1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """process_test.py: Tests for process.py."""
3 |
4 | import os
5 | import unittest
6 |
7 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id
8 | from _devbuild.gen.runtime_asdl import (RedirValue, redirect_arg, cmd_value,
9 | trace)
10 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import loc, redir_loc
11 | from asdl import runtime
12 | from builtin import read_osh
13 | from builtin import trap_osh
14 | from core import dev
15 | from core import process # module under test
16 | from core import pyos
17 | from core import test_lib
18 | from display import ui
19 | from core import util
20 | from mycpp.mylib import log
21 | from core import state
22 | from mycpp import mylib
23 |
24 | import posix_ as posix
25 |
26 | Process = process.Process
27 | ExternalThunk = process.ExternalThunk
28 |
29 |
30 | def Banner(msg):
31 | print('-' * 60)
32 | print(msg)
33 |
34 |
35 | def _CommandNode(code_str, arena):
36 | c_parser = test_lib.InitCommandParser(code_str, arena=arena)
37 | return c_parser.ParseLogicalLine()
38 |
39 |
40 | class FakeJobControl(object):
41 |
42 | def __init__(self, enabled):
43 | self.enabled = enabled
44 |
45 | def Enabled(self):
46 | return self.enabled
47 |
48 |
49 | class ProcessTest(unittest.TestCase):
50 |
51 | def setUp(self):
52 | self.arena = test_lib.MakeArena('process_test.py')
53 |
54 | mem = state.Mem('', [], self.arena, [])
55 | parse_opts, exec_opts, mutable_opts = state.MakeOpts(mem, None)
56 | mem.exec_opts = exec_opts
57 |
58 | state.InitMem(mem, {}, '0.1')
59 |
60 | self.job_control = process.JobControl()
61 | self.job_list = process.JobList()
62 |
63 | signal_safe = pyos.InitSignalSafe()
64 | self.trap_state = trap_osh.TrapState(signal_safe)
65 |
66 | fd_state = None
67 | multi_trace = dev.MultiTracer(posix.getpid(), '', '', '', fd_state)
68 | self.tracer = dev.Tracer(None, exec_opts, mutable_opts, mem,
69 | mylib.Stderr(), multi_trace)
70 | self.waiter = process.Waiter(self.job_list, exec_opts, self.trap_state,
71 | self.tracer)
72 | errfmt = ui.ErrorFormatter()
73 | self.fd_state = process.FdState(errfmt, self.job_control,
74 | self.job_list, None, self.tracer, None,
75 | exec_opts)
76 | self.ext_prog = process.ExternalProgram('', self.fd_state, errfmt,
77 | util.NullDebugFile())
78 |
79 | def _ExtProc(self, argv):
80 | arg_vec = cmd_value.Argv(argv, [loc.Missing] * len(argv), None, None,
81 | None, None)
82 | argv0_path = None
83 | for path_entry in ['/bin', '/usr/bin']:
84 | full_path = os.path.join(path_entry, argv[0])
85 | if os.path.exists(full_path):
86 | argv0_path = full_path
87 | break
88 | if not argv0_path:
89 | argv0_path = argv[0] # fallback that tests failure case
90 | thunk = ExternalThunk(self.ext_prog, argv0_path, arg_vec, {})
91 | return Process(thunk, self.job_control, self.job_list, self.tracer)
92 |
93 | def testStdinRedirect(self):
94 | PATH = '_tmp/one-two.txt'
95 | # Write two lines
96 | with open(PATH, 'w') as f:
97 | f.write('one\ntwo\n')
98 |
99 | # Should get the first line twice, because Pop() closes it!
100 |
101 | r = RedirValue(Id.Redir_Less, runtime.NO_SPID, redir_loc.Fd(0),
102 | redirect_arg.Path(PATH))
103 |
104 | class CommandEvaluator(object):
105 |
106 | def RunPendingTraps(self):
107 | pass
108 |
109 | cmd_ev = CommandEvaluator()
110 |
111 | err_out = []
112 | self.fd_state.Push([r], err_out)
113 | line1, _ = read_osh._ReadPortion(pyos.NEWLINE_CH, -1, cmd_ev)
114 | self.fd_state.Pop(err_out)
115 |
116 | self.fd_state.Push([r], err_out)
117 | line2, _ = read_osh._ReadPortion(pyos.NEWLINE_CH, -1, cmd_ev)
118 | self.fd_state.Pop(err_out)
119 |
120 | # sys.stdin.readline() would erroneously return 'two' because of buffering.
121 | self.assertEqual('one', line1)
122 | self.assertEqual('one', line2)
123 |
124 | def testProcess(self):
125 | # 3 fds. Does Python open it? Shell seems to have it too. Maybe it
126 | # inherits from the shell.
127 | print('FDS BEFORE', os.listdir('/dev/fd'))
128 |
129 | Banner('date')
130 | argv = ['date']
131 | p = self._ExtProc(argv)
132 | why = trace.External(argv)
133 | status = p.RunProcess(self.waiter, why)
134 | log('date returned %d', status)
135 | self.assertEqual(0, status)
136 |
137 | Banner('does-not-exist')
138 | p = self._ExtProc(['does-not-exist'])
139 | print(p.RunProcess(self.waiter, why))
140 |
141 | # 12 file descriptors open!
142 | print('FDS AFTER', os.listdir('/dev/fd'))
143 |
144 | def testPipeline(self):
145 | node = _CommandNode('uniq -c', self.arena)
146 | cmd_ev = test_lib.InitCommandEvaluator(arena=self.arena,
147 | ext_prog=self.ext_prog)
148 | print('BEFORE', os.listdir('/dev/fd'))
149 |
150 | p = process.Pipeline(False, self.job_control, self.job_list,
151 | self.tracer)
152 | p.Add(self._ExtProc(['ls']))
153 | p.Add(self._ExtProc(['cut', '-d', '.', '-f', '2']))
154 | p.Add(self._ExtProc(['sort']))
155 |
156 | p.AddLast((cmd_ev, node))
157 |
158 | p.StartPipeline(self.waiter)
159 | pipe_status = p.RunLastPart(self.waiter, self.fd_state)
160 | log('pipe_status: %s', pipe_status)
161 |
162 | print('AFTER', os.listdir('/dev/fd'))
163 |
164 | def testPipeline2(self):
165 | cmd_ev = test_lib.InitCommandEvaluator(arena=self.arena,
166 | ext_prog=self.ext_prog)
167 |
168 | Banner('ls | cut -d . -f 1 | head')
169 | p = process.Pipeline(False, self.job_control, self.job_list,
170 | self.tracer)
171 | p.Add(self._ExtProc(['ls']))
172 | p.Add(self._ExtProc(['cut', '-d', '.', '-f', '1']))
173 |
174 | node = _CommandNode('head', self.arena)
175 | p.AddLast((cmd_ev, node))
176 |
177 | p.StartPipeline(self.waiter)
178 | print(p.RunLastPart(self.waiter, self.fd_state))
179 |
180 | # Simulating subshell for each command
181 | node1 = _CommandNode('ls', self.arena)
182 | node2 = _CommandNode('head', self.arena)
183 | node3 = _CommandNode('sort --reverse', self.arena)
184 |
185 | thunk1 = process.SubProgramThunk(cmd_ev, node1, self.trap_state, None)
186 | thunk2 = process.SubProgramThunk(cmd_ev, node2, self.trap_state, None)
187 | thunk3 = process.SubProgramThunk(cmd_ev, node3, self.trap_state, None)
188 |
189 | p = process.Pipeline(False, self.job_control, self.job_list,
190 | self.tracer)
191 | p.Add(Process(thunk1, self.job_control, self.job_list, self.tracer))
192 | p.Add(Process(thunk2, self.job_control, self.job_list, self.tracer))
193 | p.Add(Process(thunk3, self.job_control, self.job_list, self.tracer))
194 |
195 | last_thunk = (cmd_ev, _CommandNode('cat', self.arena))
196 | p.AddLast(last_thunk)
197 |
198 | p.StartPipeline(self.waiter)
199 | print(p.RunLastPart(self.waiter, self.fd_state))
200 |
201 | # TODO: Combine pipelines for other things:
202 |
203 | # echo foo 1>&2 | tee stdout.txt
204 | #
205 | # foo=$(ls | head)
206 | #
207 | # foo=$(<<EOF ls | head)
208 | # stdin
209 | # EOF
210 | #
211 | # ls | head &
212 |
213 | # Or technically we could fork the whole interpreter for foo|bar|baz and
214 | # capture stdout of that interpreter.
215 |
216 | def makeTestPipeline(self, jc):
217 | cmd_ev = test_lib.InitCommandEvaluator(arena=self.arena,
218 | ext_prog=self.ext_prog)
219 |
220 | pi = process.Pipeline(False, jc, self.job_list, self.tracer)
221 |
222 | node1 = _CommandNode('/bin/echo testpipeline', self.arena)
223 | node2 = _CommandNode('cat', self.arena)
224 |
225 | thunk1 = process.SubProgramThunk(cmd_ev, node1, self.trap_state, None)
226 | thunk2 = process.SubProgramThunk(cmd_ev, node2, self.trap_state, None)
227 |
228 | pi.Add(Process(thunk1, jc, self.job_list, self.tracer))
229 | pi.Add(Process(thunk2, jc, self.job_list, self.tracer))
230 |
231 | return pi
232 |
233 | def testPipelinePgidField(self):
234 | jc = FakeJobControl(False)
235 |
236 | pi = self.makeTestPipeline(jc)
237 | self.assertEqual(process.INVALID_PGID, pi.ProcessGroupId())
238 |
239 | pi.StartPipeline(self.waiter)
240 | # No pgid
241 | self.assertEqual(process.INVALID_PGID, pi.ProcessGroupId())
242 |
243 | jc = FakeJobControl(True)
244 |
245 | pi = self.makeTestPipeline(jc)
246 | self.assertEqual(process.INVALID_PGID, pi.ProcessGroupId())
247 |
248 | pi.StartPipeline(self.waiter)
249 | # first process is the process group leader
250 | self.assertEqual(pi.pids[0], pi.ProcessGroupId())
251 |
252 | def testOpen(self):
253 | # Disabled because mycpp translation can't handle it. We do this at a
254 | # higher layer.
255 | return
256 |
257 | # This function used to raise BOTH OSError and IOError because Python 2 is
258 | # inconsistent.
259 | # We follow Python 3 in preferring OSError.
260 | # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29347790/difference-between-ioerror-and-oserror
261 | self.assertRaises(OSError, self.fd_state.Open, '_nonexistent_')
262 | self.assertRaises(OSError, self.fd_state.Open, 'metrics/')
263 |
264 |
265 | if __name__ == '__main__':
266 | unittest.main()
267 |
268 | # vim: sw=4