1 | """
2 | lexer_def.py - Lexing for OSH, YSH, and J8 Notation.
3 |
4 | The OSH/YSH lexer has lexer modes, each with a regex -> Id mapping.
5 |
6 | After changing this file, run:
7 |
8 | build/py.sh all
9 |
10 | or at least:
11 |
12 | build/py.sh fastlex
13 |
14 | Input Handling
15 | --------------
16 |
17 | Every line is NUL terminated:
18 |
19 | 'one\n\0' 'last line\0'
20 |
21 | which means that no regexes below should match \0.
22 |
23 | For example, use [^'\0]+ instead of [^']+ .
24 |
25 | If this rule isn't followed, we would read uninitialized memory past the
26 | sentinel. Python's regex engine knows where the end of the input string is, so
27 | it doesn't require need a sentinel like \0.
28 |
29 | The frontend/lexer_gen.py generator adds a pattern mapping \0 to Id.Eol_Tok.
30 | """
31 |
32 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id, Id_t, Kind
33 | from _devbuild.gen.types_asdl import lex_mode_e
34 |
35 | from frontend import id_kind_def
36 |
37 | from typing import Tuple
38 |
39 | # Initialize spec that the lexer depends on.
40 | ID_SPEC = id_kind_def.IdSpec({}, {})
41 |
42 | id_kind_def.AddKinds(ID_SPEC)
43 | id_kind_def.AddBoolKinds(ID_SPEC) # must come second
44 | id_kind_def.SetupTestBuiltin(ID_SPEC, {}, {}, {})
45 |
46 |
47 | def C(pat, tok_type):
48 | # type: (str, Id_t) -> Tuple[bool, str, Id_t]
49 | """Lexer rule with a constant string, e.g. C('$*', VSub_Star)"""
50 | return (False, pat, tok_type)
51 |
52 |
53 | def R(pat, tok_type):
54 | # type: (str, Id_t) -> Tuple[bool, str, Id_t]
55 | """Lexer rule with a regex string, e.g. R('\$[0-9]', VSub_Number)"""
56 | return (True, pat, tok_type)
57 |
58 |
59 | # See unit tests in frontend/match_test.py.
60 | # We need the [^\0]* because the re2c translation assumes it's anchored like $.
61 | SHOULD_HIJACK_RE = r'#![^\0]*sh[ \t\r\n][^\0]*'
62 |
63 | # Separates words (\r it not whitespace here)
64 | _SIGNIFICANT_SPACE = R(r'[ \t]+', Id.WS_Space)
65 |
66 | _BACKSLASH = [
67 | # To be conservative, we could deny a set of chars similar to
68 | # _LITERAL_WHITELIST_REGEX, rather than allowing all the operator characters
69 | # like \( and \;.
70 | #
71 | # strict_backslash makes this stricter.
72 | R(r'\\[^\n\0]', Id.Lit_EscapedChar),
73 | C('\\\n', Id.Ignored_LineCont),
74 | ]
75 |
76 | # Only 4 characters are backslash escaped inside "".
77 | # https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html#Double-Quotes
78 | _DQ_BACKSLASH = [
79 | R(r'\\[$`"\\]', Id.Lit_EscapedChar),
80 | C('\\', Id.Lit_BadBackslash), # syntax error in YSH, but NOT in OSH
81 | ]
82 |
83 | VAR_NAME_RE = r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
84 |
85 | # All Kind.VSub
86 | _VARS = [
87 | # Unbraced variables
88 | R(r'\$' + VAR_NAME_RE, Id.VSub_DollarName),
89 | R(r'\$[0-9]', Id.VSub_Number),
90 | C(r'$!', Id.VSub_Bang),
91 | C(r'$@', Id.VSub_At),
92 | C(r'$#', Id.VSub_Pound),
93 | C(r'$$', Id.VSub_Dollar),
94 | C(r'$*', Id.VSub_Star),
95 | C(r'$-', Id.VSub_Hyphen),
96 | C(r'$?', Id.VSub_QMark),
97 | ]
98 |
99 | # Kind.Left that are valid in double-quoted modes.
100 |
101 | _LEFT_SUBS = [
102 | C('`', Id.Left_Backtick),
103 | C('$(', Id.Left_DollarParen),
104 | C('${', Id.Left_DollarBrace),
105 | # Parse zsh syntax, but don't execute it.
106 | # The examples we've seen so far are like ${(%):-} and ${(m)
107 | R(r'\$\{\([^)\0]+\)', Id.Left_DollarBraceZsh),
108 | C('$((', Id.Left_DollarDParen),
109 | C('$[', Id.Left_DollarBracket),
110 | ]
111 |
112 | # Additional Kind.Left that are valid in unquoted modes.
113 | _LEFT_UNQUOTED = [
114 | C('"', Id.Left_DoubleQuote),
115 | C("'", Id.Left_SingleQuote),
116 | C('$"', Id.Left_DollarDoubleQuote),
117 | C("$'", Id.Left_DollarSingleQuote),
118 | ]
119 |
120 | _LEFT_PROCSUB = [
121 | C('<(', Id.Left_ProcSubIn),
122 | C('>(', Id.Left_ProcSubOut),
123 | ]
124 |
125 | # The regexes below are in Python syntax, but are translate to re2c syntax by
126 | # frontend/lexer_gen.py.
127 | #
128 | # http://re2c.org/manual/syntax/syntax.html
129 | # https://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html
130 | #
131 | # We use a limited set of constructs:
132 | # - + and * for repetition
133 | # - Character classes [] with simple ranges and negation
134 | # - Escapes like \n \0
135 |
136 | LEXER_DEF = {} # TODO: Should be a list so we enforce order.
137 |
138 | # Anything until the end of the line is a comment. Does not match the newline
139 | # itself. We want to switch modes and possibly process Op_Newline for here
140 | # docs, etc.
141 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.Comment] = [R(r'[^\n\0]*', Id.Ignored_Comment)]
142 |
143 | # A whitelist to make bigger Lit_Chars tokens. We don't want one byte at a time.
144 | #
145 | # The shell language says that "anything other byte" is a literal character --
146 | # for example, unquoted $ \ ! are literal, not a syntax error.
147 | #
148 | # That is, a literal is defined NEGATIVELY, for a single characters. But here
149 | # we define a SUBSET of literal chars POSITIVELY.
150 |
151 | # The range \x80-\xff makes sure that UTF-8 sequences are a single token.
152 | _LITERAL_WHITELIST_REGEX = r'[\x80-\xffa-zA-Z0-9_.\-]+'
153 |
155 | # NOTE: We could add anything 128 and above to this character class? So
156 | # utf-8 characters don't get split?
158 | C('~', Id.Lit_Tilde), # for tilde sub
159 | C('/', Id.Lit_Slash), # also for tilde sub
160 | C(':', Id.Lit_Colon), # for special PATH=a:~foo tilde detection
161 | C('$', Id.Lit_Dollar), # shopt -u parse_dollar
162 | C('#', Id.Lit_Pound), # For comments
164 | C('\n', Id.Op_Newline),
165 | C('&', Id.Op_Amp),
166 | C('|', Id.Op_Pipe),
167 | C('|&', Id.Op_PipeAmp),
168 | C('&&', Id.Op_DAmp),
169 | C('||', Id.Op_DPipe),
170 | C(';', Id.Op_Semi),
171 | # Case terminators
172 | C(';;', Id.Op_DSemi),
173 | C(';&', Id.Op_SemiAmp),
174 | C(';;&', Id.Op_DSemiAmp),
175 | C('(', Id.Op_LParen),
176 | C(')', Id.Op_RParen),
177 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Lit_Other), # any other single char is a literal
178 | ]
179 |
180 | # In ShCommand and DBracket states.
181 | _EXTGLOB_BEGIN = [
182 | C(',(', Id.ExtGlob_Comma), # YSH synonym for @(...)
183 | C('@(', Id.ExtGlob_At),
184 | C('*(', Id.ExtGlob_Star),
185 | C('+(', Id.ExtGlob_Plus),
186 | C('?(', Id.ExtGlob_QMark),
187 | C('!(', Id.ExtGlob_Bang),
188 | ]
189 |
190 | KEYWORDS = [
191 | # NOTE: { is matched elsewhere
192 | C('[[', Id.KW_DLeftBracket),
193 | C('!', Id.KW_Bang),
194 | C('for', Id.KW_For),
195 | C('while', Id.KW_While),
196 | C('until', Id.KW_Until),
197 | C('do', Id.KW_Do),
198 | C('done', Id.KW_Done),
199 | C('in', Id.KW_In),
200 | C('case', Id.KW_Case),
201 | C('esac', Id.KW_Esac),
202 | C('if', Id.KW_If),
203 | C('fi', Id.KW_Fi),
204 | C('then', Id.KW_Then),
205 | C('else', Id.KW_Else),
206 | C('elif', Id.KW_Elif),
207 | C('function', Id.KW_Function),
208 | C('time', Id.KW_Time),
209 |
210 | # YSH
211 | C('const', Id.KW_Const), # maybe remove this
212 | C('var', Id.KW_Var),
213 | C('setvar', Id.KW_SetVar),
214 | C('setglobal', Id.KW_SetGlobal),
215 | C('call', Id.KW_Call),
216 | C('proc', Id.KW_Proc),
217 | C('typed', Id.KW_Typed),
218 | C('func', Id.KW_Func),
219 | ]
220 |
221 | # These are treated like builtins in bash, but keywords in OSH. However, we
222 | # maintain compatibility with bash for the 'type' builtin.
223 | CONTROL_FLOW = [
224 | C('break', Id.ControlFlow_Break),
225 | C('continue', Id.ControlFlow_Continue),
226 | C('return', Id.ControlFlow_Return),
227 | C('exit', Id.ControlFlow_Exit),
228 | ]
229 |
230 | # Used by ysh/grammar_gen.py too
231 | EXPR_WORDS = [
232 | C('null', Id.Expr_Null),
233 | C('true', Id.Expr_True),
234 | C('false', Id.Expr_False),
235 | C('and', Id.Expr_And),
236 | C('or', Id.Expr_Or),
237 | C('not', Id.Expr_Not),
238 | C('for', Id.Expr_For),
239 | C('is', Id.Expr_Is),
240 | C('in', Id.Expr_In),
241 | C('if', Id.Expr_If),
242 | C('else', Id.Expr_Else),
243 |
244 | # Unused: could be for function literals, although we also have
245 | # |x| x+1 lambdas
246 | C('func', Id.Expr_Func),
247 |
248 | # / <capture d+/
249 | C('capture', Id.Expr_Capture),
250 | # / <capture d+ as date> /
251 | C('as', Id.Expr_As),
252 | ]
253 |
254 | FD_VAR_NAME = r'\{' + VAR_NAME_RE + r'\}'
255 |
256 | # file descriptors can only have two digits, like mksh
257 | # dash/zsh/etc. can have one
258 | FD_NUM = r'[0-9]?[0-9]?'
259 |
260 | # These two can must be recognized in the ShCommand state, but can't nested
261 | # within [[.
262 | # Keywords have to be checked before _UNQUOTED so we get <KW_If "if"> instead
263 | # of <Lit_Chars "if">.
264 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.ShCommand] = [
265 | # These four are not allowed within [[, so they are in ShCommand but not
266 | # _UNQUOTED.
267 |
268 | # e.g. beginning of NAME=val, which will always be longer than
270 | R(VAR_NAME_RE + '\+?=', Id.Lit_VarLike),
271 | R(VAR_NAME_RE + '\[', Id.Lit_ArrayLhsOpen),
272 | R(r'\]\+?=', Id.Lit_ArrayLhsClose),
273 | C('((', Id.Op_DLeftParen),
274 |
275 | # For static globbing, and [] for array literals
276 | C('[', Id.Lit_LBracket), # e.g. A=(['x']=1)
277 | C(']', Id.Lit_RBracket), # e.g. *.[ch]
278 | # NOTE: Glob_Star and Glob_QMark are for dynamic parsing
279 | C('*', Id.Lit_Star),
280 | C('?', Id.Lit_QMark),
281 | C('###', Id.Lit_TPound), # like Lit_Pound, for doc comments
282 | C('...', Id.Lit_TDot), # ... for multiline commands
283 |
284 | # For brace expansion {a,b}
285 | C('{', Id.Lit_LBrace),
286 | C('}', Id.Lit_RBrace), # Also for var sub ${a}
287 | C(',', Id.Lit_Comma),
288 | C('=', Id.Lit_Equals), # for = f(x) and x = 1+2*3
289 | C('@', Id.Lit_At), # for detecting @[, @' etc. shopt -s parse_at_all
290 |
291 | # @array and @func(1, c)
292 | R('@' + VAR_NAME_RE, Id.Lit_Splice), # for YSH splicing
293 | C('@[', Id.Lit_AtLBracket), # @[split(x)]
294 | C('@{.', Id.Lit_AtLBraceDot), # for split builtin sub @{.myproc arg1}
295 | R(FD_NUM + r'<', Id.Redir_Less),
296 | R(FD_NUM + r'>', Id.Redir_Great),
297 | R(FD_NUM + r'<<', Id.Redir_DLess),
298 | R(FD_NUM + r'<<<', Id.Redir_TLess),
299 | R(FD_NUM + r'>>', Id.Redir_DGreat),
300 | R(FD_NUM + r'<<-', Id.Redir_DLessDash),
301 | R(FD_NUM + r'>&', Id.Redir_GreatAnd),
302 | R(FD_NUM + r'<&', Id.Redir_LessAnd),
303 | R(FD_NUM + r'<>', Id.Redir_LessGreat),
304 | R(FD_NUM + r'>\|', Id.Redir_Clobber),
305 | R(FD_VAR_NAME + r'<', Id.Redir_Less),
306 | R(FD_VAR_NAME + r'>', Id.Redir_Great),
307 | R(FD_VAR_NAME + r'<<', Id.Redir_DLess),
308 | R(FD_VAR_NAME + r'<<<', Id.Redir_TLess),
309 | R(FD_VAR_NAME + r'>>', Id.Redir_DGreat),
310 | R(FD_VAR_NAME + r'<<-', Id.Redir_DLessDash),
311 | R(FD_VAR_NAME + r'>&', Id.Redir_GreatAnd),
312 | R(FD_VAR_NAME + r'<&', Id.Redir_LessAnd),
313 | R(FD_VAR_NAME + r'<>', Id.Redir_LessGreat),
314 | R(FD_VAR_NAME + r'>\|', Id.Redir_Clobber),
315 |
316 | # No leading descriptor (2 is implied)
317 | C(r'&>', Id.Redir_AndGreat),
318 | C(r'&>>', Id.Redir_AndDGreat),
320 |
321 | # Preprocessing before ShCommand
322 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.Backtick] = [
323 | C(r'`', Id.Backtick_Right),
324 | # A backslash, and then $ or ` or \
325 | R(r'\\[$`\\]', Id.Backtick_Quoted),
326 | # \" treated specially, depending on whether bacticks are double-quoted!
327 | R(r'\\"', Id.Backtick_DoubleQuote),
328 | R(r'[^`\\\0]+', Id.Backtick_Other), # contiguous run of literals
329 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Backtick_Other), # anything else
330 | ]
331 |
332 | # DBRACKET: can be like ShCommand, except:
333 | # - Don't really need redirects either... Redir_Less could be Op_Less
334 | # - Id.Op_DLeftParen can't be nested inside.
335 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.DBracket] = [
336 | C(']]', Id.Lit_DRightBracket),
337 | # Must be KW and not Op, because we can have stuff like [[ $foo == !* ]]
338 | # in addition to [[ ! a && b ]]
339 | C('!', Id.KW_Bang),
340 | C('<', Id.Op_Less),
341 | C('>', Id.Op_Great),
342 | ] + ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.BoolUnary) + \
343 | ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.BoolBinary) + \
345 |
346 | # Inside an extended glob, most characters are literals, including spaces and
347 | # punctuation. We also accept \, $var, ${var}, "", etc. They can also be
348 | # nested, so _EXTGLOB_BEGIN appears here.
349 | #
350 | # Example: echo @(<> <>|&&|'foo'|$bar)
351 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.ExtGlob] = \
353 | R(r'[^\\$`"\'|)@*+!?\0]+', Id.Lit_Chars),
354 | C('|', Id.Op_Pipe),
355 | C(')', Id.Op_RParen), # maybe be translated to Id.ExtGlob_RParen
356 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Lit_Other), # everything else is literal
357 | ]
358 |
359 | # Notes on BASH_REGEX states
360 | #
361 | # From bash manual:
362 | #
363 | # - Any part of the pattern may be quoted to force the quoted portion to be
364 | # matched as a string.
365 | # - Bracket expressions in regular expressions must be treated carefully, since
366 | # normal quoting characters lose their meanings between brackets.
367 | # - If the pattern is stored in a shell variable, quoting the variable
368 | # expansion forces the entire pattern to be matched as a string.
369 | #
370 | # Is there a re.escape function? It's just like EscapeGlob and UnescapeGlob.
371 | #
372 | # TODO: For testing, write a script to extract and save regexes... and compile
373 | # them with regcomp. I've only seen constant regexes.
374 | #
375 | # bash code: ( | ) are special
376 |
377 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.BashRegex] = _LEFT_SUBS + _LEFT_UNQUOTED + _VARS + [
378 | # Like lex_mode_e.ShCommand
380 |
381 | # Tokens for Tilde sub. bash weirdness: RHS of [[ x =~ ~ ]] is expanded
382 | C('~', Id.Lit_Tilde),
383 | C('/', Id.Lit_Slash),
384 |
385 | # Id.WS_Space delimits words. In lex_mode_e.BashRegexFakeInner, we
386 | # translate them to Id.Lit_Chars.
388 |
389 | # Analogous to Id.ExtGlob_* - we need to change lexer modes when we hit this
390 | C('(', Id.BashRegex_LParen),
391 |
392 | # Not special, this is like lex_mode_e.Outer
393 | C(')', Id.Op_RParen),
394 |
395 | # Copied and adapted from _UNQUOTED
396 | # \n & ; < > are parse errors OUTSIDE a group [[ s =~ ; ]]
397 | # but become allowed INSIDE a group [[ s =~ (;) ]]
398 | C('\n', Id.BashRegex_AllowedInParens),
399 | C('&', Id.BashRegex_AllowedInParens),
400 | C(';', Id.BashRegex_AllowedInParens),
401 | C('>', Id.BashRegex_AllowedInParens),
402 | C('<', Id.BashRegex_AllowedInParens),
403 |
404 | # e.g. | is Id.Lit_Other, not pipe operator
405 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Lit_Other), # like _UNQUOTED, any other byte is literal
406 | ] + _BACKSLASH # These have to come after RegexMeta
407 |
408 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.DQ] = _DQ_BACKSLASH + [
409 | C('\\\n', Id.Ignored_LineCont),
410 | ] + _LEFT_SUBS + _VARS + [
411 | R(r'[^$`"\0\\]+', Id.Lit_Chars), # matches a line at most
412 | C('$', Id.Lit_Dollar), # completion of var names relies on this
413 | # NOTE: When parsing here doc line, this token doesn't end it.
414 | C('"', Id.Right_DoubleQuote),
415 | ]
416 |
417 | _VS_ARG_COMMON = [
418 | C('/', Id.Lit_Slash), # for patsub (not Id.VOp2_Slash)
419 | C('#', Id.Lit_Pound), # for patsub prefix (not Id.VOp1_Pound)
420 | C('%', Id.Lit_Percent), # for patsdub suffix (not Id.VOp1_Percent)
421 | C('}', Id.Right_DollarBrace), # For var sub "${a}"
422 | C('$', Id.Lit_Dollar), # completion of var names relies on this
423 | ]
424 |
425 | # We don't execute zsh var subs, but to find the closing } properly, we need to
426 | # to recognize \} and '}' and "}" $'}' etc.
427 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.VSub_Zsh] = \
429 | [
430 | C('}', Id.Right_DollarBrace), # For var sub "${a}"
431 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Lit_Other), # e.g. "$", must be last
432 | ]
433 |
434 | # Kind.{Lit,Ignored,VSub,Left,Right,Eof}
435 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.VSub_ArgUnquoted] = \
437 | _VARS + _EXTGLOB_BEGIN + [
438 |
439 | # Token for Tilde sub
440 | C('~', Id.Lit_Tilde),
441 |
442 | # - doesn't match ~ for tilde sub
443 | # - doesn't match < and > so it doesn't eat <()
444 | # - doesn't match @ ! ? + * so it doesn't eat _EXTGLOB_BEGIN -- ( alone it
445 | # not enough
446 | R(r'[^$`~/}"\'\0\\#%<>@!?+*]+', Id.Lit_Chars),
447 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Lit_Other), # e.g. "$", must be last
448 | ]
449 |
450 | # Kind.{Lit,Ignored,VSub,Left,Right,Eof}
451 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.VSub_ArgDQ] = \
453 |
454 | C(r'\}', Id.Lit_EscapedChar), # For "${var-\}}"
455 |
456 | R(r'[^$`/}"\0\\#%]+', Id.Lit_Chars), # matches a line at most
457 |
458 | # Weird wart: even in double quoted state, double quotes are allowed
459 | C('"', Id.Left_DoubleQuote),
460 |
461 | # Another weird wart of bash/mksh: $'' is recognized but NOT ''!
462 | C("$'", Id.Left_DollarSingleQuote),
463 | ]
464 |
465 | # NOTE: Id.Ignored_LineCont is NOT supported in SQ state, as opposed to DQ
466 | # state.
467 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.SQ_Raw] = [
468 | R(r"[^'\0]+", Id.Lit_Chars), # matches a line at most
469 | C("'", Id.Right_SingleQuote),
470 | ]
471 |
472 | # The main purpose for EXPR_CHARS is in regex literals, e.g. [a-z \t \n].
473 | #
474 | # In YSH expressions, Chars are code point integers, so \u{1234} is the same as
475 | # 0x1234. And \0 is 0x0.
476 |
477 | # In Python:
478 | # chr(0x00012345) == u'\U00012345'
479 | #
480 | # In YSH:
481 | # 0x00012345 == \u{12345}
482 | # chr(0x00012345) == chr(\u{12345}) == $'\u{012345}'
483 |
484 | _U_BRACED_CHAR = R(r'\\[uU]\{[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}\}', Id.Char_UBraced)
485 |
486 | _X_CHAR_LOOSE = R(r'\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}', Id.Char_Hex) # bash
487 | _CHAR_YHEX = R(r'\\y[0-9a-fA-F]{2}', Id.Char_YHex) # \yff - J8 only
488 |
489 | _U4_CHAR_LOOSE = R(r'\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}', Id.Char_Unicode4) # bash
490 |
491 | _U4_CHAR_STRICT = R(r'\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}', Id.Char_Unicode4) # JSON-only
492 |
493 | #_JSON_ONE_CHAR = R(r'\\[\\"/bfnrt]', Id.Char_OneChar)
494 | EXPR_CHARS = [
495 | # Allow same backslash escapes as J8 strings, except;
496 | # - legacy \b \f
497 | # - unnecessary \/
498 | #
499 | # Note that \0 should be written \y00.
500 | R(r'''\\[\\"'nrt]''', Id.Char_OneChar),
501 | _CHAR_YHEX,
502 |
503 | # Eggex. This is a LITERAL translation to \xff in ERE? So it's not \yff
504 | # It doesn't have semantics; it's just syntax.
505 | R(r'\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}', Id.Char_Hex),
507 | ]
508 |
509 | # Shared between echo -e and $''.
510 | _C_STRING_COMMON = [
511 |
512 | # \x6 is valid in bash
513 | _X_CHAR_LOOSE,
514 | _U4_CHAR_LOOSE,
515 | R(r'\\U[0-9a-fA-F]{1,8}', Id.Char_Unicode8),
516 | R(r'\\[0abeEfrtnv\\]', Id.Char_OneChar),
517 |
518 | # e.g. \A is not an escape, and \x doesn't match a hex escape. We allow it,
519 | # but a lint tool could warn about it.
520 | C('\\', Id.Unknown_Backslash),
521 | ]
522 |
524 | # Note: tokens above \0377 can either be truncated or be flagged a syntax
525 | # error in strict mode.
526 | R(r'\\0[0-7]{1,3}', Id.Char_Octal4),
527 | C(r'\c', Id.Char_Stop),
528 |
529 | # e.g. 'foo', anything that's not a backslash escape
530 | R(r'[^\\\0]+', Id.Lit_Chars),
531 | ]
532 |
533 | # https://json.org/
534 |
535 | # Note that [0-9] has to come second, because Python chooses the first match.
536 | _JSON_INT = r'-?([1-9][0-9]*|[0-9])' # Numbers can't start with leading 0
537 | _JSON_FRACTION = r'(\.[0-9]+)?'
538 | _JSON_EXP = r'([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?'
539 |
540 | # R5RS extended alphabetic characters
541 | # https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/ftpdir/scheme-reports/r5rs-html/r5rs_4.html
542 | #
543 | # ! $ % & * + - . / : < = > ? @ ^ _ ~
544 |
545 | # Description from Guile Scheme - https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/Symbol-Read-Syntax.html
546 | #
547 | # "The read syntax for a symbol is a sequence of letters, digits, and extended
548 | # alphabetic characters, beginning with a character that cannot begin a
549 | # number. In addition, the special cases of +, -, and ... are read as symbols
550 | # even though numbers can begin with +, - or ."
551 | #
552 | # (They should have used regular languages!)
553 |
554 | # We take out $ and @ for our splicing syntax, i.e. $unquote and
555 | # @unquote-splicing. And : for now because we use it for name:value.
556 |
557 | # Also note Scheme allows |a b| for symbols with funny chars, and Guile scheme
558 | # allows #{a b}#. We could use `a b` or (symbol "a b").
559 |
560 | J8_SYMBOL_CHARS = r'!%&*+./<=>?^_~-' # - is last for regex char class
561 |
562 | # yapf: disable
563 | J8_SYMBOL_RE = (
564 | r'[a-zA-Z' + J8_SYMBOL_CHARS + ']' +
565 | r'[a-zA-Z0-9' + J8_SYMBOL_CHARS + ']*')
566 | # yapf: enable
567 |
568 | _J8_LEFT = [
569 | C('"', Id.Left_DoubleQuote), # JSON string
570 | C('j"', Id.Left_JDoubleQuote), # JSON string with explicit J8 prefix
571 | # Three left quotes that are J8 only
572 | C("u'", Id.Left_USingleQuote), # unicode string
573 | C("'", Id.Left_USingleQuote), # '' is alias for u'' in data, not in code
574 | C("b'", Id.Left_BSingleQuote), # byte string
575 | ]
576 |
577 | J8_DEF = _J8_LEFT + [
578 | C('[', Id.J8_LBracket),
579 | C(']', Id.J8_RBracket),
580 | C('{', Id.J8_LBrace),
581 | C('}', Id.J8_RBrace),
582 | C('(', Id.J8_LParen), # NIL8 only
583 | C(')', Id.J8_RParen), # NIL8 only
584 | C(',', Id.J8_Comma),
585 | C(':', Id.J8_Colon),
586 | C('null', Id.J8_Null),
587 | C('true', Id.J8_Bool),
588 | C('false', Id.J8_Bool),
589 | R(_JSON_INT, Id.J8_Int),
590 | R(_JSON_INT + _JSON_FRACTION + _JSON_EXP, Id.J8_Float),
591 |
592 | # Identifier names come AFTER null true false.
593 | # - Happens to be the same as shell identifier # names.
594 | # - Note that JS allows $ as an identifier, but we don't.
595 | # - Used for dict keys / NIL8 field names.
596 | R(VAR_NAME_RE, Id.J8_Identifier),
597 |
598 | # Symbol is a SUPERSET of Identifier. The first word in NIL8 can be can
599 | # be either Symbol or plain Identifier, but field names can only be
600 | # Identifier. JSON8 only has Identifier.
601 | #R(J8_SYMBOL_RE, Id.J8_Symbol), # NIL8 only
602 | R(r'[~!@$%^&*+=|;./<>?-]+', Id.J8_Operator), # NIL8 only
603 | R(r'[ \r\t]+', Id.Ignored_Space),
604 | # A separate token, to count lines for error messages
605 | C('\n', Id.Ignored_Newline),
606 | # comment is # until end of line
607 | # // comments are JavaScript style, but right now we might want them as
608 | # symbols?
609 | R(r'#[^\n\0]*', Id.Ignored_Comment), # J8 only (JSON8, NIL8)
610 |
611 | # This will reject ASCII control chars
612 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Unknown_Tok),
613 | ]
614 |
615 | # Exclude control characters 0x00-0x1f, aka 0-31 in J8 data only (not YSH code)
616 | _ASCII_CONTROL = R(r'[\x01-\x1F]', Id.Char_AsciiControl)
617 |
618 | J8_LINES_DEF = _J8_LEFT + [
619 | # not sure if we want \r here - same with lex_mode_e.Expr
620 | R(r'[ \r\t]+', Id.WS_Space),
621 | R(r'[\n]', Id.J8_Newline),
622 |
623 | # doesn't match \t, which means tabs are allowed in the middle of unquoted
624 | # lines
626 |
627 | # not space or ' or " or ASCII control or EOF
628 | R(r'''[^ \t\r\n'"\x00-\x1F]+''', Id.Lit_Chars),
629 | ]
630 |
631 | # https://json.org list of chars, plus '
632 | _JSON_ONE_CHAR = R(r'\\[\\"/bfnrt]', Id.Char_OneChar)
633 |
634 | # b'' u'' strings - what's common between code and data.
635 | _J8_STR_COMMON = [
636 | C("'", Id.Right_SingleQuote), # end for J8
638 | C("\\'", Id.Char_OneChar), # since ' ends, allow \'
639 | _CHAR_YHEX,
640 | _U_BRACED_CHAR, # \u{123456} - J8 only
641 |
642 | # osh/word_parse.py relies on this. It has to be consistent with $''
643 | # lexing, which uses _C_STRING_COMMON
644 | C('\\', Id.Unknown_Backslash),
645 | ]
646 |
647 | # Lexer for J8 strings in CODE.
648 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.J8_Str] = _J8_STR_COMMON + [
649 | # Don't produce Char_AsciiControl tokens - that's only for data
650 |
651 | # will match invalid UTF-8 - we have a separate validation step
652 | R(r"[^\\'\0]+", Id.Lit_Chars),
653 | ]
654 |
655 | # Lexer for J8 string data.
656 | # ASCII control characters are disallowed in DATA, but not CODE!
657 | J8_STR_DEF = _J8_STR_COMMON + [
659 | # will match invalid UTF-8 - we have a separate validation step
660 | R(r"[^\\'\x00-\x1F]+", Id.Lit_Chars),
661 | ]
662 |
663 | # Lexer for JSON string data - e.g. "json \" \u1234"
664 | JSON_STR_DEF = [
665 | C('"', Id.Right_DoubleQuote), # end for JSON
667 | _U4_CHAR_STRICT, # \u1234 - JSON only
668 |
669 | # High surrogate [\uD800, \uDC00)
670 | # Low surrogate [\uDC00, \uE000)
671 | # This pattern makes it easier to decode. Unpaired surrogates because Id.Char_Unicode4.
672 | R(
673 | r'\\u[dD][89aAbB][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]\\u[dD][cCdDeEfF][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]',
674 | Id.Char_SurrogatePair),
675 | C('\\', Id.Unknown_Backslash), # e.g. the \ before bad \z
677 |
678 | # Note: This will match INVALID UTF-8. UTF-8 validation is another step.
679 | R(r'[^\\"\x00-\x1F]+', Id.Lit_Chars),
680 | ]
681 |
682 | OCTAL3_RE = r'\\[0-7]{1,3}'
683 |
684 | # https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Controlling-the-PromptEvaluator.html#Controlling-the-PromptEvaluator
685 | PS1_DEF = [
686 | R(OCTAL3_RE, Id.PS_Octal3),
687 | R(r'\\[adehHjlnrstT@AuvVwW!#$\\]', Id.PS_Subst),
688 | # \D{%H:%M} strftime format
689 | R(r'\\D\{[^}\0]*\}', Id.PS_Subst),
690 | C(r'\[', Id.PS_LBrace), # non-printing
691 | C(r'\]', Id.PS_RBrace),
692 | R(r'[^\\\0]+', Id.PS_Literals),
693 | # e.g. \x is not a valid escape.
694 | C('\\', Id.PS_BadBackslash),
695 | ]
696 |
697 | # NOTE: Id.Ignored_LineCont is also not supported here, even though the whole
698 | # point of it is that supports other backslash escapes like \n! It just
699 | # becomes a regular backslash.
700 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.SQ_C] = _C_STRING_COMMON + [
701 | # Weird special case matching bash: backslash that ends a line. We emit
702 | # this token literally in OSH, but disable it in YSH.
703 | C('\\\n', Id.Unknown_Backslash),
704 |
705 | # Silly difference! In echo -e, the syntax is \0377, but here it's $'\377',
706 | # with no leading 0.
707 | R(OCTAL3_RE, Id.Char_Octal3),
708 |
709 | # ' and " are escaped in $'' mode, but not echo -e.
710 | C(r"\'", Id.Char_OneChar),
711 | C(r'\"', Id.Char_OneChar),
712 |
713 | # e.g. 'foo', anything that's not a backslash escape or '
714 | R(r"[^\\'\0]+", Id.Lit_Chars),
715 | C("'", Id.Right_SingleQuote),
716 | ]
717 |
718 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.PrintfOuter] = _C_STRING_COMMON + [
719 | R(OCTAL3_RE, Id.Char_Octal3),
720 | R(r"[^%\\\0]+", Id.Lit_Chars),
721 | C('%%', Id.Format_EscapedPercent),
722 | C('%', Id.Format_Percent),
723 | ]
724 |
725 | # Maybe: bash also supports %(strftime)T
726 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.PrintfPercent] = [
727 | # Flags
728 | R('[- +#]', Id.Format_Flag),
729 | C('0', Id.Format_Zero),
730 | R('[1-9][0-9]*', Id.Format_Num),
731 | C('*', Id.Format_Star),
732 | C('.', Id.Format_Dot),
733 | # We support dsq. The others we parse to display an error message.
734 | R('[disqbcouxXeEfFgG]', Id.Format_Type),
735 | R('\([^()\0]*\)T', Id.Format_Time),
736 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Unknown_Tok), # any other char
737 | ]
738 |
739 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.VSub_1] = [
740 | R(VAR_NAME_RE, Id.VSub_Name),
741 | # ${11} is valid, compared to $11 which is $1 and then literal 1.
742 | R(r'[0-9]+', Id.VSub_Number),
743 | C('!', Id.VSub_Bang),
744 | C('@', Id.VSub_At),
745 | C('#', Id.VSub_Pound),
746 | C('$', Id.VSub_Dollar),
747 | C('*', Id.VSub_Star),
748 | C('-', Id.VSub_Hyphen),
749 | C('?', Id.VSub_QMark),
750 | C('.', Id.VSub_Dot), # ${.myproc builtin sub}
751 | C('}', Id.Right_DollarBrace),
752 | C('\\\n', Id.Ignored_LineCont),
753 | C('\n', Id.Unknown_Tok), # newline not allowed inside ${}
754 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Unknown_Tok), # any char except newline
755 | ]
756 |
757 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.VSub_2] = \
758 | ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.VTest) + \
759 | ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.VOp0) + \
760 | ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.VOpYsh) + \
761 | ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.VOp1) + \
762 | ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.VOp2) + \
763 | ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.VOp3) + [
764 | C('}', Id.Right_DollarBrace),
765 |
766 | C('\\\n', Id.Ignored_LineCont),
767 | C('\n', Id.Unknown_Tok), # newline not allowed inside ${}
768 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Unknown_Tok), # any char except newline
769 | ]
770 |
772 | C('\\\n', Id.Ignored_LineCont),
773 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Unknown_Tok) # any char. This should be a syntax error.
774 | ]
775 |
776 | # https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Shell-Arithmetic.html#Shell-Arithmetic
777 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.Arith] = \
779 |
780 | # Arithmetic expressions can cross newlines.
781 | R(r'[ \t\r\n]+', Id.Ignored_Space),
782 |
783 | # Examples of arith constants:
784 | # 64#azAZ
785 | # 0xabc 0xABC
786 | # 0123
787 | # A separate digits token makes this easier to parse STATICALLY. But this
788 | # doesn't help with DYNAMIC parsing.
789 | R(VAR_NAME_RE, Id.Lit_ArithVarLike), # for variable names or 64#_
790 | R(r'[0-9]+', Id.Lit_Digits),
791 | C('@', Id.Lit_At), # for 64#@ or ${a[@]}
792 | C('#', Id.Lit_Pound), # for 64#a
793 |
794 | # TODO: 64#@ interferes with VS_AT. Hm.
795 | ] + ID_SPEC.LexerPairs(Kind.Arith) + _EXPR_ARITH_SHARED
796 |
797 | # A lexer for the parser that converts globs to extended regexes. Since we're
798 | # only parsing character classes ([^[:space:][:alpha:]]) as opaque blobs, we
799 | # don't need lexer modes here.
800 | GLOB_DEF = [
801 | # These could be operators in the glob, or just literals in a char class,
802 | # e.g. touch '?'; echo [?].
803 | C('*', Id.Glob_Star),
804 | C('?', Id.Glob_QMark),
805 |
806 | # For negation. Treated as operators inside [], but literals outside.
807 | C('!', Id.Glob_Bang),
808 | C('^', Id.Glob_Caret),
809 |
810 | # Character classes.
811 | C('[', Id.Glob_LBracket),
812 | C(']', Id.Glob_RBracket),
813 |
814 | # There is no whitelist of characters; backslashes are unconditionally
815 | # removed. With libc.fnmatch(), the pattern r'\f' matches 'f' but not '\\f'.
816 | # See libc_test.py.
817 | R(r'\\[^\0]', Id.Glob_EscapedChar),
818 | C('\\', Id.Glob_BadBackslash), # Trailing single backslash
819 |
820 | # For efficiency, combine other characters into a single token, e.g. 'py' in
821 | # '*.py' or 'alpha' in '[[:alpha:]]'.
822 | R(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', Id.Glob_CleanLiterals), # no regex escaping
823 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Glob_OtherLiteral), # anything else -- examine the char
824 | ]
825 |
826 | # History expansion. We're doing this as "pre-lexing" since that's what bash
827 | # and zsh seem to do. Example:
828 | #
829 | # $ foo=x
830 | # $ echo $
831 | # $ !!foo # expands to echo $foo and prints x
832 | #
833 | # We can also reuse this in the RootCompleter to expand history interactively.
834 | #
835 | # bash note: handled in lib/readline/histexpand.c. Quite messy and handles
836 | # quotes AGAIN.
837 | #
838 | # Note: \! gets expanded to literal \! for the real lexer, but no history
839 | # expansion occurs.
840 |
841 | HISTORY_DEF = [
842 | # Common operators.
843 | R(r'![!*^$]', Id.History_Op),
844 |
845 | # By command number.
846 | R(r'!-?[0-9]+', Id.History_Num),
847 |
848 | # Search by prefix of substring (optional '?').
849 | # NOTE: there are no numbers allowed here! Bash doesn't seem to support it.
850 | # No hyphen since it conflits with $-1 too.
851 | #
852 | # Required trailing whitespace is there to avoid conflict with [!charclass]
853 | # and ${!indirect}. This is a simpler hack than the one bash has. See
854 | # frontend/lex_test.py.
855 | R(r'!\??[a-zA-Z_/.][0-9a-zA-Z_/.]+[ \t\r\n]', Id.History_Search),
856 |
857 | # Comment is until end of line
858 | R(r"#[^\0]*", Id.History_Other),
859 |
860 | # Single quoted, e.g. 'a' or $'\n'. Terminated by another single quote or
861 | # end of string.
862 | R(r"'[^'\0]*'?", Id.History_Other),
863 |
864 | # Runs of chars that are definitely not special
865 | R(r"[^!\\'#\0]+", Id.History_Other),
866 |
867 | # Escaped characters. \! disables history
868 | R(r'\\[^\0]', Id.History_Other),
869 | # Other single chars, like a trailing \ or !
870 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.History_Other),
871 | ]
872 |
874 | R(r'-?[0-9]+', Id.Range_Int),
875 | R(r'[a-zA-Z]', Id.Range_Char), # just a single character
876 | R(r'\.\.', Id.Range_Dots),
877 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Range_Other), # invalid
878 | ]
879 |
880 | #
881 | # YSH lexing
882 | #
883 |
884 | # Valid in lex_mode_e.{Expr,DQ}
885 | # Used by ysh/grammar_gen.py
886 | YSH_LEFT_SUBS = [
887 | C('$(', Id.Left_DollarParen),
888 | C('${', Id.Left_DollarBrace),
889 | C('$[', Id.Left_DollarBracket), # TODO: Implement $[x]
890 | ]
891 |
892 | # Valid in lex_mode_e.Expr, but not valid in DQ
893 | # Used by ysh/grammar_gen.py
894 |
896 | # Double quoted
897 | C('"', Id.Left_DoubleQuote),
898 | C('$"', Id.Left_DollarDoubleQuote), # $"" is synonym for ""
899 | C('j"', Id.Left_JDoubleQuote), # for printing ERROR
900 | # Single quoted
901 | C("'", Id.Left_SingleQuote),
902 | C("r'", Id.Left_RSingleQuote),
903 | C("u'", Id.Left_USingleQuote),
904 | C("b'", Id.Left_BSingleQuote),
905 | C("$'", Id.Left_DollarSingleQuote), # legacy
906 | C('^"', Id.Left_CaretDoubleQuote),
907 | C('"""', Id.Left_TDoubleQuote),
908 | C('$"""', Id.Left_DollarTDoubleQuote),
909 | # In expression mode, we add the r'' and c'' prefixes for '' and $''.
910 | C("'''", Id.Left_TSingleQuote),
911 | C("r'''", Id.Left_RTSingleQuote),
912 | C("u'''", Id.Left_UTSingleQuote),
913 | C("b'''", Id.Left_BTSingleQuote),
914 | C('@(', Id.Left_AtParen), # Split Command Sub
915 | C('^(', Id.Left_CaretParen), # Block literals in expression mode
916 | C('^[', Id.Left_CaretBracket), # Expr literals
917 | C('^{', Id.Left_CaretBrace), # Unused
918 | C(':|', Id.Left_ColonPipe), # shell-like word arrays.
919 | C('%(', Id.Left_PercentParen), # old syntax for shell-like word arrays.
920 | C('%[', Id.Expr_Reserved), # Maybe: like %() without unquoted [], {}
921 | C('%{', Id.Expr_Reserved), # Table literals
922 | # t = %{
923 | # name:Str age:Int
924 | # 'andy c' 10
925 | # }
926 | # Significant newlines. No unquoted [], {}
927 |
928 | # Not sure if we'll use these
929 | C('@{', Id.Expr_Reserved),
930 | C('@[', Id.Expr_Reserved),
931 |
932 | # Idea: Set literals are #{a, b} like Clojure
933 | ]
934 |
935 | # Used by ysh/grammar_gen.py
936 | EXPR_OPS = [
937 | # Terminator
938 | C(';', Id.Op_Semi),
939 | C('(', Id.Op_LParen),
940 | C(')', Id.Op_RParen),
941 | # NOTE: type expressions are expressions, e.g. Dict[Str, Int]
942 | C('[', Id.Op_LBracket),
943 | C(']', Id.Op_RBracket),
944 | C('{', Id.Op_LBrace),
945 | C('}', Id.Op_RBrace),
946 | ]
947 |
948 | # Newline is significant, but sometimes elided by expr_parse.py.
950 | C('\n', Id.Op_Newline),
951 | R(r'#[^\n\0]*', Id.Ignored_Comment),
952 | # Like lex_mode_e.Arith, \r is whitespace even without \n
953 | R(r'[ \t\r]+', Id.Ignored_Space),
954 | ]
955 |
956 | _WHITESPACE = r'[ \t\r\n]*' # ASCII whitespace doesn't have legacy \f \v
957 |
958 | # Python allows 0 to be written 00 or 0_0_0, which is weird. But let's be
959 | # consistent, and avoid '00' turning into a float!
960 | _DECIMAL_INT_RE = r'[0-9](_?[0-9])*'
961 |
962 | # Used for YSH comparison operators > >= < <=
964 |
965 | _FLOAT_RE = (
967 | # Unlike Python, exponent can't be like 42e5_000. There's no use because
968 | # 1e309 is already inf. Let's keep our code simple.
969 | r'(\.' + _DECIMAL_INT_RE + ')?([eE][+\-]?[0-9]+)?')
970 |
971 | # Ditto, used for comparison operators
972 | # Added optional Optional -?
973 | # Example: -3_000_000.000_001e12
975 |
976 | # Python 3 float literals:
977 |
978 | # digitpart ::= digit (["_"] digit)*
979 | # fraction ::= "." digitpart
980 | # exponent ::= ("e" | "E") ["+" | "-"] digitpart
981 | # pointfloat ::= [digitpart] fraction | digitpart "."
982 | # exponentfloat ::= (digitpart | pointfloat) exponent
983 | # floatnumber ::= pointfloat | exponentfloat
984 |
985 | # NOTE: Borrowing tokens from Arith (i.e. $(( )) ), but not using LexerPairs().
986 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.Expr] = \
988 | EXPR_CHARS + [
989 |
990 | # https://docs.python.org/3/reference/lexical_analysis.html#integer-literals
991 | #
992 | # integer ::= decinteger | bininteger | octinteger | hexinteger
993 | # decinteger ::= nonzerodigit (["_"] digit)* | "0"+ (["_"] "0")*
994 | # bininteger ::= "0" ("b" | "B") (["_"] bindigit)+
995 | # octinteger ::= "0" ("o" | "O") (["_"] octdigit)+
996 | # hexinteger ::= "0" ("x" | "X") (["_"] hexdigit)+
997 | # nonzerodigit ::= "1"..."9"
998 | # digit ::= "0"..."9"
999 | # bindigit ::= "0" | "1"
1000 | # octdigit ::= "0"..."7"
1001 | # hexdigit ::= digit | "a"..."f" | "A"..."F"
1002 |
1003 | R(_DECIMAL_INT_RE, Id.Expr_DecInt),
1004 |
1005 | R(r'0[bB](_?[01])+', Id.Expr_BinInt),
1006 | R(r'0[oO](_?[0-7])+', Id.Expr_OctInt),
1007 | R(r'0[xX](_?[0-9a-fA-F])+', Id.Expr_HexInt),
1008 |
1009 | R(_FLOAT_RE, Id.Expr_Float),
1010 |
1011 | # These can be looked up as keywords separately, so you enforce that they have
1012 | # space around them?
1013 | R(VAR_NAME_RE, Id.Expr_Name),
1014 |
1015 | R('%' + VAR_NAME_RE, Id.Expr_Symbol),
1016 |
1017 | #
1018 | # Arith
1019 | #
1020 |
1021 | C(',', Id.Arith_Comma),
1022 | C(':', Id.Arith_Colon), # for slicing a[1:2], and mylist:pop()
1023 |
1024 | C('?', Id.Arith_QMark), # regex postfix
1025 |
1026 | C('+', Id.Arith_Plus), # arith infix, regex postfix
1027 | C('-', Id.Arith_Minus), # arith infix, regex postfix
1028 | C('*', Id.Arith_Star),
1029 | C('^', Id.Arith_Caret), # xor
1030 | C('/', Id.Arith_Slash),
1031 | C('%', Id.Arith_Percent),
1032 |
1033 | C('**', Id.Arith_DStar), # exponentiation
1034 | C('++', Id.Arith_DPlus), # Option for string/list concatenation
1035 |
1036 | C('<', Id.Arith_Less),
1037 | C('>', Id.Arith_Great),
1038 | C('<=', Id.Arith_LessEqual),
1039 | C('>=', Id.Arith_GreatEqual),
1040 | C('===', Id.Expr_TEqual),
1041 | C('!==', Id.Expr_NotDEqual),
1042 |
1043 | C('==', Id.Unknown_DEqual), # user must choose === or ~==
1044 |
1045 | # Bitwise operators
1046 | C('&', Id.Arith_Amp),
1047 | C('|', Id.Arith_Pipe),
1048 | C('>>', Id.Arith_DGreat),
1049 | C('<<', Id.Arith_DLess), # Doesn't Java also have <<< ?
1050 |
1051 | # Bitwise complement, as well as infix pattern matching
1052 | C('~', Id.Arith_Tilde),
1053 | C('!~', Id.Expr_NotTilde),
1054 | C('~~', Id.Expr_DTilde),
1055 | C('!~~', Id.Expr_NotDTilde),
1056 |
1057 | # Left out for now:
1058 | # ++ -- -- needed for loops, awk?
1059 | # ! && || -- needed for find dialect
1060 | # = += etc.
1061 |
1062 | C('=', Id.Arith_Equal),
1063 |
1064 | C('+=', Id.Arith_PlusEqual),
1065 | C('-=', Id.Arith_MinusEqual),
1066 | C('*=', Id.Arith_StarEqual),
1067 | C('/=', Id.Arith_SlashEqual),
1068 | C('%=', Id.Arith_PercentEqual),
1069 |
1070 | C('>>=', Id.Arith_DGreatEqual),
1071 | C('<<=', Id.Arith_DLessEqual),
1072 | C('&=', Id.Arith_AmpEqual),
1073 | C('|=', Id.Arith_PipeEqual),
1074 | C('^=', Id.Arith_CaretEqual), # Exponentiation
1075 |
1076 | # Augmented assignment that YSH has, but sh and OSH don't have
1077 | C('**=', Id.Expr_DStarEqual),
1078 | C('//=', Id.Expr_DSlashEqual),
1079 |
1080 | #
1081 | # Expr
1082 | #
1083 |
1084 | C('!', Id.Expr_Bang), # For eggex negation
1085 |
1086 | C('//', Id.Expr_DSlash), # For YSH integer division
1087 | C('~==', Id.Expr_TildeDEqual), # approximate equality
1088 |
1089 | C('.', Id.Expr_Dot), # d.key is alias for d['key']
1090 | C('..', Id.Expr_DDot), # range 1..5
1091 | C('->', Id.Expr_RArrow), # s->startswith()
1092 | C('$', Id.Expr_Dollar), # legacy regex end: /d+ $/ (better written /d+ >/
1093 |
1094 | # Reserved this. Go uses it for channels, etc.
1095 | # I guess it conflicts with -4<-3, but that's OK -- spaces suffices.
1096 | C('<-', Id.Expr_Reserved),
1097 | C('=>', Id.Expr_RDArrow), # for df => filter(age > 10)
1098 | # and match (x) { 1 => "one" }
1099 | # note: other languages use |>
1100 | # R/dplyr uses %>%
1101 |
1102 | C('...', Id.Expr_Ellipsis), # f(...args) and maybe a[:, ...]
1103 |
1104 | # For multiline regex literals?
1105 | C('///', Id.Expr_Reserved),
1106 |
1107 | # Splat operators
1108 | C('@', Id.Expr_At),
1109 | # NOTE: Unused
1110 | C('@@', Id.Expr_DoubleAt),
1112 |
1113 | LEXER_DEF[lex_mode_e.FuncParens] = [
1114 | # () with spaces
1115 | R(r'[ \t]*\([ \t]*\)', Id.LookAhead_FuncParens),
1116 | # anything else
1117 | R(r'[^\0]', Id.Unknown_Tok)
1118 | ]