
WILD / distro / aboriginal / more

Side By Side Lines Parsed? Parse Process Time (secs) Translated? Filename
view 115 OK 0.003734 OK bisectinate.sh
view 36 OK 0.004106 OK buildall-native.sh
view 61 OK 0.003933 OK buildall.sh
view 53 OK 0.003273 OK chroot-splice.sh
view 12 OK 0.00337 OK clean.sh
view 99 OK 0.004078 OK cronjob.sh
view 31 OK 0.002972 OK cross-smoke-test.sh
view 7 OK 0.002687 OK dev-environment-from-build.sh
view 20 OK 0.00325 OK for-each-target.sh
view 49 OK 0.003659 OK migrate-kernel.sh
view 110 FAIL 0.006188 OK miniconfig.sh
view 23 OK 0.003307 OK native-build-from-build.sh
view 23 OK 0.003568 OK record-commands.sh
view 35 OK 0.003327 OK repo.sh
view 37 OK 0.003628 OK report-recorded-commands.sh
view 5 OK 0.003851 OK run-emulator-from-build.sh
view 34 OK 0.003596 OK smoketest-all.sh
view 25 OK 0.002779 OK smoketest-report.sh
view 25 OK 0.003131 OK smoketest.sh
view 15 OK 0.003565 OK test.sh
view 20 OK 0.003756 OK timeout.sh
view 21 OK 0.002825 OK tweak.sh


Parsing smoketest-all.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing bisectinate.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing smoketest.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing tweak.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing test.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing migrate-kernel.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing smoketest-report.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing report-recorded-commands.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing native-build-from-build.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing cross-smoke-test.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing repo.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing timeout.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing run-emulator-from-build.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing cronjob.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing buildall-native.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing chroot-splice.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing buildall.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing miniconfig.sh
            echo -n -e "\r[${STRIDE:-1}] $[$I-1]/$LENGTH lines $(cat mini.config | wc -c) bytes $[100-((($LENGTH-$I)*100)/$OLDLENGTH)]%    "
../oil_DEPS/wild/src/distro/aboriginal/more/miniconfig.sh:107: In expressions, remove $ and use `I`, or sometimes "$I"

Translating miniconfig.sh
            echo -n -e "\r[${STRIDE:-1}] $[$I-1]/$LENGTH lines $(cat mini.config | wc -c) bytes $[100-((($LENGTH-$I)*100)/$OLDLENGTH)]%    "
../oil_DEPS/wild/src/distro/aboriginal/more/miniconfig.sh:107: In expressions, remove $ and use `I`, or sometimes "$I"

Parsing clean.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing record-commands.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing for-each-target.sh
        AST not printed.

Parsing dev-environment-from-build.sh
        AST not printed.