1 | .once
2 |
3 | .include "control-flow.dl"
4 | .include "call-graph.dl"
5 |
6 | // Types
7 | // =====
8 |
9 | // Objects can be refered to by either local variables or object members.
10 | .type Reference = LocalVariable { f: Function, v: symbol }
11 | | ObjectMember { o: symbol, m: symbol }
12 |
13 | .type Value = HeapObject { h: symbol } | Ref { r: Reference } | Empty {}
14 |
15 | // Facts and Relations
16 | // ===================
17 | // The facts and relations below use live variable analysis to determine when
18 | // variables need stack roots. See
19 | // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live-variable_analysis for more details.
20 | //
21 | // A variable is considered *live* at given statement if it might be used by a
22 | // future statement.
23 |
24 | // `f` assigns `v` is assigned to `r` in statement `s`.
25 | .decl assign(f:Function, s:Statement, r:Reference, v:Value)
26 | .input assign
27 |
28 | // `f` uses `r` in statement `s`.
29 | .decl use(f:Function, s:Statement, r:Reference)
30 | .input use
31 |
32 | // The set of variables considered live on the way in to a statement.
33 | .decl live_vars_in(f:Function, s:Statement, r:Reference)
34 |
35 | // The set of variables considered live on the way out of a statement.
36 | .decl live_vars_out(f:Function, s:Statement, r:Reference)
37 |
38 | // The set of references that a function should generate stack roots for.
39 | .decl stack_root_vars(f:Function, r: Reference)
40 | .output stack_root_vars
41 |
42 | // Rules
43 | // =====
44 |
45 | // See the definition of the GEN set at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live-variable_analysis
46 | live_vars_in(f, s, r) :- use(f, s, r).
47 | // See the definition of the KILL set at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live-variable_analysis
48 | live_vars_in(f, s, r) :- !assign(f, s, r, _), live_vars_out(f, s, r).
49 |
50 | // The set of live variables leaving a statement is the union of the inbound
51 | // live variables of the statements sucessors in the control flow graph.
52 | live_vars_out(f, s1, r) :- cf_edge(f, s1, s2), live_vars_in(f, s2, r).
53 |
54 | // All variables considered live after a statement that directly invokes the GC
55 | // must be rooted.
56 | stack_root_vars(f, r) :- call(f, s, "mylib.MaybeCollect"), live_vars_out(f, s, r).
57 |
58 | // If a function invokes the GC, directly or indirectly, all of its heap-managed
59 | // arguments must be rooted.
60 | stack_root_vars(f, $LocalVariable(f, v)) :- might_collect(f, _), assign(f, 0, $LocalVariable(f, v), $Empty()).
61 |
62 | // All members of context managers must be rooted.
63 | stack_root_vars(f, $ObjectMember("self", m)) :- match(".*ctx_.*__init__", f), assign(f, _, $ObjectMember("self", m), _).