Oils ReferenceOSH | YSH | Data Notation Table of Contents

Shell programs can be built on well-defined data notation / data languages / text interchange formats.

Front End front-end

  [Lexing]        ascii-whitespace [ \t\r\n]

J8 Notation j8

  [J8 Strings]   json-string        "hi"
                 json-escape        \"  \\  \u1234
                 surrogate-pair     \ud83e\udd26
                 j8-escape          \'  \u{1f926}  \yff
                 u-prefix           u'hi'
                 b-prefix           b'hi'
                 no-prefix          'hi'
  [J8 Lines]     unquoted-line
  [JSON8]        json8-num          json8-str
               X json8-list       X json8-dict
  [TSV8]         column-attrs       column-types

All J8 notation is UTF-8.

Errors errors

  [UTF8]      err-utf8-encode       err-utf8-decode
  [J8 String] err-j8-str-encode     err-j8-str-decode
  [J8 Lines]  err-j8-lines-encode   err-j8-lines-decode
  [JSON]      err-json-encode       err-json-decode
  [JSON8]     err-json8-encode      err-json8-decode
Generated on Sun, 28 Jul 2024 16:07:24 +0000