block_stack)
360 | last = self.block_stack.pop()
361 | if len(self.block_stack) and last not in self.deadends:
362 | self.block_stack[-1] = last
363 |
364 | return last
365 |
366 |
367 | class CfgBlockContext(object):
368 | """
369 | Context manager to make dealing with things like with-statements easier.
370 | """
371 |
372 | def __init__(self,
373 | cfg: ControlFlowGraph,
374 | begin: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
375 | self.cfg = cfg
376 | if cfg is None:
377 | return
378 |
379 | self.entry = self.cfg._PushBlock(begin)
380 | self.exit = self.entry
381 |
382 | def __enter__(self) -> None:
383 | return self if self.cfg else None
384 |
385 | def __exit__(self, *args) -> None:
386 | if not self.cfg:
387 | return
388 |
389 | self.exit = self.cfg._PopBlock()
390 |
391 |
392 | class CfgBranchContext(object):
393 | """
394 | Context manager to make dealing with if-else blocks easier.
395 | """
396 |
397 | def __init__(self, cfg: ControlFlowGraph, branch_point: int) -> None:
398 | self.cfg = cfg
399 | self.entry = branch_point
400 | self.exit = self.entry
401 | if cfg is None:
402 | return
403 |
404 | self.arms = []
405 | self.pushed = False
406 |
407 | def AddBranch(self, entry: Optional[int] = None):
408 | if not self.cfg:
409 | return CfgBranchContext(None, None)
410 |
411 | self.arms.append(CfgBranchContext(self.cfg, entry or self.entry))
412 | self.cfg._PushBlock(self.arms[-1].entry)
413 | self.arms[-1].pushed = True
414 | return self.arms[-1]
415 |
416 | def __enter__(self) -> None:
417 | return self
418 |
419 | def __exit__(self, *args) -> None:
420 | if not self.cfg:
421 | return
422 |
423 | if self.pushed:
424 | self.exit = self.cfg._PopBlock()
425 |
426 | for arm in self.arms:
427 | if arm.exit not in self.cfg.deadends:
428 | self.cfg.predecessors.add(arm.exit)
429 |
430 |
431 | class CfgLoopContext(object):
432 | """
433 | Context manager to make dealing with loops easier.
434 | """
435 |
436 | def __init__(self,
437 | cfg: ControlFlowGraph,
438 | entry: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
439 | self.cfg = cfg
440 | self.breaks = set({})
441 | if cfg is None:
442 | return
443 |
444 | self.entry = self.cfg._PushBlock(entry)
445 | self.exit = self.entry
446 |
447 | def AddBreak(self, statement: int) -> None:
448 | assert self.cfg
449 | self.breaks.add(statement)
450 | self.cfg.AddDeadend(statement)
451 |
452 | def AddContinue(self, statement: int) -> None:
453 | self.cfg.AddEdge(statement, self.entry)
454 | self.cfg.AddDeadend(statement)
455 |
456 | def __enter__(self) -> None:
457 | return self if self.cfg else None
458 |
459 | def __exit__(self, *args) -> None:
460 | if not self.cfg:
461 | return
462 |
463 | self.exit = self.cfg._PopBlock()
464 | self.cfg.AddEdge(self.exit, self.entry)
465 | for pred in self.cfg.predecessors:
466 | self.cfg.AddEdge(pred, self.entry)
467 |
468 | # If we had any breaks, arm the predecessor set with the current
469 | # statement and the break statements.
470 | if len(self.breaks):
471 | if len(self.cfg.block_stack):
472 | self.cfg.predecessors.add(self.cfg.block_stack[-1])
473 | else:
474 | self.cfg.predecessors.add(self.cfg.statement_counter)
475 |
476 | for b in self.breaks:
477 | self.cfg.deadends.remove(b)
478 | self.cfg.predecessors.add(b)
479 |
480 |
481 | class StackRoots(object):
482 | """
483 | Output of the souffle stack roots solver.
484 | """
485 |
486 | def __init__(self) -> None:
487 | self.root_tuples: set[tuple(SymbolPath, SymbolPath)] = set({})
488 |
489 |
490 | def needs_root(self, func: SymbolPath, reference: SymbolPath) -> bool:
491 | """
492 | Returns true if the given reference should have a stack root.
493 | """
494 | return (func, reference) in self.root_tuples
495 |
496 |
497 | def DumpControlFlowGraphs(cfgs: dict[str, ControlFlowGraph],
498 | facts_dir='_tmp/mycpp-facts') -> None:
499 | """
500 | Dump the given control flow graphs and associated facts into the given
501 | directory as text files that can be consumed by datalog.
502 | """
503 | edge_facts = '{}/cf_edge.facts'.format(facts_dir)
504 | fact_files = {}
505 | os.makedirs(facts_dir, exist_ok=True)
506 | with open(edge_facts, 'w') as cfg_f:
507 | for func, cfg in sorted(cfgs.items()):
508 | joined = join_name(func, delim='.')
509 | for (u, v) in sorted(cfg.edges):
510 | cfg_f.write('{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(joined, u, v))
511 |
512 | for statement, facts in sorted(cfg.facts.items()):
513 | for fact in facts: # already sorted temporally
514 | fact_f = fact_files.get(fact.name())
515 | if not fact_f:
516 | fact_f = open(
517 | '{}/{}.facts'.format(facts_dir, fact.name()), 'w')
518 | fact_files[fact.name()] = fact_f
519 |
520 | fact_f.write(fact.Generate(joined, statement))
521 |
522 | for f in fact_files.values():
523 | f.close()
524 |
525 |
526 | def ComputeStackRoots(cfgs: dict[str, ControlFlowGraph],
527 | facts_dir:str = '_tmp/mycpp-facts',
528 | souffle_output_dir:str = '_tmp') -> StackRoots:
529 | """
530 | Run the the souffle stack roots solver and translate its output in a format
531 | that can be queried by cppgen_pass.
532 | """
533 | DumpControlFlowGraphs(cfgs, facts_dir=facts_dir)
534 | subprocess.check_call(
535 | [
536 | '_bin/datalog/dataflow',
537 | '-F', facts_dir,
538 | '-D', souffle_output_dir,
539 | ]
540 | )
541 |
542 | roots = StackRoots()
543 | with open('{}/stack_root_vars.tsv'.format(souffle_output_dir), 'r') as roots_f:
544 | pat = re.compile(r'\$(.*)\((.*), (.*)\)')
545 | for line in roots_f:
546 | function, ref = line.split('\t')
547 | m = pat.match(ref)
548 | assert m.group(1) in ('LocalVariable', 'ObjectMember')
549 | if m.group(1) == 'LocalVariable':
550 | _, ref_func, var_name = m.groups()
551 | assert ref_func == function
552 | roots.root_tuples.add((split_py_name(function), (var_name,)))
553 |
554 | if m.group(1) == 'ObjectMember':
555 | _, base_obj, member_name = m.groups()
556 | roots.root_tuples.add((split_py_name(function),
557 | split_py_name(base_obj) + (member_name,)))
558 |
559 | for t in roots.root_tuples:
560 | print(t)
561 |
562 | return roots